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Wrangler's Character Sheet

a guest
Dec 1st, 2014
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  1. Name: Sling Shot (Nickname: Wrangler)
  2. Gender: Male
  3. Race: Earth Pony
  4. Class: Bard
  5. Talent: Fancy Mathematics: Allows him to come up with near impossible solutions to a situation that would be considered impossible. Examples being that he could calculate the landing point of a ricocheting object or trajectory of a thrown object.
  6. Hit/Wounds: 6/6
  7. Alignment: Chaotic Good
  9. Skills:
  10. Tough
  11. Workhorse
  12. Smooth Talker
  13. Improvise
  14. Inspire
  15. Fast Moves
  17. Inventory: Saddlebag modified to be a tool box on both sides. Tool box modified to store meat. Semi-Large wrench (one handed blunt weapon)
  19. Traits: Has Light Brown mane with a Dark Red Coat. Wears a cowboy hat along with a set of goggles. Tends to be cocky and brash but friendly to those who consider him a good ally. His best friend is a monstrous being whom he has named "Beast". Cutie Mark shows math symbols being tied up by a lasso.
  21. History: Wrangler got his name based on his talent. Wrangling critters. Though that doesn't seem impressive due to his expertise in what his cousins would call "Fancy Mathematics" it did help him in a pinch whenever he had to lasso up a critter or lead them off into a trap set by the others. When he came of age to leave his farm, Wrangler decided to explore more of Equestria. During his travels he met a very strange creature. A buffalo that seem to have lost all of his marbles. He found this "Beast" just as it was about ready to kick the bucket, but Wranglers curiosity was too great to let this big fella die. After somehow dragging Beast (now nicknamed for the big guy's ferocity) back to a cabin he had rented out at the time, Wrangler healed the beast back up. Ever since Wrangler saved Beast's life, Beast had been following Wrangler. During their few years of traveling together, Wrangler has practically tamed the big fella to do whatever he says, only if it involves food as a reward for a job well done. (meat puns)
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