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May 6th, 2017
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  1. 00:15.27 >>> join/&chat_002 (v!v@localhost.local)
  2. 00:15.27 >>> ServerMode/&chat_002 (+t) by localhost.local
  3. 00:15.27 [Users &chat_002]
  4. 00:15.27 [ bitlbee] [ pagga] [ v]
  5. 00:15.27 >>> Irssi: &chat_002: Total of 3 nicks (0 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 3 normal)
  6. 00:15.27 >>> Topic for &chat_002: BitlBee groupchat: "MSN groupchat session 1718772178". Please keep in mind that root-commands won't work here. Have fun!
  7. 00:15.28 >>> Irssi: Join to &chat_002 was synced in 1 secs
  8. 00:15.29 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  9. 00:15.32 < v> hy
  10. 00:15.33 < v> does this work
  11. 00:15.43 < infid3l> yea
  12. 00:15.48 < v> pagga:
  13. 00:16.01 < v> pagga:
  14. 00:16.01 < v> pagga:
  15. 00:16.02 < v> pagga:
  16. 00:16.02 < v> pagga:
  17. 00:16.02 < v> pagga:
  18. 00:16.02 < v> pagga:
  19. 00:16.09 < infid3l> pagga is such a faggot
  20. 00:16.12 < infid3l> i hate him so much
  21. 00:16.14 < v> why
  22. 00:16.20 < infid3l> OOPS WE'RE IN A GROUP SHAT
  24. 00:16.43 < pagga> o
  25. 00:16.44 < pagga> lol
  26. 00:16.44 < v> o
  27. 00:16.48 < v> ok so
  28. 00:16.49 < v> qwat the kike
  29. 00:16.50 < v> is your
  30. 00:16.51 < pagga> 00:16 -!- Topic for &chat_000: BitlBee groupchat: "MSN groupchat session 1718772178". Please keep in mind that root-commands won't work here.
  31. Have fun!
  32. 00:16.51 < v> are your
  33. 00:16.52 < pagga> lorf
  34. 00:16.54 < v> are both
  35. 00:16.55 < v> of your problems
  36. 00:17.01 >>> Topic for &chat_002: BitlBee groupchat: "MSN groupchat session 1718772178". Please keep in mind that root-commands won't work here. Have fun!
  37. 00:17.06 < pagga> you
  38. 00:17.09 < infid3l> your mysql server is fucked
  39. 00:17.10 < infid3l> sorry
  40. 00:17.12 < v> how is that
  41. 00:17.14 < pagga> but apart from that
  42. 00:17.16 < pagga> ^
  43. 00:17.18 < infid3l> atypical behaviour
  44. 00:17.20 < v> you mean
  45. 00:17.20 < pagga> ^
  46. 00:17.21 < v> `a'
  47. 00:17.22 < v> is your problem
  48. 00:17.27 < infid3l> you're my problem
  49. 00:17.33 < v> st�tus on
  50. 00:17.35 < v> ascertaining
  51. 00:17.37 < v> the particularity
  52. 00:17.38 < v> of the problem
  53. 00:17.39 < v> and then
  54. 00:17.40 < v> blogging me
  55. 00:17.41 < v> fgt
  56. 00:17.45 < infid3l> oh idc
  57. 00:17.46 < infid3l> just saying
  58. 00:17.49 < infid3l> your shit is fucked
  59. 00:17.52 < v> how is it fucked
  60. 00:17.53 < v> you blithering
  61. 00:17.55 < v> basket
  62. 00:17.57 < infid3l> dono it's just fucked you fag
  63. 00:18.00 < v> how
  64. 00:18.00 < v> is
  65. 00:18.00 < v> t
  66. 00:18.01 < v> fucked
  67. 00:18.05 < infid3l> I JUST TOLD YOU I DONO
  68. 00:18.09 < infid3l> IT DOESN'T WORK, CLEARLY
  69. 00:18.10 < infid3l> YOU KIKE
  70. 00:18.15 < v> holy fucking kike
  71. 00:18.16 < v> qwat does
  72. 00:18.18 < v> cause
  73. 00:18.21 < v> the lack
  74. 00:18.22 < v> of working
  75. 00:18.23 < v> you so
  76. 00:18.23 < infid3l> YOU
  77. 00:18.24 < v> eloquently
  78. 00:18.25 < v> alluded to
  79. 00:18.28 < v> to
  80. 00:18.30 < v> occur
  81. 00:18.31 < v> you fag
  82. 00:18.43 < infid3l> babak@nefesh:(~)> $ mysql -h localhost -u root hxabc -p < hxabc.sql
  83. 00:18.43 < infid3l> Enter password:
  84. 00:18.43 < infid3l> ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 49: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema'
  85. 00:18.48 < pagga> status of you both ceasing this ridiculous mating ritual
  86. 00:18.51 < infid3l> nice relevant error
  87. 00:18.54 < pagga> and blogging incisely
  88. 00:19.01 < v> how is
  89. 00:19.03 < v> you being
  90. 00:19.04 < v> incapable
  91. 00:19.04 < v> to type
  92. 00:19.07 < v> in QWERTY
  93. 00:19.08 < v> my fault
  94. 00:19.11 < infid3l> ...
  95. 00:19.24 < v> root@nefesh:(~)> # mysql -h localhost -u root -p
  96. 00:19.24 < v> Enter password:
  97. 00:19.24 < v> Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
  98. 00:19.32 < v> arab@nefesh:(~)> $ mysql -h localhost -u root -p
  99. 00:19.32 < v> Enter password:
  100. 00:19.32 < v> Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
  101. 00:19.33 < infid3l> ok?
  102. 00:19.33 < v> gj
  103. 00:19.35 < v> ok?
  104. 00:19.48 < infid3l> are you stupid
  105. 00:19.49 < infid3l> [yes]
  106. 00:19.56 < infid3l> just shut down your computer
  107. 00:20.21 < v> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  108. 00:20.21 < v> | Grants for root@localhost |
  109. 00:20.21 < v> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  110. 00:20.21 < v> | GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD '*4B4E81D40DB2F6559F14FDB30FFDBF631605F44B' WITH GRANT OPTION |
  111. 00:20.21 < v> +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  112. 00:20.24 < v> more like
  113. 00:20.25 < v> learn how to use
  114. 00:20.26 < v> mysql
  115. 00:20.27 < v> and php
  116. 00:20.29 < v> you worthless
  117. 00:20.30 < v> baboon
  118. 00:20.45 < pagga> moderately rude
  119. 00:20.46 < infid3l> ...
  120. 00:20.51 < v> ...
  121. 00:20.53 < v> did you brain
  122. 00:20.56 < v> just implode
  123. 00:21.00 < v> you lode full of l0de
  124. 00:21.02 < pagga> so is it fixed now
  125. 00:21.07 < v> no since infid3l is inept
  126. 00:21.10 < infid3l> no
  127. 00:21.11 < infid3l> you are
  128. 00:21.13 < v> no
  129. 00:21.14 < v> you are
  130. 00:21.19 < infid3l> i've done this 238429 times before
  131. 00:21.21 < pagga> status of you both ceasing this ridiculous mating ritual
  132. 00:21.22 < pagga> status of you both ceasing this ridiculous mating ritual
  133. 00:21.23 < infid3l> on working mysqlds
  134. 00:21.23 < pagga> status of you both ceasing this ridiculous mating ritual
  135. 00:21.26 < infid3l> you stupid fag
  136. 00:21.27 < v> my mysqld
  137. 00:21.27 < v> works
  138. 00:21.29 < infid3l> no
  139. 00:21.30 < v> you do not
  140. 00:21.30 < infid3l> it's gay
  141. 00:21.30 < v> work
  142. 00:21.31 < infid3l> like you
  143. 00:21.33 < v> how is it gay
  144. 00:21.35 < pagga> status of you both ceasing this ridiculous mating ritual and focusing on the bloggle in hand
  145. 00:21.35 < v> so what
  146. 00:21.36 < v> youre gay too
  147. 00:21.39 < v> you gay faggot
  148. 00:21.41 < infid3l> it has had issues before
  149. 00:21.43 < v> you gay flaming homosexual queer
  150. 00:21.45 < infid3l> i remember
  151. 00:21.46 < v> you had issues before
  152. 00:21.48 < v> no
  153. 00:21.50 < v> it has never
  154. 00:21.51 < v> had any
  155. 00:21.51 < infid3l> it's cursed w/ being FUCKED
  156. 00:21.52 < v> issues
  157. 00:21.53 < v> whatsoever
  158. 00:22.07 < pagga> status of reinstall
  159. 00:22.07 < infid3l> you're cursed w/ never getting fucked
  160. 00:22.19 < v> you're cursed w/ having shani fuck you over
  161. 00:22.23 < pagga> cursor miner
  162. 00:22.35 < infid3l> i dumped her buddy
  163. 00:22.38 < infid3l> i could still fuck her if i wanted
  164. 00:22.38 < infid3l> i could still fuck her if i wanted
  165. 00:22.39 < infid3l> i could still fuck her if i wanted
  166. 00:22.45 < v> oh really
  167. 00:22.51 < v> status on enacting
  168. 00:22.52 < v> that there
  169. 00:22.53 < v> fucking
  170. 00:22.55 < v> WISHFUL THINKING
  171. 00:22.56 < v> you pussy
  172. 00:23.01 < v> cunt for an asshole
  173. 00:23.02 < v> dick for a mouth
  174. 00:23.05 < v> face for a dick
  175. 00:23.07 < v> air for brains
  176. 00:23.09 < v> baboon]
  177. 00:23.10 < infid3l> ya rite i don't want to get her emotionally involved w/ me again
  178. 00:23.12 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  179. 00:23.13 < infid3l> i'm free now you idiot
  180. 00:23.13 < v> more like
  181. 00:23.15 < v> you dont want to
  182. 00:23.15 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  183. 00:23.16 < v> get
  184. 00:23.17 < v> emotionally
  185. 00:23.18 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  186. 00:23.19 < v> involved
  187. 00:23.19 < v> w/ her
  188. 00:23.20 < v> again
  189. 00:23.21 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  190. 00:23.24 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  191. 00:23.27 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  192. 00:23.27 < v> theres no
  193. 00:23.29 < v> mutual binting
  194. 00:23.30 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  195. 00:23.33 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  196. 00:23.34 < v> infid3l is an incredibly FUCKING CHILDISH IDIOT
  197. 00:23.36 < v> WHO CANT DEAL W/
  198. 00:23.37 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  199. 00:23.38 < v> HAVING EMOTIONS
  200. 00:23.40 < pagga> lol@your mutual binting episodes pervading even this here techincal support shat
  201. 00:23.41 < infid3l> emotional involvement stopped when i initially dumped her
  202. 00:23.43 < infid3l> buddy boy
  203. 00:23.43 < pagga> can we leave 16yo out of this please
  204. 00:23.45 < pagga> can we leave 16yo out of this please
  205. 00:23.46 < infid3l> no
  206. 00:23.48 < v> well
  207. 00:23.48 < pagga> can we leave 16yo out of this please
  208. 00:23.48 < infid3l> you're
  209. 00:23.48 < v> i would
  210. 00:23.49 < infid3l> an idoit
  211. 00:23.50 < v> but infid3l isn't
  212. 00:23.50 < pagga> can we leave 16yo out of this please
  213. 00:23.50 < infid3l> ito
  214. 00:23.51 < v> doing that
  215. 00:23.51 < infid3l> ou
  216. 00:23.55 < v> 00:23.41 < infid3l> emotional involvement stopped when i initially dumped her
  217. 00:23.57 < pagga> can we leave 16yo out of this MySQL support session please
  218. 00:23.57 < v> which is why
  219. 00:23.57 < pagga> can we leave 16yo out of this MySQL support session please
  220. 00:23.58 < v> you kept
  221. 00:23.58 < pagga> can we leave 16yo out of this MySQL support session please
  222. 00:24.00 < v> angering
  223. 00:24.00 < v> at me
  224. 00:24.01 < v> yday
  225. 00:24.01 < pagga> can we leave 16yo out of this MySQL support session please
  226. 00:24.02 < pagga> can we leave 16yo out of this MySQL support session please
  227. 00:24.02 < v> when i mentioned her
  228. 00:24.09 < v> also
  229. 00:24.09 < v> 00:22.35 < infid3l> i dumped her buddy
  230. 00:24.09 < v> 00:22.38 < infid3l> i could still fuck her if i wanted
  231. 00:24.10 < infid3l> because you wouldn't stop mentioning her
  232. 00:24.11 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues out of this MySQL support session please
  233. 00:24.11 < v> do it buddy
  234. 00:24.12 < infid3l> you fucknig fuck
  235. 00:24.14 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues out of this MySQL support session please
  236. 00:24.15 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues out of this MySQL support session please
  237. 00:24.15 < v> there's no
  238. 00:24.16 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues out of this MySQL support session please
  239. 00:24.16 < v> logical
  240. 00:24.17 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues out of this MySQL support session please
  241. 00:24.17 < v> connection
  242. 00:24.18 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues out of this MySQL support session please
  243. 00:24.18 < v> between
  244. 00:24.19 < v> incessant
  245. 00:24.20 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues out of this MySQL support session please
  246. 00:24.21 < v> mentioning
  247. 00:24.22 < v> and totally
  248. 00:24.22 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues out of this MySQL support session please
  249. 00:24.24 < v> flipping out
  250. 00:24.25 < v> as if i just
  251. 00:24.26 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues out of this MySQL support session please
  252. 00:24.27 < v> fucked your mother
  253. 00:24.28 < v> in front of you
  254. 00:24.31 < infid3l> ...
  255. 00:24.34 < infid3l> you really don't get
  256. 00:24.36 < infid3l> how annoying you are
  257. 00:24.37 < infid3l> then
  258. 00:24.38 < infid3l> you kike
  259. 00:24.39 < v> you really don't get
  260. 00:24.40 < v> how emo
  261. 00:24.41 < v> you are
  262. 00:24.41 < v> then
  263. 00:24.42 < v> you kike
  264. 00:24.47 < infid3l> oh n1
  265. 00:24.50 < v> lol n1
  266. 00:24.54 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues + egotistical pissing contests out of this MySQL support session please
  267. 00:24.57 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues + egotistical pissing contests out of this MySQL support session please
  268. 00:24.59 < infid3l> i'll fucking fuck your face right here lucio
  269. 00:25.00 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues + egotistical pissing contests out of this MySQL support session please
  270. 00:25.02 < v> mr IMiSSYOUSHANI
  271. 00:25.03 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues + egotistical pissing contests out of this MySQL support session please
  272. 00:25.06 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues + egotistical pissing contests out of this MySQL support session please
  273. 00:25.07 < v> mr ICOULDSTILLFUCKSHANI
  274. 00:25.09 < v> oh really
  275. 00:25.10 < pagga> can we leave 16yo + related issues + egotistical pissing contests out of this MySQL support session please
  276. 00:25.13 < infid3l> i could
  277. 00:25.15 < v> ill fucking kiss you right here baboli
  278. 00:25.19 < v> try me
  279. 00:25.21 < v> you huge coward
  280. 00:25.27 < v> thought so
  281. 00:25.31 < infid3l> fuck you you fucking faggot
  282. 00:25.34 < infid3l> fuckfgucfeck
  283. 00:25.34 < v> emosilent sulking jellyfish
  284. 00:25.39 < v> bereft of anything
  285. 00:25.40 < infid3l> i'm leaving this chat
  286. 00:25.43 < v> oh really
  287. 00:25.45 < infid3l> yes
  288. 00:25.47 < v> are you jellyfishing out
  289. 00:25.47 < infid3l> right now
  290. 00:25.48 < v> you jellyfish
  291. 00:25.49 < infid3l> NO
  292. 00:25.50 < infid3l> I"M NOT
  293. 00:25.51 < v> are you going back
  294. 00:25.52 < infid3l> JELLYFIDNdi
  295. 00:25.54 < v> to your jellyfish
  296. 00:25.55 < infid3l> NO
  297. 00:25.56 < infid3l> NO
  298. 00:25.56 < v> island
  299. 00:25.56 < infid3l> NO
  300. 00:25.57 < pagga> can we get back to the matter at hand now
  301. 00:25.57 < infid3l> NO
  302. 00:25.57 < pagga> can we get back to the matter at hand now
  303. 00:25.58 < infid3l> NO
  304. 00:25.58 < pagga> can we get back to the matter at hand now
  305. 00:25.59 < v> w/ your jellyfish famalam
  306. 00:26.03 < v> to talk about jellyfish things
  307. 00:26.08 < infid3l> IM ONT A JELLYFISH
  308. 00:26.09 < v> such as not being allowed
  309. 00:26.12 < v> near shani's vulva
  310. 00:26.17 < v> or emoquitting
  311. 00:26.19 < v> &chat_002
  312. 00:26.22 < v> like a jellyfish
  313. 00:26.23 < infid3l> SHU TUTP
  314. 00:26.24 < infid3l> SUHESThunIm
  315. 00:26.26 < v> you fucking
  316. 00:26.27 < infid3l> I"M NOT ASJHELYLFIshb
  317. 00:26.28 < v> jellyfish
  318. 00:26.29 < infid3l> NO
  319. 00:26.30 < v> shut up
  320. 00:26.31 < infid3l> NO
  321. 00:26.31 < infid3l> NO
  322. 00:26.32 < v> i dont speak jellyfish
  323. 00:26.35 < infid3l> OMG
  324. 00:26.36 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  325. 00:26.38 < v> emopart
  326. 00:26.42 < pagga> lorf
  327. 00:27.03 < v> 00:15.29 >>> Inviting infid3l to &chat_002
  328. 00:27.03 < v> 00:26.49 <v> hey
  329. 00:27.03 < v> 00:26.51 <v> jellyfish
  330. 00:27.03 < v> 00:26.52 <v> come back
  331. 00:27.03 < v> 00:26.53 <v> right now
  332. 00:27.03 < v> 00:26.54 <infid3l> no
  333. 00:27.03 < v> 00:26.58 <v> whjy not
  334. 00:27.29 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  335. 00:27.31 < v> hy
  336. 00:27.43 < v> hey shanifish
  337. 00:27.45 < infid3l> u think u kno me u loser
  338. 00:27.53 < v> is that a verbatim shani quote
  339. 00:27.57 < infid3l> u dont kno shit so just shut the FUCK up
  340. 00:28.00 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  341. 00:28.04 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  342. 00:28.05 < v> im still waiting
  343. 00:28.07 < v> on you
  344. 00:28.08 < v> to actually
  345. 00:28.09 < v> fuck
  346. 00:28.09 < pagga> nice perpetual circular binting
  347. 00:28.09 < v> shani
  348. 00:28.14 < v> as you promised
  349. 00:28.17 < pagga> ok girls are you done now
  350. 00:28.21 < v> pagga sawi t all
  351. 00:28.23 < v> YOU FUCKING
  352. 00:28.25 < v> CHILDISCH
  353. 00:28.26 < v> FEMALE
  354. 00:28.27 < v> JELLYFISH
  355. 00:28.34 < v> a shark shit you out
  356. 00:28.36 < pagga> ok
  357. 00:28.40 < pagga> now we've established this
  358. 00:28.46 < v> true
  359. 00:28.49 < v> weve established it
  360. 00:28.52 < v> lets mvoe on
  361. 00:28.56 < v> now that its been established
  362. 00:29.00 < pagga> can we get back to the scheduled agenda
  363. 00:29.01 < v> how
  364. 00:29.02 < pagga> of
  365. 00:29.06 < v> 1) babak never kissed shani
  366. 00:29.07 < pagga> MySQL
  367. 00:29.10 < v> 2) babak never fingered shani
  368. 00:29.13 < v> 2) babak never hugged shani
  369. 00:29.18 < v> 2) babak never touched shani at all
  370. 00:29.20 < v> 2) babak never fucked shani
  371. 00:29.31 < v> 5) babak cant count either
  372. 00:29.39 < v> 6) babak cant actually fuck shani still
  373. 00:29.47 < v> 7) babak doesnt know php
  374. 00:29.51 < v> 8) babak doesnt know mysql
  375. 00:29.55 < v> 9) babak is a huge child
  376. 00:29.57 < v> so
  377. 00:29.58 < v> lets move on
  378. 00:29.59 < v> infid3l:
  379. 00:30.02 < pagga> ok well i've added all this tothe minutes of this meeting
  380. 00:30.17 < pagga> now to address your mysql installation
  381. 00:30.27 < pagga> and it's various idiosyncracies
  382. 00:30.46 < v> my mysql installation
  383. 00:30.46 < v> is fine
  384. 00:31.10 < pagga> outvoted 2:1
  385. 00:31.14 < pagga> status of reinstall
  386. 00:31.17 < v> not with logic
  387. 00:31.22 < v> status on making sense
  388. 00:31.26 < pagga> d/c
  389. 00:31.32 < v> d/c too
  390. 00:31.36 < v> now what
  391. 00:31.36 < pagga> this is a dictatorship
  392. 00:31.41 < pagga> and i'm chairman aghtar
  393. 00:32.23 < v> this is king vxp
  394. 00:32.31 < infid3l> HAHA LOOK AT VXP HERE
  395. 00:32.35 < infid3l> OBSESSED WITH ME
  396. 00:32.36 < v> enough said
  397. 00:32.38 < infid3l> HAHAHA JUST LIKE A GIRL
  398. 00:32.41 < v> ERROR 1007 (HY000) at line 21: Can't create database 'cdcol'; database exists
  399. 00:32.44 < v> hi @ logic
  400. 00:32.46 < pagga> status of adhering to the agenda of this here innanets conference meeting
  401. 00:32.50 < v> you are all retarded
  402. 00:32.51 < v> pagga: well
  403. 00:32.54 < pagga> what
  404. 00:32.54 < v> pagga: infid3l broke the charter
  405. 00:32.58 < v> 00:32.31 < infid3l> HAHA LOOK AT VXP HERE
  406. 00:32.58 < v> 00:32.35 < infid3l> OBSESSED WITH ME
  407. 00:32.59 < v> 00:32.38 < infid3l> HAHAHA JUST LIKE A GIRL
  408. 00:33.01 < v> i dont see
  409. 00:33.03 < pagga> yes i know
  410. 00:33.04 < v> how you can expect me
  411. 00:33.05 < v> to adhere
  412. 00:33.07 < v> to the precious
  413. 00:33.07 < v> rules
  414. 00:33.09 < v> of this here shat
  415. 00:33.10 < v> if infid3l
  416. 00:33.11 < v> constantly
  417. 00:33.14 < infid3l> ALALLA
  418. 00:33.15 < v> keeps pissing on them
  419. 00:33.16 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPID
  420. 00:33.16 < v> to satisfy
  421. 00:33.18 < v> his desire
  422. 00:33.19 < pagga> guise we are digressing here
  423. 00:33.20 < v> to show
  424. 00:33.20 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  425. 00:33.22 < v> affection for me
  426. 00:33.22 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  427. 00:33.23 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  428. 00:33.23 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  429. 00:33.24 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  430. 00:33.24 < v> in his
  431. 00:33.24 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  432. 00:33.25 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  433. 00:33.25 < v> childish
  434. 00:33.25 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  435. 00:33.26 < v> little
  436. 00:33.26 < pagga> guise we are digressing here
  437. 00:33.26 < v> manner
  438. 00:33.26 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  439. 00:33.27 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  440. 00:33.27 < pagga> guise we are digressing here
  441. 00:33.27 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  442. 00:33.27 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  443. 00:33.27 < pagga> guise we are digressing here
  444. 00:33.28 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  445. 00:33.28 < pagga> guise we are digressing here
  446. 00:33.28 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  447. 00:33.29 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  448. 00:33.29 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  449. 00:33.31 < pagga> guise we are digressing here
  450. 00:33.33 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  451. 00:33.33 < infid3l> VXP IS STUPId
  452. 00:33.33 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  453. 00:33.33 < pagga> guise we are digressing here
  454. 00:33.36 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  455. 00:33.37 < v> hy
  456. 00:33.38 < pagga> lorf
  457. 00:33.41 < v> im going to
  458. 00:33.42 < v> erase
  459. 00:33.44 < v> your worthless
  460. 00:33.44 < v> tables
  461. 00:33.47 < v> and mysqlimport (1)
  462. 00:33.47 < v> your dumpo
  463. 00:33.51 < v> infid3l: since you are
  464. 00:33.52 < v> apparently
  465. 00:33.54 < v> too overwhemled
  466. 00:33.56 < v> w/ your emotions
  467. 00:33.57 < v> for shani
  468. 00:34.00 < v> and jellyfishes
  469. 00:34.00 < pagga> why the fuck is `cdcol' even there
  470. 00:34.01 < v> andm e
  471. 00:34.01 < pagga> lorf
  472. 00:34.02 < v> to do it
  473. 00:34.03 < v> because
  474. 00:34.04 < v> that's
  475. 00:34.05 < v> part of your dump
  476. 00:34.07 < v> you
  477. 00:34.07 < v> kike
  478. 00:34.12 < pagga> whaut
  479. 00:34.13 < infid3l> ur stupid
  480. 00:34.15 < infid3l> i've done this b4
  481. 00:34.17 < infid3l> also
  482. 00:34.18 < infid3l> ur stupid
  483. 00:34.19 < infid3l> bye
  484. 00:34.20 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  485. 00:34.23 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  486. 00:34.24 < v> hy
  487. 00:34.28 < infid3l> LEAVEM MALONE
  488. 00:34.31 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  489. 00:34.31 < pagga> seriously
  490. 00:34.34 < pagga> can we
  491. 00:34.36 < pagga> just
  492. 00:34.37 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  493. 00:34.38 < pagga> focus
  494. 00:34.39 < v> hy
  495. 00:34.39 < pagga> @
  496. 00:34.41 < v> i can
  497. 00:34.42 < pagga> mysql
  498. 00:34.42 < v> infid3l cant
  499. 00:34.46 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  500. 00:34.47 < v> hes being a huge autis
  501. 00:34.49 < v> hy
  502. 00:34.50 < pagga> tru
  503. 00:34.50 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  504. 00:34.51 < v> hes being a huge autist
  505. 00:34.52 < v> as usual
  506. 00:34.54 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  507. 00:34.54 < v> i dojnt see
  508. 00:34.54 < v> why
  509. 00:34.56 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  510. 00:34.57 < pagga> i agree w/ that
  511. 00:35.02 < infid3l> LEAVE ME A LONE
  512. 00:35.03 < v> so dont side w/ his bullshit
  513. 00:35.04 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  514. 00:35.05 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  515. 00:35.26 < v> can you
  516. 00:35.26 < v> stop
  517. 00:35.29 < v> being a hormone
  518. 00:35.30 < infid3l> stop reinviting me
  519. 00:35.32 < infid3l> to this fucking shat
  520. 00:35.34 < v> no
  521. 00:35.41 < infid3l> it doesn't concern me you kike
  522. 00:35.45 < infid3l> what do you want-
  523. 00:35.48 < infid3l> besides my binting
  524. 00:35.51 < infid3l> you bintfiending fuckball
  525. 00:35.54 < v> ERROR 1044 (42000) at line 49: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema'
  526. 00:35.55 < v> cool
  527. 00:35.58 < pagga> vxp: you are right
  528. 00:35.59 < v> there's no reason
  529. 00:36.00 < v> for that dump
  530. 00:36.02 < pagga> my db dump is fucked
  531. 00:36.03 < pagga> lorf
  532. 00:36.03 < v> to even
  533. 00:36.06 < v> no shit?
  534. 00:36.11 < pagga> redumping
  535. 00:36.14 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  536. 00:36.23 < v> --
  537. 00:36.23 < v> -- Dumping data for table `CHARACTER_SETS`
  538. 00:36.23 < v> --
  540. 00:36.23 < v> ('big5', 'big5_chinese_ci', 'Big5 Traditional Chinese', 2),
  541. 00:36.23 < v> ('dec8', 'dec8_swedish_ci', 'DEC West European', 1),
  542. 00:36.23 < v> ('cp850', 'cp850_general_ci', 'DOS West European', 1),
  543. 00:36.23 < v> ('hp8', 'hp8_english_ci', 'HP West European', 1),
  544. 00:36.23 < v> ('koi8r', 'koi8r_general_ci', 'KOI8-R Relcom Russian', 1),
  545. 00:36.23 < v> ('latin1', 'latin1_swedish_ci', 'cp1252 West European', 1),
  546. 00:36.23 < v> ('latin2', 'latin2_general_ci', 'ISO 8859-2 Central European', 1),
  547. 00:36.23 < v> ('swe7', 'swe7_swedish_ci', '7bit Swedish', 1),
  548. 00:36.23 < v> ('ascii', 'ascii_general_ci', 'US ASCII', 1),
  549. 00:36.23 < v> ('ujis', 'ujis_japanese_ci', 'EUC-JP Japanese', 3),
  550. 00:36.23 < v> ('sjis', 'sjis_japanese_ci', 'Shift-JIS Japanese', 2),
  551. 00:36.23 < v> ('hebrew', 'hebrew_general_ci', 'ISO 8859-8 Hebrew', 1),
  552. 00:36.23 < v> ('tis620', 'tis620_thai_ci', 'TIS620 Thai', 1),
  553. 00:36.23 < v> ('euckr', 'euckr_korean_ci', 'EUC-KR Korean', 2),
  554. 00:36.23 < v> ('koi8u', 'koi8u_general_ci', 'KOI8-U Ukrainian', 1),
  555. 00:36.23 < v> ('gb2312', 'gb2312_chinese_ci', 'GB2312 Simplified Chinese', 2),
  556. 00:36.24 < v> ok pagga
  557. 00:36.25 < v> are you kidding me
  558. 00:36.30 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  559. 00:36.31 < v> --
  560. 00:36.31 < v> -- Dumping data for table `CHARACTER_SETS`
  561. 00:36.31 < v> --
  563. 00:36.31 < v> ('big5', 'big5_chinese_ci', 'Big5 Traditional Chinese', 2),
  564. 00:36.31 < v> ('dec8', 'dec8_swedish_ci', 'DEC West European', 1),
  565. 00:36.31 < v> ('cp850', 'cp850_general_ci', 'DOS West European', 1),
  566. 00:36.31 < v> ('hp8', 'hp8_english_ci', 'HP West European', 1),
  567. 00:36.31 < v> ('koi8r', 'koi8r_general_ci', 'KOI8-R Relcom Russian', 1),
  568. 00:36.31 < v> ('latin1', 'latin1_swedish_ci', 'cp1252 West European', 1),
  569. 00:36.31 < v> ('latin2', 'latin2_general_ci', 'ISO 8859-2 Central European', 1),
  570. 00:36.31 < v> ('swe7', 'swe7_swedish_ci', '7bit Swedish', 1),
  571. 00:36.31 < v> ('ascii', 'ascii_general_ci', 'US ASCII', 1),
  572. 00:36.31 < v> ('ujis', 'ujis_japanese_ci', 'EUC-JP Japanese', 3),
  573. 00:36.31 < v> ('sjis', 'sjis_japanese_ci', 'Shift-JIS Japanese', 2),
  574. 00:36.31 < v> ('hebrew', 'hebrew_general_ci', 'ISO 8859-8 Hebrew', 1),
  575. 00:36.31 < v> ('tis620', 'tis620_thai_ci', 'TIS620 Thai', 1),
  576. 00:36.31 < v> ('euckr', 'euckr_korean_ci', 'EUC-KR Korean', 2),
  577. 00:36.31 < v> ('koi8u', 'koi8u_general_ci', 'KOI8-U Ukrainian', 1),
  578. 00:36.31 < v> ('gb2312', 'gb2312_chinese_ci', 'GB2312 Simplified Chinese', 2),
  579. 00:36.33 < v> infid3l: NICE FUCKING DUMP
  580. 00:36.35 < v> infid3l: YOU HUGE NIGGER
  582. 00:36.48 < infid3l> i didn't make the dump you shitfucker
  583. 00:36.52 < v> you opined
  584. 00:36.59 < v> and termed my mysql installation
  585. 00:37.01 < v> broken
  586. 00:37.03 < v> and whatnot
  587. 00:37.05 < v> you huge
  588. 00:37.06 < v> bint
  589. 00:37.13 < infid3l> whatever i assumed the dump wasn't retarded
  590. 00:37.18 < infid3l> gj pagga
  591. 00:37.18 < v> you mean
  592. 00:37.19 < v> you assumed
  593. 00:37.22 < v> stop
  594. 00:37.22 < infid3l> now leave me alone
  595. 00:37.24 < v> relegating
  596. 00:37.25 < infid3l> SHUT UP
  597. 00:37.27 < v> the responsibility
  598. 00:37.29 < v> for your
  599. 00:37.30 < infid3l> SHUT
  600. 00:37.30 < infid3l> THE
  601. 00:37.31 < v> testament
  602. 00:37.31 < infid3l> FUCK
  603. 00:37.32 < infid3l> UP
  604. 00:37.32 < infid3l> SHUt
  605. 00:37.33 < infid3l> THE
  606. 00:37.33 < v> to spineless
  607. 00:37.34 < infid3l> FUCK
  608. 00:37.34 < infid3l> UP
  609. 00:37.35 < v> jellyfishii
  610. 00:37.36 < infid3l> SHUT
  611. 00:37.37 < v> around the world
  612. 00:37.37 < infid3l> THE
  613. 00:37.37 < v> to pagga
  614. 00:37.37 < infid3l> FUCk
  615. 00:37.38 < infid3l> Up
  616. 00:37.38 < v> you fucking
  617. 00:37.39 < infid3l> SHUT
  618. 00:37.39 < v> bloody
  619. 00:37.39 < infid3l> THE
  620. 00:37.40 < infid3l> FUck
  621. 00:37.40 < infid3l> UP
  622. 00:37.41 < v> worthless
  623. 00:37.42 < v> jellyfish
  624. 00:37.42 < infid3l> SHEt
  625. 00:37.42 < infid3l> uthesuhdoesu
  626. 00:37.43 < infid3l> oeu
  627. 00:37.43 < infid3l> oeuthoeu
  628. 00:37.44 >>> emopart/&chat_002 (infid3l! ()
  629. 00:37.45 < pagga> 00:37 < infid3l[emo]> whatever i assumed the dump wasn't retarded
  630. 00:37.46 < pagga> 00:37 < infid3l[emo]> gj pagga
  631. 00:37.49 < pagga> never assume
  632. 00:37.50 >>> join/&chat_002 (infid3l!
  633. 00:37.51 < v> infid3l: dont
  634. 00:37.53 < v> infid3l: relegate
  635. 00:37.54 < v> infid3l: the
  636. 00:37.56 < v> infid3l: responsibility
  637. 00:37.57 < v> infid3l: due
  638. 00:37.57 < infid3l> OK
  639. 00:37.57 < pagga> 00:37 < infid3l[emo]> whatever i assumed the dump wasn't retarded
  640. 00:37.57 < pagga> 00:37 < infid3l[emo]> gj pagga
  641. 00:37.58 < infid3l> I WONT
  642. 00:37.58 < v> infid3l: for your
  643. 00:37.59 < v> infid3l: own
  644. 00:38.00 < pagga> never assume
  645. 00:38.01 < pagga> never assume
  646. 00:38.01 < pagga> never assume
  647. 00:38.01 < v> infid3l: fuckups
  648. 00:38.02 < pagga> never assume
  649. 00:38.02 < pagga> never assume
  650. 00:38.05 < pagga> never assume
  651. 00:38.06 < infid3l> FUCK
  652. 00:38.06 < infid3l> OFF
  653. 00:38.07 < pagga> never assume
  654. 00:38.08 < infid3l> BOTH OF YOU
  655. 00:38.10 < infid3l> ARE GAy
  656. 00:38.10 < pagga> never assume
  657. 00:38.11 < infid3l> I HATe
  658. 00:38.11 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  659. 00:38.11 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  660. 00:38.12 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  661. 00:38.12 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  662. 00:38.12 < pagga> never assume
  663. 00:38.12 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  664. 00:38.13 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  665. 00:38.13 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  666. 00:38.13 < infid3l> BOTH OF YOU
  667. 00:38.13 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  668. 00:38.13 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  669. 00:38.14 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  670. 00:38.14 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved
  671. 00:38.19 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved its conducive to normal conversation
  672. 00:38.20 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  673. 00:38.21 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  674. 00:38.22 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  675. 00:38.22 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  676. 00:38.23 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved its conducive to normal conversation
  677. 00:38.24 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  678. 00:38.24 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved its conducive to normal conversation
  679. 00:38.25 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved its conducive to normal conversation
  680. 00:38.27 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  681. 00:38.29 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  682. 00:38.32 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  683. 00:38.34 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  684. 00:38.36 < infid3l> i'm blocking both of you clowns
  685. 00:38.37 < v> infid3l: can you stup sporting a wet cunt everytime im involved its conducive to normal conversation
  686. 00:38.37 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  687. 00:38.40 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  688. 00:38.41 >>> emoquit/infid3l!( (Leaving...)
  689. 00:38.42 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  690. 00:38.45 < pagga> you leatrned an important lesson today - never aSSUME
  691. 00:38.45 < v> lol
  692. 00:38.47 < v> he just
  693. 00:38.48 < v> blocked me
  694. 00:38.49 < pagga> assuming makes an ass out of u and me
  695. 00:38.59 < pagga> gonna blog him that @ pm
  696. 00:39.13 < pagga> loool
  697. 00:39.15 < pagga> he blocked me
  698. 00:39.21 < pagga> too
  699. 00:39.29 < pagga> at least it wasn;t an empty threst
  700. 00:39.30 < pagga> lorf
  701. 00:39.32 < pagga> threat
  702. 00:39.32 < pagga> a
  703. 00:39.33 < pagga> sx
  704. 00:39.35 < pagga> x
  705. 00:39.36 < v> well
  706. 00:39.37 < v> ive to admit
  707. 00:39.38 < pagga> a
  708. 00:39.38 < v> ive been
  709. 00:39.40 < v> doing nothing
  710. 00:39.40 < pagga> xfa
  711. 00:39.41 < v> but
  712. 00:39.44 < v> using him
  713. 00:39.45 < v> as my blogpad
  714. 00:39.47 < v> for the past 3 days
  715. 00:39.49 < v> but hes so bloody
  716. 00:39.51 < v> receptive
  717. 00:39.52 < v> toards it
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