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  2. Interviewing Guidelines
  3. Ver:16.04
  4. Contents
  5. 1. The Quick Queue
  6. a. The Quick Queue Process
  7. b. Checking APIs with the API Checker
  8. c. Adding other characters to the tool
  9. i. Via the search function
  10. ii. Via the API checker
  11. iii. Via the Link Accounts button
  12. d. Next steps when we have all the required information
  13. e. Next steps where more information is required
  14. f. Is a PO or a SPO needed?
  15. g. Posting notes in the tool
  16. 2. The Interview
  17. a. Who should conduct the interview
  18. b. Before the Interview
  19. c. Fast Track Interviews
  20. d. PO Interviews
  21. e. SPO Interviews
  22. f. Switching characters during the interview
  23. g. Accepting an Applicant
  24. h. Rejecting an Applicant
  25. i. Posting notes in the tool
  26. j. Posting interview logs
  27. k. Posting to the Interview Logs forum
  28. 3. Character swaps
  29. a. The reasons someone may want to swap characters
  30. b. The process from the member's point of view
  31. c. The process from the Personnel Officer's point of view
  32. i. The QQ
  33. ii. The Interview
  35. 1. The Quick Queue
  36. The Quick Queue (or QQ) is the first option under the Admin tab in the EVE University Tool. This is a list of all the applications which have been received but not yet reviewed by a PO or SPO, in the order of when they were received. Each has a date stamp of the time and date it was received. QQs are processed in the order they are received, so from top to bottom.
  37. 1. a. The Quick Queue Process
  38. When processing a QQ it may be useful to have a notepad open so you can make notes as you go along, and copy them into the character sheet at the end of the process. If
  39. any issues arise with the application, you should continue to review the entire application, and make a note of each issue.
  40. Before you start reviewing applications ensure you have sufficient time to complete reviewing the application and that you will not be distracted. You should either be docked or inside a POS shield. You should not review applications (or indeed do any PO work) while you are in an active fleet.
  41. In order to process a QQ application you should do the following:
  42. 1. Click on the character name in the QQ to open up the application. You will see a sheet with the applicant’s character name at the top, followed by some gold links, Alts of this account, Alts on other accounts, API details, questionnaire, character notes and interview logs. For more details on the layout of the character sheet, see the Training Manual.
  43. 2. Click Start Interview at the bottom of the character sheet. This will ‘claim’ the application from the Quick Queue and avoid more than one PO or SPO reviewing it at the same time. If “Start Interview” is not visible, this means another PO or SPO is currently reviewing the application, and you should move onto the next one instead.
  44. 3. You should click Pull API if the API has not been pulled for seven days (there will be a red banner to tell you if this is the case). The API must have been pulled within seven days before you do any QQ or interview. You can only pull an API once every hour. If the API has been pulled within seven days you can rely on the information provided. If the API has been pulled within seven days you can still pull the API if you want to, if you think it will yield useful information, but it is optional. Please do not pull an API unless you are reviewing the application. You may not pull an API for any reason other than recruitment. If Pull API is not an option, this means the API the applicant entered has been altered or deleted. They will need to submit a corrected API. For now, continue to review the rest of the application and include this in your note.
  45. 4. Once you have pulled the API the page will reload and you will now be able to see the API information. The most important thing to note for now is the number of skillpoints the character has. This will allow you to make a preliminary judgement on whether they are an inexperienced player (less than 10 million SP) or an experienced player (more than 10 million SP).
  46. 5. Scroll down to the bottom of the application and read any notes placed on the character sheet by other POs. Normally there will not be any notes for a new player, but returning members may have notes in the tool, and you should read these before reviewing the rest of the application.
  47. 6. Then go back up to the top of the application and click on Show Info next to the applicant’s name. This will only be visible if you are using the in-game browser, but it must be checked prior to proceeding. This will bring up the in-game information about the character. You will need to check:
  48. *Is their character name appropriate for EVE University? If it is offensive, they will not be allowed admittance, so make a note of this.
  49. *Is their bio appropriate for EVE University? Again, if it is offensive, they will not be allowed admittance and will have to change it. Make a note of this.
  50. *Do they have a security status of -1.0 or higher? They will need to have at least -1.0 security status to be admitted, so if it is lower than this, make a note.
  53. *Check their employment history. Have they been in any corporations with standings of -10 towards EVE University? If so, which ones? What type of corporations have they been in prior to joining EVE University, and what does this say about their experience and their game style?
  54. *Check their standings. Do they have any personal bad standings from EVE University?
  55. 7. Click each of the gold links along the top of the page. These are as follows:
  56. *PO forums: Read any posts about the applicant in the PO forums and make a note of any contents.
  57. *E-Uni forums: Read through any posts they have made in the E-Uni forums. Normally a new player will not have any posts, but a returning member might have. Check whether they contain any offensive material and see what they can tell you about the applicant, their experience level and interests.
  58. *Class Log: Have they attended any EVE University classes? Bear in mind that most of our classes became public on 15th July 2013 and attendance is not logged after this date.
  59. *EVE Search and EVE Search Stats: These both search for any posts in the EVE Online forum. Read though any posts made by the applicant and check whether they contain any offensive material and see what they can tell you about the applicant, their experience level and interests. This will also allow you to see whether a character has been (legally) purchased from another player, as there will be a corresponding post in the Character Bazaar.
  60. *E-Uni KB: This allows you to search the EVE University killboard. Have they destroyed any unista ships in the past? If so, we will want an explanation of this. Similarly, have they lost ships to any unistas in the past?
  61. *zKillboard: These are two alternative general killboards. Review the applicant’s kills and losses. Review the kind of ships they have lost in the past, the location and their fits. Review the ship kills they have made, including the location of the engagement, the number of people involved and the type of ship lost (e.g. was it a mining/industrial ship or a combat ship?)
  62. *Google: Review any results in Google, particularly looking for any references to the applicant stealing from previous corporations.
  63. *Old Tool Lookup: This is only relevant for applicants who joined EVE University previously prior to November 2011.
  64. 8. Review the API information: If you need to manually add API information you should click Mod API details. Please be sure you know what you are doing before manually entering API information, as it will overwrite the information already there.
  65. *Check their current skillpoints and assess whether they are an inexperienced player (less than 10 million SP normally) or an experienced player (more than 10 million SP normally). Make a note of which applies.
  66. *Check their current isk balance. Normally a high isk balance is due to the applicant purchasing PLEX. The questionnaire asks them to explain how they have been making isk, so check their explanation is reasonable. Isk balance does not need to be asked about during the interview unless it is extremely high, for example a new player with several billion isk, and this is not adequately explained in the questionnaire.
  67. *Click the Standings button to the right of the API information. Any “career agents” will be highlighted in green, but they do not need to have a minimum number of these.
  70. 9. Review the Questionnaire. The questionnaire should contain sufficient information to allow you to make a preliminary decision. If any questions have been missed, or generally the answers are too short (for example, one word answers to several questions) we will require the applicant to submit more information. If the applicant mentions the name of any other characters they own which are not already linked, add this character to the tool as per the procedure in section 1. c.
  71. 10. Assess the experience level of the applicant. Use your judgement on which category the applicant falls into, particularly when it comes to previous experience where we are not sure of the SP level. Bear in mind with dual training the player could be training two characters on the same account at the same time. So use your discretion as to whether they are “experienced” or not from their SP, their answers in their questionnaire and the background checks. The time since their character was created is not a matter to take into consideration.
  72. *Inexperienced players (generally with 10 million SP or less) just need to express some desire to learn. They are likely to only have a vague idea of what they want to do in the game, and they do not need specific learning goals. These can be interviewed by a PO unless there are other circumstances which require an SPO.
  73. *If the applicant is an experienced player (generally more than 10 mill SP), check they have a learning goal which is appropriate for their SP level. The higher the SP, the better the learning goal will need to be. But bear in mind if they are entering a completely new area they may be a little vague on what exactly they want to learn. Simply a desire for a corporation community is not sufficient.
  74. 11. Check any alts on the same account. If they have any other character on different accounts, add them to the tool using the process in section 1. c. and run background checks on them also. If any of their alts have negative security status, we will want to know why. Similarly, if they have a history of bad standings with EVE University on their alts we will want to know. You should also check their employment history and previous posts for any indication of something out of the ordinary. If any of their alts have significantly higher SP, they should be referred to an SPO, so make a note of this.
  75. 12. If the applicant was a previous member of EVE University check the character notes at the bottom of the page to see if there is a note referring to a 'Member Record'. This is a record of prior behaviour in EVE University. It may be a very minor issue which has no bearing on the decision to accept them, but equally it may be a record of serious past misconduct which would mean an SPO should interview them. Unfortunately access to the Member Records is limited, but the Personnel Director and all APMs have access to it, so if a member record needs to be checked, please ask them to do so. If there is a note that a person has a Member Record they should not be accepted until it has been checked.
  76. 13. Make a preliminary decision on the application, as below. You should make clear notes in the tool and select the appropriate action, as indicated in section 1. d. or 1. e.
  78. 1. b.Checking APIs with the API Checker
  79. Sometimes you will want to check an API before it is entered into the Character Sheet. This can be useful if you are unsure whether the API the applicant has provided is valid, or you want to check the characters on the account. The tool has a built-in API checker which will allow you to check the validity of the API and the characters on the account. To use this, click the API checker tab.
  80. Under the API Checker tab you can enter the API the applicant provides and click Process. This will run a search of the API and take you to a new page with the API information. Underneath this box will be a banner with the names of the characters on the API, together with an option to add that account to the tool. If you add that account to the tool remember to go onto the character sheet and pull the API, as it will not do so automatically. If there are any problems with the API, for example the wrong mask has been used, a red banner will show, telling you the reason the API is not valid.
  81. 1. c. Adding other characters to the tool
  82. If the applicant mentions another character in their questionnaire which is not on the same account as the applicant character and is not already linked, we will need to create a new entry in the tool and run background checks. If we have an API for the alt character the accounts will also need to be linked in the tool. There are a couple of ways to do this:
  83. 1. c. i. Via the search function
  84. 1. Copy the name of the other character
  85. 2. Open the Admin tab in a new window and click Search
  86. 3. Paste the name of the character into the search box and press Submit
  87. 4. Normally this will not provide any results, because it will be the first time we have heard of this character. If there is already an entry click View details and see why there is an entry. For example, were they previously a member of EVE University, or did they previously apply with that character?
  88. 5. If there are no results and the name matches a character in EVE Online you will have the option to Add character. If there is no option to Add character the name may be typed incorrectly or the character may have been biomassed, in which case you will not be able to add the character to the tool.
  89. 6. If you select Add character this character will be added to the tool and you will automatically be taken to the character sheet for that character.
  90. 7. View details on the character and carry out a background check on this character also.
  91. 8. If you have the API details for the character, click Mod API Details on the appropriate character and copy and paste the API details into the tool. Then press submit. If the API is valid a green banner should appear saying the API has been successfully added. If the API has been successfully added you can then Pull API and obtain the API details.
  92. 9. If the banner is red or there is no banner it means there is a problem with the API and an error message will tell you what the problem is. You will need to make a note in the tool that the alt API is wrong and the appropriate mail should be sent.
  93. 10. On the applicant’s character sheet, click Link Account and search again for the other character by name. You will then have an option to Link to account. Click this and the accounts will now be linked in the tool.
  95. 1. c. ii. Via the API checker
  97. 1. If you have an API for the alt account, open up the API checker tab of the tool in a new browser tab.
  98. 2. Search by the API details and if the API is valid the API checker will list the characters on that account with an option to Add to Tool. You will then be taken to the character sheet of that character and the API will be added automatically, although it will need to be pulled from the character sheet.
  99. 3. View details on the character and carry out a background check on this character also.
  100. 4. On the applicant’s character sheet, click “Link Account” and search again for the other character by name. You will then have an option to “Link to account”. Click this and the accounts will now be linked in the tool.
  102. 1. c. iii Via the Link Accounts button
  103. 1. If you click the Link Account button from the applicant’s character sheet you will be able to search for their alt character by either name or API.
  104. 2. If you search for a name or API which is not currently in the tool you will have the option to add that character to the tool. If you search by API the API will also automatically be added to the character sheet, though you will have to actually go to the character sheet and pull it.
  105. 3. If you use this route there is no need to do the extra step of linking the accounts together, as they will be linked automatically. This is therefore the quickest route.
  106. 4. View details on the character and carry out a background check on this character also.
  108. 1. d. Next steps when we have all the required information
  109. *If you are using the in-game browser the appropriate letter will pop up automatically when you click the button. If you are using an out-of-game browser you will need to send the letter manually.
  110. *If the application is sufficient and there are no outstanding issues the applicant should be sent to the PO Queue. This will be the case with most new players. They will then need an interview and an orientation to EVE University. The applicant should be sent the Join the Queue Letter) and you should click Send to Interview followed by Send to PO in the tool.
  111. *If the applicant character has been biomassed (i.e. they are in the corporation “Doonheim”) or there is some extenuating reason why their application should be immediately rejected, click Reject in the tool. There is no need to send a letter to the applicant. An applicant will only be rejected this way in very rare circumstances. If you are unsure, please check with someone before doing this.
  112. *If you are no longer able to complete the review of the application for some reason, e.g. real life, you should select Pending, which will put the applicant back into the Quick Queue to be reviewed by another PO. Please try to avoid doing this if possible. Put a note in the tool with the reason you were unable to complete the review.
  114. 1. e. Next steps where more information is required
  115. Often the initial review of the questionnaire raises specific issues which will need to be dealt with prior to the interview. Specifically the following situations may arise:
  116. 1. If the questionnaire requires more information to enable a decision to be made, the applicant should be sent the next steps letter asking them to provide more information in their questionnaire and then to join the queue. You should select Resub, followed by the appropriate interview queue option. This will allow them to access their questionnaire again and add more information. Normally the applicant will be given two opportunities to add more information to their questionnaire. Old questionnaires are accessible by clicking the link at the bottom of the current questionnaire.
  117. 2. If the applicant currently has security status below -1.0 they should be sent the next steps letter asking them to grind their security status back to at least -1.0 and join the queue. Their application does not have to be resubmitted and you should select Send to Interview followed by the appropriate interview queue option. If you are using the in-game browser the tool will detect if this section of the letter needs to be sent and will include it automatically.
  119. 1. f. Is a PO or a SPO needed?
  120. Most applicants can be interviewed by a PO. This includes all Fast Track applicants and returning members (provided they do not have any other issues which would make it a SPO interview).
  121. However, the following applicants should be interviewed by a SPO only:
  122. *Anyone who has significant concerns found during the background check.
  123. *Anyone whose character name or bio is inappropriate or offensive.
  124. *Anyone with a character (or alt) that has a significant negative security status. Those with a minor negative security status can be handled by a PO.
  125. *Anyone with a character (or alt) that is in or has been in a corporation with -10 standings to EVE University.
  126. *Anyone who is applying with a lower SP character, unless the SP difference is minimal (you have discretion to decide whether the amount is ’minimal’ but if you decide it is please specifically note the reason for this in the notes).
  127. *Anyone who is sharing an account with someone else (which is an EULA violation).
  128. *Anyone who was suspended from EVE University or has a Do Not Recruit Order.
  129. *Anyone who has a character that was purchased from another player.
  131. You may encounter situations that may make your applicant’s case technically an SPO case, but the issues are minor or they are only ‘borderline’. In this case a PO may complete the interview if they choose and if an SPO is available to review the issue. Please ask any SPO prior to proceeding. If they agree you may go ahead with the interview. The SPO should post a note in the tool. If you can’t get an answer or when in doubt simply refer the case to an SPO.
  132. 1. g. Posting notes in the tool
  133. You should post clear notes in the tool after every action you complete. Where possible, try to condense these notes into one note per action. It may help to write your notes in a notepad as you review the application, and post all the comments in one note in the tool at the end. If you make a mistake in your notes, please contact Personnel Management and ask them to edit the note.
  134. You should ensure that the notes are clear and concise and leave no doubt over the checks you did, what you found and the steps you took. They should be detailed enough that the next PO reviewing the application can carry on where you left off without having to seek clarification. Please use sentences rather than a copy and pasted “Check list”.
  135. If all the background checks were fine (including the Show info, the gold links and standings) you can state “Checks fine”. We will assume you have checked everything and that nothing was out of the ordinary. If there were any issues with the application or anything unusual, write this in the notes. You should also write down whether they are an inexperienced or an experienced player.
  136. 2. The Interview
  137. Once an application has been reviewed in the Quick Queue the applicant will carry out any steps required prior to the interview and then join the interview queue.
  138. The Join Queue is the second option under the Admin tab in the EVE University Tool. This is a list of all the applications which have been received in the order of when the applicant first joined the queue. Each has a date stamp of the time and date it was received.
  139. 2. a. Who should conduct the interview
  140. You will notice that there are several different queues, and the queue is denoted by either the letters “FT”, “PO” or “SPO”, which indicates the type of application and who should conduct the interview.
  141. *FT is for Fast Track. This a rare scenario as the only people who qualify for fast track are applicants who are retuning to EVE Uni within 30 days or leaving and people who have already been interviewed and told they have been accepted but had to do something before actually joining, such as relocating. You will be able to tell which applies by the notes in the tool. These can be interviewed by POs or SPOs.
  142. *PO is for Personnel Officer. These applicants have been referred for a PO interview. This is the queue most applicants will be placed in. It will involve asking any questions still necessary to make a decision on their application, followed by an orientation to the University if accepted. Applicants in the PO queue can be interviewed by POs or SPOs.
  143. *SPO is for Senior Personnel Officer. These applicants have been referred for an interview with an SPO, normally because their situation was more complex. You will be able to tell the reason for this by the notes in the tool. These should only be interviewed by SPOs and indeed POs will not be able to start these interviews.
  145. 2. b. Before the Interview
  146. As with QQs, when interviewing an applicant it may be useful to have a notepad open so you can make notes as you go along, and copy them into the character sheet at the end of the process. If any issues arise during the interview, you should complete the rest of the interview, and make a note of each issue.
  147. Before you start interviewing ensure you have sufficient time to complete the interview and that you will not be distracted. We ask our applicants to dock up so it is polite that you should also dock up. You should not interview (or indeed do any PO work) while you are in an active fleet.
  148. Prior to completing an interview, you should do the following:
  149. 1. Click on an applicant name from the Interview Queue.
  150. 2. Click Start Interview at the bottom of the character sheet. This will ‘claim’ the application from the Interview Queue and avoid more than one PO or SPO reviewing it at the same time. If Start Interview is not visible, this means another PO or SPO is currently interviewing the applicant, and you should move onto the next one instead.
  151. 3. You should click Pull API if the API has not been pulled for seven days (there will be a red banner to tell you if this is the case). The API must have been pulled within seven days before you do any QQ or interview. You can only pull an API once every hour. If the API has been pulled within seven days you can rely on the information provided. If the API has been pulled within seven days you can still pull the API if you want to, if you think it will yield useful information, but it is optional. If Pull API is not an option, this means the API the applicant entered has been altered or deleted. They will need to submit a corrected API during the interview, so make a note of this.
  152. 4. Once you have pulled the API the page will reload and you will now be able to see the API information. Check how this compares to the previous API pull, particularly whether they have gained a large amount of isk since the last API pull.
  153. 5. Scroll down to the bottom of the application and read all the notes on the tool from the PO who reviewed the application in the QQ. Check whether the applicant was asked to do anything before joining the queue and if so check whether they have done this (e.g. grinding up security status, adding more information to their questionnaire etc). If they have not done this, either convo them or send them a mail asking them to close the browser window (to remove them from the queue) and carry out the indicated action before re-queueing. Then click Pending, or, if they need to add more information to their questionnaire, click Resub.
  154. 6. Carry out a brief background check on the applicant character and any alts. You can rely on the background check carried out by the PO who did the QQ, but you will need to check for anything that has happened since the QQ was done.
  155. 7. Make sure you have your Interview Notes in front of you, and make a note of any additional questions you will need to ask this applicant, so you are prepared before you go into the interview.
  156. 8. When you are fully prepared, call for the applicant in the E-Uni channel and ask them to convo you for their interview. Make sure your call is visible among the chatter by using ASCII or marking it out in some way.
  159. 9. Applicants should be called every few minutes until they answer. If they have been called three times in a row with no response, or have not responded to a direct convo request, you can assume they are AFK. You should make a note in the tool that they were AFK and select AFK in the tool. This will move them to a special AFK queue for three hours, after which they will be automatically put back into the queue. If they are AFK on three separate occasions (on three separate days) their application can be rejected.
  161. 2. c. Fast Track Interviews
  162. This will be either a former EVE Uni member who has been out of the corporation for less than 30 days or someone who has already been interviewed and told they have been accepted, but then needed to do something before actually joining, e.g. relocating.
  163. Therefore the main purpose of this interview is to get the applicant into EVE University and give them a brief orientation, if they need it. This should only take 15 to 20 minutes, although it will take a little longer for the first few interviews.
  164. You can assume that they have completed all the recommended steps before joining, including the overview, mumble, relocating their belongings and setting up jump clones. You do not need to ask about this, or about what they want to learn.
  165. Fast Track Interviews should cover the following:
  166. 1. Introduce yourself to the applicant with your full name and title (either Personnel Officer or Senior Personnel Officer, please do not describe yourself as a Trainee).
  167. 2. Explain that you will be conducting their interview to EVE University and give them an indication of how long this is likely to take. Ask them to confirm they have time for this.
  168. 3. Ask them to dock up and confirm they have done this. Sometimes applicants will claim they are mining etc and therefore “safe”, but we will need them to be docked to invite them into the corporation, so explain this is a requirement to proceed.
  169. 4. Ask them to link the system they are currently based in. If this system is a trade hub, ask them to jump out of that system before you accept them.
  170. 5. Ask them whether they have any other characters or accounts, active or inactive. If they do have other characters we don’t know about, take the character name and API and add the character to the tool. Run brief background checks and make sure to crosslink the accounts.
  171. 6. Ask them whether they have any questions for you prior to accepting them into EVE University and answer any brief questions.
  172. 7. Tell them their application has been approved.
  174. Once you have proceeded to this point you should move on to the section 2. g. on “Accepting an Applicant” for the next steps.
  175. 2. d. PO Interviews
  176. The majority of applicants will require a PO interview. Check the notes to see if there was anything they were asked to do before joining the queue or whether the PO who did the QQ highlighted anything in particular they should be asked about.
  177. These interviews will typically take around 20 to 30 minutes, but may take longer in complex cases or during your first few interviews.
  178. The process for PO interviews is straightforward and should cover the following:
  179. 1. Introduce yourself to the applicant with your full name and title (either Personnel Officer or Senior Personnel Officer, please do not describe yourself as a Trainee).
  180. 2. Explain that you will be conducting their interview to EVE University and give them an indication of how long this is likely to take. Ask them to confirm they have time for this.
  181. 3. Ask them to dock up and confirm they have done this. Sometimes applicants will claim they are mining etc and therefore “safe”, but we will need them to be docked to invite them into the corporation, so explain this is a requirement to proceed.
  182. 4. Ask them whether they have any other characters or accounts, active or inactive. If they do have other characters we don’t know about, take the character name and API and add the character to the tool. Run brief background checks and make sure to link the accounts.
  183. 5. Ask any additional questions indicated by their questionnaire or by the PO who carried out the QQ. If their bio is offensive, ask them to change it. Refusal may be a reason for rejection.
  184. 6. If they are an experienced player, ask them what they want to learn (if this is not evident from the questionnaire) and assess whether this is a reasonable goal for their SP level. You may like to ask them whether they have considered joining any of the campuses, or what they plan to be doing in three months. You can get some ideas of how to word your questions from the Interview Logs forum.
  185. 7. You should not quiz applicants on the rules during the interview. They have already been asked to read this during the application process.
  186. 8. Ask them to link the system they are currently based in. If this system is a trade hub, ask them to move out of that system before you accept them.
  187. 9. Tell them whether their application has been approved or rejected.
  188. 10. If approved, ask them whether they have any questions for you prior to accepting them into EVE University and answer any brief questions.
  190. If any issues arise during the interview which means the application needs to be reviewed by an SPO or discussed further, please explain this politely to the applicant and tell them you will get back to them. Select Pending in the tool.
  191. Once you have proceeded to this point you should make a decision and move on to section 2. g. on “Accepting an Applicant” or section2. h. “Rejecting an Applicant” for the next steps.
  192. 2. e. SPO Interviews
  193. If an applicant has been referred to the SPO queue, this is because it is a complex case, or there are one or more issues which will need to be examined in more detail. Although you should still have a set of Interview Notes you will find you rely on them
  194. much less in SPO interviews, where many of the questions will be typed depending on the applicant’s previous answer. It is sensible to go in with a list of items you wish to discuss to ensure you cover everything.
  195. These interviews will take slightly longer and you should allow 45 minutes to an hour, and possibly more for very complex interviews.
  196. The process is the same as for a PO interview, but there are certain situations which may come up:
  197. *If the applicant has significant negative security status, or an alt with significant negative security status you will need to ascertain the reason for this. Ensure the applicant is aware that they should keep their security status above -1.0 when in EVE University. They are not bound by EVE University rules prior to joining, so pirating, can-flipping etc is not necessarily a bar to them joining. However they must understand the culture change that will be required for them in EVE University and agree to abide by EVE University rules. They will need security status above -1.0 with their applying character to join, but you can make a decision on acceptance and if they are able to grind their security status up they may join the fast track queue for admittance afterwards. If their security status is very low they may like to consider making a new main character.
  198. *If the applicant has previously been in a corporation with -10 standings to EVE University ask them about the corporation and their involvement. Check that this tallies with their killboard and background checks. If they have played a fairly minor role in the corporation you should use your discretion to admit them. If they have played a more major role or have an active anti-unista killboard they should normally be rejected.
  199. *If the applicant is applying with a lower SP character, you should ascertain which character is their main character. You may use your discretion on allowing a lower SP character in, provided you are satisfied it is now the main character. The higher the SP difference, the greater the burden of proof. If they change their mind on which character they wish to join on, please follow the process set out in section 2. f.
  200. *If the applicant admits to account sharing, or any other EULA violation in their questionnaire or interview, you should draw it to their attention that this violates the EULA. The EULA can be found here: You should explain that it is part of the EVE University rules that they must follow the EULA. If they agree to this, you can use your discretion on whether to admit them. If they are unrepentant and refuse to agree to the EULA they should be rejected.
  201. *Normally anyone who has been rejected from EVE University will never be allowed admittance (this does not include ‘admin rejections’ such as them withdrawing their application). However, in exceptional circumstances, such as a very old and minor violation of a rule which no longer applies, we can consider re-admittance. You should ascertain the full story behind the rules violation and make a judgement call. If you believe it is likely they have a member record you can ask any APM+ to review the member record and advise you whether they would agree to admittance based on its contents. Anyone who has been rejected for a genuine reason, or who has a Do Not Recruit Order should be rejected.
  202. *If an applicant has purchased their applying character from another player you should check the character bazaar section of the EVE Online forum for the date of the purchase. You should check this collaborates with the applicant’s story and that
  205. the purchasing character belongs to the applicant. You should ask the applicant why they purchased a character and ensure they understand that just because they have the SP to fly certain ships, this does not mean they should fly them. If the applicant appears to be a character trader be very careful that the application is being made for a genuine reason and not to cycle characters through EVE University. Ascertain how experienced the player is (rather than the character) and judge them by this rather than the SP of their purchased character.
  207. If any issues arise during the interview which means the application needs to be discussed further, please explain this politely to the applicant and tell them you will get back to them. Select Pending in the tool.
  208. Once you have proceeded to this point you should make a decision and move on to section 2. g. on “Accepting an Applicant” or section2. h. on “Rejecting an Applicant” for the next steps.
  209. 2. f. Switching characters during the interview
  210. During the interview, the applicant may decide that they actually wish to join EVE University on a different character. If this happens, you will need to switch the application over to the other character. The process for accepting an applicant on a different character to the one they applied with is as follows:
  211. *Ascertain which character they want to join on, make sure its in the tool, background checked and linked.
  212. *Ask them WHY they want to join on a different character. This means actually ask them in the interview. Draw their attention to the fact that we only accept main characters, and that we usually take this to mean the character with the highest SP. This is where your discretion comes in. SPOs have discretion to accept characters on a lower SP alt provided they are the applicant’s main character and you are satisfied with the reason.
  213. *Admin reject the questionnaire on the character they do not want to join on. Post a note in the tool explaining why you are admin rejecting and that they are joining on another character (name the character they will be joining on).
  214. *Ask them to put in a blank questionnaire on the character they do want to join with. In order to do this they will need to carry out thefollowing steps:
  215. *Create an EVE University and forum account in the name of the character they will be joining with from the registration screen.
  216. *Follow through the application steps in the tool on that character. They do not need to fill in the entire questionnaire if the one on their alt is sufficient, although the tool will require them to put something in every box (e.g. See application on my other character: XXXX”)
  217. *They will need to remove the CSPA charge on the character they will be joining on.
  218. *They will need to ensure they set up the EVE University overview and Mumble with their new character, which they can do after the interview.
  219. *This should not take more than a couple of minutes, so wait for them to do this. If they (or you) don’t have time for this, click Pending to put them back in the queue so someone else can do it. They do not need to go through the entire QQ process
  222. again with the new character, as this is a waste of time if you have them in interview.
  223. *When they have done this you will see a blank questionnaire come up on the character they want to join on. If it came up on the wrong character, it means they are logged into the tool with the wrong character. If that happens, admin reject the application again and tell them again to log out and in with the correct character.
  224. *When they have a blank questionnaire on the character they want to join on, click Start Interview and Accept. This will also update their forum access.
  225. *Put a clear note in the tool of both characters explaining what has happened.
  226. *Post an interview log in the character sheet of the character that will be joining EVE Uni.
  228. 2. g. Accepting an Applicant
  229. Once you have completed the questions you need to ask in the interview and made the decision to accept an applicant, there are certain steps you must always follow. These should form part of your Interview Notes. The steps are as follows:
  230. 1. Tell the applicant that their application has been accepted.
  231. 2. Right click on the name of the applicant during the interview, and select ‘‘Send Corporation Invitation’’, followed by ‘‘Yes’’.
  232. 3. If the applicant gets a pop-up message saying they have roles in their current corporation, explain to the applicant that you will need them to drop from their current corporation in order to send the invite. They can do this by right clicking their name in the chat channel and selecting ‘‘Quit Corporation?’’ and ‘‘Confirm’’. This will move them into an NPC corp and you will be able to send them an invitation immediately.
  233. 4. Tell the applicant you have sent them an invitation to join EVE University. This should come up as a notification. If they miss it or have notifications turned off, they can access it under the Corp button on the Neocom, under Recruitment and My Applications. Ask them to accept the invitation. Once they have done this the list will indicate Invitation Accepted and their corporation will change to EVE University.
  234. 5. At this point, click on “Accept” in the tool. This will update their forum membership as well as their mumble acccess priviledges.
  235. 6. If they are a returning member, ask them to go to the Titles page of the tool and then apply for the highest title they held previously (ex, Returning Freshman or Returning Sophomore).
  236. 7. Tell the applicant they should have received an automatic EVE mail from the Director of HR with some required reading, which they should read in their own time.
  237. 8. All new characters are eligible for a welcoming gift of a Cloaking skillbook (You should already have a stack of these skillbooks in Slays). Inform them of this and contract the skillbook to them from Slays.
  238. 9. Give them the password for the Chat.E-Uni and Q&A.E-Uni channels, either by typing it in chat or linking them to this thread (http://forum. Ask them to join these channels. It is probably easiest to give them a link to the channel to make sure they are in the correct one. If you are unsure, you may like to verify they can read the message of the day. If they are a returning member they may already have access to the Chat.E-Uni channel as an alumni.
  241. 10. Once they are in the Chat.E-Uni channel, post a note in Personnel.E-Uni that there is a member “incoming...”, then post a welcome message in the Chat.E-Uni channel, linking the applicant’s name. You may like to use welcome ASCII for this to make sure it stands out. Allow them a couple of minutes for welcomes. If the channel is unusually quiet, you may like to explain this to the applicant.
  242. 11. Welcome the applicant to EVE University and leave the conversation.
  244. That is the process complete for the applicant, but you will still need to post notes and interview logs in the tool, so move on to section2. i. “Posting notes in the tool”.
  245. 2. h. Rejecting an Applicant
  246. This can be difficult the first few times, and sometimes applicants get quite upset. Don’t doubt yourself, we will support your decision. Note that we have a policy that we do not discuss the reasons for rejection with applicants. This is to ensure that our recruitment policies and procedures remain confidential, and it also avoids unproductive argument with applicants, who have just received bad news and so are likely to be a little upset.
  247. You should ensure you do the following:
  248. *Tell the applicant that you will be rejecting their application.
  249. *Tell the applicant that it is not our policy to discuss the reasons for rejection with applicants.
  250. *Tell the applicant that you will send them an EVE mail confirming the rejection, and setting out our appeals process in case they feel their application has been handled incorrectly.
  251. *You may consider referring them to our Work Fair forum to look for an alternative corporation, but this is not a necessity.
  252. *Sign off and leave the conversation. Don’t be rude, but also don’t allow yourself to be drawn into a long conversation about the rejection. Simply explain that you cannot discuss this and refer them to the appeals process.
  254. In very rare cases, rejected applicant may take to the E-Uni channel to voice their dissatisfaction. So it is an idea to just keep an eye on the channel for a few minutes after the rejection to avoid this getting out of hand. If necessary, ask an SPO or staff member with moderation powers to keep an eye on the channel also.
  255. 2. i. Posting notes in the tool
  256. You should post clear notes in the tool after every interview you complete, even if the interview ended early (e.g. due to them not having time to continue etc). Where possible, try to condense these notes into one note per interview. It may help to write your notes in a notepad as you carry out the interview, and post all the comments in one note in the tool at the end. If you make a mistake in your notes, please contact Personnel Management and ask them to edit the note.
  257. You should ensure that the notes are clear and concise and leave no doubt over what was discussed, the outcome and any further steps required. They should be detailed enough that the next PO reviewing the application can see exactly what happened.
  258. Make sure you state in the note that you carried out back ground checks (again “Checks fine” indicates that nothing unusual came up) and make a note if anything has changed since the QQ. If they were asked to complete any further steps e.g. API, adding more information to the questionnaire, state whether they have done this.
  259. Make it clear that you carried out an interview and what the outcome was (be sure to use the words “Accepted” or “Rejected” if they apply).
  260. If any further steps are required, such as the applicant relocating prior to final acceptance, note what needs to be done and what the next PO will need to do. For example “Decision made to accept. Applicant will be relocating and joining fast track queue. Next PO will need to do final acceptance and orientation”.
  261. 2. j. Posting interview logs
  262. After every interview you should post a log of the conversation with the applicant. Logs should also be posted of any conversations with the applicant which may be relevant to their application.
  263. After each interview, locate the relevant chat log from the folder described in the Training Manual and copy and paste the entire log into the “Interview Logs” section at the bottom of the character sheet. You should always select Interview from the drop down menu, even if the log is not a full interview, as this ensures the log is visible by recruitment staff only.
  264. Before you submit the log, ensure you have removed any API information from the log e.g. for their alt characters. Do not make any other amendments to the chat log. Then press submit. If you forgot to remove the API information, or you posted the log in the wrong place (in the character notes instead of the interview log), please contact an APM to amend the log.
  265. 2. k. Posting to the Interview Logs forum
  266. You do not need to post all of your interviews to the Interview Logs forum, but there are some rules to be followed. You must post:.
  267. *all non-administrative rejections e.g. rejections on the merits of the application.
  268. *all character swaps (SPO and above only).
  270. In addition to the above, you are encouraged to post any interesting cases you come across, or any cases on which you require feedback. We encourage all staff to review the Interview Logs forum regularly and post any comments they may have on other people’s interviews. Constructive criticism is welcome, but remember that everyone has the authority to make their own decisions on applications (so long as they are line with these procedures) and please ensure you respect their decision.
  271. If there is already an interview log post please continue to post in that thread rather than starting a new thread. If you need the title of the thread to be modified, please contact Personnel Management.
  272. When posting interviews to the Interview Logs forum please ensure that you follow the appropriate format:
  273. *The title of the thread should include the name of the applicant and the action taken (e.g. Accepted/Rejected/Character Swap/Pending).
  274. *The title should also include what type of interview this was (e.g. PO/SPO/Fast Track).
  275. *The body of the post should include a link to the appropriate page of the tool.
  276. *It should also include a short summary of the interview and, if necessary, why you are posting it to the interview logs forum.
  278. There is no need to post a copy of the interview log to the forum, as this will already be included in the tool.
  279. 3. Character swaps
  280. There may be some occasions where a person who is currently a member of EVE University wants to remove their current character and bring in another character instead. This is called a Character Swap. We generally allow one character swap per person provided they have a good reason for wanting to swap characters. There are, however, strict guidelines on who can handle character swaps and how they should be done.
  281. 3.a. The reasons someone may want to swap characters There are several good reasons why someone may want to swap the character they have in EVE University. For example:
  282. *They may have bought a higher SP character from the character bazaar and now want to use that character instead
  283. *They may have a character better suited to life in EVE University e.g. swapping out a character trained just for hauling for a PVP character because of the war
  284. *Their interests may have changed significantly since they joined and they now want to bring in a character better suited to their current playstyle, such as swapping out a character with a lot of mining skills if the player is no longer interested in mining
  285. *They may not like the name or the appearance of their first character
  286. *They may have reactivated a previously inactive account and discovered that they would prefer to play their previous character
  288. There may be other good reasons, and it will of course depend on their experience level. If the character is very new anyway then most reasons will be okay.
  289. 3. b. The process from the member's point of view The process is all set out on this wiki page: We ask members to do the following:
  290. 3. c. The process from a Personnel Officer's point of view
  291. 3. c. i. The QQ You will be able to tell if a person in the QQ is requesting a character swap because their questionnaire will say so (if they have followed the procedure correctly!). If you come across someone who hasn't followed the instructions, but currently has another character in EVE University, assume they are requesting a character swap. Any Personnel Officer or Senior Personnel Officer can deal with the QQ. You will just need to do background checks as normal, noting anything unusual in the notes. In the character notes state that it is a character swap, to be handled by SPO+ only, and press Send to Interview and then Send to Fast Track. Important: If there is a note on the character sheet to say that the person has a Member Record you must send an in-game mail to the Personnel Director and both APMs to tell them that the person is requesting a character swap. This is very important because they will need to make a note in the member record of the member's request, so the member record is still kept when the original character leaves EVE University. Aside from sending the additional mail, you should just proceed as normal. For the time being (until we set up a process for character swaps in the tool) you will need to slightly amend the automatic mail that pops up to send to the applicant to refer to a “character swap
  292. request” rather than an application to join. Aside from that the mail will be the same.
  293. 3. c. ii. The interview Important: The actual character swap interview should only be handled by an SPO+. If you are a Personnel Officer, please skip them (even though they will be in the fast track queue). Character swap requests should be given the highest priority. They only take a few minutes so please do not ignore them if you see them. Under the previous system they were handled immediately and did not have to wait for an interview, so we don't want the change in procedure to lead to excessive wait times. Before you call the person for an interview you should check the reason for the request and make sure it is a decent reason. That way you will go into the interview having already decided to approve the request. If you are considering denying a request, speak to the Personnel Director or an APM first. The presumption is that one request will be approved, so most cases will be approved. Instead of having a full interview the character swap is mostly about setting up their access on their new character. You will need to do the following:
  294. *Ask them to confirm they have read the wiki page about swapping characters (so they know their titles will not carry over etc)
  295. *Get them to drop corp on their current EVE University character. They can do this immediately by right clicking their name in chat and clicking “Quit Corporation?” then “Confirm Quit Corporation”. They will not have to drop roles and wait for the 24 hour cooldown if they do it this way
  296. *Send them an in-game invitation on their new character and ask them to accept it
  297. *Set up their access on their new character the same as you would with a returning member (click Accept for the forums and mumble, get them into the chat channels)
  298. *They will not qualify for a Cloaking skillbook
  299. *It is not necessary to re-introduce them in Chat.E-Uni
  300. *Refer them back to the wiki page as there are some important additional steps at the bottom they need to do
  302. Character swap interviews should normally only take five to ten minutes (unless you are chatting to the applicant, which is fine!). They do not need to be asked any of the normal interview questions, such as about the war, learning goals etc. Once you have completed the interview, make a note in the tool to say that the swap was approved, and post the log into the tool as normal. Additionally, all character swaps should be noted on the Interview Logs forum (the same as all rejections) so make sure you create a thread every time.
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