
Twilight X Anon Stargazing

Aug 31st, 2014
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Second year in Equestria
  3. >Place is hell
  4. >Random monster attacks?
  5. >That you can live with
  6. >Most ponies still looking at you as if you are a monster?
  7. >Hurts, but you can manage
  8. >Complete lack of friends?
  9. >you were always a bit of a loner
  10. >Memories of home?
  11. >You thought you could handle it
  12. >And to be far you did
  13. >For a whole year
  14. >But it slowly sunk in
  15. >things aren't going to get better
  16. >you hardly even leave your house unless you have to
  17. >you wonder why you tried so hard to get away from Earth in the first place
  18. >well all that stops tonight
  19. >you knew a place
  20. >quiet
  21. >secluded
  22. >A place where they wouldn't find your corpse
  23. >they may not like you. but some part of you likes them still
  24. >It's well past midnight
  25. >you wander around the empty streets of Ponyville under the full moon
  26. >Past all the places you used to go
  27. >The places that they would stare at you
  28. >The places that they would ignore you
  29. >The places that they would whisper behind your back about how strange you were
  30. >....
  31. >if you had any doubts before, they are gone now
  32. >With a heavy heart you head into Everfree
  33. >To the place you first came here
  34. >To the cliff side that you will leave by
  35. >placing one foot in front of the other you head towards the end
  36. >It's funny
  37. >you always thought that walking to what you knew would be imminent death would be terrifying
  38. >but this wasn't
  39. >this was going to be freedom
  40. >Freedom from Earth's hypocrisy and bigotry
  41. >Freedom from Equestria's all consuming loneliness
  42. >you didn't care what lay ahead
  43. >all you knew was that you would-
  44. >who's that...?
  45. >it's the one that found you
  46. >Twilight Sparkle
  47. >you don't want her to see what you are planning to do
  48. >you don't want her to hear your bones crack as you land
  49. >"Anon...? Is that you?"
  50. >shit
  51. >should you try and just walk away like you didn't hear her?
  52. >"Anon, I can see you. Come sit with me for awhile."
  53. >lame excuses aren't gonna work
  54. >you head over and sit down beside her
  55. >on the very cliff you wanted to jump from
  56. >Twilight smiles at you, oblivious to the turmoil in your mind
  57. >"Anon, it's so nice to see you. You hardly ever come to visit me at the library anymore."
  58. >you freeze momentarily
  59. >why did you stop going?
  60. "I've just been busy..."
  61. >you reply half halfheartedly
  62. >"Are Sweet Apple's finances that bad that you can't spare a few minutes to see a friend?"
  63. >She seems a little upset
  64. >Friend? Since when?
  65. "Well... you know AJ. Not very good with mathematics and all."
  66. >Twilight narrows her eyes at you
  67. >"Anon, I don't need to be Applejack to know you are lying to me."
  68. >fuck
  69. >"What are you doing out here tonight anyway? You never once took up my offers to go star gazing with me."
  70. >here her face falls and her voice cracks
  71. >"Do you... do you just... not like me?"
  72. >you swear you can see tears in her eyes
  73. >what did you do?
  74. "It's not that..."
  75. >"Then what is it?!"
  76. >Tears stream down her face
  77. >"I tried for months to get you to come around and spend time with me. I even sent you letters because I didn't want to intrude."
  78. >she did
  79. >she sent plenty of letters
  80. >you never read them
  81. >"You hardly leave your house except near sunset so there is no way any of the girls can see you and now I come out to this place and I just happen to casually stroll by?! What are you here to do Anon? It certainly wasn't because of my latest letter and don't lie to me this time."
  82. >She is incredibly distraught
  83. "You don't want to-"
  84. >"Yes, I do! Why won't you just answer me?"
  85. >you hit your boiling point
  86. "To leave Twilight!"
  87. >she looks at you confused
  88. >"Leave... Ponyville?"
  89. >you sigh
  90. "I came to this cliff to jump."
  91. >She looks shocked
  92. >"B-but Anon! You don't have wings! You can't fly! What if you hurt yourself or worse!?"
  93. >you drop it
  94. "That was the plan actually"
  95. >Twilight's tears start again in earnest
  96. >"But Anon-"
  97. "I came here tonight so I could die alone. I can't take it anymore. I can't take being watched all the time like I am some kind of monster. I can't take feeling so alone anymore. That's why I tried so hard to come here in the first place! Amongst billions of humans, I WAS STILL ALONE!!"
  98. >Twilight cried harder
  99. >"B-uut what about me? I don't look at you like a monster... am I not good enough? I tried to be your friend but you pushed me away! I want to spend time with you but you ignored it. You CHOOSE to be this way Anon! Just like you choose that you want to leave without telling anypony."
  100. >you didn't want her to be right
  101. "I am alone! When was the last time you saw a human besides me?"
  102. >your resolve is breaking
  103. >"I haven't..."
  104. "The memories are the worst part..."
  105. >your voice dies out
  106. >what memories
  107. >you had no family
  108. >you had no friends
  109. >you left the home you had because you were alone
  110. >Twilight's small voice breaks your train of thought
  111. >"Make new ones... Most ponies avoid you because you are so reclusive.They aren't trying to hurt you, and they don't know what to say to you."
  112. >You knew Twilight was right
  113. >The ponies didn't have a bad bone in their bodies
  114. >You were pushing them away
  115. >you started to cry
  116. >your whole body wracked with sobs
  117. >something warm presses against you
  118. >Twilight moved beside you to nuzzle you
  119. >On instinct you pull her to your chest
  120. "I'm sorry.."
  121. >"Shhh"
  122. "I'm so sorry.."
  123. >"It's okay Anon."
  124. >you just pull her closer
  125. >"Everything is going to be just fine."
  126. >you look down at her and she smiles
  127. >"I promise."
  129. *****************************************************
  131. >Things after that faithful night had changed
  132. >you sold your little place for a modest sum of bits
  133. >you moved into the library basement at Twilight's request
  134. >you knew at first it was to make sure you wouldn't try to hurt yourself again
  135. >after a your heart-felt confession, you had no need to do that
  136. >You began to talk to all the ponies around town
  137. >they stared at you less
  138. >life was good
  139. >all save for one little thing
  140. >Your feelings for Twilight have been growing over the past few weeks
  141. >She helped you get out of your shell
  142. >as time rolled on, you found yourself wanting to be around her more and more
  143. >you had an idea for how to do that
  145. **************************
  147. >"Anon, where are we going?"
  148. >You have Twilight blindfolded up in your arms
  149. "Trust me, you'll understand once we get there."
  150. >you walked this path with Twilight plenty of times since that night
  151. >You get to the cliff side once more
  152. >A small blanket that you prepared earlier lays away from the edge
  153. "Ready Twilight?"
  154. >She smiles and nods
  155. >you sit down on the blanket and place Twilight beside you
  156. >You take off her blindfold
  157. >She giggles
  158. >"Here again? Not that I'm complaining but..."
  159. "This was the place that I started my new life, and where I started a new chapter in mine."
  160. >she blushes
  161. >"So... why are we-"
  162. >you pull her close
  163. "Maybe it's time to start another."
  164. >Twilight gasped
  165. >"Are you saying what I think you are?"
  166. "I am. Will you be my special somepony?"
  167. >She squees and jumps on to your chest and knocks you over
  168. >"OF COURSE! I have been waiting for you to ask, oh Anon it-"
  169. >You silence her with a kiss
  170. >She blushes as you both lay together under Luna's night
  171. >you watch her as looks at the starts
  172. >"Aren't we supposed to be star-gazing?"
  173. >She doesn't turn to you when she speaks
  174. >you chuckle
  175. "I am."
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