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a guest
Oct 6th, 2015
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  1. You have to read and understand the Chain Of Command also!
  7. Requirements to join:
  8. 16 years old minimum
  9. Clear microphone
  10. Proper roleplay name
  13. Greenzones
  14. No crime in Greenzones. (20m radius around these areas)
  15. - Sheriff’s Office fenced-in areas.
  16. - Jail is not a greenzone when a jailbreak is in progress.
  17. - Civilian Spawns
  18. - EMT Bases / Hospitals
  19. - Inside bars and casinos.
  20. - ATM’s
  21. - Car Garage
  22. - The race track.
  23. - The Shooting Range.
  24. - NPCs (except drug dealer AND drug processor / packagers AND hookers)
  25. - Running into a greenzone whilst in a combat situation the zone is no longer a "greenzone".
  26. - Excessive baiting/trash talking inside a greenzone is classed as initiation.
  27. - Courthouses are greenzones at all times - you can not take over the courthouses.
  28. - The bank is considered a Green Zone until a hacking device has been planted.
  32. Combat Logging
  33. - Combat logging is not permitted under ANY circumstances.
  35. Exploiting / Power Gaming / General Etiquette
  36. - Using unintended methods of obtaining gear is bannable. IE taking gear from Paintball/Duping/AI.
  37. - Under NO circumstances do you leave the map.
  38. - No logging out / in or abusing game mechanics to avoid roleplay situations.
  39. - No disruptive behaviour, IE - Abuse, Spamming music in bank robberies, yelling in PD or baiting police.
  40. - Don't METAGAME or break character.
  41. - Don't create invisible knives, choke people with handcuffs etc. You are not a wizard.
  43. - Roleplaying rape is NEVER permitted. Doing so will result in a permanent ban.
  45. - Do not use hateful speech / disgusting insults.
  47. - Saying anything that has to do with out of game situations will result in OOC Bans (Things that don't make any sense saying in-game). [Ex, but not limited to: Green grass, gods, deporting(using it as a threat), if my mind was a keyboard how would I ---- etc]
  49. You can still use words that has a valid RP meaning in-game (Things that make sense) [Ex, but not limited to: Government website(Just for info, not a threat), NAME is out of town etc]
  52. NLR (New Life Rule)
  53. If you RESPAWN
  54. - You can remember friends.
  55. - You cannot remember enemies.
  56. - You cannot return to the scene of your death until 15 minutes after re-spawn.
  57. - You cannot return to the same roleplay situation.
  59. If you are REVIVED
  60. - You can not remember the past 15 minutes unless its for medical purposes.
  61. - You can not reinitiate in the same roleplay situation.
  62. - You can be reintroduced to a roleplay situation via Law Enforcement charges / Restraining.
  63. - You (including group too) can only use CPR to revive a player if you are planning on helping them. You can remember if CPR'd.
  67. Initiation
  68. - You can not assault people with out proper vocal roleplay initiation that stems from you or your group in all situations.
  69. - You can not murder someone unless they have threatened your life or have not complied with your reasonable demands.
  70. - You can not holster your weapon until you are leaving a live fire scenario or it has ended.
  71. - You must initiated outside of a vehicle and pose an immediate threat (ex. showing a fire arm)
  72. - Initiated roleplay lasts for roughly 10 minutes before you must re-initiate.
  73. - You can not initiate gun play roleplay with police while restrained(for example: Telling police they will die unless they let you go.) Initiation must be done by an outside source that was directly involved in the original RP situation. If you were not involved in the original situation, you can not shoot, rob or threaten the police while they are making a detainment on your friend, gang member or random civilian
  74. - Being restrained by a cop is not classed as initiation.
  75. -After a head on collision you are not allowed to initiate in a hostile manner" -You cannot rob someone after colliding with them in a car accident.
  78. Cherishing Life
  79. - You must value all life unless you are in a roleplay initiated life threatening situation with the person(s).
  80. - You do not revive / CPR people in an active gunfight.
  83. Civilian Sided
  84. - You CANNOT use a police taser or wear police clothing.
  85. - You CANNOT steal or wear EMS vehicles / clothing / vests.
  88. Jail Breaks/Bank
  89. - If you use a helicopter, the front doors have to be blown off upon landing.
  90. - You CANNOT take over the jail.
  91. - You CANNOT do a Jailbreak and a Bank Robbery at the same time if you are in the same group.
  93. - You CANNOT rob the bank with less than 9 cops online.
  95. - You CANNOT rob the bank or do a jailbreak in the last 30 minutes of server restart.
  99. Server Restarts
  100. - When the server restarts and you are detained, you MUST come back unless told otherwise by your arresting officer.
  101. - If someone does not lockpick you out of handcuffs, your arresting officer dies or an officer does not physically unrestrain you, roleplay must be continued as if you were still restrained.
  105. Sheriff Sided
  106. - You CANNOT sell or give cop gear/weapons. Doing so will result in a permanent ban.
  107. - Side chat can ONLY be used to find out the tac.
  108. - You CANNOT taze people out of enclosed vehicles.
  109. - You can search if you have probable cause or they wear a mask inside city limits.
  113. EMS Sided
  114. - EMS are a neutral force and do not take sides.
  115. - You do not revive people in an active gunfight.
  116. - No Criminal Activity is allowed while you are on duty as an EMS.
  117. - EMS are in control of you after reviving you, do everything they ask and roleplay your injuries.
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