
Review of FAQ_Man's Tulpa Creation Guide

Dec 1st, 2022
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  1. FAQ_Man's Guide on How to Create a Tulpa
  3. Cons:
  5. -Dude's literally a fascist. Also homophobic and xenophobic. Don't think I need to say much more.
  6. -Uses it pronouns.
  7. -Misconstrues tulpa as a Tibetan word instead of a word that's based off a Tibetan word.
  8. -Describes tulpas as hallucinations.
  9. -Uses hour counts and objecitvely states that it will take over 100 hours to make a tulpa.
  10. -Implies that a tulpa must be imposed on all 5 senses to be a tulpa.
  11. -Requires the user to at least spend 30 minutes in an active forcing session to make any meaningful progress.
  12. -States that personality forcing "plays quite a large role in sentience," and that you have to think of a minimum of 15 traits, and spend at LEAST 15 minutes thinking of EACH trait for your tulpa. Wow.
  13. -Incorrectly states that making a fictive is automatically bad and will give your tulpa an identity crisis, but does state that tulpas are their own being in the next sentence and not to stifle them.
  14. -Is literally the source of the "you need to imagine your tulpa naked first" myth.
  15. -Emphasizes that you need to be able to visualize your tulpa perfectly, and creates negative frontloading by objectively stating that eyes/face are the hardest.
  16. -Further creates negative frontloading by saying you won't even be able to visualize your tulpa's whole form at first.
  17. -States that each sense for visualization will take a minimum of 3 hours.
  18. -Encourages people to dismiss early emotional responses or signs of sentience if they haven't fit about 50 total hours of forcing sessions yet.
  19. -Perpetuates myth that a response from a tulpa needs to feel "completely alien."
  20. -States it takes about 25 hours to get a response, else, you might risk ending up with a servitor.
  21. -More negative frontloading that a tulpa's voice will start out as "very generic."
  22. -Goes on about how you need to "open your mind" to your tulpa in order for them to see basically everything about you as a person. He doesn't even state the purpose or the benefit of even doing this.
  23. -Imposition section is pretty vague on instruction and doesn't provide many specific techniques for certain senses.
  25. Pros:
  27. -Emphasizes that the guide is a general guideline, not something that should be followed religiously and that the guide is based off of his experience.
  28. -Does mention that tulpas are "fully sentient being[s]" and companions.
  29. -Discourages creating a clone of yourself or a factive of a dead relative.
  30. -States that your tulpa will likely be with you for the rest of your life.
  31. -Implies that mindscapes are optional.
  32. -Gestures and Body Language section is fairly unique and helpful besides the "Up until now, the tulpa should have just been standing there and looking pretty," bit.
  33. -Does bring up how deviation is normal and will happen, and that you shouldn't try and forcefully stop your tulpa from deviating, but says the deviation's so the tulpa matches up with your "subconscious ideal"?
  36. Final Thoughts: I mean... it's one of the oldest Tulpamancy guides in existence, so of course, it's going to be VERY flawed. But, we can't deny that this sowed the seeds for a lot of harmful myths that plagued the community for years, especially the hour counts one. Though, it's not without positives, but they're absolutely outweighed by the negatives.
  38. Like, it really doesn't help that FAQ_Man speaks with such objective and universal language despite his disclaimer, either. For the guide's instruction and methodology itself, it lacks depth in many areas and can be woefully vague like, "Imagine your tulpa behind you," and that's all you're going to get. It doesn't even cover all the senses like auditory visualization/imposition, for example.
  40. Honestly, the guide's mostly about just creating the perfect form for your tulpa instead of actually working on the parts of the tulpa that makes them a tulpa in the first place. Narration and sentience are shoved to the back in favor of spending 15+ hours on visualization alone. Tulpas are treated more as eye/sensory candy than as people, illustrated by FAQ_Man first listing tulpas as hallucinations first and as companions last. Definitely didn't set a good precedent.
  42. Overall, definitely not a guide I'd recommend to anyone, as it's just so horribly outdated and instills some nasty mindsets on people that will actively hinder their ability to create a tulpa. Still, it's important to reflect and analyze community history, so that we may continue to improve and grow from our roots.
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