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Oct 19th, 2019
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  1. Is anyone surprised? Public school indoctrination today (and for a couple of generations now) is geared toward shielding and hiding from young skulls full of mush, the basic truths and understanding of the founding of America (the evil villain of the world and to Liberalism). The indoctrination begins when parents send their kids to pre-K babysitting/daycare/early childhood development classes with free breakfast and lunch provided by your friendly Liberal politician and ends if they graduate high school. The best way to destroy the United States from within is to make and keep stupid, young generations of American kids. If you prevent kids from understanding how exceptional (we are the worlds exception regarding freedom and liberty) the United States is, they are easier to convince that it is evil. This is why the Left and the Liberals and the Democrats want so many non-United States born people with no affinity or knowledge of the foundation of the US to flood this nation. They bolster the number of ignorant and impressionable young American kids.Those people have no understanding of the exceptional nature of the United States (and they only see the piggy bank) and they are easy to manipulate with handouts and give-aways that exceed anything that they find in their home countries. The Left then tells the non-US people and ignorant US kids that the evil Republicans want to take the freebies away from them and that Liberalism will keep the gravy flowing to them, as long as they distrust Republicans and the US as founded.
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