
Then there's this guy...

Jan 21st, 2015
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  1. zaziuma: Chain?
  2. panzone94: chain
  3. zaziuma: oh?
  4. panzone94: you can't negate the effect
  5. zaziuma: why did you say chain+
  6. zaziuma: ?
  7. zaziuma: Anyway
  8. panzone94: because i destr your card cheat
  9. zaziuma: I guess you don't have anything
  10. zaziuma: What?
  11. zaziuma: I am cheating now
  12. panzone94: k
  13. zaziuma: That's cute
  14. zaziuma: Anyway
  15. zaziuma has lost 2000 life points
  16. panzone94: eff dark soul
  17. zaziuma: Ehm
  18. zaziuma: Faul is a Special Summon only monster
  19. zaziuma: Can't Summon him
  20. panzone94: Target 2 "X-Saber" monsters in any Graveyard; Special Summon both to your side of the field.
  21. panzone94: when i say you are a cheat
  22. zaziuma: I know what the effect does.
  23. panzone94: is a truth
  24. zaziuma: No, I'm not a cheat.
  25. zaziuma: You're just bad at Rulings.
  26. zaziuma: I'll show you proof
  27. panzone94: .....
  28. panzone94: ok cheat
  29. zaziuma: Will you stop calling me that
  30. zaziuma: Seriously, I have not cheated once this entire game.
  31. panzone94: because is atruth
  32. panzone94: cheat
  33. zaziuma: Sigh
  34. zaziuma: eff
  35. panzone94 has lost 700 life points
  36. zaziuma: Banish
  37. panzone94: : Banish 1 card on the field. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can Tribute 1 monster, then target 1 card in your opponent's Graveyard; banish it.
  38. zaziuma: Why on earth do you keep posting the effects
  39. panzone94: cheat
  40. zaziuma: You're funny mate
  41. panzone94: ok let's play
  42. zaziuma: You still there?
  43. zaziuma: Gonna give you 10 secs.
  44. panzone94: i can't lose with i cheat
  45. zaziuma: So you are.
  46. zaziuma: Could you please hurry up.
  47. panzone94: calm down
  48. panzone94: i thinking
  49. panzone94: children
  50. panzone94: shut up
  51. zaziuma: I am calm, you are the one who keeps calling me a cheat when I am not even cheating remotely
  52. zaziuma: And now that.
  53. panzone94: cmon
  54. zaziuma: 2 secs
  55. panzone94: faulltroll
  56. zaziuma: brb
  57. panzone94 has called an admin
  58. zaziuma: ok
  59. zaziuma: hm
  60. zaziuma has lost 200 life points
  61. zaziuma has lost 1900 life points
  62. panzone94: one
  63. panzone94 has lost 700 life points
  64. panzone94: i lose a match with a children cheat
  65. panzone94 has lost 3600 life points
  66. zaziuma: Stop accusing me of things I never did.
  67. zaziuma: Also, I'm 19, so not a child mate
  68. panzone94: you are
  69. panzone94: ooo
  70. panzone94: wake up
  71. zaziuma: Sigh.
  72. panzone94 admitted defeat
  73. Siding for next duel has begun (1-0-0)
  74. panzone94: remenber faulltroll
  75. zaziuma: What about it?
  76. panzone94: ......
  77. zaziuma: Seriously, what?
  78. panzone94: ok
  79. panzone94: cheat
  80. panzone94: play
  81. zaziuma: You're starting to get on my nerves
  82. panzone94: you are starting to say you are son of a bitch children chet
  83. panzone94: ops i sad
  84. zaziuma: What the hell are you even talking about now?
  85. panzone94: oh now cry
  86. zaziuma has called an admin
  87. zaziuma: I can't deal with this.
  88. panzone94: pathetic
  89. panzone94: a cheat call admin
  90. panzone94: incredible
  91. panzone94: the wold gonna be finish
  92. panzone94: with person like you
  93. panzone94: a generation of children
  94. zaziuma: I think it's more so a problem with people like you, accusing me of nothing I have ever done.
  95. panzone94: ahahah
  96. panzone94: okok
  97. zaziuma: We can continue this duel if you promise you'll stop calling me a cheat all the time.
  98. panzone94: no
  99. panzone94: because you are
  100. panzone94: a cheat
  101. panzone94: im so sorry about you
  102. panzone94: i mean a children maybe with 12 13 years
  103. panzone94: becoma cheat
  104. panzone94: i don't in the future
  105. zaziuma: And you're continuing. Fair enough, let the admin decide.
  106. panzone94: ok
  107. panzone94: but now reasoning
  108. panzone94: you call admin for nothing
  109. panzone94: show me the man inside of you
  110. panzone94: win this match
  111. zaziuma: I probably could.
  112. zaziuma: But I am not dealing with you when you act like this.
  113. panzone94: cmon
  114. panzone94: i stay here
  115. panzone94: you call admin for ??
  116. panzone94: because i call you cheat
  117. zaziuma: Partly.
  118. zaziuma: I'll explain to the admin when he comes
  119. panzone94: in the yu gi oh don't exsist
  120. zaziuma: What?
  121. zaziuma: That isn't even a proper sentence.
  122. panzone94: a ruler
  123. panzone94: ok
  124. panzone94: we wait
  125. panzone94: zaziuma
  126. panzone94: ahahah
  127. panzone94: what a name
  128. zaziuma: panzone94
  129. panzone94: ahaha
  130. zaziuma: And you're now making fun of my username as well.
  131. panzone94: ok
  132. panzone94: zaiuma
  133. zaziuma: Good greif, you really don't have a life do you troll
  134. panzone94: sorry
  135. panzone94: zaziomu
  136. panzone94: zazaaa
  137. panzone94: zetsu
  138. panzone94: oh no soryy zaziuma
  139. panzone94: ahaha
  140. panzone94: call me whe he come
  141. zaziuma: For the record, I don't really care if you call me names, just gonna give me more material for the admin
  142. panzone94: ahahahahah
  143. panzone94: mother good
  144. panzone94: what a subject
  145. panzone94: ahahah
  146. panzone94: relly
  147. panzone94: really
  148. panzone94: ahahaha
  149. panzone94: really pathetic
  150. zaziuma: Don't be hypocritical.
  151. panzone94: stop crying and let's pay
  152. panzone94: i don't call you cheat
  153. zaziuma: Not crying in the slightest.
  154. zaziuma: Now that's a downright lie.
  155. zaziuma: I can point out at least 5 times where you have.
  156. panzone94: relly
  157. zaziuma: Want me to do that?
  158. panzone94: it's a promess
  159. panzone94: i don't call you cheat
  160. panzone94: i wnna finish only this match
  161. zaziuma: You do realize that the admin can see everything in the chat right?
  162. panzone94: yes
  163. panzone94: cmon
  164. zaziuma: Well, then he can confirm everything you said.
  165. panzone94: ok
  166. panzone94: what's your problem
  167. panzone94: ???
  168. zaziuma: At this exact moment: You
  169. panzone94: ok
  170. panzone94: you wanna report me with admin ??
  171. zaziuma: I would leave if this wasn't a match, but I would rather want an admin to come, just so I can rub it in your face.
  172. panzone94: ok son of a bitch
  173. zaziuma: And now you're even cusing at me.
  174. zaziuma: You're just making it worse on yourself.
  175. panzone94: zaziuma
  176. panzone94: bye
  177. zaziuma: Bye yourself.
  178. zaziuma: I win the match
  179. zaziuma: So it's a double win for me.
  180. panzone94: remember
  181. zaziuma: I get rid of you.
  182. zaziuma: I win a match
  183. zaziuma: Overall, pretty good day.
  184. panzone94: the cheat in the life don't be nothing in the future
  185. panzone94: pretty day
  186. panzone94 has left the duel
  187. zaziuma: And that's the end of that chapter.
  188. zaziuma: Fun times.
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