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Apr 21st, 2017
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  1. [2017-04-21T05:12:47-0500] <ultra-> Can someone help me update a database record in firebase? I’m using the docs, but I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around it.
  2. [2017-04-21T05:13:51-0500] <ultra-> I have “users” to hold all users, then “user” for their unique ID, and I want to add a node called “favorites” where multiple key/value pairs can be stored
  3. [2017-04-21T05:14:23-0500] netrino (~netrino@ joined the channel
  4. [2017-04-21T05:22:00-0500] bonghitz ( joined the channel
  5. [2017-04-21T05:22:38-0500] <arietis> ultra-: How about this one?
  6. [2017-04-21T05:23:55-0500] <ultra-> This will help in the future when I need to relate the data (bookmarked), but I need to add the records
  7. [2017-04-21T05:24:15-0500] <davidvs> you probably want to create a new key in root called favorites > userID > ...
  8. [2017-04-21T05:24:19-0500] <ultra-> I know how to add a new user, I just don’t know how to add a node and new data to the node
  9. [2017-04-21T05:24:26-0500] <davidvs> firebase is all about flattening the structure
  10. [2017-04-21T05:24:43-0500] <ultra-> I have /users/user, I want /users/user/favorites and then multiple key/value pairs in favorites
  11. [2017-04-21T05:24:47-0500] <davidvs> ok
  12. [2017-04-21T05:25:15-0500] splendor (~splendor@2605:a601:1100:7100:1c70:55c5:ab00:d06) left IRC (Quit: My MacBook has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
  13. [2017-04-21T05:25:19-0500] <davidvs> so you'd do users.child(userId).child("favorites").update([key: value])
  14. [2017-04-21T05:25:37-0500] <davidvs> or set([key: value]) if you want to overwrite the entire location
  15. [2017-04-21T05:26:11-0500] <davidvs> but if you're accessing arbitrary favortes by user id, you'll want to create a favorites key on root
  16. [2017-04-21T05:26:16-0500] splendor (~splendor@2605:a601:1100:7100:1c70:55c5:ab00:d06) joined the channel
  17. [2017-04-21T05:26:26-0500] <davidvs> otherwise you have to download the entire user node to get to the favorites
  18. [2017-04-21T05:26:36-0500] <ultra-> will that automatically create the “favorites” node if it doesn’t exist?
  19. [2017-04-21T05:26:41-0500] <davidvs> yes
  20. [2017-04-21T05:26:43-0500] <davidvs> it just works
  21. [2017-04-21T05:26:49-0500] <davidvs> you can't have an empty node
  22. [2017-04-21T05:27:02-0500] <ultra-> well, favorites is the primary information I want anyway, so there won’t be a lot of data
  23. [2017-04-21T05:27:13-0500] <davidvs> foo.child("bar").child("baz").child("value") creates all the subnodes
  24. [2017-04-21T05:27:25-0500] <davidvs> still
  25. [2017-04-21T05:27:33-0500] <davidvs> flatten it as much as possible right now to avoid headaches later
  26. [2017-04-21T05:27:39-0500] <davidvs> it's nosql
  27. [2017-04-21T05:28:10-0500] gargs ( joined the channel
  28. [2017-04-21T05:28:56-0500] <ultra-> if I create a favorites key on root, what does the data structure look like?
  29. [2017-04-21T05:29:14-0500] <ultra-> Essentially, I use the user to retrieve their favorites, and possibly a small amount of other information
  30. [2017-04-21T05:30:13-0500] <davidvs> favorites > userId > whatever
  31. [2017-04-21T05:30:20-0500] <davidvs> base everything off the user id
  32. [2017-04-21T05:30:33-0500] <davidvs> that allows you to set firebase rules easier, too
  33. [2017-04-21T05:31:10-0500] <ultra-> ok, so I access the favorites from favorites using userid as the key
  34. [2017-04-21T05:31:16-0500] <davidvs> right
  35. [2017-04-21T05:31:48-0500] <ultra-> and under users/user, i’d just keep the other information i want, such as their email address
  36. [2017-04-21T05:31:54-0500] <davidvs> yeah
  37. [2017-04-21T05:32:20-0500] <ultra-> This makes sense then… thanks a lot
  38. [2017-04-21T05:32:51-0500] <davidvs> firebase is amazing but the 'structuring data' docs need more examples
  39. [2017-04-21T05:33:47-0500] <ultra-> Yeah, and it needs continuity… the examples for adding new data and updating data don’t seem to relate too well
  40. [2017-04-21T05:34:15-0500] <davidvs> are you doing web, ios or android
  41. [2017-04-21T05:34:23-0500] <ultra-> but i can see how firebase is gonna be great once i get it down
  42. [2017-04-21T05:34:43-0500] <ultra-> ios and eventually android, small chance of web in the future but for now I’m just building my iOS app
  43. [2017-04-21T05:34:51-0500] <davidvs> ever since google acquired them they've been rock solid
  44. [2017-04-21T05:35:04-0500] <ultra-> I’m not a programming professional and it’s just a hobby, so i don’t know where this will go
  45. [2017-04-21T05:35:05-0500] <davidvs> ah good ios is a cinch
  46. [2017-04-21T05:35:15-0500] <davidvs> plus it's cheap as shit now under the new pricing plan
  47. [2017-04-21T05:35:23-0500] <davidvs> i have thousands of users and pay like $30 a month
  48. [2017-04-21T05:35:44-0500] hphuoc25 ( joined the channel
  49. [2017-04-21T05:36:00-0500] <davidvs> make sure to use FirebaseQuery to keep your data transfers low
  50. [2017-04-21T05:36:09-0500] <ultra-> does your app have a one time cost or do you get constant revenue from the users?
  51. [2017-04-21T05:36:29-0500] <davidvs> subscription model
  52. [2017-04-21T05:36:41-0500] <davidvs> it's the only way to go nowadays
  53. [2017-04-21T05:36:48-0500] <davidvs> even if it's like $5 a year
  54. [2017-04-21T05:37:01-0500] <ultra-> yeah… I just don’t know how to work that out
  55. [2017-04-21T05:37:27-0500] <ultra-> i hate the business and marketing side of it all, i just want to build things
  56. [2017-04-21T05:37:41-0500] pretty_function (~pretty_fu@ joined the channel
  57. [2017-04-21T05:37:48-0500] <davidvs> build a better mousetrap and the whole world will flock to your door
  58. [2017-04-21T05:38:35-0500] <ultra-> also, i’m using a free api and i don’t know if i’m allowed to monetize the data i get from it
  59. [2017-04-21T05:40:10-0500] <ultra-> I’m essentially pulling in data from it, and then making it more useful by adding other information and ways to organize it
  60. [2017-04-21T05:40:42-0500] <davidvs> the cool thing about firebase is that with the rules, you can make all that information publically accessible within your firebase
  61. [2017-04-21T05:40:54-0500] <davidvs> so individual clients don't have to fetch anything from the API at all
  62. [2017-04-21T05:41:04-0500] hphuoc25 ( left IRC (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  63. [2017-04-21T05:41:23-0500] <davidvs> as long as someone can call the API or scrape the website and update the firebase, the clients are none the wiser
  64. [2017-04-21T05:41:51-0500] <davidvs> it looks like your own data, from their POV
  65. [2017-04-21T05:42:41-0500] <ultra-> Yeah, in certain ways I’ll be doing that to replace certain information with my own
  66. [2017-04-21T05:42:44-0500] <davidvs> so if they revoke your api token, fuck them, make a new one
  67. [2017-04-21T05:42:50-0500] <ultra-> or append information to theirs
  68. [2017-04-21T05:43:26-0500] <ultra-> Also, their website doesn’t allow users to change information when needed, and I figure I’d allow that as a feature
  69. [2017-04-21T05:43:34-0500] Cabanossi ( left IRC (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  70. [2017-04-21T05:43:51-0500] <ultra-> So at some point I might just dump all theirs into mine, and eventually it’ll change enough so it’ll be my own
  71. [2017-04-21T05:43:56-0500] <davidvs> cool
  72. [2017-04-21T05:43:57-0500] <davidvs> yep
  73. [2017-04-21T05:44:10-0500] kr1shnak ( left IRC (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
  74. [2017-04-21T05:44:25-0500] <davidvs> at some point you'll have to learn node to automate all that
  75. [2017-04-21T05:44:51-0500] <davidvs> spinning up a heroku dyno is relatively cheap though
  76. [2017-04-21T05:45:09-0500] <ultra-> Well, I do understand how to retrieve and structure their JSON data, and I can do it with large groups of data at once
  77. [2017-04-21T05:45:29-0500] <ultra-> so I might have to do it 50 times, once for each state
  78. [2017-04-21T05:45:42-0500] kr1shnak ( joined the channel
  79. [2017-04-21T05:46:28-0500] Cabanossi ( joined the channel
  80. [2017-04-21T05:46:38-0500] <ultra-> is this what you meant?
  81. [2017-04-21T05:46:55-0500] <davidvs> yeah
  82. [2017-04-21T05:47:14-0500] <ultra-> ok, i’ll add that into my bag of tricks too
  83. [2017-04-21T05:47:16-0500] <davidvs> you can set the intial query , then it gets updated atomically whenever anything changes
  84. [2017-04-21T05:47:25-0500] <davidvs> as opposed to fetching the entire tree every time you want to refresh the data
  85. [2017-04-21T05:47:32-0500] <ultra-> that is awesome
  86. [2017-04-21T05:47:35-0500] <davidvs> so cache the local copy and you've saved yourself some $$$
  87. [2017-04-21T05:48:10-0500] PickAndMix (~Max@ left IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  88. [2017-04-21T05:48:26-0500] <ultra-> ok
  89. [2017-04-21T05:48:35-0500] dardevelin (~dardeveli@unaffiliated/dardevelin) left IRC (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  90. [2017-04-21T05:48:47-0500] <ultra-> well i’m headed off on a road trip for the weekend, have a good day and thanks for the information
  91. [2017-04-21T05:48:56-0500] <davidvs> good luck
  92. [2017-04-21T05:49:10-0500] ultra- ( left IRC (Quit: ultra-)
  93. [2017-04-21T05:50:09-0500] ultra- ( joined the channel
  94. [2017-04-21T05:50:45-0500] <ultra-> davidvs: I just screwed up and closed colloquoy… would you mind pasting what you initially said (the swift code) about updating the data?
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