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a guest
Nov 23rd, 2016
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  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <conio.h>
  3. main()
  4. {
  5. char name[50],bdate[20],add[50],age[3],cnumber[13],course[15],section[5],mother[50],father[50],primary[50],secondary[50],college[50];
  6. printf("\n\t What is your Full Name:Last,First MI ");
  7. gets(name);
  8. printf("\n\t Enter complete address: ");
  9. gets(add);
  10. printf("\n\t Enter your birthday: ");
  11. gets(bdate);
  12. printf("\n\t Enter your age:");
  13. gets(age);
  14. printf("\n\t Enter your cnumber:");
  15. gets(cnumber);
  16. printf("\n\t Enter your course:");
  17. gets(course);
  18. printf("\n\t Enter your section:");
  19. gets(section);
  20. printf("\n\t Enter your father's name:");
  21. gets(father);
  22. printf("\n\t Enter your mother's name:");
  23. gets(mother);
  24. printf("\n\n\t####################################");
  25. printf("\n\t\t PERSONAL INFORMATION");
  26. printf("\n\t ###################################");
  27. printf("\n\n");
  28. printf("\n\t Your Complete Name is:%s",name);
  29. printf("\n\t Your Birthday is:%s",bdate);
  30. printf("\n\t Your Address is:%s",add);
  31. printf("\n\t Your Age is:%s",age);
  32. printf("\n\t Your Cnumber is:%s",cnumber);
  33. printf("\n\t Your Course is:%s",course);
  34. printf("\n\t Your Section is:%s",section);
  35. printf("\n\t Your Father's name is:%s",father);
  36. printf("\n\n\t Enter your primary school name and address:");
  37. gets(primary);
  38. printf("\n\t Enter your secondary school name and address:");
  39. gets(secondary);
  40. printf("\n\t Enter your college name and address:");
  41. gets(college);
  42. printf("\n\n\t####################################");
  43. printf("\n\t\t EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND");
  44. printf("\n\t ###################################");
  45. printf("\n\n");
  46. printf("\n\t Your Primary School Name and Address is:%s",primary);
  47. printf("\n\t Your Secondary School Name and Address is:%s",secondary);
  48. printf("\n\t Your College Name and Address is:%s",college);
  49. getch();
  50. }
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