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resipartory system

a guest
Feb 9th, 2020
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  1. Then, she'd move on to study the topic of the respiratory system...
  3. The human respiratory system is a series of organs responsible for taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide. The primary organs of the respiratory system are the lungs, which carry out this exchange of gases as we breathe.
  5. The more she read, the more she came to find out that there was more to it than just the organs...
  6. (Liliana cos Morneau)
  8. There were five different varieties of the respiratory system, one; the pulmonary ventilation. The process of air moving through the body to provide the necessary chemicals for the body, along with exhaling it out into the world.
  10. Then there is the external respiration exchanges between the lungs and the bloodstream. How the inhaling of oxygen affected the blood within the human body.
  12. Then there is the Internal Respiration exchanges gases between the bloodstream and body tissue. The process of inhalation that affects the tissues within the body.
  14. (Liliana cos Morneau)
  16. Then, there was the process of how the air inhaled or exhaled helped human's create sound that enable us to speak. A series of muscles with the accompaniment of air assist one another to create speech.
  18. Olfaction was the last one, the process of smelling, chemical reaction of one item that helps the human differentiate objects. Food or tree's, whether they were edible or not, etc.
  19. (Liliana cos Morneau)
  21. All in all, it was quite obvious that this system was also very important in it's own way, helping human's not just breathe or eat, but also function to create more human's.
  23. The body was certainly a beautiful creation, it only continued to amaze the young Morneau on it's seemingly endless possibilities. How people treated their body these days made her feel like they weren't taking very good care of themselves.
  25. Then, she'd read on some doctor's procedures on certain organs.
  26. (Liliana cos Morneau)
  28. Some were able to be worked on, while others, with the current access to knowledge, weren't the very best to work on.
  30. One described that if a aorta within the thigh or neck was punctured too harshly, it was most likely impossible to be take on a procedure. Then again, this was the words from a non-magi doctor.
  32. Liliana held some confidence that if the opportunity arose, she'd be well able to help the patient in question. It was a matter of consistent determination- right? She'd nod her head, agreeing with herself.
  33. (Liliana cos Morneau)
  35. Lying back, she'd sigh, her head feeling like it was overflowing with information. For the day, she'd stop and take a rest, taking a little nap. Most likely, the following days, she'll request the assistance from a non-magi doctor to take her through the process of medical certification.
  37. The young Morneau would certainly do her best!
  38. (Liliana cos Morneau)
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