
Yoshi - Goodness Gracious, Great Balls of Fire!

Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. [17:48] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi, in the meantime, goes to see what his mentor is up to.
  2. [17:49] <~Deedles> Leewan was in the middle of poking at a newly lit fire, still chuckling to himself.
  3. [17:52] <Zero_Atma> "Didn't you teach me not to play with fire, master?" Yoshi asks with a playful grin.
  4. [17:53] <~Deedles> "Depends on the fire. If it's more powerful than you then you're going to get burnt." Leewan replied with a grin
  5. [17:59] <Zero_Atma> "Well, that's sort of why we're here." Yoshi points out. "I'm looking to become the bigger fire."
  6. [18:03] <~Deedles> "Then I got some excercises for you!" Leewan's grin turned into a smirk as he looked at his student.
  7. [18:07] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi raises a curious brow. "Oh yeah? name it!" he insisted, flexing one of his arms. "I'm ready!"
  8. [18:12] <@Deedles> "Have you ever tried moving around like normal while your entire body, except for the head, is submerged in water?" The Fire Mentor asked
  9. [18:15] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi blinks, not exactly the exercise he had in mind, then shakes his head. "Can't say I have."
  10. [18:15] <@Deedles> "Then go try it... Might be fun." Leewan chuckled
  11. [18:17] <Zero_Atma> "Why do I get the feeling you mean it will be the opposite of that?" Yoshi inquires. "Well, no sense getting these all wet..." the drunkard concluded, starting to undress as he approaches the lake.
  12. [18:31] <@Deedles> Leewan rose to his feet as he followed Yoshi to the edge of the lake, sitting down with his legs crossed as he planned to observe.
  13. [18:44] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro slowly wades out into the water until everything but his head is completely submerged, turning to look back at Leewan. "Now what?"
  14. [18:44] <@Deedles> "Start going through your stances." His mentor instructed him
  15. [18:49] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi does so, although the motions are much more slow, his movements hindered by the water surrounding him. Normally he was quick and agile, unpredictable when moving from stance to stance, now he's just trying to keep his head above the water!
  16. [18:50] <@Deedles> Leewan chuckled at the sight, resting an elbow on one of his legs as he propped his chin onto his hand. "That's it, just keep going!" he encouraged the younger Drunken Boxer
  17. [18:54] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi tried the routine backwards to see if it makes the effort any easier, which it doesn't, gulping a bit of lake water every now and then, trying to find a combination that would not cause him to drown.
  18. [19:01] <@Deedles> "Calm down. Take it slow." The Fire Mentor adviced him "Panicking is only gonna make keeping your balance harder, and that's how you get a faceful of water."
  19. [19:03] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi attempts to steady his breathing, keeping a cool head so the motions come more easily to him, taking it one step at a time.
  20. [19:10] <@Deedles> Leewan watched him in silence, only speaking up when he felt he needed to.
  21. [19:13] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi had started to get into a flow, after much practice and nearly choking on lake water, making small splashes with each of his strikes.
  22. [19:16] <@Deedles> "That's more like it..." His mentor chimed with a grin
  23. [19:28] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi is still a bit wobbly, but he's definitely starting to get the hang of it, gaining a bit more confidence.
  24. [19:34] <@Deedles> Leewan returned to silence as he kept observing for a bit longer before he rose to his feet. "I'm going to start on dinner for everyone, I'll come back and get you when the trainings done, til then just keep doing what you're doing." he called out to Yoshihiro.
  25. [00:48] <Zero_Atma> "Wait, that's it? just float around in the water and not drown? is this training or swimming lessons?!" Yoshi calls back to his master on land.
  26. [01:06] <Deedles> "Training, you little shit!" Leewan called back at him "Stop bitchin'!"
  27. [01:10] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi grumbles to himself, the lower half of his face dipped under the water so only muffled bubbles can be heard. "Fine...lets try this another way." he swims out a little further, just enough that the water was over his head, then draws in a deep breath and dunks himself under with his eyes closed.
  28. [01:12] <Deedles> A while later Leewan returned to the shore, peering out over the water to see how Yoshihiro was doing.
  29. [01:15] <Zero_Atma> At first the Ebbing Spirits couldn't be seen, but after a short moment his head pops out from under the surface of the water to draw in a deep breath. "So...close..." he manages to say between panting breaths. Since Leewan left he had been trying to continue his routine with his feet on the lake floor, though he couldn't quite get through all the stances before running out of breath.
  30. [01:16] <Deedles> Leewan cupped his hands around his mouth "You alright out there?" he shouted out to him before turning his head, placing a hand by his ear as he listened.
  31. [01:20] <Zero_Atma> "Just peachy!" Yoshi shouts back at him, more of the young man coming into view as he slowly tromps out of the lake and toward the shore. "My arms and legs feel like noodles, my lungs are screaming for air, and if I stay in ther any longer I'm gonna turn into a prune!" he holds up both of his hands which were covered in wrinkles from being in the water for so long.
  32. [01:24] <Deedles> "Well, you'll be happy to know food is nearly done, so come sit by the fire. That should reinvigorate you a bit." The Fire Mentor chuckled with an amused look.
  33. [01:26] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro scoops up his clothes and joins his mentor by the fire, getting dressed as he dries off. "What's for dinner?"
  34. [01:30] <Deedles> "Rabbit ramen." Leewan replied with a grin as he opened the pot and stirred it.
  35. [01:35] <Zero_Atma> "Interesting combination." Yoshi admits, pulling up his gourd to rub his cheek against the side. "I missed you~" he says before popping the cork and tipping it bac for a long drink.
  36. [01:36] <Deedles> "Even Drunken Masters need to not drink from time to time." Leewan said with a chuckle. Come to think of it, he hadn't drunk from his own gourd once since they began their journey.
  37. [01:39] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi grins as he tosses the gourd to his master, more toward the hand that wasn't stirring. "But the first one, much like wine itself, only gets better over time."
  38. [01:40] <Deedles> Leewan caught the gourd, but just threw it right back to Yoshi "Even we need to learn restraint, Yoshi." he answered with a faint smile.
  39. [01:43] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi catches the gourd and puts it away, emitting a faint sigh. "It reminds me of happier times..."
  40. [01:43] <Deedles> "Drinking?" His master looked at him, pondering for a moment before he asked "Wanna talk about it?"
  41. [01:45] <Zero_Atma> "I've done enough talking about it." Yoshi tells his mentor simply. "It's only a matter of waiting until I can really do something about it."
  42. [01:46] <Deedles> "Just don't try to drink your worries away. They just catch up with you the next morning." Leewan nodded as he lifted the ladel he was stirring the soup with, blowing at it before sipping. "Hmm, about done now." he mumbled to himself.
  43. [01:51] <Zero_Atma> "I tried already, that's how we met, remeber?" Yoshi reminds Leewan, a small smile on his face.
  44. [01:53] <Deedles> The Fire Master laughed softly "That's true." he nodded before he grinned wickedly "I bet you rued the day..."
  45. [01:58] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro shakes his head. "Nah, you probably saved my life." he admits. "I didn't know how to handle my wine and I had no real direction as I was."
  46. [01:59] <Deedles> Leewan's expression softens at that, before turning away to grab some noodles that he threw into the pot. "All boys just need to be pointed in the right direction. If they have a talent for something it should be appreciated and nurished."
  47. [02:09] <Zero_Atma> "Not according to my parents." Yoshi scoffs. "Being a noble was put far head of anything I wanted."
  48. [02:10] <Deedles> "Most nobles have sticks up their asses." Leewan stated in a matter-of-fact manner as he sat back against his own pack, slipping a small container of tobacco and some paper as he began rolling himself a cigarette.
  49. [02:15] <Zero_Atma> "Aside from Sanru, I've never met nobles with bigger sticks up their asses than my parents." Yoshi confirms. "My father especially, I think that's because I was far more like my uncle than I was of him."
  50. [02:18] <Deedles> "Well, to be fair, Sanru doesn't have a stick up his ass because he's a clan leader, he's got a stick up his ass because he's Sanru." Leewan replied as he put the smoke between his lips, snapping his fingers to light a flame. "And your father sounds like an insecure cunt." he said harshly.
  51. [02:22] <Zero_Atma> "He was insanely jealous of his elder brother." Yoshi explains. "He didn't approve of my uncle's behavior and wanted to be the head of the family, that dream was crushed the day Takeshi was born." he turned and spat on the ground, just saying his cousin's name left a bad taste in his mouth...
  52. [02:35] <Deedles> "They all sound like cunts." Leewan corrected himself, taking a blow from his cigarette, before adding "Apart from your uncle. He sounds like my kinda man."
  53. [02:44] <Zero_Atma> Yoshi smiles at the mention of Matsumoto. "I think you two would get along quite well. He has a big heart and used his wealth to help other people rather than himself, oh and did he love his wine!"
  54. [02:55] <Deedles> The Fire Mentor chuckled "Yeah, definetly sounds like my kinda man." he reconfirmed with a smile
  55. [03:01] <Zero_Atma> "One of these days I'll bring him back to Baoban with me, we can all have a drink together." Yoshi suggested. "I bet you two will have loads to talk about."
  56. [03:03] <Deedles> "Sounds like a mighty fine idea, Yoshi." Leewan nodded, pulling the cigarette from his lips as he breathed out a plume of smoke.
  57. [03:06] <Zero_Atma> Yoshihiro nods before pulling himself to his feet. "Shall I round everybody up for dinner?"
  58. [03:07] <Deedles> "Aye." His master nodded "It should be done now."
  59. [03:09] <Zero_Atma> "I'll be back shortly." Yoshi assures him before bounding off to collect the rest of the group.
  60. [03:19] <Deedles> Leewan waved as he headed off, just calmly having the rest of his smoke while he waited.
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