
Reading to escape (eng)

Apr 16th, 2012
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  5. Page >> Reading to escape
  6. By >> Ruba []
  7. >> Free to use, to share and alter
  8. >> Please give credit.
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  78. <div id="novu"> <div id="foq">###TITLE###</div>
  79. <a href="/"><div class="zrr" id="back">Back home?</div></a> <a href="/ask"><div class="zrr" id="ask">Questions?</div></a> </div></div><p/> <div id="content">
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  83. <div class="books"><div class="cover">
  84. <img class="portrait" src="PHOTO URL FOR THE BOOK COVER HERE"/><br/></div>
  85. <td class="book1">
  86. <div class="text1">
  87. <span class="info">Title :</span> <a href="THE BOOK URL(GOODREADS?)">Book title</a> | book title2
  88. <br><br>
  89. <span class="info">By:</span> Author | Translator | Publisher
  90. <br><br>
  91. <span class="info">About: </span>
  92. </div>
  93. <td class="book2">
  94. <div class="text2">
  95. <span class="info">Rating: </span> ★★★☆☆
  96. <br/><br/><span class="info">Review: </span> Your review here
  97. <br>
  98. </td>
  99. </tr></div></div>
  100. <!------------------------------- END/ COPY TO ADD NEW BOOK -------------------------------!>
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