
#1 log

Dec 21st, 2019
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  1. [21:51] Dillon Endore asks, "You we're doing some magic practice?"
  2. [21:52] Cerise says, "Yes just outside of the town. I thought that I may needed to improve.."
  3. [21:52] Dillon Endore says, "What kind of magic do you use? I might be able to use a teacher.."
  5. [21:55] Ceerise wore a shocked expression on her face to what the boy asked.
  6. "Ah nonono... Definitely not me.. I learned magic not too recently and I am an extreme beginner in water magic. But I hope to grow stronger.."
  7. Cerise cotinued to exagerate the point that it would not be a good idea for her to mentor him by making an x-shape with her hands.
  8. (Cerise)
  9. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. 21:57] Dillion tilts his head with a slight look of disappointment.
  11. "Really? Come on...…though if you can't help me I won't force you too. I jsut thought I could get some help with my earth magic." Dillion pouts a little, but it didn't last long
  12. (Dillon Endore)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [21:57] He chuckled to himself, looking rather embarrassed and a tad shy as he lifted a hand to one of his dirty cheeks. His finger scratched in with a slight spark of nervous energy, arching along as his pink eyes stared at Kuma. His smile now looking unsure, but still quite content with his own effort and work.
  17. "Indeed. Nature Magic and I agreement. Somewhat."
  19. Tel'evis blinked at the following question, giving a brief hum under his breath before a small shrugged followed.
  21. "Unsure. Perhaps, as there is always a way for me to improve. Magical is still a unusual concept to me...but the spirits of nature are mischievous if anything, which is quite the fun trip."
  22. (Tel'evis Gown)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [21:58] Cerise says, "I didn't mean it with any ill-intent I jjust meant that I myself am a newbie.."
  26. [21:59] Dillon Endore says, "I understand."
  27. [22:00] Kuma nodded over towards Tel, before turning his attention over towards Cerise. Seeing the situation, he'd give off a small wave. "Oh hey Cerise, who's your friend?" He'd ask over to them.
  28. (Paca Kuma)
  29. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [22:03] "Ah right sorry for the late introductions but this is Dillon, a friend I met earlier today."
  32. Cerise presents Dillon to Kuma with a smile so to give a relaxing aura.
  33. "Dillon this is Mr. Kuma he saved me from the streets and aided me in shelter and learning the basics.. I owe my life to him."
  34. (Cerise)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [22:04] Tel'evis Gown asks, "She a companion of yours, Kuma?"
  38. [22:06] Kuma let out a chuckle over Cerise's words. "Owe me your life?" He'd say before he made his way over to try give the girl some head pats. "You're making it seem like such a big deal." After he'd give a quick remark to Tel before giving Dillon a thumbs up. "And yeah, I guess you could say that Tel."
  40. "And nice to meet you Dillon! I'm Kuma."
  41. (Paca Kuma)
  42. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  44. [22:08] Dillion turn around and waved at the man "Oh? Hello there it's nice to meet you too! I wanna thank you for being nice to Cerise even if I don't know much I can tell it means a lot to her" the boy offered a bright smile
  45. (Dillon Endore)
  46. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [22:12] Tel'evis nodded at that, his small smile growing before he tipped his head to Cerise with a brief blink. His pink gaze studying the girl only briefly before he lightly bowed his head, dirty cheeks tinted with a brief look of polite greeting.
  49. "Fair. Any friend of Kuma is a friend of mine, child."
  51. His word touched only briefly past his lips, but it appeared that the blonde owed a minor debt to the man he briefly mentioned. His stare still on the girl, but as if he was trying to make heads or tails of the girl. A hum following.
  53. "How goes your day with your friend?"
  54. (Tel'evis Gown)
  55. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  57. [22:15] Cerise notices the Young man asking who she was so she politely introduces herself to him.
  58. ".. Hello my name's Cerise it's nice to meet you. Since you seem to know Mr. Kuma I can trust you."
  59. Cerise continues to give a curtsy to the person she'd just met.
  60. "I hope we can becomelso become friends too."
  61. She felt his stares piercing her as if she was being assessed but she held bak any reaction and simply replied to his question-
  62. "We've been having a wonderful day."
  63. She ends of with a cheerful but somewhat forced smile.
  64. (Cerise)
  65. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  67. [22:19] His eyes snapped away, as if he had found what he wanted from his study of her. The gaze of his became softer towards the sky and his stance became more relaxed, almost a forced politeness. As if more formal manners were a foreign affair to the dirty blonde.
  69. "I see no harm in that. However..."
  71. There was a brief pause before Tel'evis continued.
  73. "You mentioned Magic. Having troubles?"
  74. (Tel'evis Gown)
  75. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  78. [22:23] Cerise also gave a sigh of releif seeing how polite nd orderly the young man conducted himself, hearing his question she decided to why not have a go explaining what the problem was.
  79. "Right.. you see my frien Dillon needs a mentor who could assist him in earth magic but alas I would not be of use as I'm a simple water magic user and would be of no help."
  80. Cerise explained this wth a distressed look on her face.
  81. (Cerise)
  82. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [22:28] His hum ceased before his eyes drifted to Dillon. It was clear that his eyebrows had slightly raised at that. A small, echoing chuckle drifted over his lips and kissed the air before his smile spread and became more sharp. As if more comfortable with this discussion than the introduction.
  85. "Is this true, Dillon?"
  87. While he was no Earth-focused Magi (having spent more time study somewhat different in the affinity), he had delved in deep enough to become naturally attuned to Nature Magic. Which, if you asked any experience mage, would count for something.
  89. His was instinctual, after all.
  91. "Perhaps I can help you?"
  92. (Tel'evis Gown)
  93. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  95. [22:32] Dillion had dozed off in the mist of the conversation and suddenly popped back up. He'd turn his attention towards Tel'evis with a nod and bright smile that followed.
  96. "Oh? I really want to learn yes, but I haven't really found anyone that uses it or is willing to help me learn. If you help me learn it...I'll be really happy...…I do whatever you ask me to do..."
  97. He'd freak out a little at the sight of having teacher.
  98. (Dillon Endore)
  99. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  101. [22:38] The small, frail looking man bounced forward in a dainty, mischievous manner and leaned forward until his pink eyes were staring straight at Dillon. Studying him in a far more intense manner than he had done with Cerise, but no less peering in nature. His stare quite the lock to look upon in the shadowy cast of his hair.
  103. "I can't teach you any spells. That is not how Nature Magic works for me. However, I can show to how attune yourself far better than most can to the Earth essence.."
  105. He paused, humming once more. A faint, high-pitched giggle being heard only by his ears.
  107. "Tell me, Dillon, Cerise. How far have you progressed in these arts? I understand one of you is Water and the other desires Earth, but have you grasped the spells? Even a Tome?"
  109. (Tel'evis Gown)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [22:44] Dillion shook his head he didn't really have access to a tome of magic let alone know a single thing about earth magic. He slowly looked around the area a bit confused on what he should be doing in this situation.
  114. "Well, I have even touched an earth tome, but I know what something I want to do for myself. I know it might not be easy and I'd like if you help me become attuned with earth magic."
  116. Dillion didn't know if people taught people just found others to teach em magic, but that didn't seem to be the case.
  118. "I need a lot of work, and when it comes to who's better between us I'm sure Cerise is far more advance than me."
  119. (Dillon Endore)
  120. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  122. 22:56] Cerise pondered for a few minutes on what she had learnt over the last two days of learning magic.
  123. "Hmmm... how far I've progressed.. I've learnt water attunement and 3 simple water based spells it's not much but enough to defend myself.."
  124. Cerise looks to the direction of Tel iworrying that he might be slightly dissapointed at what she had just said.
  125. (Cerise)
  126. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  127. [23:00] Tel'evis didn't appear to mind what either Dillon or Cerise had mentioned with their own magical dabbling. If anything, he seemed happy. After all, it was more than he had done himself when he had first sank his broken fingers into instinctive magic. Still, he would be a fool to ignore the plight of either one of them.
  129. "If you desire, I would be happy to help. Dillon, your problem seems something I can help with. Especially with my own aptitude to Nature Mage, but.." he trailed off, tapping his dirty cheek as his pink eyes glanced towards the smaller girl.
  131. "I wouldn't know where to begin with Water Magic. There best I would be able to do is help you attune."
  133. He seemed mighty puzzled and rather displeased with himself about that. As if wanting to do more.
  135. His pink gaze trailed, meeting Rain and dipping his head politely. The hermit wouldn't ignore someone in the vicinity, but simply wasn't confident enough tobreak the silence unless needed. Still, the smile across his dirty features was clear.
  136. (Tel'evis Gown)
  137. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  138. [23:09] Dillion's eyes light up after hearing there was still a little hope for them, but hopefully he'd be able to figure it out with some help. He'd look over at the man unsure of what the next step is for the both.
  140. "So, where do we begin? Are we going to go some place where you'll help me understand it a little better or?"
  142. Dillion wasn't sure what this process was when it came to learning different magics, but he was willing to put up with them to become attended with earth magic.
  144. "I'm ready to start whenever you are even if it's jsut the basics that's more than what I know right now...haha"
  145. (Dillon Endore)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  147. [23:14] Tel'evis nodded and gave a gesture towards one of the roads with his hand, fingers beckoning slightly as his smile slightly faded. He appeared to know exactly where they should go. He tipped his head towards Dillon and his eyes glanced to Cerise as his lips parted to speak.
  149. "I can help you right now, if that is what you wish. Come with me, we'll get started on attuning you to earth."
  151. A pause followed and he turned, arching his head in the direction.
  153. "If you wish to follow your companion, Cerise, feel free."
  155. He made no move to enter the other conversation. He couldn't. There were various words in that discussion that simply made him unable to interfere or speak on the subject. It wasn't like he knew the person in question that had passed away.
  156. (Tel'evis Gown)
  157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. [23:18] "Got it I'll join you"
  160. Cerise decided to tag along with Dillon and Tel as she was intrigued at how his training would develop while also being a bit paranoid hearing all this talk about someone dying.
  161. (Cerise)
  162. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  164. [23:18] Paca Kuma asks, "Seven, can we talk later?"
  165. [23:18] Paca Kuma asks, "And Cerise, can we talk real quick?"
  166. [23:18] Cerise asks, "What is it?"
  167. [23:19] Dillion jumped right on the wagon since to the young boy this felt like a once in a life time opportunity to learn something different. Dillion didn't think he'd find a teacher this fast, and with a swift motion he'd follow the man.
  169. "Hopefully I don't take all day to learn something...…hahah I'm still below basic."
  170. (Dillon Endore)
  171. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  172. 23:25] Tel'evis came to a stop in the plains of nature that was scattered before them. The trees rustling as he stepped forward, turning to them as he bent slightly on the arch of his legs. His pink eyes staring at Dillon, before also giving a passing glance to Cerise. His fingers raising to gesture towards the boy in motion.
  174. "This will more than serve our purpose. Earth is...quite the fickle mistress. Nature is more teasing than you can imagine.."
  176. These words probably sounded like nonsense, but the cheerful biting smile that crossed his dirty features was no joke. He held out his hand towards Dillon and continued speaking, the lines ringing out of his mouth as calm and as casual as the very breeze drifting over them.
  178. "Magic is best learned when being surrounded by the very thing you're trying to greet. In this case, the Earth Magic you desire. Are you ready to begin?"
  179. (Tel'evis Gown)
  180. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  182. [23:27] "I'll watch from here as I ollect materials so don't mind me.."
  183. Cerise gives a dismissive wave to allow them to carry on as if she weren't there.
  184. (Cerise)
  185. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  186. [23:34] Dillion nods after being brought out into the forest, and nature and earth magic were kind of the same thing? He wasn't sure how they were connected, but he was going to learn one way or another.
  188. "So, nature, and earth are connected? If they are I could see how they would be a little bit since nature rest on top of the earth, right?"
  190. The kid rub the back of his head thinking he hit the nail on the head, but at the same time he felt he missed the main point.
  192. "Hmmm? I'm ready to learn or at least try to learn about earth magic, and why I'm so drawn towards it. I'm ready to start whenever you are mister Tel'evis"
  193. (Dillon Endore)
  194. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  196. [23:40] He chuckled to himself at the question and held up his hand, a small glimmer of light forming as a unseen giggling voice drifted along his ears. Slowly, out of the palm of his hand, a drop of tear-like sparkles hit the earth below them and began to form a sprouted plant. The plant appeared to be little more than a single blue speck before he spoke.
  198. A single word.
  200. "Yggdrasil."
  202. A full tree bloomed with a shudder of light and it let loose a silent cry of soothing warmth over the area. It sat there, nestled in the bosom of the earth and making no move to harm it. The roots joining into the ground and the glowing blue strands calling to them.
  204. Tel'evis gave a small gesture towards the tree.
  206. "Earth Magic and Nature Magic are connected more than you can imagine."
  208. His gaze stared at the boy, glimmering with a pink mist of mischievous energy.
  210. "One is happy with the other. They work in harmony. A tree must always live somewhere, after all."
  212. There was a pause.
  214. "Touch it. Planted your hand on it and tell me what you feel."
  215. (Tel'evis Gown)
  216. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  218. [23:44] Tel'evis Gown says, "You seem to be having fun, Cerise."
  219. [23:45] Cerise says, "Not really fun per say just saving up on some money."
  220. [23:45] Tel'evis Gown asks, "Oh? Aiming for something?"
  221. [23:45] Cerise says, "A new piece of armor would be great"
  222. [23:45] Tel'evis Gown says, "Ah. A sound plan."
  223. [23:46] Cerise says, "Almost near 500 pieces of wood"
  224. [23:46] Tel'evis Gown says, "That's a mighty large collection."
  225. [23:50] Dillion didn't say anything and only watched as the man sports a tree and yells it's name. This left the boy in a stunned gaze about the power of nature magic and it's sister magic earth.
  227. "Woah...! I didn't know you could do that with nature...., so nature magic and earth magic are connected? I'm not sure if I asked that already, but to me it seems like you can't have one without the other, right?"
  229. Dillion slowly tried to piece this together with his over active imagination. The boy's mind begin to fill with different ideas and question about the magics.
  231. "They are happy together?"
  233. Dillion wasn't sure what that meant, but he slowly start to gain the concept that using earth and nature magic together will make them both stronger...?
  234. The boy walks over to the tree and placed his hand upon it, slowly forming a smile across his face.
  236. "It feels full of energy, and like it's giving out waves of positive energy from the earth...I think?"
  238. (Dillon Endore)
  239. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  241. [23:56] "Correct."
  243. He glanced at the tree and gave a nod to it, before Yggdrasil let loose a small blue glow and popped out of existence. It faded into a spring of glowing blue orbs that then sank into the earth. The same giggle that only he heard being followed by more chimes of mischievous laughter in his own ears. As if they were being watched by a crowd.
  245. "Earth isn't just mud and rocks. It's life. You need it to survive. You need it to farm. It's everywhere."
  247. He clicked his fingers and there was a sudden lashing sound that flowed around them as vines began to sprout up around them. They wiggled in a menacing manner, but made no move to get close to them. If anything they seemed to be observing Dillon, and yes, Cerise too.
  249. "You said you wanted to gain control of Earth Magic. Then, you need to feel it...and this time, not with your hand. Close your eyes and listen."
  251. The vines rustled, but did not near them. They simply waited. Watching.
  253. "Focus on the energy they give off. The life."
  254. (Tel'evis Gown)
  255. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. 00:02] Cerise saw for the first time something unmaginable.. Tel was using magic to manipulate what she thinks is the environment around them. She couldn't believe it it was the first time she had ever seen magic that controlled other life. Her eyes were wide opened due to awe and she was certainly happy that those scary looking menacing vines were nowhere near her but this brought on sympathy towards Dillon who she thought had the harsher brunt of the situation being trapped between all those numerous vines. She was extremely nervous and took step back out of pure fear.. She didn't want to go anywhere near those fearsome looking forces of life.
  257. (Cerise)
  258. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  260. [00:04] "I need to feel the magic? No....I need to feel the earth, and nature?"
  262. Dillion sometimes left himself with more questions than answer, but maybe talking wasn't right for this kind of lesson. He needed to focus on feeling everything around him, and then it possible he'd get a better understanding.
  264. "Earth isn't just rocks...…? It's more than just rocks it's something a little more than jsut that. I think I kind of understand what you mean, but that doesn't help me right now."
  266. Dillion placed his hands on the ground while closing his eyes and attempt to feel the earth. This wasn't wans easy task for a person that didn't have much magic attunement with the element.
  268. "I need to feel the earth, and everything around it."
  270. Dillion hushed and begin to focus.
  271. (Dillon Endore)
  272. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  274. [00:12] "Relax. They won't hurt you."
  276. The soft voice that came from the blonde was anything but intimidating as the frail man glanced at Dillon and Cerise. He crouched next to the boy being taught, placing a single damaged hand on the earth that they were stood on. His fingers dancing along the grass and flowers as his eyes briefly closed.
  278. "Nature can be cruel. Yet, it offers much. For every poor soul that loses their life in the forest, another tree offers their own life to comfort a cold warrior camping at night."
  280. His eyes opened and the gleaming pink gaze was filled with a mischievous air as he gave a gesture. The vines began to pull backwards and a echoing chorus of giggles could be head for just a moment, but they faded. Vanishing into the earth as if they were never there.
  282. There was no damage to the ground. Not even a disturbance. It was as if the earth itself had parted for them without rupture.
  284. "You're getting closer. Attuning by instinct is no easy task, so I have one last thing to show you both."
  286. He paused, his hand leaving the grasp. On the floor, where there were just blades of earth and spotty patches, were blooming flowers. Growing more and more.
  288. "Pretty, are they not? Living. Much like you and I. A simple Deadly Bloom."
  290. A gave a puff of air.
  292. "Focus your thoughts on it. Dig deep."
  293. (Tel'evis Gown)
  294. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  295. [00:23] Dillion didn't expect all this information on nature, and with the twist on cruel and deadly bloom he wasn't sure anymore. There was a deep fear inside of him that believe he wouldn't be able to pull this off, but something else inside of him said otherwise.
  297. "I don't think they will hurt me.., it's jsut I've never done anything like this before and I'm afraid that I'll mess something up along the way. I knew this wouldn't be easy, but I didn't expect it to be this hard."
  299. After sharing his doubts with them he return to his focus trying to understand the earth jsut a little more.
  300. Then he remember the thoughts he had when walking upon the grass and the stone tiles. He remembered how the grass crunched under his feet, and the small echo that came from his feet walking on the stone path.
  302. That moment he started listening for the earth, but couldn't here it, why? Maybe this place was needed to unlock that basic knowledge. Dillion took a deep breath, and begin smiling at the mane before standing up.
  304. "I think I understand now...I didn't before, but earth magic, and nature magic are one in the same. I've always had that feeling inside of me, but I could never bring it out."
  306. The boy paused.
  308. "I think I'm ready to try.."
  309. (Dillon Endore)
  310. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  312. [00:24] Celise puts her hand on her chin toshow that she was deep in thought.
  313. "Hmm. Yes that would be a good idea.. I should meet with this person.. Maybe they could help me grow stronger. Thanks again Mr. Kuma your the best!"
  314. She gives Kuma a wide and bright smile.
  315. (Cerise)
  316. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  318. [00:25] Kuma would give a thumbs up before waving over towards Tel. "I'm going to borrow Cerise if that's cool!" He'd shout over towards them before walking slowly back to town.
  319. (Paca Kuma)
  320. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  322. [00:26] Cerise says, "It's okay I was just following them around either way."
  323. [00:26] Cerise says, "Nature magic is really something else.."
  324. [00:26] Paca Kuma exclaims, "Alright hehe, well cya guys and good luck with training!"
  325. [00:26] Tel'evis Gown exclaims, "Go ahead, Kuma. Good luck!"
  326. [00:26] Paca Kuma says, "Yeah, people do some crazy stuff with it."
  327. [00:31] He chuckled and the flowers he had spawned vanished with a wink. His back straightened as his smile seemed alight with amusement. It appeared that he was all done with what he had to offer and show the boy. The blonde stretched and then dug into his scraggy looking pocket with his attire. His fingers wrapping around the pages.
  329. "Here, take this. You're first goal is to become accustomed to being around the earth. My advice? Live out in the wild for a few days. Alone." he scratched his cheek and glanced at the sky as the darkness was brought in by the ending day.
  331. "Believe me. You can do it. All it takes is instinct and a little effort. Go with the flow and don't lose sight of your desire to be a Earth Magi."
  333. Tel'evis paused and smiled, stretching once again as he fixed his strange and green coated uniform.
  335. "Once you've done that, come find me again. I'd be happy to teach you more. I don't know if you'll have the aptitude for Nature Magic, but I can help you with Earth. However..."
  337. His pink eyes drifted to the boy.
  339. "If you do want to try and learn Nature Magic without me teaching you spells, then I'll be happy to help once you've become confident with Earth. Sound good?"
  340. (Tel'evis Gown)
  341. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  343. [00:44] Dillion looked over towards the man with a smile, and while he didn't think living out here was the best idea it also was a freaking great idea. He could learn a lot about nature and the earth from living in the natural environment for a few days.
  345. "Alright that's not a bad idea it's just a really scary one, and I think it will help me become one with nature. I just need to live in the wild more and push for something greater inside of myself."
  347. Dillion bowed his head towards his mentor.
  349. "I'll be sure to use all the information and advise to told me to help progress my earth magic into something better. I know it won't be easy, but it's possible that I'll figure something out."
  351. Dillion almost forgot he needed to find a tome with the different earth spells to help him a little more.
  353. "Shoot....mister Tel'evis I need a earth tome so I can study the spells and train myself to cast them while I'm out here."
  354. (Dillon Endore)
  355. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  357. [00:45] Tel'evis Gown says, "Let's go. We'll sort that out right now."
  358. [00:47] Tel'evis Gown says, "Go ahead. Take it."
  359. [00:47] {Item} You picked up Earth Magic. Dropped by Tel'evis Gown. .
  360. [00:47] Tel'evis Gown says, "That should help you get started with everything I've taught you."
  361. [00:48] Dillion picks up the tome with a little smile on his face.
  363. "Thank you for everything!" the boy shouts.
  364. (Dillon Endore)
  365. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  367. [00:49] He smiled and chuckled as the Earth Tome was taken from his hand. The Nature Magi shrugged, as if he didn't mind at all. If anything, it was far easier than what he had been teaching him earlier with the realms of the forest and wilds.
  369. "Not a problem. Like I said, if you feel like you want more help just seek me out."
  371. Tel'evis gestured to himself and lightly tapped his chest with his frail fingers, his tinted eyes blinking.
  373. "Good luck out there. Okay?"
  374. (Tel'evis Gown)
  375. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  377. [00:54] Dillion nods the boy was still so young and didn't know what the world was like, but he wouldn't back down from living in the forest for a few days. He wanted to mater the element by any means even if they seemed like a little much for him at the moment.
  379. "I'll be sure to seek you out if I have anymore questions, and I'll be safe while I'm out there."
  381. He'd offer a thumbs up towards his mentor
  383. "I'll be safe."
  384. (Dillon Endore)
  385. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  387. [00:59] "I'm no teacher, but I'll try my best. Just..."
  389. He trailed off as he began to walk past Dillon, his small figure brushing out a hand to poke the boy lightly in the forehead while passing him. His pink eyes giving a mischievous wink behind the casting shadows of his hair.
  391. "Don't die out there."
  393. A yawn escaped his fragile lips as he kept on walking, giving a small "farewell" signal to Dillon with his scarred hands. The breeze that drifted between them being comforting in the scene.
  395. "I'll see you around, gonna' go hunt some food."
  397. It was clear from his rumbling stomach that he needed it. "Don't be afraid to seek me out in the forest, or greet me if you see more around town. I find myself drifting here more and more these days..."
  398. (Tel'evis Gown)
  399. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. [01:01] Dillion turns and waves to him with a smile on his face.
  403. "I'll try not to and you stay safe as well! you've help me a whole bunch and I'll never forget you"
  405. Dillion then skipped off with his earth tome and begin studying it wondering what secrets he could uncover about the magic. This wouldn't be an easy process, but he was willing to put in the work.
  406. (Dillon Endore)
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