
Substance of Sacrilege, Session 1

Aug 6th, 2016
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  1. <Bob> I'm dead 'ard an' ready ta fight!
  2. <DM> --= QUEST BEGIN =-
  3. <DM> The entire party is dropped into Kakariko Village.
  4. <Bob> (Kakariko shop is open then or nay?)
  5. <Vincent_Valentine> *Oof* "Watch it, force."
  6. * Red_Enrics yawns
  7. <DM> The Kakariko Armor Shop is open for business.
  8. <Bob> Oi, how'd me gets 'ere?!
  9. * Kirran was already there, and is taking a nap.
  10. <Bob> (Mima's Music Shop is also here, if anyone is interested)
  11. * Nexas is now known as Moulder
  12. <DM> It is late evening, and the darkness of twilight is settling around the sleepy village. The streets are empty, and filled with the light of the surrounding houses and late-night shops.
  13. * Nolyghots yawns
  14. <Nolyghots> I love the smell of silence....
  15. <Kirran> Zzzzz...
  16. <DM> (It smells like lemon meringue pie.)
  17. * Red_Enrics is asleep
  18. <DM> (Now's the time to use the shops, if you need to.)
  19. <Nolyghots> This lazy ass refuses to wake up.
  20. <Moulder> Well to be fair, nolyghots, it's fairly late at night.
  21. * FireSeraphim (~FireSerap@ has joined #zurpg
  22. <Bob> Eep, 'e be ghosts an' all!
  23. <Nolyghots> Well couldn't he at least sleep in the inn instead of outside?!
  24. <Bob> Wot in da world is wrong wit' ye?!
  25. <Nolyghots> I'm freezing my ass off over here
  26. <FireSeraphim> (I'm here, sorry about that)
  27. <DM> (You joinin'?)
  28. <FireSeraphim> (who, me? nah, I'm just idling)
  29. <Moulder> Well, no need to be hostile, he was the one who got kicked out for getting drunk.
  30. <Moulder> (RED IS FOREVER DRUNK.)
  31. <DM> A sudden commotion breaks through the sleepy evening; a loud crash, followed by a loud scream.
  32. <Kirran> Whahuh?!!
  33. * Red_Enrics wakes up and throws his sythe at a wall
  34. <DM> A small figure runs down to the center plaza, wailing in panic.
  35. <Red_Enrics> WHAT WAS THAT
  36. * Kirran falls out of the tree where he was sleeping.
  37. * Red_Enrics takes his scythe and puts it back
  38. <Nolyghots> Good to see you're awake finally
  39. <Bob> 'ey ya liddle brat, me's was shoppin' ye fool!
  40. * Pellik runs into the square, gibbering and nigh incomprehensible.
  41. <Kirran> What the heck is going on out here?
  42. * Vincent_Valentine gives voice to Dex FireSeraphim Kirran Moulder Nolyghots Raine Red_Enrics
  43. * Kirran tries to shake off his sleepiness.
  44. <Red_Enrics> No idea
  45. * Bob readies two of his swords for battle.
  46. <Red_Enrics> But it was interupting my sleep!
  47. <Pellik> "G-gglaass... brother, he killed... help, it's gonna get... help--"
  48. * Red_Enrics hiccups
  49. <Red_Enrics> Whoops
  50. <Red_Enrics> Still slightly hungover
  51. <DM> Another resounding crash sounds in the distance, and the sounds of... glass hitting the ground?
  52. <Red_Enrics> Wah?!
  53. * Kirran pulls his lance from his pack
  54. <Bob> (I thought most of the ground here was... grass n' dirt.... unless Kakariko's been paved)
  55. <Red_Enrics> Hmmm
  56. <Pellik> ( ;) )
  57. <Raine> Hey Kirran, what is it? Murder? Or maybe puppies?
  58. <Bob> (ohh I get it... the roof?)
  59. * DM sees the fairy, and calms at least a little.
  60. <DM> whooops
  61. <Moulder> (DERP)
  62. * Pellik sees the fairy, and calms at least a little.
  63. * Vincent_Valentine readies Quicksilver.
  64. <Pellik> "M-miss fairy, can ye help? Please?
  65. * Bob walks quickly over to Pellik and tries to lift him by the collar.
  66. <Dex> Robbery and murder I bet. This sounds like a lucrative oppertunity for freelance adventurers.
  67. <Raine> Help? Help how? You want a hug?....maybe a knife in the eye?...teehee
  68. <Raine> >: D
  69. <Moulder> Excuse me, sir! I wouldn't trust that young lady.
  70. <Kirran> Raine...
  71. * Pellik begins wailing again, his words now completely out of his control.
  72. <Bob> 'ey, yous!
  73. * Kirran puts Raine back in her bottle.
  74. * Red_Enrics is in drunk status. (What does that do again, Bob?)
  75. <Bob> Wot's dat sound 'round 'ere? If'n yous don't be a tellin' me, I'll ask big boss 'ere to gut ya gut, ya 'ere?!
  76. <DM> Another crash and a roaring sound, this time closer.
  77. <Bob> (ask DM, not me)
  78. <Pellik> "Ggg-g-g-glass
  79. <Red_Enrics> (But you're WindStrike. XD)
  80. * Kirran decides that maybe the lance isn't the best bet, and gets out his bow instead.
  81. <Bob> GLASS DON'T MEAN NO NOTHIN' TO ME! 'ey! Dex boss! Does glass mean somethin' fer yew?
  82. <Dex> It means we question him further.
  83. <Kirran> Well, it sounded like galss breaking earlier.
  84. <Red_Enrics> (Like, what did the status do back in the Termina quest again?)
  85. <Kirran> glass*
  86. <Bob> (I have no power in this session except as a player. Whoever is DM gets to choose what it does.)
  87. <Moulder> (...oh.)
  88. <Dex> What do you mean by glass there buddy?
  89. <Moulder> (DM, Red is drunk, what does this mean?)
  90. <Kirran> I'm more curious to know what's making all that noise. Pretty sure those are related things.
  91. <DM> (Drunkenness reduces your Wisdom by 3.)
  92. <Moulder> (Excellent, Red doesn't use Wisdom. :D)
  93. <Dex> yeah we alll knew that
  94. <Bob> (actually, Nolyghots runs off of Red's Wisdom, lol)
  95. <Moulder> (...except for blocking.)
  96. <DM> The sounds suddenly burst into the plaza as a figure charges in, gleaming and glittering.
  97. <Bob> Oooh, SHOINY! Hey Dex boss, can we catches and keeps it, please boss?
  98. <DM> The beast seems to be made entirely of glass, sharp edges capturing the nearby light and casting it off in sparkling flecks of color.
  99. <Kirran> Well, that's a new one.
  100. <DM> On its forehead is a bright, glowing multi-faceted gem.
  101. <Bob> Dat's it, dat's gonna be me pet!
  102. <Pellik> "TH-TH-THAAAAAAAAT"
  103. <Dex> I don't think it's friendly. Or smart enough. Or useful at all. It's made of glass.
  104. <Kirran> Anyone got a hammer?
  105. <Dex> I DO want that gem in its forehead though.
  106. <Bob> Aww.. but me likes shiny stuff, don't ye boss?
  107. <Bob> AYE AYE, BOSS!
  108. * Kirran is not letting on he has one of Bob's swords...ever...
  109. <DM> The beast spots the party and roars in fury, turning to face them and pawing its hind legs.
  110. <Red_Enrics> HEY!
  111. <Dex> Is for horses.
  112. <Vincent_Valentine> "Rut roh"
  113. * Red_Enrics points at Pellik
  114. <DM> Ladies and gentlemen, mad fairies and bloodthirsty lizardfolk, roll for initiative.
  115. <Dex> That's a thing made of glass.
  116. <DM>
  117. <Red_Enrics> Don't i-i-interupt my sleep. *hic*
  118. <Dex> $init 1d10
  119. <Navi> Dex: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 3.
  120. <Dex> CAWK SUCKAHS
  121. * Pellik cringes further before Pellik's pointing finger.
  122. <Kirran> $init 1d11
  123. <Navi> Kirran: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 8.
  124. <Vincent_Valentine> $init 1d11
  125. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 1.
  126. <Dex> theres no stats?
  127. <Vincent_Valentine> oh ffs.
  128. <DM> Recommended Soundtrack:
  129. <DM> Refresh.
  130. <Red_Enrics> (Wait, what's going on?)
  132. <DM> Hold on a tick.
  133. <Vincent_Valentine> HOLY FORMATTING
  134. <Vincent_Valentine> and THIS is why I stick each box on its own line.
  135. <DM> (Refresh again)
  136. <Bob> annnnd this is what happens when you write it in notepad++
  137. <Red_Enrics> $init 1d10
  138. <Navi> Red_Enrics: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
  139. <Red_Enrics> :O
  140. <Bob> $init 1d10
  141. <Navi> Bob: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  142. <Vincent_Valentine> (I write my profiles in notepad++)
  143. <DM> (It's actually the code formatting that's wrong. THe copy-paste from notepad++ is just fine, hah)
  144. * Nolyghots is now known as Shellos
  145. <Bob> Me's gonna wreck it!
  146. * Moulder is now known as Shellgon
  147. * Raine is still known as Raine
  148. <Pellik> Runs from the party and hides behind the nearby well.
  149. * Pellik is now known as Lesser_Glass_Golem
  150. <Lesser_Glass_Golem> $init 1d10
  151. <Navi> Lesser_Glass_Golem: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 7.
  152. <Lesser_Glass_Golem> $turns
  153. <Navi> Lesser_Glass_Golem: A battle is not in progress.
  154. <Lesser_Glass_Golem> d'oh
  155. <Red_Enrics> Lazer Glass Golem...*hic*
  156. <DM> $init s
  157. <Navi> The battle has begun!
  158. <Navi> ROUND 1: Red_Enrics (10), Bob (9), Kirran (8), Lesser_Glass_Golem (7), Dex (3) and Vincent_Valentine (1).
  159. <Navi> Bonus Turns: Red_Enrics (10).
  160. <Kirran> If that thing shoots lazers, I'm out.
  161. <Kirran> >_>
  162. <DM> (You have its description. ;) )
  163. * Red_Enrics bumrishes it with his bonus turn. *hic* (Roll Courage, dat scythe.)
  164. <Red_Enrics> $24d10
  165. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 24 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 5, 7, 10, 6, 1, 3, 9, 8, 8, 8, 6, 2, 6, 10, 6, 7, 5, 9, 4, 3, 10, 8 and 10. Total: 154. Successes: 22.
  166. <Vincent_Valentine> (Remember, $endturn on your bonus turn. ... it will NOT skip the first turn.)
  167. <DM> $10d10
  168. <Navi> DM: You rolled 10 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 10, 4, 3, 8, 5, 6, 9, 2 and 7. Total: 55. Successes: 7.
  169. <Red_Enrics> (...wat)
  170. <DM> (You are Shadow affinity. -2 dice from the Light Essence Heart)
  171. <DM> (Not that I think it will matter here. ;) )
  172. <Vincent_Valentine> -2 successes, not dice.
  173. <Vincent_Valentine> oh, nvm
  174. <DM> "Those with Shadow affinity are blinded by the light of the gem, and lose 2 dice on their attack."
  175. <Vincent_Valentine> derp
  176. <Red_Enrics> $22d10
  177. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 22 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 7, 6, 8, 3, 2, 6, 7, 10, 6, 7, 3, 7, 2, 9, 10, 10, 9, 3, 1, 3 and 8. Total: 136. Successes: 18.
  178. <Vincent_Valentine> (I clicked on that youtube link and it wasn't a specific video.)
  179. <Kirran> (What if we're light and darkness?)
  180. <DM> (yes, it is a playlist)
  181. <Lesser_Glass_Golem> Shatters into pieces, devastated by Red_Enric's blow.
  182. <Lesser_Glass_Golem> $init r
  183. <Navi> Lesser_Glass_Golem: The bot has been reset.
  184. <Red_Enrics> AND THAT'S HOW YOU DO IT...bitch....*hic*
  185. <Bob> Hah, dat was EASY!
  186. <Vincent_Valentine> ... o_O So much for a boss.
  187. <Bob> Whatcha mean glass an' all, ya liddle shrimp!
  188. * Bob swats Pellik on the head.
  189. <Kirran> And it wasn't even Vincent that one shotted him.
  190. <Red_Enrics> HEY
  191. <Red_Enrics> What's that suppose to mean?
  192. <Red_Enrics> *hic*
  193. <DM> The gem on the creature's forehead falls to the ground as it shatters.
  194. <Kirran> Drunk Red is best Red.
  195. <DM> It dissolves into a fine dust and blows away.
  196. <Bob> Well Dex boss, dat gem, alll-
  197. <Bob> WHAAAAAA
  198. <Raine> Ah, no looked tasty...
  199. <Red_Enrics> (I'll be less activate for a while, I'm eating dinner, just pretend red is doing Drunk things.)
  201. <Red_Enrics> (wat)
  202. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Bob out the window.
  203. * You have been kicked from #zurpg by Vincent_Valentine (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in a sumo wrestling arena! «14,972»)
  204. <Red_Enrics> (I don't get it. ._.)
  205. * Lesser_Glass_Golem is now known as Pellik
  206. <Dex> Ah... Well that sucks.
  207. <Dex> I wanted that gem.
  208. * Pellik runs up from behind the well and envelops Red_Enrics in a hug that reaches up to his knees.
  209. <Bob> Listen up, kids! Rememba, don't hug da drunky guys! Or ye'll be swatted by da bees!
  210. <Bob> Ain't dat roight, boss?
  211. <DM> (oh, wait a sec. +15 EXP, $15d8 rupees)
  212. <Vincent_Valentine> $15d8
  213. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 15 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 1, 1, 7, 2, 7, 1, 4, 1, 6, 6, 7, 8, 4, 6 and 8. Total: 69.
  214. <Bob> $15d8
  215. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 15 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 5, 1, 4, 4, 4, 3, 7, 4, 5, 1, 2, 7, 5, 2 and 5. Total: 59.
  216. * Red_Enrics hugs and squeezes Pellik
  217. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 1369+69
  218. <Red_Enrics> (Oh wait, I'm not Eevee,)
  220. <Kirran> $15d8
  221. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 15 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 4, 2, 2, 5, 4, 3, 8, 6, 2, 6, 4, 8, 4, 1 and 8. Total: 67.
  222. <DM> (...)
  223. <Vincent_Valentine> Kefka, get your crazy ass in here.
  224. <Bob> (Red, Pellik is not Nimono, lol)
  225. * Kefka ( has joined #zurpg
  226. * ChanServ sets mode +a #zurpg Kefka
  227. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Kefka
  228. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 1369+69
  229. <Kefka> 1369+69 = 1,438
  230. <Red_Enrics> 9lol
  231. <Red_Enrics> (lol)
  232. * Pellik whimpers for a bit before recovering his breath.
  233. <Red_Enrics> (Guys help
  234. <Red_Enrics> (How much EXP did I get?)
  235. <Bob> (15)
  236. <Bob> (+$15d8 for Rupees)
  237. <Red_Enrics> $15d8
  238. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 15 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 7, 8, 7, 7, 6, 5, 3, 7, 1, 3, 8, 3, 8, 4 and 4. Total: 81.
  239. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 43+15
  240. <Red_Enrics> $calc 81
  241. <Kefka> 43+15 = 58
  242. <Kefka> 81 = 81
  243. * Kirran levels up
  244. <Dex> $15d8
  245. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 15 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 1, 2, 7, 7, 6, 5, 2, 3, 5, 5, 5, 7, 5, 1 and 8. Total: 69.
  246. <Pellik> "That thing was in my house, and then it followed me over here..."
  247. <Red_Enrics> $calc 81+1783
  248. <Kefka> 81+1783 = 1,864
  249. <Red_Enrics> $calc 81+2783
  250. <Kefka> 81+2783 = 2,864
  251. <Pellik> "I was looking for my brother, and I went into the house and I looked around and I couldn't find him and there was red all over the floor..."
  252. <Bob> Wot? Yous kept dat thing in yous housy?! Dat sounds loik a good idea! Me's gonna try it fer de guys in da camp!
  253. <Red_Enrics> $calc 157+15
  254. <Kefka> 157+15 = 172
  255. <DM> The boy looks like he's working himself up again, face flushing and eyes tearing up.
  256. <Red_Enrics> (Guys, look at my EXP.)
  257. <Bob> (might I recommend, you know....... leveling up a bit?)
  258. <DM> (how did you manage that)
  259. <Raine> blood...strawberries...yummy...
  260. <BlueShell> o.o;
  261. <Red_Enrics> (Raine is more insane than bipolar. ._.)
  262. * BlueShell escapes into the Fourth Wall.
  263. <Pellik> "... and then that thing was there, and I thought it was like a mirror, but then it started running after me..."
  264. <Bob> Well, why don't we's check out yer housy den?
  265. <Red_Enrics> Oh my god
  266. <Red_Enrics> Kirran
  267. * Bob whispers to Dex - Maybes we's kin loot 'is 'ouse a bit, yeah boss?
  268. <Kirran> Yeah?
  269. <Red_Enrics> go to my room in the inn and get more
  270. <Red_Enrics> beer
  271. <Pellik> "Wh-what if there's another one inside?"
  272. <Kirran> Does it looks like I'm wearing a barmaid's outfit to you?
  273. * Kirran looks to make sure he isn't.
  274. <Red_Enrics> Well I can't go in because I got kicked out
  275. <Bob> Den I'll look so 'hard into da mirror, me own reflection'll 'urt and da thing will run away!
  276. <Kirran> You could just send Noly. Everyone likes her.
  277. * Bob seconds that.
  278. * Dex whispers to Bob. Maybe. I'd prefer not to rob potential clients though.
  279. <Raine> She smells like shadows and dandelions...
  280. * Bob whispers back - ahhh, good one boss!
  281. <Bob> Den, let's send da ghosts in, eh?
  282. <Red_Enrics> I'm too drunk to summon Noly, seriously, which summons her, the book or the cross. (Mwahahahaha, referencing your mix up, Wind.)
  283. <Bob> (Open the book to page 98, it has a picture of that shield with the emblem of a book on it. It summons them both simultaneously, but their skills are flipped. REVERSE REFERENCE!)
  284. * Pellik pulls at Red's hand. "You can come with me, right?"
  285. <Kirran> Looks like you have a fan.
  286. <Red_Enrics> sure. *hic*
  287. <Dex> I could just sneak in.
  288. <Red_Enrics> I could also put my foot up your ass. *hic*
  289. * Pellik begins walking toward his house, trying to hurry but reluctant to let go of Red.
  290. * Red_Enrics gets dragged across the floor by Pellik
  291. <Dex> I'm not afraid to remove your tongue with my teeth you know.
  292. <DM> (Aren't you a DArknut or something?)
  293. <DM> (lol)
  294. <Vincent_Valentine> ". . ."
  295. <Red_Enrics> (WAS)
  296. <Kirran> (back in five)
  297. <Red_Enrics> (I was a Darknut, not am.))
  298. * Vincent_Valentine follows behind Pellik.
  299. <DM> The house sits only a few blocks away. The door hangs on one hinge, letting light pour into the street.
  300. <Bob> Psh, dat ain't 'ard! Hey, if'n dat ding is in dere, let's scare 'em a bit, eh?
  301. * Bob proceeds to kick the door down.
  302. <Bob> (Am I rolling power to kick it down?)
  303. <DM> (Naw, it was hanging off of one hinge.)
  304. <Bob> (kay
  305. <Bob> (I'll roll for potential overkill anyways)
  306. <Bob> $17d10
  307. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 17 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 3, 5, 9, 6, 6, 6, 10, 8, 5, 2, 5, 6, 10, 7, 2 and 3. Total: 96. Successes: 14.
  308. <DM> $30d10
  309. <Navi> DM: You rolled 30 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 5, 6, 5, 5, 9, 2, 6, 2, 4, 2, 1, 6, 1, 6, 3, 5, 8, 8, 1, 1, 10, 2, 5, 8, 4, 7, 2, 9 and 5. Total: 140. Successes: 18.
  310. <Bob> .....
  312. <DM> The door swings back and strikes Bob on the face before toppling flat.
  313. * Red_Enrics tries to shrug off beeing drunk. (Roll Courage)
  314. <Red_Enrics> $22d10
  315. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 22 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 8, 9, 3, 1, 3, 10, 8, 2, 2, 7, 3, 2, 5, 8, 7, 10, 3, 9, 3, 3 and 10. Total: 121. Successes: 15.
  316. <Dex> wouldnt it be wisdom to stop being drunk?
  317. <Bob> (DM, are you trying to make my rage of doors worse?)
  318. <DM> ( >:) )
  319. * Bob topples backwards.
  320. * Bob lands at Dex's feet.
  321. <Dex> Good try.
  322. * Red_Enrics tries to shrug off being drunk again. (Roll Wisdom)
  323. <DM> ( You're rolling against Power for drunkenness, actually. )
  324. <Red_Enrics> (Oh
  325. <Red_Enrics> (ROLL POWER)
  326. <Vincent_Valentine> "Dat door is one solid door.."
  327. <Red_Enrics> $17d10
  328. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 17 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 1, 7, 9, 5, 7, 6, 4, 1, 6, 7, 8, 7, 3, 10, 6 and 2. Total: 97. Successes: 13.
  329. <DM> $25d10
  330. <Navi> DM: You rolled 25 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 8, 1, 2, 2, 5, 5, 2, 3, 1, 10, 3, 3, 9, 2, 5, 2, 1, 1, 9, 3, 8, 6, 6 and 2. Total: 102. Successes: 11.
  331. <Bob> 'ey, Vince... did ya just speak like me dere?
  332. <DM> The sight in the house immediately sobers Red_Enrics.
  333. <Vincent_Valentine> (btw, item drops from that thing?)
  334. * Bob 's eyes start sparkling.
  335. <DM> Blood is spattered and smeared all over the walls.
  336. * Red_Enrics gets sobered up
  337. <Red_Enrics> Wah?! Where am I?!
  338. * Orithan ( has joined #zurpg
  339. <Red_Enrics> ...blood?!
  340. <Bob> (Great, it's Dampe's Grave quest all over again, blood everywhere, eh)
  341. <Raine> Yay! It's a party!
  342. <DM> (See the Glass Golem Shard)
  343. <Red_Enrics> (Hyper Realistic Blood~)
  344. <DM> (Someone should take it....)
  345. * Dex takes it.
  346. <Dex> Free thinger.
  347. <Vincent_Valentine> (What about random item drops?)
  348. <Red_Enrics> Nolyghots, I summon you!
  349. <Bob> (yeah, Darte, Materials are additional drops, they don't replace random item drops)
  350. <DM> (None in this case. Later battles will have them.)
  351. <Bob> (very well)
  352. * Red_Enrics uses the Children's book, summoning Moulder. (Because mistakes, WindStrike.)
  353. * Shellos is now known as Moulder
  354. <DM> (I dunno, the irony is kinda awesome.)
  355. <Moulder> What is it, sir Enrics?
  356. <Bob> (hahahahah...... would you rather keep it that way, actually, or do you want it flipped to how it's supposed to be?)
  357. <Moulder> (Flipped to how it's suppose to be...after this quest.)
  358. <Bob> (lol, kay)
  359. <DM> A bit of scalp and a patch of hair is visible in the doorway to a sideroom.
  360. <Red_Enrics> Agh!
  361. <Red_Enrics> Shady got the binding items mixed up!
  362. <Red_Enrics> (That's why I asked for the name.)
  363. * Pellik peeks out from behind Enrics and, seeing the patch of hair, moves closer.
  364. <Pellik> "P-Pellirus?"
  365. <Kirran> (Aand I'm back)
  366. <Kirran> Whoa, who died in here?
  367. <Bob> (ah)
  368. <Raine> And are there going to be more bodies?
  369. <Raine> Teehee.
  370. * Pellik begins to choke up again as he moves into the side room, crouching down to inspect something.
  371. <Kirran> >_>
  372. <Kirran> I don't think you want to be going in there Pellik.
  373. * Bob waltzes into the house after being smacked by a door.
  375. <Moulder> Oh! So you were suppose to summon Nolghots?
  376. * Pellik picks up something and walks into the main room with it. He's red-faced, but seems to be out of tears.
  377. * Pellik holds up the object. It appears to be a human skin, torn and deflated, missing any bones that would make its form recognizable.
  378. <Raine> Is it candy? Not Candy?
  379. <Bob> Dex, did yew skin someone 'gain?
  380. <Pellik> "I-it's my brother... Pellirus..."
  381. <Dex> Nope.
  382. <Dex> I'd remember if I did.
  383. <DM> A voice echoes from beyond the shattered doorway.
  384. <Bob> If'n it's dat Gerudo with dat crazy gauntlet thingy, I'm outta 'ere.
  385. <Mysterious_Voice> "Why yes, it is indeed your brother. Pitiful, isn't he?"
  386. <Mysterious_Voice> "I'm sure this looks horrible to you, but it's just a misunderstanding, I assure you. My charge was just a little too... antsy in the big city. Lost track of him, you know how it is with pets."
  387. <Red_Enrics> Hmm
  388. <Bob> Dat's why yous makes a comman' structuree, like me n' Dex boss and da army!
  389. <Dex> Pretty much yeah.
  390. <Mysterious_Voice> "But don't worry now, we can make it right. There is a nearby fountain, formerly occupied by one of the Great Fairies. I'm sure we can do something about him there."
  391. <Bob> (closest fountain I know of is... Death Mountain, top of it. Unless you want to add a fountain, in which case go figure)
  392. <Mysterious_Voice> "But you will need to take your brother's skin through the Lost Woods to the fountain itself before he can be helped. Better make it quick, too; can't have him rotting away."
  393. <DM> (Former fountain)
  394. <DM> (rather, formerly occupied fountain)
  395. <Mysterious_Voice> "I will meet you there. I have other things to... attend to. So long, fellows."
  396. <Mysterious_Voice> "Oh, and don't steal too much of the stuff in that house; the kid will need at least a little if his brother doesn't... make it."
  397. <Bob> (kay)
  398. <Dex> Anyone else feel like this is a trap?
  399. <Bob> (oooh, I know which one you're talking about now)
  400. <Dex> I feel like its a trap
  401. <DM> (I totally made up the fountain)
  402. <Bob> (kay)
  403. <Bob> Well, da boss feels like it's a trap, so me's thinks it's a trap, too!
  404. <Kirran> Considering we couldn't even see who that was? Yeah, trap.
  405. * Mysterious_Voice is now known as X__X
  406. <Dex> Should we go anyway?
  407. <Pellik> "A-a trap? You mean we can't... we can't..."
  408. <Dex> These things are usually worth it.
  409. * Pellik sniffles and looks down at the deflated face of his brother.
  410. <Dex> Thwarting evil minions is always good fun.
  411. <Bob> Me wants a fight, so me's gonna go spring da trap, right boss?
  412. <Kirran> You know, if we hadn't just come from the land of the dead, I'd be way more creeped out by all this.
  413. <Dex> Bob you can spring all the traps you want.
  414. <Dex> Also.
  415. * Raine is flitting back and forth happily, gathering pieces and stacking them in a pile, humming quietly to herself.
  416. <Dex> Not it for carrying the body.
  417. * Pellik 's face slowly hardens, and he dries his eyes with his upper arm before looking up stubbornly.
  419. * Pellik pulls the skin into his arms. "No-one else touches Pellirus!"
  420. <Bob> ... me's don't knows where thats came from. Me bad.
  421. <Red_Enrics> Hmmm
  422. <Kirran> 0_o
  423. * Vincent_Valentine goes to get the bicycle pump.
  424. <Red_Enrics> (So what am I missing here?)
  425. * Pellik stomps out the door resolutely, looking around naievely for any sign of the forest.
  426. <Dex> OK. Normally I'd want some kind of reward for this buuuut....
  427. <Dex> I guess helping him wouldn't hurt.
  428. <Kirran> As long as he doesn't start using his brother's bones as weapons.
  429. * Pellik begins heading off toward the village exit.
  430. <Raine> Or puppets..
  431. <Dex> Might as well catch up wtih him.
  432. * Bob follows Dex 'round.
  433. <DM> (@Red: Pellik's brother is dead, apparently with nothing left but his deflated skin.)
  434. * Dex hustles off to catch up with Pellik.
  435. <Vincent_Valentine> (So is the Lesser Glass Golem going to remain classified as a boss despite being one-shot on a bonus turn?)
  436. <Dex> I hope so.
  437. <DM> (lol. I'll leave that to be seen.)
  438. <DM> (A voice from outside the house 'informed' the party that his brother could be made whole again, but only at a specific location: an abandoned Fairy Fountain in the Lost Woods)
  439. <DM> - //Transition//-
  440. <Bob> (Let's see, there are two ways to the Lost Woods, to my knowledge.... Goron City or Kokiri Forest..... which are we takin'?)
  441. <Dex> Calling it now. The boss was badly injured before hand.
  442. <Red_Enrics> Death Mountain is closer
  443. <Kirran> So no one is worried about the whole "lost" part of the "lost woods"?
  444. * Vincent_Valentine exits the house, only to find himself transported to a random forest... ..... ..... o_O'
  445. <Bob> Don'tcha get yous face-panties in a bunch ya Sheikah shrimp! (Bob things that mask = face panties, apparently)
  446. <Bob> *thinks
  447. <DM> (What is Bob, deadpool?)
  448. <Bob> (...... god dangit, you know what, scratch that, this ain't Hentai Kamen)
  449. <Red_Enrics> So guys, I guess we're heading to Goron city since Kokiri Forest is quite a bit farther than Goron City?
  450. <Bob> (Wot's dis? Red text?)
  451. <Kirran> Face what?
  452. <Kirran> >_>
  453. <Kirran> <_<
  454. <Dex> "Lost" is just to scare the tourists.
  455. <Dex> Plus the mysterious voice said the forest.
  456. <Kirran> He also said that the fairy fountain was abandoned. Since when do Great Fairies ditch their fountains?
  457. <Bob> (might be due to when Agahnim poisoned the Great Fairy and screwed over all the fountains)
  458. <Dex> When evil bad stuff forces them out.
  459. <DM> Your destination is clear. What is your course of action, then?
  460. * Raine knows nothing about that...or does she?
  461. <Dex> Well look here's how I see it.
  462. <Kirran> (Kirran is naive, he doesn't know about Agahnim or the great fairies.
  463. <Kirran> )
  464. <Red_Enrics> Hmm...
  465. <Dex> Either we go to the Goron City fountain and do it the easy (boring) way.
  466. <Dex> OR
  467. <DM> ( ;) )
  468. <Bob> (Goron City = another shop, you know)
  469. <Dex> We head to the forest and do it the fun, experience point, loot and rupee filled way.
  470. <Raine> It'll be like a picnic...with lost souls...and butterflies.
  471. <Bob> Al'ight, me's with da Dex boss!
  472. <Bob> So yous all should be followin' uses!
  473. <Bob> *us-es
  474. * Pellik turns to stare at the party, stamping his feet with impatience. "Come ON. That man said we have to find a fountain, right? Let's just go find one! I remember seeing a fountain in the middle of the castle town..."
  475. * Vincent_Valentine shrugs.
  476. <Bob> (kay, I vote we just go to the abandoned one via Kokiri Forest route.... it's the sound of plot bells ringing)
  477. <Raine> One of my big sisters used to live by the castle...
  478. * Raine slaps her hand to her mouth and goes back to her bottle.
  479. <Bob>
  480. * Vincent_Valentine walks off, leaving the rest of you behind.
  481. * Pellik turns and follows Vincent, jogging to keep up with him.
  482. <Dex> We're going to the forest.
  483. * Bob dartes behind Vincent.
  484. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Bob out the window.
  485. * You have been kicked from #zurpg by Vincent_Valentine (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in your mom's lap! What a coincidence! «14,982»)
  486. <DM> (Alright, let's try this button again...)
  487. <DM> -// TRANSITION //-
  488. <DM> You all make your way through the Fields without incident, arriving shortly at the forest. It is now the dead of night, and the forest's fringe is near-black, even under the waxing moon.
  489. <DM> Recommended Soundtrack:
  490. <Bob> Burr, et be err cold in- oh wait, I'm not Baegba
  491. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Bob out the window.
  492. * You have been kicked from #zurpg by Vincent_Valentine (You have been kicked out the window and you landed in the Great Mighty Poo's mouth, that's gotta be gross. «14,983»)
  493. <Bob> Dis darkness be 'ard ta see da light!
  494. <Dex> I have a lantern.
  495. <Kirran> I have a torch.
  496. * Dex holds up his Poe Lantern.
  497. <Raine> I have lemon drops!
  498. <DM> (may I have a lemon drop plz)
  499. <DM> The light reveals the forest for several yards around the party with its pale, ghastly glow.
  500. * Raine hands the DM some Poe tears.
  501. <DM> ( O.o )
  502. <DM> ( ...Thanks... )
  503. <Raine> Sweet, sweet suffering...
  504. * Pellik approaches the forest's edge, moving in toward a nearby large oak.
  505. <DM> As Pellik enters the forest proper, a chain of pale, transparent flames suddenly lights up in front of him, trailing off into the forest.
  506. <Kirran> Is Dampe around here?
  507. <Kirran> My ghost-dar is tingling.
  508. <Bob> (lolwut)
  509. <Bob> (It's tingling cause of Red and his band of merry ghosts)
  510. * DM checks Kirran's inventory
  511. <DM> "Lies."
  512. * Vincent_Valentine questions the red textd.
  513. <Kirran> (But I always tell the truth.)
  514. * Pellik beckons to the party excitedly.
  515. <Red_Enrics> Ugh
  516. <Red_Enrics> Lemme try this again
  517. <Pellik> "This is it! We've got to be on the right track."
  518. <Red_Enrics> Nolyghots, I summon you!
  519. * Red_Enrics pulls out the Cross that was meant for moulder and summon Nolyghots.
  520. * Shellgon is now known as Nolyghots
  521. <Kirran> The right track to get haunted again, maybe.
  522. <Nolyghots> (Just image Noly's design as Etna from Digaea.)
  523. * Vincent_Valentine follows the trail of ghostly flames.
  524. <Nolyghots> *Disgaea
  525. <Mysterious_Voice> "Ahh, good, I was hoping you'd come along. 'twould be tragic to leave the child's brother in that state. Well, it's pretty much 'follow the paling road' from here. Do be careful, there's all sorts of things out here this time of the evening."
  526. <Bob> (Evening? I call this darkness NIGHT)
  527. <Pellik> "Seeeee? I told you! Let's go!"
  528. <Bob> Me's not afraid of these darkies!
  529. * Bob follows along.
  530. * Pellik runs to the first flame, reaching his hand out to touch it tentatively.
  531. * Vincent_Valentine is long gone, since he already went ahead.
  532. <DM> The flames weave back and forth, sometimes over tangled thickets, and sometimes even through trees, but always reachable.
  533. * Bob tries to touch the flame.
  534. <Bob> Looks tasty!
  535. <DM> Bob's hand passes through the flame without any effect except a slight coolness.
  536. <Bob> o_O
  537. <Bob> (So are these like the spectral fires in the Old Shadow Temple?)
  538. <DM> ( ;) )
  539. <Dex> I can count the number of times a ghostly flame has been good to us on one hand.
  540. <DM> As you proceed down the trail, you notice it winding in a visible arc.
  541. <DM> This arc gets tighter and tighter, bringing you circling around to a thicket-surrounded clearing.
  542. <Bob> Hey, boss, is me's gettin' drunk? If so, I'm gonna gut dat Red fella!
  543. <DM> Vincent is already there, having gone far ahead.
  544. <Bob> *As we see Vincent, he turns and looks like Sephiroth in a field of fir-
  545. * Pellik runs up to Vincent. "What happened? What did you do to the fires? Where'd they go?"
  546. * Bob runs.
  547. <Dex> You're not drunk.
  548. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Bob out the window.
  549. * You have been kicked from #zurpg by Vincent_Valentine (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on a piano! Hey, I was playing that! «14,991»)
  550. <Red_Enrics> Hmm
  551. * Pellik turns to the thicket and wrestles his way through, grunting and holding the skin close.
  552. <Red_Enrics> ._.
  553. <DM> As Pellik steps into the clearing proper, a cry sounds, and two bright lights erupt from the ground, one on each side.
  554. <Bob> Ack, it's da soul of Grevious Bodily 'arm Nosher!
  555. <Bob> Err, no wait, dat's two of dem... 'E'S GOT CLONES IN DA AFTERLOIF!
  556. <DM> They spin around the clearing, light blazing across your eyes, a third figure struggles from the ground: a Stalfos, jagged sword in hand.
  557. * Pellik scrambles back through the thicket. Roll for initiative!
  558. <Vincent_Valentine> $init 1d11
  559. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 7.
  560. <Dex> $init 1d10
  561. <Navi> Dex: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 3.
  562. <Dex> I CALLED IT
  564. <Kirran> $init 1d11
  565. <Navi> Kirran: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
  566. <Red_Enrics> (Oh shit, init rolls.)
  567. <Red_Enrics> $init 1d10
  568. <Navi> Red_Enrics: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 5.
  569. <Bob> $init 1d10
  570. <Navi> Bob: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 1.
  571. <Bob>
  572. <Red_Enrics> (I'm not so lucky antmore
  573. <Red_Enrics> *anymore
  574. <DM> Stats posted:
  575. <DM> Recommended Soundtrack:
  576. <Moulder> (Should I ennter Moulder into the battle?)
  577. <DM> (If you normally do so, then yes.)
  578. <Bob> (up to you... just keep in mind he runs off of your magic)
  579. <Bob> (oh, actually)
  580. <Bob> (Moulder uses $init j to enter)
  581. <Stalfos> $init 1d10
  582. <Navi> Stalfos: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  583. <Wisp1> $init 1d10
  584. <Navi> Wisp1: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 2.
  585. <Wisp2> $init 1d10
  586. <Navi> Wisp2: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
  587. <DM> $init s
  588. <Navi> The battle has begun!
  589. <Navi> ROUND 1: Stalfos (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Wisp1 (2) and Bob (1).
  590. <Moulder> $init j
  591. <Navi> Moulder has entered the fray.
  592. <Red_Enrics> (1 moment, leveling up my character with his epic EXP.)
  593. <Kirran> Somehow I think the Gorons would have been less stabby.
  594. <Bob> (hahahahah)
  595. <Red_Enrics> (...twice.)
  596. <Bob> (Gorons? We don't have a goron in this party)
  597. * Vincent_Valentine pokes the Stalfos.
  598. * Stalfos springs out of the ground with surprising dexterity, lashing out at Vincent with his jagged blade. (Courage)
  599. <Red_Enrics> (lol)
  600. <Stalfos> $21d10
  601. <Navi> Stalfos: You rolled 21 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 4, 6, 9, 1, 10, 1, 10, 9, 7, 2, 6, 7, 3, 6, 7, 5, 4, 10, 5, 2 and 6. Total: 120. Successes: 17.
  602. <Bob> (DON'T POKE THE BEAR)
  603. * Vincent_Valentine is suprised by a leap attack. !!!
  604. <Vincent_Valentine> $29d10
  605. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 29 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 5, 5, 4, 6, 4, 5, 6, 3, 7, 7, 1, 5, 6, 5, 4, 10, 7, 1, 7, 9, 1, 2, 6, 5, 8, 8, 1 and 5. Total: 152. Successes: 21.
  606. <Red_Enrics> $calc 172-60
  607. <Kefka> 172-60 = 112
  608. <Kirran> (Nothing surprises Vincent...)
  609. * Stalfos 's swing goes wild, and he stumbles into the thicket.
  610. <Stalfos> $endturn
  611. <Navi> Stalfos has ended their turn.
  612. <Navi> ROUND 1: Stalfos (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Wisp1 (2), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  613. * Vincent_Valentine counterattacks Stalfos with a bash from his shield. (Roll Courage!)
  614. <Red_Enrics> $calc 112-65
  615. <Kefka> 112-65 = 47
  616. <Vincent_Valentine> $34d10
  617. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 34 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 9, 1, 6, 10, 2, 1, 4, 8, 1, 4, 9, 10, 9, 9, 2, 10, 3, 8, 6, 5, 5, 8, 5, 3, 9, 8, 5, 10, 5, 9, 7, 3 and 10. Total: 205. Successes: 28.
  618. <Stalfos> $19d10
  619. <Navi> Stalfos: You rolled 19 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 7, 3, 4, 6, 2, 6, 4, 7, 7, 5, 1, 8, 1, 4, 8, 2, 6 and 10. Total: 92. Successes: 11.
  620. <Vincent_Valentine> Backlash Shield (Equipped)
  621. <Vincent_Valentine> Requires Level 10
  622. <Vincent_Valentine> The shield provides mediocre defense, but what it lacks is made up for with attack.
  623. <Vincent_Valentine> When defending, your roll is increased by 2 dice.
  624. <Vincent_Valentine> If you’re successful when defending, you automatically get to counterattack using this shield.
  625. <Vincent_Valentine> Roll your Power dice +3 vs. targets' Courage dice / Deals 6 damage
  626. <Vincent_Valentine> If the attack is not successful, you take the difference in successes as damage.
  627. <Red_Enrics> (DOUBLE LEVEL UP)
  628. * Vincent_Valentine strikes the Stalfos, dealing 6 damage.
  629. <Vincent_Valentine> NOW its my turn. (lol autocounter)
  630. <Red_Enrics> (I have ten SP, can I use them now?)
  631. <Bob> (go ahead)
  632. <Stalfos> 12h4m
  633. <FireSeraphim> (Sorry everyone)
  634. * Vincent_Valentine pulls out his Quicksilver and switches to Piercing rounds.
  635. * Vincent_Valentine aims at the Stalfos, and fires. (Roll Power!)
  636. <Vincent_Valentine> $37d10
  637. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 37 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 8, 3, 1, 8, 6, 5, 5, 2, 1, 3, 4, 4, 10, 5, 4, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 9, 9, 3, 10, 8, 4, 5, 9, 7, 5, 1, 4, 3, 1, 3 and 1. Total: 166. Successes: 18.
  638. <Stalfos> $27d10
  639. <Navi> Stalfos: You rolled 27 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 4, 8, 10, 8, 9, 8, 8, 6, 6, 8, 2, 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 2, 4, 2, 10, 1, 1, 10, 1, 4 and 3. Total: 137. Successes: 16.
  640. <Bob> Woah, wot is dat thing?! Dat's coooool! (referring to Quicksilver)
  641. * Vincent_Valentine lands a bullet in the thighbone with a loud bang, doing one damage.
  642. <Vincent_Valentine> $endturn
  643. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine has ended their turn.
  644. <Navi> ROUND 1: Stalfos (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Wisp1 (2), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  645. <Bob> A bit loud, though... me ears 'urt a bit.
  646. <Stalfos> 11h4m
  647. * Kirran nocks a metal tipped arrow and fires it at wisp 1 (Roll Courage)
  648. <Kirran> $28d10
  649. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 28 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 7, 7, 4, 2, 9, 7, 5, 2, 4, 5, 1, 4, 9, 5, 1, 5, 6, 3, 2, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 8, 2 and 2. Total: 119. Successes: 12.
  650. <Bob> (I think your bad luck is back)
  651. <Red_Enrics> (Done leveling up. )
  652. <Wisp1> $6d10
  653. <Navi> Wisp1: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 4, 7, 2, 7 and 8. Total: 29. Successes: 3.
  654. <Kirran> (Today's entertainment is brought to you by the number 2)
  655. <Bob> (did you add 2 RP when you leveled up twice or nay?)
  656. <Red_Enrics> (Yes)
  657. <Bob> (kay, just checkin', since I know some people forget)
  658. <Kirran> $endturn
  659. <Navi> Kirran has ended their turn.
  660. <Navi> ROUND 1: Stalfos (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Wisp1 (2), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  661. * Wisp1 weeps as its flame is snuffed out by the sheer force of the arrow.
  662. <Wisp1> $removeme
  663. <Navi> Wisp1 has removed theirself from battle.
  664. <Navi> ROUND 1: Stalfos (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  665. * Red_Enrics is 100% sober now, bringing him up to level 14 instead of 12. :3
  666. * Wisp1 glares at Kirran in anger.
  667. <Wisp1> ...wait
  668. <Vincent_Valentine> (Notice how turn order didn't get flipped? I fixed that. YAY!)
  669. * Kirran glares at the dead wisp right the heck back.
  670. * Wisp1 is now known as X__X
  671. <Bob> (WHOO)
  672. * Wisp2 glares too.
  673. * Raine makes lip smacking sounds at the wisp.
  674. * Wisp2 casts a Light Orb to strike the party! (Wisdom)
  675. <Raine> Tasty tasty sugar skull...
  676. <Wisp2> $29d10
  677. <Navi> Wisp2: You rolled 29 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 9, 3, 9, 3, 7, 3, 6, 1, 4, 9, 4, 7, 4, 7, 5, 2, 8, 7, 4, 6, 10, 8, 10, 2, 2, 2, 8 and 5. Total: 161. Successes: 19.
  678. <Vincent_Valentine> "Is it safe to enter the fetal position?"
  679. <Kirran> $22d10
  680. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 22 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 3, 7, 7, 9, 8, 9, 8, 5, 4, 10, 3, 2, 9, 1, 2, 1, 10, 2, 5, 9 and 8. Total: 130. Successes: 16.
  681. <Vincent_Valentine> $6d10
  682. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 1, 7, 3, 7 and 10. Total: 31. Successes: 4.
  683. <Bob> (oh by the way, everyone has +1 damage reduction and +1 physical damage due to my banner)
  684. <Bob> (war flag, whatever)
  685. * DM pokes Dex, Bob and Red_Enrics for Wisdom rolls
  686. <Red_Enrics> (Including shield?)
  687. <Dex> yes?
  688. <Dex> oh
  689. * Bob has no shield equpped, crap.
  690. <Bob> $14d10
  691. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 7, 6, 8, 6, 6, 5, 1, 6, 1, 1, 7, 6 and 9. Total: 71. Successes: 10.
  692. <DM> (sooo Stalfos is at 10h
  693. <Dex> $20d10
  694. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 20 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 8, 5, 8, 9, 9, 8, 4, 4, 10, 9, 9, 7, 2, 6, 1, 6, 7, 7 and 5. Total: 131. Successes: 17.
  695. <Red_Enrics> $19d10
  696. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 19 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 10, 1, 5, 5, 5, 1, 3, 6, 4, 3, 1, 10, 3, 1, 4, 2, 9 and 3. Total: 81. Successes: 10.
  697. <Red_Enrics> fuckig
  698. <Kirran> (And the wisp is a little more dead.)
  699. * Bob takes 5 - 1 (light effect damage is bad vs. light) - 2 - 1 = 1 damage.
  700. <Bob> (oh wait, hard skin)
  701. * Bob takes 0 damage.
  702. <Kirran> Bob is a tank.
  703. <Bob> Hah! Dat don't hurts once bitseys!
  704. <Wisp2> The orb is a wild success, striking all his opponents with 5 Light Effect Damage.
  705. <Vincent_Valentine> (Care to calculate my damage?)
  706. <Kirran> (Do I only take one damage, since I have light lvl 1?)
  707. <Bob> (let's see...
  708. * Bob calculates 'em all, blarghity.
  709. <Wisp2> (5 damage, Vincent)
  710. <Wisp2> (actually need to check your personal modifiers)
  711. <Bob> Vincent, 5 - 1 = 4/2 = 2 - 1 = 1 damage
  712. <Vincent_Valentine> I has a light affinity.
  713. <Vincent_Valentine> kay, 1 damage.
  714. <Vincent_Valentine> 17h, 11m.
  715. <Bob> Kirran, 5 + 3 - 1 = 7 - 2 - 1 = 4 damage
  716. <Bob> Dex, 5 + 3 - 3 = 5 damage
  717. <Dex> damn it
  718. <Kirran> 14h 10m
  719. <Bob> Red, 5 + 3 = 8 - 3 - 1 = 4 damage
  720. <Kirran> (I swear I'm going to start wearing sunglasses from now on.)
  721. <Kirran> (Even at night)
  723. <Dex> SO I CAN
  724. <Dex> SO I CAN
  725. <Vincent_Valentine> $turns
  726. <Navi> ROUND 1: Stalfos (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  727. <Vincent_Valentine> $endturn
  728. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine has ended Wisp2's turn.
  729. <Navi> ROUND 1: Stalfos (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  730. <Stalfos> ?h ?m
  731. <Red_Enrics> TAKE THIIIIIIIIIIS!
  732. <Bob> 20h, 9m
  733. <Wisp2> *?h?m
  734. * Red_Enrics strikes at the Stalfos with his scythe of justice! (Roll Courage)
  735. <Red_Enrics> $24d10
  736. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 24 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 8, 9, 2, 10, 2, 7, 5, 7, 7, 5, 6, 4, 7, 2, 5, 8, 9, 1, 8, 7, 9, 6 and 10. Total: 149. Successes: 21.
  737. <Stalfos> $22d10
  738. <Navi> Stalfos: You rolled 22 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 9, 8, 2, 1, 7, 3, 10, 7, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 9, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6 and 6. Total: 98. Successes: 10.
  739. <Bob> 21 - 10 = 11 + 1 (war flag) = 12 damage
  740. * Stalfos 's bones crumble underneath the weight of the scythe's sense of justice.
  741. <Stalfos> $removeme
  742. <Navi> Stalfos has removed theirself from battle.
  743. <Navi> ROUND 1: Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  744. <DM> (The Stalfos' recovery effect doesn't trigger, does it?)
  745. <Bob> (lemme check that)
  746. <Kirran> (Not unless the wisps aren't undead)
  747. <DM> (Because the scythe applied Null...)
  748. <Bob> (between null and "dead allied body", nope)
  749. <Bob> ($endturn?)
  750. <Red_Enrics> Oh right
  751. <Red_Enrics> $endturn
  752. <Navi> Red_Enrics has ended their turn.
  753. <Navi> ROUND 1: Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  754. <Orithan> $recall
  755. <Dex> sec
  756. <Bob> 'ey, boss! Let's do a combo 'ttack!
  757. <Dex> ok
  758. <Bob> (to do a combo attack, declare you're holding your turn and then $endturn)
  759. <Dex> HOLDING TURN
  760. <Dex> $endturn
  761. <Navi> Dex has ended their turn.
  762. <Navi> ROUND 1: Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Wisp2 (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  763. <Dex> now what?
  764. <Bob> Multiple Physical Attacks:
  765. <Bob> Roll the respective rolls of your respective attacks against the target. The target rolls the respective defenses for each physical attack.
  766. <Bob> All of the attack rolls MUST succeed. If any of them fail, the entire attack is considered failed.
  767. <Bob> If the attack is successful, the DM then creates an effect and damage modifier based on the attacks combined.
  768. <Vincent_Valentine> "I'd say Bob's being da smart-ass at this time."
  769. <Dex> ok soooo i can cross slash yes?
  770. <Bob> double cross slash? LET'S DO IT!
  771. <Raine> I can combo attack with Kirran. When I blow his corpse up. Hehe, making it rain...
  772. <Dex> i roll both weapons right
  773. <Bob> average attack rolls so....
  774. * Bob grabs his Doran's Blade and White Sword and swings at Wisp2! (Roll Courage)
  775. * Wisp2 begins backing up in fear.
  776. <Dex> crap im so bad at ath
  777. <Bob> (Courage +3 and Courage +2... averages to Courage +2.5, roudned = Courage +3)
  778. <Bob> $30d10
  779. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 30 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 4, 5, 1, 9, 6, 6, 3, 6, 9, 4, 7, 10, 9, 1, 1, 2, 7, 10, 3, 7, 3, 1, 6, 8, 6, 3, 3, 5 and 9. Total: 161. Successes: 20.
  780. <Wisp2> $6d10
  781. <Navi> Wisp2: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 3, 1, 6, 8 and 4. Total: 32. Successes: 4.
  782. <Wisp2> ;_;
  783. <Bob> (for you, it should be Courage +1)
  784. <Bob> (if you're doing the jagged edged and the bloody edge)
  785. <Dex> Jagged Edged Sword and Bloody Edge roll Courage
  786. <Dex> uhhhh ok hold on
  787. <Dex> math
  788. <Dex> $26d10
  789. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 2, 1, 10, 1, 1, 4, 2, 6, 8, 1, 1, 10, 3, 2, 9, 9, 3, 2, 3, 3, 9, 6, 9, 3 and 9. Total: 120. Successes: 12.
  790. <Dex> i think
  791. <Bob> (Wisp2, roll Courage to defend again)
  792. <Wisp2> $6d10
  793. <Navi> Wisp2: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 1, 2, 5, 3 and 2. Total: 18. Successes: 2.
  794. <Wisp2> ;_;
  795. * Wisp2 is blown away by the force of the dual blows.
  796. <Bob> (So DM, what's the prognosis for this one?)
  797. <Bob> (lol)
  798. <Wisp2> $removeme
  799. <Navi> Wisp2 has removed theirself from battle.
  800. <Navi> ROUND 1: Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Red_Enrics (5), Dex (3), Bob (1) and Moulder (0).
  801. * Wisp2 is now known as X_X
  802. <X_X> $init r
  803. * Vincent_Valentine watches as a wisp is brutally murdered by the force of a pair of cross slashes.
  804. <Navi> X_X: The bot has been reset.
  805. <Bob> Hah! Dat's wot ya get fer messin' with Dex and 'is boys!
  806. <Bob> (exp/rupees/random item drops?)
  807. <Dex> YAAAAR
  808. <Kirran> (Basically this:
  809. <Kirran> (?)
  810. <DM> +40 EXP
  811. <DM> +$40d8 Rupees
  812. <Bob> $40d8
  813. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 40 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 3, 3, 5, 1, 4, 7, 5, 3, 7, 3, 3, 6, 2, 2, 6, 3, 8, 3, 5, 7, 4, 1, 4, 5, 2, 1, 1, 5, 6, 3, 3, 6, 1, 3, 1, 4, 6, 5, 3 and 1. Total: 151.
  814. * Orin_XD (~Orithan@ has joined #zurpg
  815. * Orin_XD is now known as Mystia
  816. <Kirran> $40d8
  817. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 40 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 3, 3, 3, 5, 1, 6, 7, 5, 4, 8, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2, 7, 6, 6, 6, 5, 4, 6, 3, 5, 2, 3, 8, 3, 2, 1, 4, 8, 7, 3, 3, 7, 2, 8, 8 and 6. Total: 187.
  818. <DM> The Stalfos drops a Jagged Edged Sword
  819. <DM> and a Balanced Shield
  820. <DM> $2d6
  821. <Navi> DM: You rolled 2 Dice with 6 Sides. Result: 6 and 3. Total: 9.
  822. <Red_Enrics> (We won?)
  823. <DM> (utterly and completely)
  824. <Red_Enrics> $40d8
  825. <Navi> Red_Enrics: You rolled 40 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 2, 8, 8, 6, 4, 7, 5, 6, 6, 1, 8, 2, 8, 2, 7, 2, 3, 4, 7, 1, 8, 8, 4, 1, 8, 2, 3, 6, 5, 5, 7, 2, 5, 4, 3, 1, 6, 1, 7 and 2. Total: 185.
  826. <DM> Random ring!
  827. <DM> $1d50
  828. <Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 50 Sides. Result: 34. Total: 34.
  829. <DM> One common ring drops
  830. <DM>
  831. <Red_Enrics> $calc 185+2864
  832. <Kefka> 185+2864 = 3,049
  833. * Mystia is now known as Keine
  834. <Dex> $40d8
  835. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 40 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 8, 3, 5, 8, 3, 2, 3, 7, 1, 7, 8, 8, 4, 6, 6, 2, 4, 3, 2, 7, 6, 4, 2, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 1, 5, 7, 1, 5, 3, 1, 2, 1 and 3. Total: 151.
  836. * Keine is now known as Mystia
  837. <Red_Enrics> $calc 40+47
  838. <Kefka> 40+47 = 87
  839. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 58+70
  840. <Kefka> 58+70 = 128
  841. <Red_Enrics> ANOTHER LEVEL UP
  842. <Vincent_Valentine> derp
  843. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 58+40
  844. <Kefka> 58+40 = 98
  845. <Red_Enrics> 87-70
  846. <Red_Enrics> $calc 87-70
  847. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 98-70
  848. <Kefka> 87-70 = 17
  849. <Kefka> 98-70 = 28
  850. <DM> (Discuss amongst yourselves, divvy booty, etc. Emergency maintenance on the next encounter.)
  851. <Red_Enrics> I've gained an affinity upgrade!
  852. <Vincent_Valentine> $40d10
  853. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 40 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 1, 5, 10, 4, 2, 2, 8, 9, 3, 2, 7, 1, 10, 9, 9, 2, 6, 8, 2, 3, 6, 1, 6, 2, 6, 3, 6, 10, 10, 2, 3, 6, 8, 6, 6, 1, 6, 9 and 1. Total: 209. Successes: 27.
  854. <Vincent_Valentine> err.
  855. <Vincent_Valentine> wait, what?
  856. <Bob> Can me's haves the common ring?
  857. <Vincent_Valentine> $40d8
  858. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 40 Dice with 8 Sides. Result: 2, 2, 5, 6, 1, 1, 6, 4, 6, 8, 6, 2, 4, 1, 7, 7, 1, 3, 7, 5, 5, 3, 2, 6, 2, 2, 4, 1, 6, 3, 4, 6, 1, 4, 6, 8, 6, 6, 2 and 3. Total: 164.
  859. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 1438+164
  860. <Kefka> 1438+164 = 1,602
  861. * Red_Enrics upgrades fire
  862. <Red_Enrics> Upgrading finished
  863. * Bob yoinks the common ring.
  864. <DM> (okay, we're god)
  865. <DM> *good
  866. <Kirran> (Indeed you are)
  867. <DM> (pretty sure we have a ways to go until godhood yet)
  868. <Bob> (lulz)
  869. <DM> (much less schizo godhood)
  870. * Vincent_Valentine kicks DM out the window.
  871. * Vincent_Valentine has kicked DM from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on your balls! Owwwwww..... «14,996»)
  872. * DM ( has joined #zurpg
  873. * Vincent_Valentine gives channel operator status to DM
  874. * Vincent_Valentine levels up.
  875. * Vincent_Valentine still neglects his pitiful wisdom stat.
  876. <Bob> (hint to DM - summon a Wizzrobe or a Poe, increase Vincent death counter)
  877. <Kirran> Vincent gets killed by a wizard's sneeze?
  878. * Kirran runs
  879. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Kirran out the window.
  880. * Vincent_Valentine has kicked Kirran from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on Santa! He doesn't seem too happy about that, better run now before you get coal'd! «14,998»)
  881. * Pellik peeks through the thicket. "A-are they gone?"
  882. <Bob> Dey ain't no match for da power of tha Dex and tha Bob!
  883. <Bob> O' course dey'd die or runs aways ees from us!
  884. * Pellik scrambles back through the thicket, clutching the skin tightly to his chest.
  885. <Kirran> >_>
  886. <Bob> (are you not wearing a shirt?)
  887. <Bob> (oh, the skin, OH)
  888. <Kirran> 0_o
  889. <DM> (OH)
  890. * Vincent_Valentine has that bicycle pump...
  891. <Red_Enrics> (lol)
  892. <Pellik> "..."
  893. <Pellik> "was... was the lizard right? Is this really a trap?"
  894. <Kirran> It's always a trap.
  895. <Kirran> But that's alright, we're used to it.
  896. * BlueShell flies through the thicket, and drops a sign.
  897. <BlueShell> The sign reads: "ITS A TRAP!"
  898. <DM> Beyond the thicket, you can see the trail continuing up a steep incline. It never appears to have stopped.
  899. * BlueShell flies back into the Fourth Wall.
  900. <Dex> MAYBE I WAS?!
  901. * Pellik blinks at the sign. "I can't read..."
  902. <Bob> Time fer a climbin', folks!
  903. * Vincent_Valentine BARREL ROLLS up the trail. ... wait, what?
  904. * Bob tries to climb up the trail... me wishes me had's Dex's anti-terrain abilities.
  905. * Kirran Sheikah moonwalks up the trail.
  906. * Pellik blinks at Vincent's... unusual traveling maneuvers, before dashing after him.
  907. * Dex has no troubles what so ever getting up the trail.
  908. <Red_Enrics> Hmm....
  909. <Moulder> What's wrong, Captain?
  910. <Red_Enrics> Something's not right
  911. <DM> The trail winds up to the crest of a hill, pulling toward a stone outcrop barely visible above the trees in the moon's dim light.
  912. <Red_Enrics> Why are the monsters we've fought so far much weaker than usual? It makes no sense.
  913. <Dex> DM wasn't expecting our power?
  914. <DM> (who is DM)
  915. <DM> (o.o)
  916. <Bob> *A voice echoes from above to Red... "We rotate who God is everyday."*
  917. <Red_Enrics> (Damn it Dex, I was trying to be serious.)
  918. <DM> As you approach the outcrop, you see that the flames lead right up to it before stopping. Underneath is the maw of a cavern.
  919. * Bob uses his Shiny Bleedy Blade as a light.
  920. <Kirran> Who wants to enter the creepy cave first?
  921. <Bob> Dey can'ts takes da might o' me!
  922. * Bob charges headfirst into the cave.
  923. * DM on either side of the entrance, a figure sits, head back against the stone in a casual pose.
  924. * Kirran pulls out his Shiny Bleedy Blade, then quickly puts it away again.
  925. <Bob> FER DA WAAAGH
  926. <Bob> wait wot
  927. <Kirran> Hey Dex, when you said DM, were you talking about this guy?
  928. * Bob points his sword at the figure.
  929. <Bob> 'ey, you! Who's dat you supposed ta be?
  930. <Dex> It's complicated.
  931. <DM> As Bob charges, one of the figures suddenly snaps up, picking up a great claymore and snapping it out in front of the entrance.
  932. <Dex> Let's just follow after my minion who is doing a terrible job of following behind me.
  933. <Vincent_Valentine> "Dats a lotta 'nappin'"
  934. <DM> His companion, hearing the sudden commotion, pulls himself and nocks an arrow to a great ballista, aiming it directly at Bob.
  935. <Bob> (WHELP, DARKNUT TIME)
  936. <DM> *pulls himself up
  937. <DM> wellp
  938. <Bob> DAT'S NOT COOL!
  939. * Kirran rubs his eyes, trying to figure out how he missed a massive bow gun
  940. <Bob> Well ya know boss, me's was thinkings... wot counts as "behind"? All yous gots to do is turns around, and suddenlys, oi'm behind ya!@
  941. <Red_Darknut> "See here now, who might you'm be?"
  942. <Kirran> Now they're doing it too. Bob's contagious.
  943. * Red_Darknut squints through his visor at the party before spotting Pellik.
  944. <Dex> Do NOT wax philosophical at me when there's a ballista pointed at you. And by collateral damage, us.
  945. <Red_Darknut> "Ahh, ye did come after all. He wasn't sure if you'd be here or..."
  946. <Bob> Oh. Well dem en'mies so far be not so toughs, boss! Me thinks dey can't really hurt us, roight?
  947. <Red_Darknut> "Well, anyway, ye're not te come in yet. 'e says the fountain's not prepared to take the body yet."
  948. <Kirran> Who says?
  949. <Red_Darknut> "And if 'e says ye're not te disturb 'im, I'm not about te let ye."
  950. <Bob> ... Dex, can me stabs dis thingy 'ere? 'e sounds annoyin'.
  951. * Darknut_Archer shrugs. "Dunno. Shorter fella, keeps a tight robe on 'im, never really seen..."
  952. <Dex> Ok you know what.
  953. * Red_Darknut flicks the claymore toward the archer, nicking his arm.
  954. <Dex> Calling it now.
  955. <Dex> Body is going to be used for a vessel of something else.
  956. <Dex> Probably something evil.
  957. <Bob> (and here I thought Darknuts were brainless)
  958. <Red_Darknut> "Ye bloody idjit blabbermouth. Shuddup and let me talk."
  959. <DM> (scripting libertiesssssss)
  960. <Bob> (lulz)
  961. * Vincent_Valentine coughs
  962. * Dex whispers to his group. "I say we kill them all now. Saves time for later."
  963. <Bob> ON IT, BOSS!
  964. * Red_Enrics hides and puts on his OTHER Darknut Recruit's outfit
  965. <Red_Enrics> (Plot Devices ftw.)
  966. Red_Darknut Red_Enrics
  967. * Bob grabs his Shiny Bleedy Blade and charges the Red_Darknut!
  968. * Vincent_Valentine slips into the darkness and sets up a few bombs.
  969. * Kirran facepalms loudly.
  970. <Bob> (Roll Courage -3)
  971. * Pellik swings up his great Tower Shield.
  972. * Dex sneak attacks the archer.
  973. <Bob> $27d10
  974. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 27 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 7, 10, 6, 6, 3, 3, 5, 9, 7, 7, 4, 7, 6, 7, 6, 5, 3, 3, 10, 10, 7, 8, 10, 3, 3 and 7. Total: 165. Successes: 23.
  975. <Red_Darknut> $22d10
  976. <Navi> Red_Darknut: You rolled 22 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 7, 9, 8, 2, 5, 5, 4, 1, 8, 8, 7, 3, 4, 3, 6, 9, 2, 1, 5, 10 and 4. Total: 113. Successes: 13.
  977. * Bob gains a successes from his light affinity.
  978. <Bob> *a success
  979. * Red_Enrics looks back at the battle
  980. <Red_Enrics> OH GOD DAMN IT DEX
  981. <Bob> (lol)
  982. <Dex> $26d10
  983. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 10, 5, 10, 2, 4, 5, 7, 10, 9, 10, 4, 1, 3, 4, 7, 3, 3, 7, 4, 9, 3, 1, 8, 10 and 10. Total: 152. Successes: 20.
  984. * Vincent_Valentine lights his two bombs he planted at the maw of the cave.
  985. <Red_Enrics> You know what?
  986. <Red_Enrics> No
  987. <Vincent_Valentine> $33d10
  988. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 33 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 7, 2, 7, 4, 9, 3, 5, 2, 7, 3, 5, 4, 8, 9, 5, 5, 2, 3, 3, 8, 5, 6, 4, 1, 7, 4, 8, 6, 1, 1, 3 and 5. Total: 157. Successes: 18.
  989. <Red_Enrics> I
  990. <Red_Enrics> am not helping you guys
  991. <Vincent_Valentine> $33d10
  992. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 33 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 10, 2, 8, 6, 1, 7, 6, 1, 9, 5, 9, 8, 7, 8, 5, 1, 4, 8, 6, 5, 1, 7, 5, 7, 3, 3, 4, 2, 9, 6, 9 and 2. Total: 180. Successes: 23.
  993. <Red_Enrics> I was gonna try and prevent a fight against the-oh wait, they suck
  994. <Red_Enrics> LET ME AT EM
  995. * Red_Enrics throws off his spare Recruit's outfit and joins the fight
  996. <Bob> (let's give DM some breathing time before we try anything else)
  997. * Kirran can't decide what arrows to use
  998. <Bob> (you should totally use Roulette Arrows if you have them, lol)
  999. * Red_Darknut takes 8 damage from Bob's charge.
  1000. <Kirran> (I do not, but I have bomb arrows, which scare me)
  1001. <Bob> (and now you's gots the Bleeding Blind 'ffliction!)
  1002. <Red_Darknut> (Dex, what stat)
  1003. <Dex> courage
  1004. <Dex> sorry
  1005. <Darknut_Archer> $18d10
  1006. <Navi> Darknut_Archer: You rolled 18 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 3, 7, 8, 1, 5, 2, 5, 9, 1, 5, 4, 5, 2, 7, 5, 5 and 1. Total: 83. Successes: 11.
  1007. <Bob> (what weapon, Dex?)
  1008. <Dex> bloody ege + jagged ege sword
  1009. <Bob> ah, cross slash, so... Damage is halved on that
  1010. <Darknut_Archer> (plus the halved damage of each weapon?)
  1011. <Dex> its only half for the damage of the jagged edge
  1012. <Bob> (stick the darknut stats in the thread so I can calculate it)
  1013. <Darknut_Archer> (oh there I see)
  1014. <Darknut_Archer> (posted)
  1015. * FS (~FireSerap@ has joined #zurpg
  1016. <DM> (that's supposed to be two separate rolls for cross slash, correct?)
  1017. <Bob> (nope, one)
  1018. <Bob> (it's average roll)
  1019. <Bob> (combo attack = multiple rolls)
  1020. <DM> "The average of the target's defense rolls"
  1021. <Bob> 20 - 11 = 9/2 = 4.5 rounded = 5 - 2 - 1 + 1 (war flag) = 3 damage
  1022. <Bob> + double bleeding
  1023. * FireSeraphim has quit (Ping timeout)
  1024. <Dex> so i connected?
  1025. * Darknut_Archer feels a slight pain as something hits the back of his armor.
  1026. <Bob> theoretically, yes
  1027. <Bob> (actually, if it's the back of his armor, then his shield didn't reduce damage, so... add 2 damage to that)
  1028. <DM> (Vincent, do you have bombs?)
  1029. <Vincent_Valentine> I had two, ... which I used on neither darknut, .. but rather the cave..
  1030. <DM> The two bombs go off...
  1031. <DM> $50d10
  1032. <Navi> DM: You rolled 50 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 6, 1, 3, 10, 2, 6, 9, 10, 4, 8, 9, 4, 1, 2, 2, 4, 9, 6, 1, 9, 9, 4, 3, 6, 5, 2, 9, 6, 4, 5, 10, 8, 1, 2, 5, 5, 1, 2, 4, 9, 8, 7, 4, 4, 6, 1, 4, 3 and 6. Total: 259. Successes: 30.
  1033. <DM> Together, the two manage to bring down a portion of the overhang onto both Darknuts, dealing 3 further damage to each.
  1034. * Pellik is now known as Shadow_Wisp
  1035. <Vincent_Valentine> (I was hoping to collapse the cave, but nonetheless. .. oh well.)
  1036. * Shadow_Wisp flits out from the cave, hearing the commotion.
  1037. <Raine> Kill it! Kill it with firey...LOVE!!!
  1038. <DM> (Alright, official initiative rolls, everyone!)
  1039. <Dex> $init 1d10
  1040. <Navi> Dex: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  1041. <Dex> also the darknut i attacked should be bleeding x 2
  1042. <Vincent_Valentine> $init 1d11
  1043. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 7.
  1044. <Dex> if hes not dead
  1045. <Kirran> $init 1d11
  1046. <Navi> Kirran: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 6.
  1047. <DM> Stats:
  1048. <Red_Enrics> $init 1d10
  1049. <Navi> Red_Enrics: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 9.
  1050. <DM> Recommended Soundtrack:
  1051. <Bob> $init 1d10
  1052. <Navi> Bob: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 5.
  1053. <Red_Enrics> (My luck is great today.)
  1054. <Bob> (Red_Darknut should have Shiny Bleedy, and Darknut_Archer should have Bleeding x2)
  1055. <Shadow_Wisp> $init 1d10
  1056. <Navi> Shadow_Wisp: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 10.
  1057. <Darknut_Archer> $init 1d10
  1058. <Navi> Darknut_Archer: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 2.
  1059. <Bob> o_O
  1060. <Red_Darknut> $init 1d10
  1061. <Navi> Red_Darknut: Your initiative roll has been entered. You rolled: 7.
  1062. <Bob> (should be 8 rolls, who's missing?)
  1063. * Bob pokes Dex.
  1064. <Dex> sec
  1065. <Bob> oh nvm
  1066. <Bob> that is 8
  1067. <Dex> wait i rolled
  1068. <Bob> ... WHELPITY start whenver
  1069. <Red_Darknut> $init s
  1070. <Navi> The battle has begun!
  1071. <Navi> ROUND 1: Shadow_Wisp (10), Dex (9), Red_Enrics (9), Red_Darknut (7), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1072. <Navi> Bonus Turns: Shadow_Wisp (10).
  1073. <Red_Enrics> (Those enemies are having great luck too.)
  1074. * Shadow_Wisp catches the party off guard from within the cave!
  1075. <Vincent_Valentine> Wisp, Shadow (Level: 17)
  1076. <Vincent_Valentine> Regeneration (Passive)
  1077. <Vincent_Valentine> Firerobe gains 2 Magic at the start of each round.
  1078. <Vincent_Valentine> Shadow Wisp != Firerobe
  1079. <Bob> (that's an error on my part)
  1080. <Shadow_Wisp> (Yeah I spotted that too just now)
  1081. <Bob> (I haven't gotten around to updating the enemy database, and I'm aware of that error)
  1082. <Shadow_Wisp> (hahahah)
  1083. * Shadow_Wisp Repluses the party!
  1084. <Shadow_Wisp> *Repulses.
  1085. * Shadow_Wisp weeps at its lack of proficiency at speaking words.
  1086. <Kirran> Yeah it does, ugly little spud...
  1087. <Shadow_Wisp> (Roll Wisdom)
  1088. <Bob> (oh yeah, Repulse, I was gonna rework that move...... WHELP, WE MIGHT DIE)
  1089. * FS has quit (Ping timeout)
  1090. <Shadow_Wisp> $41d10
  1091. <Navi> Shadow_Wisp: You rolled 41 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 4, 1, 10, 9, 6, 9, 5, 10, 6, 5, 8, 1, 4, 2, 10, 6, 8, 4, 4, 4, 1, 10, 7, 9, 10, 3, 7, 10, 4, 5, 10, 1, 2, 10, 4, 10, 5, 6, 2 and 8. Total: 243. Successes: 34.
  1092. <Vincent_Valentine> "Now where did I put that casket..."
  1093. <Kirran> Wut...
  1094. <Bob> just tell us how much damage it does
  1095. <Vincent_Valentine> $6d10
  1096. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 7, 1, 9, 10 and 10. Total: 42. Successes: 7.
  1097. * Raine gets ready to work some dar...light magic
  1098. <DM> (...yeah that needs to be reworked)
  1099. <DM> (Because you all just took 32 damage...)
  1100. <Bob> (hahahahah)
  1101. <Kirran> Wow....
  1102. <Bob> (just stick a damage cap on there)
  1103. * Kirran dies
  1104. <Bob> (I'll let you figure out what the damage cap is)
  1105. <DM> (capping at level over 2)
  1106. <DM> (9 damage)
  1107. <Bob> (including damage reduction?
  1108. <Bob> (or excluding)
  1109. <DM> That's 9 for each person, then apply damage reduction over that
  1110. <Dex> wait
  1111. * Bob takes 9 - 4 = 5 damage, then.
  1112. <Dex> i was supposed to roll wisdom?
  1113. <Dex> $20d10
  1114. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 20 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 10, 8, 6, 2, 1, 1, 8, 10, 9, 4, 2, 8, 10, 5, 9, 8, 6, 7 and 8. Total: 127. Successes: 18.
  1115. <Vincent_Valentine> Yes.
  1116. <Bob> lol, don't bother, everyone got hit
  1117. <Bob> Dex, 9 - 2 - 1 = 6 damage
  1118. <Bob> Vincent, 9 - 2 - 1 = 6 damage
  1119. <Vincent_Valentine> (Isn't it spell damage?)
  1120. <Bob> (right)
  1121. <DM> Kirran = 7 damage
  1122. <Bob> 9/2 = 4.5 rounded = 5 - 1 = 4 damage to Vincent
  1123. <DM> (yep)
  1124. <Bob> Kirran, 6 damage
  1125. <Bob> (war flag ftw)
  1126. * Vincent_Valentine lives!
  1127. <DM> (d'oh)
  1128. Red_Darknut Red_Enrics
  1129. <Bob> Red_Enrics, 5 damage
  1130. <Vincent_Valentine> 13h, 11m.
  1131. <Bob> 15h, 9m
  1132. <Vincent_Valentine> ...
  1133. <Vincent_Valentine> err
  1134. <Kirran> 12h, 10m
  1135. <Vincent_Valentine> how the hell did i lose two magic when i never used any of it
  1136. <Vincent_Valentine> 13h, 13m.
  1137. <Vincent_Valentine> heh, i'm repeating myself now.
  1138. * Shadow_Wisp revives with 11 health and magic.
  1139. <Shadow_Wisp> $endturn
  1140. <Navi> Shadow_Wisp has ended their turn.
  1141. <Navi> ROUND 1: Shadow_Wisp (10), Dex (9), Red_Enrics (9), Red_Darknut (7), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1142. <Navi> Bonus Turns Over! Round 1 Begins Now!
  1143. <Bob> (if that thing repulses a second time, I'm going to shoot something)
  1144. * Shadow_Wisp readies a Repulse...
  1145. <Shadow_Wisp> It's a feint!!!
  1146. <Vincent_Valentine> (As you can see here, $endturn does work on bonus turns.)
  1147. * Shadow_Wisp casts Dark Orb!
  1148. <Shadow_Wisp> (Wisdom again... sorry...)
  1149. * Vincent_Valentine cries.
  1150. <Bob> (aww man, why does it have to be shadow effect damage..... crap)
  1151. <Vincent_Valentine> $6d10
  1152. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 6 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 10, 4, 10, 7 and 6. Total: 47. Successes: 8.
  1153. <Bob> $14d10
  1154. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 14 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 7, 7, 1, 5, 1, 10, 6, 5, 2, 7, 3, 2 and 2. Total: 65. Successes: 9.
  1155. <Shadow_Wisp> $41d10
  1156. <Navi> Shadow_Wisp: You rolled 41 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 8, 5, 7, 10, 6, 1, 8, 6, 3, 2, 8, 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 1, 10, 1, 4, 1, 4, 5, 3, 10, 5, 1, 1, 5, 7, 1, 5, 4, 5, 6, 10, 4, 4, 3 and 4. Total: 193. Successes: 25.
  1157. <Shadow_Wisp> (wait)
  1158. <Kirran> $22d10
  1159. <Shadow_Wisp> (that roll is not right
  1160. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 22 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 4, 5, 5, 5, 1, 7, 3, 9, 5, 7, 10, 4, 3, 10, 4, 7, 6, 9, 4, 6 and 8. Total: 128. Successes: 17.
  1161. <Shadow_Wisp> $36d10
  1162. <Navi> Shadow_Wisp: You rolled 36 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 10, 1, 3, 4, 4, 2, 2, 5, 7, 5, 4, 10, 1, 6, 8, 8, 6, 9, 1, 8, 9, 8, 3, 9, 9, 9, 10, 7, 4, 6, 8, 1, 2, 1 and 1. Total: 198. Successes: 24.
  1163. <Shadow_Wisp> Six shadow effect damage all 'round.
  1164. Red_Darknut Red_Enrics
  1165. <Dex> $20d10
  1166. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 20 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 5, 6, 7, 5, 4, 2, 10, 10, 10, 6, 8, 3, 2, 7, 5, 9, 1, 4 and 10. Total: 122. Successes: 18.
  1167. <Dex> 18 bitches
  1168. * Shadow_Wisp smites Dex with the orb anyway.
  1169. <Bob> think it hits everyone so...
  1170. <Dex> even with my 18?
  1171. <Bob> yep
  1172. <Bob> Dex, 6 - 4 - 2 - 1 = 0 damage to you
  1173. <Bob> (nice Shadow 4 affinity)
  1174. <Bob> Red, 6 - 2 - 3 - 1 = 0 damage to you
  1175. <Dex> LADIES
  1177. * Vincent_Valentine kicks Dex out the window.
  1178. * Vincent_Valentine has kicked Dex from #zurpg (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on a ship that's headed to Antarctica! Better take your winter coat along with you! «15,005»)
  1179. <Bob> Kirran, 6 - 2 + 1 = 5 - 2 - 1 = 2 damage to you
  1180. <Bob> Me, 6 + 1 - 4 = 3 damage to me
  1181. <Bob> Vincent, 6 + 1 = 7/2 = 3.5 rounded = 4 - 1 = 3 damage to you
  1182. <Kirran> 10h, 10m
  1183. <Vincent_Valentine> 10h, 13m.
  1184. <Bob> 12h, 9m
  1185. <Bob> Dat's it, dat shadowy thingy there's goin' down!
  1186. * Darknut_Archer cackles. "Now we're on even footin', eh?"
  1187. <Shadow_Wisp> $endturn
  1188. <Navi> Shadow_Wisp has ended their turn.
  1189. <Navi> ROUND 1: Shadow_Wisp (10), Dex (9), Red_Enrics (9), Red_Darknut (7), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1191. <Dex> Roses are red
  1192. <Dex> Violets are blue
  1193. <Dex> Darknut archer roll courage
  1194. <Dex> if you fail its bleeding x2
  1195. <Shadow_Wisp> ;_;
  1196. <Dex> $26d10
  1197. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 9, 4, 7, 10, 1, 7, 7, 9, 6, 7, 7, 2, 7, 9, 8, 2, 4, 9, 1, 5, 9, 4, 4, 4, 5 and 4. Total: 151. Successes: 17.
  1198. <Darknut_Archer> "I don't like these kinds of rhymes. ;_;"
  1199. <Bob> (fyi Darknut archer, you should've taken 2 bleed damage)
  1200. <Darknut_Archer> (Beginning of round, yes)
  1201. <Darknut_Archer> $18d10
  1202. <Navi> Darknut_Archer: You rolled 18 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 10, 7, 1, 1, 9, 10, 4, 1, 3, 3, 7, 8, 10, 3, 6, 8 and 6. Total: 102. Successes: 14.
  1203. <Darknut_Archer> 17 - 14 - 2 = 1 damage
  1204. <Darknut_Archer> + 2 bleed stacks
  1205. <Bob> 17 - 14 = 3/2 = 1.5 rounded = 2 + 1 - 3 = 0 damage
  1206. <Red_Enrics> (Ugh, please give me several moments, I'm kind of in an arguement with someone.)
  1208. <Red_Enrics> $removeme
  1209. <Navi> Red_Enrics has removed theirself from battle.
  1210. * Darknut_Archer 's eyes widen in fear.
  1211. <Navi> ROUND 1: Shadow_Wisp (10), Dex (9), Red_Darknut (7), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1212. <Dex> 13hp 10m
  1213. <Dex> $endturn
  1214. <Navi> Dex has ended their turn.
  1215. <Navi> ROUND 1: Shadow_Wisp (10), Dex (9), Red_Darknut (7), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1216. <Darknut_Archer> 7h0m
  1217. <Bob> Err, dat Red fella seems der drunk 'gain.
  1218. * Red_Darknut takes an opportunity and swings his Claymore at Dex.
  1219. <Bob> (courage roll, Dex)
  1220. <Red_Darknut> $19d10
  1221. <Navi> Red_Darknut: You rolled 19 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 2, 3, 5, 9, 6, 8, 4, 6, 8, 3, 8, 3, 8, 3, 4, 3, 10 and 2. Total: 97. Successes: 10.
  1222. <Red_Darknut> $1d4
  1223. <Navi> Red_Darknut: You rolled 1 Die with 4 Sides. Result: 1. Total: 1.
  1224. <Red_Darknut> ;_;
  1225. <Dex> $25d10
  1226. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 25 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 5, 5, 9, 1, 1, 5, 8, 2, 5, 5, 4, 5, 4, 10, 6, 7, 7, 2, 8, 6, 6, 8, 10 and 1. Total: 135. Successes: 20.
  1227. * Red_Darknut takes 2 bleeding damage.
  1228. <Bob> COUNTERATTACK!
  1229. <Dex> $26d10
  1230. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 4, 8, 8, 6, 2, 3, 7, 5, 3, 1, 1, 8, 5, 7, 5, 7, 3, 3, 8, 7, 5, 4, 9, 4 and 7. Total: 131. Successes: 15.
  1232. Red_Darknut Red_Enrics
  1233. <Bob> (looks like a cross slash again, Red_Darknut, roll Courage)
  1234. <Red_Darknut> ;_;
  1235. <Red_Darknut> $19d10
  1236. <Navi> Red_Darknut: You rolled 19 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 1, 9, 1, 3, 9, 8, 10, 9, 6, 5, 2, 5, 3, 9, 1, 6, 10 and 5. Total: 109. Successes: 15.
  1237. <Vincent_Valentine> ROLLOFF
  1238. <Dex> $26d10
  1239. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 26 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 10, 7, 7, 9, 4, 8, 10, 1, 7, 3, 10, 9, 3, 9, 10, 9, 9, 4, 8, 4, 1, 10, 2, 4, 7 and 6. Total: 171. Successes: 22.
  1240. <Red_Darknut> $19d10
  1241. <Navi> Red_Darknut: You rolled 19 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 8, 9, 8, 6, 9, 2, 5, 8, 6, 9, 4, 9, 5, 3, 9, 6, 5 and 5. Total: 122. Successes: 16.
  1242. <Dex> wait now
  1243. <Dex> WAIT NOW
  1244. <Dex> $1d5
  1245. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 1 Die with 5 Sides. Result: 1. Total: 1.
  1246. <Dex> no crit for me
  1247. <Dex> i forgot last time
  1248. <Red_Darknut> hehehe
  1249. <Bob> 22 - 16 = 6/2 = 3 + 1 - 3 = 1 damage + 2 bleed stacks
  1250. <Vincent_Valentine> What's that darknut up to, 6 bleed stacks?
  1251. <Dex> red darknut has 2
  1252. <Bob> the archer has 4 bleed stacks, that one has 2
  1253. <Red_Darknut> 11h6m
  1254. <Dex> the archer has 4
  1255. <Dex> i am a bleed machine
  1256. <Bob> 12h, 9m
  1257. <Vincent_Valentine> ahh
  1258. <Red_Darknut> (Got the effects written down)
  1259. * Orithan has quit (Quit: Cya)
  1260. <Red_Darknut> $endturn
  1261. <Navi> Red_Darknut has ended their turn.
  1262. <Navi> ROUND 1: Shadow_Wisp (10), Dex (9), Red_Darknut (7), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1263. * Vincent_Valentine turns to the Red_Darknut.
  1264. * Red_Darknut scowls at Vincent. "Yeh, wot now?"
  1265. <Dex> you could probably 1 shot the archer
  1266. * Vincent_Valentine pulls out Quicksilver and switches to Dual Shot mode, with Incendiary bullets. (Roll Courage x2!)
  1267. <Vincent_Valentine> $37d10
  1268. <Vincent_Valentine> $37d10
  1269. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 37 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 7, 5, 2, 6, 6, 6, 7, 5, 4, 3, 5, 3, 7, 10, 6, 2, 1, 7, 9, 7, 4, 5, 4, 10, 5, 1, 3, 8, 8, 3, 10, 4, 3, 8, 4 and 2. Total: 195. Successes: 25.
  1270. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 37 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 10, 6, 2, 3, 6, 2, 9, 9, 10, 6, 8, 8, 5, 9, 4, 9, 9, 6, 8, 3, 9, 5, 10, 7, 9, 9, 9, 8, 2, 10, 10, 4, 6, 4, 4 and 8. Total: 251. Successes: 33.
  1271. <Red_Darknut> $21d10
  1272. <Navi> Red_Darknut: You rolled 21 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 4, 1, 2, 4, 10, 4, 7, 8, 2, 3, 10, 8, 7, 7, 5, 7, 10, 6, 4 and 6. Total: 120. Successes: 16.
  1273. <Red_Darknut> $21d10
  1274. <Navi> Red_Darknut: You rolled 21 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 5, 10, 3, 9, 9, 4, 7, 2, 2, 10, 8, 10, 1, 5, 7, 5, 5, 9, 5, 6 and 4. Total: 126. Successes: 18.
  1275. * Red_Darknut melts in the blaze of the incendiary ammunition
  1276. <Bob> 25 - 16 = 9/2 = 4.5 rounded = 5 + 1 - 3 = 3 damage
  1277. <Bob> 33 - 18 = 15/2 = 7.5 rounded = 8 +1 - 3 + 2 (burn damage) = 8 damage
  1278. <Vincent_Valentine> 10h, 7m.
  1279. <Vincent_Valentine> $endturn
  1280. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine has ended their turn.
  1281. <Navi> ROUND 1: Shadow_Wisp (10), Dex (9), Red_Darknut (7), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1282. <Red_Darknut> $removeme
  1283. <Navi> Red_Darknut has removed theirself from battle.
  1284. <Navi> ROUND 1: Shadow_Wisp (10), Dex (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1285. * Red_Darknut is now known as X_X
  1286. * Raine dances around to get the shadow wisp's attention
  1287. * Shadow_Wisp blinks at Raine, then begins following her movements with its own.
  1288. * Kirran fires a metal tipped arrow at the wisp while it's watching Raine (roll courage)
  1289. <Shadow_Wisp> !!
  1290. <Kirran> $28d10
  1291. <Dex> what
  1292. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 28 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 1, 8, 4, 4, 5, 7, 1, 1, 9, 2, 2, 9, 1, 5, 5, 1, 1, 4, 5, 5, 10, 5, 9, 5, 5, 7, 8 and 9. Total: 138. Successes: 18.
  1293. <Shadow_Wisp> $8d10
  1294. <Navi> Shadow_Wisp: You rolled 8 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 8, 4, 8, 8, 4, 8, 1 and 10. Total: 51. Successes: 6.
  1295. <Bob> 18 - 6 = 12 + 1 = 13 damage
  1296. * Shadow_Wisp attempts to expend some magic to provide life support.
  1297. * Shadow_Wisp only manages to prolong its life for a few more seconds before crumbling.
  1298. <Shadow_Wisp> $removeme
  1299. <Navi> Shadow_Wisp has removed theirself from battle.
  1300. <Navi> ROUND 1: Dex (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1301. * Shadow_Wisp is now known as X__X
  1302. <Kirran> $endturn
  1303. <Navi> Kirran has ended their turn.
  1304. <Navi> ROUND 1: Dex (9), Vincent_Valentine (7), Kirran (6), Bob (5) and Darknut_Archer (2).
  1305. * Kirran doesn't even have to say anything.
  1306. * Bob grabs his Hookshot and Shiny Bleedy Blade...
  1308. <X__X> ;_;
  1309. * Bob hookshots to the Darknut_Archer! (Roll Courage)
  1310. <Bob> $27d10
  1311. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 27 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 3, 9, 1, 9, 8, 3, 3, 7, 8, 1, 9, 8, 7, 8, 1, 2, 6, 9, 3, 6, 1, 9, 4, 10, 4, 9 and 1. Total: 149. Successes: 16.
  1312. <X__X> $18d10
  1313. <Navi> X__X: You rolled 18 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 2, 5, 6, 1, 6, 8, 8, 6, 1, 8, 10, 3, 1, 2, 1, 4, 10 and 8. Total: 90. Successes: 12.
  1314. <Kirran> Bob, you hooked a ghost
  1315. * Bob blames DM for using X__X.
  1316. <X__X> oops
  1317. <BlueShell> "QUICK! REEL IT IN!"
  1318. * Bob hookshots successfully. He then raises his Shiny Bleedy Blade and attacks head on. APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! (Roll Courage -3)
  1319. * X__X is now known as notaghost
  1321. <Raine> YAY!!!
  1322. <Darknut_Archer> $15d10
  1323. <Bob> TASTE DA RAINBOW!
  1324. <Navi> Darknut_Archer: You rolled 15 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 7, 9, 9, 7, 5, 4, 5, 2, 6, 7, 3, 5, 7, 10 and 9. Total: 95. Successes: 13.
  1325. <Bob> $27d10
  1326. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 27 Dice with 10 Sides. Result: 6, 1, 6, 8, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 6, 6, 3, 7, 7, 6, 8, 1, 5, 5, 2, 10, 3, 10, 9, 8, 10 and 6. Total: 160. Successes: 23.
  1327. <Bob> +4 total successes
  1328. * Raine dances a pleasant little funeral shuffle.
  1329. <Bob> 27 - 13 = 14 + 1 - 3 = 12 damage
  1330. <Darknut_Archer> ;______;
  1331. * Darknut_Archer is blown backwards into the cavern, hitting some distant wall with a mighty crash.
  1332. * Bob hooks with a hookshot, lines with a sword, and sinkers Darknut_Archer to the grave, sucker!
  1333. <DM> $init 4
  1334. <Navi> DM: That is not an initiative roll.
  1335. <DM> wat
  1336. <DM> $init r
  1337. <Navi> DM: The bot has been reset.
  1338. <Bob> lol
  1339. <Kirran> Just goes to show, you don't mess with Bob
  1340. * BlueShell kicks Bob out the window.
  1341. * You have been kicked from #zurpg by BlueShell (You have been kicked out the window and you landed on a power line! Zap! «15,007»)
  1342. <Bob> ow
  1343. <Bob> agony
  1344. <DM> +52 EXP
  1345. <Dex> That's why Bob is the second in command for my Boyz.
  1346. <DM> +$52d8 Rupees
  1347. * Kirran really hates wisps.
  1348. <Dex> $52d8
  1349. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 52+28
  1350. <Navi> Dex: You rolled 52 Dice with 8 Sides. Total: 229.
  1351. <Kefka> 52+28 = 80
  1352. <Vincent_Valentine> ...
  1353. <Vincent_Valentine> LEVEL UP
  1354. <Bob> TAKE DAT YA DITZ!
  1355. <Dex> WOO cash money
  1356. <Bob> $52d8
  1357. <Navi> Bob: You rolled 52 Dice with 8 Sides. Total: 231.
  1358. <Vincent_Valentine> $52d8
  1359. <Navi> Vincent_Valentine: You rolled 52 Dice with 8 Sides. Total: 218.
  1360. <Vincent_Valentine> $calc 218+1602
  1361. <DM> The Darknut Archer drops a Mini-ballista and Soldier Platemail
  1362. <Kefka> 218+1602 = 1,820
  1363. <DM> The Red Darknut drops a Claymore, Tower Shield and Soldier Platemail.
  1364. <Kirran> $52d8
  1365. <DM> $1d6
  1366. <Navi> Kirran: You rolled 52 Dice with 8 Sides. Total: 230.
  1367. <Navi> DM: You rolled 1 Die with 6 Sides. Result: 2. Total: 2.
  1368. <DM> A heart container drops!
  1369. * Vincent_Valentine YOINK?
  1370. <DM> Apparently it was hidden in the roof of the cavern, or something.
  1371. <DM> See for the replaced drops.
  1372. * Raine dances around in the platemail, giggling.
  1373. * X__X is now known as Pellik
  1374. <Bob> nah, yous alls can take those things
  1375. * Pellik appears seemingly out of nowhere, emerging now that the battle was over.
  1377. * Vincent_Valentine snags the Heart Container.
  1378. <Dex> NO BACKSIES
  1379. <Dex> YOINK
  1380. <DM> (How on earth is Raine dancing in that)
  1381. <DM> (my mind is breaking)
  1382. <Raine> (You don't want to know)
  1383. <Bob> (question, how much longer is this quest supposed to go?)
  1384. <Kirran> That thing is two times bigger than you Dex, how are you going to fire it?)
  1385. <Dex> Modifications!
  1386. <Dex> DEAL WITH IT NERD
  1387. <Bob> (cause I'm gettin' tired... normally, I'd go longer, but I'm pretty sure I'm getting a cold or something)
  1388. * Bob high-fives Dex for that line.
  1389. <DM> (Was hoping for one more combat. Would happen momentarily.)
  1390. <Dex> wheres the info for putting it in inventory?
  1391. <DM>
  1392. <DM> See the Darknut Archer section
  1393. <Vincent_Valentine> Darknut Archer -> Replaced Drop
  1394. <Kirran> (Also, how are we handling the iron scrap thing/ materials thing? Everyone gets one?)
  1395. <DM> Just one for the party.
  1396. <DM> Oh good point, let me dish that out
  1397. <DM> The Darknut Archer dropped an Arcane Iron Scrap as well, found in the Description.
  1398. <Red_Enrics> $calc 26+17
  1399. <Kefka> 26+17 = 43
  1400. <Dex> ill take it i guess
  1401. <Dex> since nobody else wants it
  1402. <DM> (You'll be glad you did. ;) )
  1403. * Bob suddenly disappears as the fourth wall picks him up and drags him away.
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