Guest User

Failed to deploy Vm with Id:xx

a guest
Oct 2nd, 2013
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  1. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,085 DEBUG [cloud.vm.UserVmManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-6:null) Allocating in the DB for vm
  2. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,085 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-6:null) Allocating entries for VM: VM[User|i-2-25-VM]
  3. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,089 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-6:null) Allocating nics for VM[User|i-2-25-VM]
  4. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,101 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-6:null) Allocaing disks for VM[User|i-2-25-VM]
  5. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,108 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-6:null) Allocation completed for VM: VM[User|i-2-25-VM]
  6. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,110 DEBUG [cloud.vm.UserVmManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-6:null) Successfully allocated DB entry for VM[User|i-2-25-VM]
  7. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,209 DEBUG [cloud.async.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (catalina-exec-6:null) submit async job-22, details: AsyncJobVO {id:22, userId: 2, accountId: 2, sessionKey: null, instanceType: VirtualMachine, instanceId: 25, cmd:, cmdOriginator: null, cmdInfo: {"id":"25","response":"json","templateId":"fa592547-3f15-4fd0-a3c0-27d6f181c2ba","sessionkey":"w5uC4UU10OKaP1kdyv2aTKO5FUM\u003d","ctxUserId":"2","hypervisor":"XenServer","diskOfferingId":"37f7f707-5d4f-4702-8f0e-e1a4d4ab7594","serviceOfferingId":"da128363-1a85-47fe-92a0-5743bd36f875","name":"Windows-7-VM05","_":"1380730295462","ctxAccountId":"2","ctxStartEventId":"174","displayname":"Windows-7-VM05","zoneId":"fb74d05c-e044-420c-a561-0aab49bd25d6"}, cmdVersion: 0, callbackType: 0, callbackAddress: null, status: 0, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0, result: null, initMsid: 8796758914921, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated: null, lastPolled: null, created: null}
  8. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,210 DEBUG [cloud.async.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Executing for job-22
  9. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,255 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) VM state transitted from :Stopped to Starting with event: StartRequestedvm's original host id: null new host id: null host id before state transition: null
  10. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,255 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Successfully transitioned to start state for VM[User|i-2-25-VM] reservation id = 3897f350-c6f6-405e-ba49-8fd5884feeea
  11. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,263 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Trying to deploy VM, vm has dcId: 1 and podId: null
  12. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,264 DEBUG [cloud.vm.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Deploy avoids pods: null, clusters: null, hosts: null
  13. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,268 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) DeploymentPlanner allocation algorithm: random
  14. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,268 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Trying to allocate a host and storage pools from dc:1, pod:null,cluster:null, requested cpu: 500, requested ram: 536870912
  15. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,268 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Is ROOT volume READY (pool already allocated)?: No
  16. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,268 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Searching all possible resources under this Zone: 1
  17. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,272 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Listing clusters in order of aggregate capacity, that have (atleast one host with) enough CPU and RAM capacity under this Zone: 1
  18. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,273 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) CPUOverprovisioningFactor considered: 1.0
  19. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,289 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Checking resources in Cluster: 1 under Pod: 1
  20. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,289 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Calling HostAllocators to find suitable hosts
  21. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,289 DEBUG [allocator.impl.FirstFitAllocator] (Job-Executor-13:job-22 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Looking for hosts in dc: 1 pod:1 cluster:1
  22. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,293 DEBUG [allocator.impl.FirstFitAllocator] (Job-Executor-13:job-22 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) FirstFitAllocator has 2 hosts to check for allocation: [Host[-5-Routing], Host[-1-Routing]]
  23. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,297 DEBUG [allocator.impl.FirstFitAllocator] (Job-Executor-13:job-22 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Found 0 hosts for allocation after prioritization: []
  24. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,297 DEBUG [allocator.impl.FirstFitAllocator] (Job-Executor-13:job-22 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Looking for speed=500Mhz, Ram=512
  25. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,297 DEBUG [allocator.impl.FirstFitAllocator] (Job-Executor-13:job-22 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Host Allocator returning 0 suitable hosts
  26. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,297 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) No suitable hosts found
  27. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,297 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) No suitable hosts found under this Cluster: 1
  28. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,297 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Could not find suitable Deployment Destination for this VM under any clusters, returning.
  29. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,322 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) VM state transitted from :Starting to Stopped with event: OperationFailedvm's original host id: null new host id: null host id before state transition: null
  30. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,349 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) VM state transitted from :Stopped to Error with event: OperationFailedToErrorvm's original host id: null new host id: null host id before state transition: null
  31. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,426 INFO [api.commands.DeployVMCmd] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Unable to create a deployment for VM[User|i-2-25-VM]Scope=interface; id=1
  32. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,427 WARN [cloud.api.ApiDispatcher] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) class : Unable to create a deployment for VM[User|i-2-25-VM]
  33. 2013-10-02 19:11:28,427 DEBUG [cloud.async.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Job-Executor-13:job-22) Complete async job-22, jobStatus: 2, resultCode: 530, result:
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