
Looking out across the ocean, you say, "So... going to Glomdorings, yes? Reasons?"

Mar 17th, 2021
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  1. A soft, angelic hymn precedes the arrival of Gurashi, riding Bizirik, the leothin, from the north, the air itself alive with warmth and light.
  2. Bizirik stalks in from the north, wings spread as it clicks and thrums softly.
  4. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says, "I will lead you to the Great Stage of... well, somewhere!"
  6. A wandering bard exclaims, "Cheliyi is taking me to one of the World Stages! I am very excited as I am sure those who will come to see me are!"
  8. You blink.
  9. You stare blankly into space.
  11. Gurashi stares at a wandering bard, eyes wide.
  12. A wandering bard sketches a low bow as she glances at Gurashi.
  14. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Aaaaaaaa wait let me-."
  16. Gurashi throws back their head as they laugh.
  18. ---> zoom zoom zoom
  20. Within the Lodestar Athenaeum.
  21. Shimmering mist hangs in the air, drifting away from a healing shrine of Carakhan nearby. This location is flooded with shallow, crystal clear water. High, arching ceilings encompass rows upon rows of bookshelves, wrapping around the vast circular library. Niches high along the wall hold coral candelabras, their sharp light streaming through panels of stained glass laid over the openings. At the apex of the arches, a grand mural of the Celestial heavens has been painted, the radiant forms of Elohora and Her Supernal entourage peering down upon the books below. Spread evenly throughout the chamber, cherrywood tables and high-backed chairs of fine mahogany provide ample space for study, and the quills and inkwells set along the tables allow for the delicate work of the scribe. The arched entryway opens out into the Lodestar Athenaeum, the outer edge bordered in gold paint, silver conch shells decorating the length. A library catalogue rests here on a pedestal. A slender leothin sits here motionless, brightening its surroundings with its natural golden bio-luminescence. Muginn, the ghost-feathered crow perches here, eyeing the area suspiciously. Gurashi, The Heart's Friend with a Regal face shifts and blurs, their figure cast into uncertainty by the enveloping Presence that lingers large, unseen, and heavy about their form. They wield a vibrant mandolin of songbirds and stars in their left hand. You may use the LIBRARY commands here.
  22. You see a single exit leading north.
  24. You hug Gurashi as best as you can, pulling them into a tight embrace.
  26. Gurashi's eyes light up as they smile.
  27. Gurashi reaches out and gently grabs you, pulling you into a tight embrace.
  28. Gurashi gives you a friendly squeeze.
  29. Happily, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Good evening, good evening."
  31. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "How are you, yes?"
  33. Stifling a yawn with their hand, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says, "Am O-K, am. Working on things, yus."
  35. You squeeze yourself in a congratulatory manner.
  36. You give Gurashi a friendly squeeze.
  37. You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
  38. You chuckle softly, your frilled tail flicking idly with amusement.
  40. Gurashi, The Heart's Friend thinks to themself: *a sheepish swell of coloration, shades of mauve and blue - imagining mist, taking on shapes*.
  41. Gurashi's shoulders bunch as they let out a short giggle.
  42. Excitedly, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Wanted to see the mists..."
  44. You have emoted: Cheliyi blinks slowly, and laughs again. "Mm... I can try! Is mostly just always turning into vines and things like that, yes."
  46. Syntax:
  48. MIST EXPEL <reagent>
  49. MIST FOCUS <target>
  52. MIST ADJUVANT <type>
  53. MIST LINK <mage>
  55. Gurashi suddenly sits, eyes wide, expectant.
  57. You run your palm along the lip of your amphora, calling forth a bubbling mist.
  59. Gurashi's hands fly to their mouth as they give a short gasp of elation.
  60. Gurashi's shoulders bunch, letting out an excited giggle as they watch mist pouring out from the amphora. "Oh oh oh oh."
  62. You have emoted: Cheliyi squints at the bubbly mist, and hums. She mimics a pull and a push, and the mist conforms to her movements, slowly pulling and stretching into a thick tendril. The end splits into five, which shapes into a childish attempt at a hand, much like the mugwump's previous wyrdenwood claws. Giving a wave, the mist follows Cheliyi's example, who just laughs.
  64. Gurashi, The Heart's Friend thinks to themself: *a rush of childlike excitement, welling up from their stomach, ending in their head - a happy thrum*.
  66. Bizirik's head begins to droop. It opens its great maw and curls back its lips to allow its forked tongue to unfurl as it yawns before snapping its mouth shut.
  68. Gurashi points at the misty tendril, gasping. "IS A SHAPES," They exclaim, waving back at the hand.
  69. Gurashi excitedly slaps their hands on the floor of the library, then realizes they are shouting, shoulders bunching as they look about, anticipating a scolding.
  70. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend whispers, "Is a shapes!"
  72. You snort at Gurashi, holding back laughter from behind webbed fingers.
  74. Distant and muffled voices filter in from outside.
  76. Gurashi wiggles happily on the floor, eyes wide. "You are getting so goodly at it!"
  78. You have emoted: Cheliyi lets her hand fall, the misty hand flopping on the ground and poofing into a simple haze once more. "Sort of! Is a lot easier to do the mists, because it is just, um... misty, yes. Feels natural...er."
  80. The soft lambency of passing hummingbirds filters in from outside, shedding light on a dark night.
  82. ---> look gurashi
  84. They are an ordinary human starlit demigod changeling. They stand several inches shy of six feet tall with a slender build. Their arms and legs are lanky, soft hands nervously balled into fists at their side. Their most prominent three knuckles of the same hand are faintly scarred, star-shapes etched across their skin. Their sandy skin has been reddened from exposure to the sun, causing an array of tawny-colored freckles to appear upon their round cheeks and thin, upturned nose. A hint of discolored flesh can be seen near the center of their sternum, mostly obscured by their clothing. A moderately-sized, crescent-shaped scar mars their right cheek. Perhaps the most noteworthy thing about them is their untamed mop of fiery red hair, complete with a few strands at their part that fail to obey the natural laws of gravity. A shock of bone-white hair has grown in along their temple. A pair of friendly gray-blue eyes gaze out from below red bangs, their color striking against all the surrounding warm hues. Great wings of ethereal metal emerge from their upper back, raining motes of copper-hewn energy that dissipate with the hum of the Beckoner Beyond the Maze's truefavour. Soothing mists of water and light weave about them in a sparkling white veil, marking the strongfavour of Lantra, the Empyreal.
  85. They are wearing:
  86. a starry wreath of celestial light set atop their head like a halo
  87. a circlet of crystal thorns resting loosely atop their head
  88. a vivid red-orange poppy tucked lovingly behind their left ear
  89. an indigo scarf dotted with lambent fireflies wrapped thoroughly around their neck
  90. a sunny tiger lily brooch pinned carefully to their scarf
  91. a vibrant vermilion shirt which has been perfectly tailored for them
  92. a well-worn apron covered in colorful pockets tied tightly behind their back
  93. mercurial Mysraian prayer beads pulled taut against their right wrist
  94. a Glomdoring friendship bracelet which jingles softly on their left wrist
  95. minty citrus incense beads pulled taut against their right wrist
  96. a shifting, living poppy of saffron petals worn delicately upon their left wrist
  97. a driftwood ring of sea breezes fitted tightly to their left middle finger
  98. rugged tan adventuring trousers which fit their form flatteringly
  99. Refined Boots of the Paladin, worn and weathered from use.
  101. Gurashi bobs their head in agreement. "It makes sense. Water is thick! And, -heavy-! Even if are not a water persons. Imagine is heavy." They beam. "Do not worry, am sure that as keep practicing will get easier, yus!"
  102. Gurashi claps their hands together merrily.
  103. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Then you can move bigly waters...whole ponds even! Like your dad, yus."
  104. Excitedly, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "You will never have to go to bathhouses again! Can wash yourselfs!"
  105. Bizirik, the leothin looks at Gurashi in confusion.
  107. Thoughtfully, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says, "Well...will never NEED to."
  108. Gurashi quickly lowers their voice again, puffing their cheeks.
  110. You have emoted: Cheliyi sits down next to Gurashi, puffing with pride at the praise and nodding in agreement. Giggling at the mention of a bathhouse, she stares up at the room's ceiling. "Well, could do that anyways with rain. But, bathhouses are also for fun swimming!"
  111. You nod your head sagely.
  113. A rush of summer warmth passes through you as you smell grass and flowers and glimpse the limitless blue of a perfectly blue, sunlit sky.
  115. Gurashi quirks their mouth to the side, chewing their cheek. "Have never really gone swimmings there - because thought was places for peoples to go....and." They gesture. "Bathe."
  116. Gurashi glances askance.
  117. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says, "...but it is really like a pools!"
  119. You hum softly, your frills vibrating with song.
  120. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you ask, "Just maybe go there.... when peoples are sleeping?"
  122. Gurashi sniffs the air while twitching a striped badger nose.
  123. Gurashi looks up thoughtfully.
  124. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Is always waking times somewheres."
  125. Gurashi winks conspiratorially at you.
  127. You chuckle softly, your frilled tail flicking idly with amusement.
  129. Gurashi bunches their shoulders again, smiling from their seat on the floor. "What are reading abouts?" They ask, looking towards the books your pulled from the shelves. "Anything goodly?"
  131. Light radiates from Gurashi's heart, warming with shades of gold, wheat, and saffron.
  133. You have emoted: Cheliyi glances again at the library catalogue, humming curiously. "Well, I read about the Supernals, but then all I could find afterwards were books from Magnagoras and Glomdoring peoples." She huffs, and leans her head against Gurashi's shoulder. "Can't actually find the right books to learn more, but some of them are nice reads."
  135. Gurashi tilts their head, gaze softening as they frown.
  137. A sense of longing fills the air, accentuated by the lapping of the ocean waves upon the distant walls of the city.
  139. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend asks you, "What do mean couldn't find thems to learn more? What are trying to learns? About Supernals?"
  141. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Mm... trying to understand the Light, and what it actually means. Mister Dad already helped with some, but I guess... I also want to just know more about cultures and the um..."
  142. You glance askance.
  143. You sigh quietly, frills drooping as your tail sags.
  145. The glittering mist around Muginn burns away, the moaning visages of the damned slowly seeping back into his coat.
  147. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Well, want to learn about the Divine here. I am sure They are very nicely but I just... um. Want to be prepared."
  149. As the sun's rays begin to break over the horizon, a slender leothin's amaranthine visage begins to fade back to a soft gray, wings dissolving like mist with the morning light.
  151. Gurashi cants their head, listening. At this, they slowly nod...then smile, reaching up to give your arm a squeeze.
  152. Gurashi looks suddenly to you, face lighting up as they smile brightly.
  153. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Well. Let us see what we can find, then? Let me see if can helps."
  155. You have emoted: Cheliyi fidgets uneasily with her bracelets, as if her usual tactile focus were unsatisfactory. She nods, and smiles faintly.
  157. Gurashi scrambles up from their seat, approaching the shelves. "Because if cannot find in the libraries, then am sure is a scrolls hiding somewheres! And if is not a scrolls," They hum, "we will just ask!"
  159. You glance askance.
  161. Singing drifts in from outside, faintly muffled.
  163. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Don't want to bother Them," rather quickly, eyes darting as if to check to eaves and other areas of the library, "since They must be busy, yes."
  165. Gurashi browses a few of the books on the shelf before looking at you, then back at the shelf, then you again, smile waning.
  167. A sense of longing fills the air, accentuated by the lapping of the ocean waves upon the distant walls of the city.
  169. You have emoted: Cheliyi presses her lips together, and goes back to browsing.
  171. Gurashi, The Heart's Friend thinks to themself: ...* a ripple of concern, parting the colors curiously*.
  173. You think to yourself: **a quiet, wary tenseness in your chest, do not trust Divines, not again. The only one you might be able to trust at all is the Shofets, and even then...**.
  175. Bizirik's head begins to droop. It opens its great maw and curls back its lips to allow its forked tongue to unfurl as it yawns before snapping its mouth shut.
  176. You check out the journal.
  177. "The Tale of Ardrak", By Protector of Stones, Hallen, Nali's Darling (Page 1)
  178. The Tale of Ardrak
  179. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  180. By: Hallen
  182. The young dracnari boy stood at the window looking out on the bustling
  183. economy of the newborn city. He watched as a team of Taurians marched by
  184. carrying long blocks of newly cut lumber as, a supervising Orclach
  185. barked instructions at them. All the way to the horizon, the city
  186. stretched out
  187. before him. It was a hive of busy activity as all order of races moved
  188. through the newly constructed and winding streets, all busy with some
  189. bureaucratic or constructive business. Many of the buildings were either
  190. barely built or not started at all, showing their brick or wooden
  191. innards like some kind of giant stripped corpse. The smell of sawdust
  192. was prevalent, as were the busy sounds of industry: voices shouting and
  193. crying out orders, winches and wheels squeaking noisily at their
  194. frequent use, the sawing of wood being shaped into blocks and strips of
  195. Type MORE to continue reading. (41% shown)
  197. Gently, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "It is O-K to ask Thems." They say, soft and encouraging. "The Ladies of Celest do not..."
  199. You check in the journal.
  201. You have emoted: Cheliyi abruptly closes the journal she'd been perusing, not meeting Gurashi's gaze.
  203. Gurashi pauses, glancing down, then back up with another encouraging smile. "Tridemon's been with the Lady Sculptor for longer than I have been alive," They explain. "She is very kindly, yes. Saved me from a crabs, once."
  205. You think to yourself: **even as you try to agree, Mister Dad would not follow someone cruel, -He- saved them too, once.**.
  207. Canting their head, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "And when I joined the City, it was the Even-Bladed who gave me this." They look down at the training katana holstered to their belt. "Thought was just a jokes at the time. But then She showed up to helps me try and use it better - and, She was SO nicely to Bizi."
  209. You have emoted: Cheliyi rolls her shoulders with a grimace, and tries to find another book.
  210. You glance askance at Gurashi.
  212. Gurashi watches you, resting a hand on the shelves. "And the Empyreals..."
  214. You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
  215. You have emoted: Cheliyi lets her forehead thunk against the bookshelf, frowning quietly to herself. "I... I know. All of them have been helpful. I just..."
  216. You cough softly.
  217. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Them, rather."
  219. Gurashi does not even get to finish their explanation, letting you speak instead, canting their head to the side.
  221. You think to yourself: I am scared.
  223. You have emoted: Cheliyi sighs, and waves her hand. "No, no. Please continues. Lady Empyreal?"
  225. Gently, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "No. You have a thoughts and."
  226. Gurashi taps their forehead. "...cannot read your minds."
  228. A glorious beam of light shoots out over New Celest.
  230. You have emoted: Cheliyi grimaces, and sighs again. "Am... scared," she admits, finally. "That it will be a lie all over again, that They will use you or hurt you, that I will not see it again. That all Divine just want to use mortals, which, some peoples are okay with that, but I... I don't want to be used to hurt peoples, not again." She winces at the lighting beacon, and rubs at her eyes.
  231. You think to yourself: **the bitter, weary mantra, echoing in the back of your mind, of course, of course, of course.**.
  232. Singing drifts in from outside, faintly muffled.
  234. Gurashi, The Heart's Friend thinks to themself: *listening to the words, their colors softening, dimming... a settled fog of blue and gray, swirling. "I don't want to be used to hurt peoples" - a flicker of memory, of colorful plumage and confusion and the heartbreaking cry from the Bloom of Serenity, blood on your hands.... a sigh, and a sense of understanding*.
  236. Gurashi's gray-blue eyes scan your form as she stands there near the shelves, expression calm. At the lighting of the beacon, the human reaches out, wrapping an arm around the mugwump's shoulders, then another, pulling her into a hug.
  237. Singing drifts in from outside, faintly muffled.
  239. You have emoted: Cheliyi lets out another, quiet exhale, eyes screwing shut as she leans into the embrace. Her tail lashes behind her with quiet agitation, the mugwump murmuring something unintelligible under her breath.
  241. Gurashi, The Heart's Friend thinks to themself: *a flicker of recollection - you see the Lady Sculptor smiling down politely at you upon the beach - the Even-Bladed giving Bizirik many good scritches - the Empyreal, for a moment Her spear aimed at you, judging you... then, Her lips upon your forehead and a lightness you cannot explain*.
  243. You think to yourself: Don't want to hurt you.... don't want to... mm. It's not...
  245. You have emoted: Cheliyi smiles faintly, her frilled tail slowly coming to a halt in its thrashing motion.
  247. Quietly, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "...is O-K."
  248. Gurashi gives you a supportive squeeze. "The Divines are Too Bigly to try and imagines EXACTLY what They wants, yes." They puff their cheeks. "But - we still comes from Thems."
  249. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "-I- love the Ladies of Celest very muchly, yes. They take goodly care of Tridemon. Of the City. Of my friends who follows Thems, yes."
  250. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "...is O-K to be cautious! Is."
  252. Bizirik's head begins to droop. It opens its great maw and curls back its lips to allow its forked tongue to unfurl as it yawns before snapping its mouth shut.
  254. Gurashi pulls back from the hug, smoothing your hair.
  255. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "If really wants to learn more about Thems, then we can, yes. Are lots of peoples in Their Orders to answer questions."
  257. You have emoted: Cheliyi smiles faintly, and nods. "I... um. Mm. Okay. I know, the feeling is just sort of... there. Hard to ignore." She pulls away, visibly relaxing as her hair is smoothed. "Could be nice. Could try, yes."
  259. Shaking their head, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says, "No, no, do not... think should ignore? Just..."
  260. Puffing their cheeks, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says, "Are allowed to feel how are feeling. And know are scared! But..."
  261. Eyes wide and shiny, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Have only ever been kindly to me - all of Thems."
  262. Gurashi looks at you hopefully.
  264. You nod your head slowly in understanding.
  265. You let loose a long breath from your lungs, exhaling slowly.
  267. Gurashi smiles at you warmly, offering another soothing pet. "Is O-K."
  269. Singing drifts in from outside, faintly muffled.
  271. Softer, you say, "Okay."
  273. Earnestly, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "For now...let us work on finding some books, yus?"
  275. You nod your head emphatically.
  277. The soft voice of Sulwh tickles your ear, "Hello."
  279. Muffled laughter echoes from somewhere outside.
  281. Harmony echoes in your mind as you sing to Balladeer Sulwh, "Hi hi, yes. Did you need something?"
  283. The soft voice of Sulwh tickles your ear, "...I thought your unique perspective might have been needed but it seems like that perspective is no longer needed."
  285. Harmony echoes in your mind as you sing to Balladeer Sulwh, "... ah! Well, if you need anything else, let me know, yes."
  287. You think to yourself: Unique perspective?
  289. The soft voice of Sulwh tickles your ear, "Would you like some sweets?"
  291. Harmony echoes in your mind as you sing to Balladeer Sulwh, "Oh! Sure, yes."
  293. The soft voice of Sulwh tickles your ear, "Come over to my shop."
  295. You hum softly, your frills vibrating with song.
  296. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Oh, Mister Sulwh is inviting me over to share sweets, yes."
  297. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say to Gurashi, "Want me to ask if you can come?"
  299. Gurashi blinks a few times, canting their head. "Ah? Oh... well - would but, soul is going to be woobly, for a little bit..."
  300. Gurashi frets over everything that might go wrong.
  302. You nod your head sagely.
  303. You hug Gurashi as best as you can, pulling them into a tight embrace.
  305. Gurashi's gaze softens as they smile at you.
  306. Gurashi gives a slice of raspberry-flavoured cheesecake to you.
  307. Gently, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Is going to be O-K, mine-child, yes."
  309. You smile softly.
  311. Harmony echoes in your mind as you sing to Balladeer Sulwh, "On my way, yes."
  313. Gurashi's shoulders bunch as they let out a short giggle.
  314. Gurashi gives you a friendly squeeze.
  315. Smiling, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Have fun? Please have lots of fun."
  317. You chuckle softly, your frilled tail flicking idly with amusement.
  318. You nod your head at Gurashi.
  320. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Am going to head to the parks and clear my heads, am."
  321. Gurashi leans close to you and gently lays a kiss upon your forehead.
  323. You hug Gurashi as best as you can, pulling them into a tight embrace.
  325. Gurashi reaches out and gently grabs you, pulling you into a tight embrace.
  327. You wave goodbye.
  329. Bright and clear, Gurashi, The Heart's Friend says to you, "Go! Go have fun."
  330. Gurashi waves goodbye.
  331. Gurashi waves goodbye.
  333. You touch a glowing emerald leaf, and leafy creepers push up through the ground and climb up your legs. As the leaves turn brown and blow away, you are suddenly whisked away.
  335. You portal to Beauty and the Bard.
  336. This room has not been mapped.
  337. A seaside market square of alabaster stone.
  338. Superimposed over this location, an ethereal forest reaches up to the sky. A sign here suggests you READ SIGN! A young female horse with iridescent blue wings stands here, pawing the ground. Balladeer Sulwh floats here, enchanting notes weaving ceaselessly about his form. He wields an elegant sapphire violin of the ever-shifting cosmos in his left hand and a circular mosaic shield set in silver in his right hand. Illyria is riding on a young female horse with iridescent blue wings. You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex system. You see a sign here instructing you that WARES is the command to see what is for sale.
  339. You see exits leading northeast, up, and down (closed door).
  341. You incline your head politely to those around you.
  343. Sulwh beams broadly at you.
  345. Illyria smiles softly at you.
  347. Balladeer Sulwh says, "Today's flower is....ahh."
  349. Illyria (Female Faeling).
  350. She is 18 years old, having been born on the 17th of Dioni, 566 years after the Coming of Estarra.
  351. She is ranked 342nd in Lusternia.
  352. She is an extremely credible character.
  353. She is a Valleyrunner in the Fellowship of Explorers.
  354. She is a graduate of the Ancestral Glade of the Moonharts (honours) and the Empyreal Academy.
  355. She is a member of the clan called 'Ironhart Collective.'
  356. Her motto: 'Question everything. Take nothing for granted.'
  357. She is considered to be approximately 50% of your might.
  358. She is not currently active in any family.
  359. See HONOURS FULL ILLYRIA to view her 6 special honours.
  361. Sulwh gives a bright yellow rose to you.
  363. You smile gently, frills puffing with joy.
  365. Sulwh gives an entrancing red rose to Illyria.
  367. Sulwh buys a bowl of chocolate ice cream.
  368. Sulwh gives a bowl of chocolate ice cream to you.
  370. You chuckle softly, your frilled tail flicking idly with amusement.
  372. Illyria lifts the rose to her nose and inhales deeply, smiling.
  374. You nod your head sagely.
  375. You give a slice of raspberry-flavoured cheesecake to Balladeer Sulwh.
  377. Sulwh claps his hands together merrily.
  379. ---> eat cake
  381. This delicious dessert is formed with care, combining sugar, soft cheese
  382. and raspberries into a delicious slice of luciousness. A base of crunchy
  383. biscuit supports the layer of cheese, whilst two whole raspberries sit
  384. plumply at the widest end of the wedge.
  385. Piped in frosting on it are the words:
  387. It has 14 months of usefulness left.
  388. It weighs 12 ounce(s).
  389. It has been preserved against spoilage.
  390. It has a trade valuation of worthless.
  391. The beauteous craftsmanship of Gurashi, The Heart's Friend radiates throughout it.
  392. It has the following aliases: cheesecake, cake.
  394. You consume a slice of raspberry-flavoured cheesecake leisurely, enjoying every bite.
  395. Taking a bite of the cheesecake, your mouth waters as the raspberries fill your mouth, sating a small amount of your hunger.
  396. You ponder the situation.
  398. Illyria consumes a chocolate chip cookie leisurely, seeming to enjoy every bite.
  400. Sulwh ponders the situation.
  401. Balladeer Sulwh says, "Actually."
  402. You give a warm tulip of dawn to Illyria.
  404. Sulwh glances askance at Illyria.
  406. You nod your head sagely.
  407. Your bubbling mist dissipates.
  409. Balladeer Sulwh says to you, "This is the person I wanted your perspective for...maybe it will still be relevant."
  411. You blink.
  412. You frown at Illyria.
  413. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you ask, "What for, yes?"
  415. Illyria places the tulip carefully next to the rose, smiling her thanks as she examines each.
  417. Balladeer Sulwh says to you, "Would you talk with her a moment about your leave away from the Wyrded forest? She is about to enter that forest herself."
  419. You have emoted: Cheliyi blinks slowly, visibly tensing. She eventually sighs, and nods.
  421. Illyria glances up from the flowers, silent, eyes moving between Sulwh and you.
  423. Balladeer Sulwh says to you, "Let me rephrase that, friend."
  424. Balladeer Sulwh says to you, "Would you talk with her about your...complex relationship with the forest and how it still pulls at your heart?"
  426. Sulwh tilts his head curiously at you.
  428. Illyria murmurs almost inaudibly, "It's not going to change my mind, Sulwh."
  430. Sulwh shakes his head.
  432. You have emoted: Cheliyi pauses, and glances askance at Sulwh.
  434. Balladeer Sulwh says, "Not changing your mind, and I have never desired that."
  435. Balladeer Sulwh says, "Just...perspective and obstacles you may face."
  436. Balladeer Sulwh smiles and says, "I have cookies in the forest up the cliff for you two."
  438. You have emoted: Cheliyi rubs at her brow, and sighs again, suddenly weary. "Sure, sure. Do you mind if we..."
  440. Sulwh hugs you compassionately.
  442. You smile softly.
  444. You think to yourself: **of course of course of course of course**.
  446. Illyria nods slowly, then steps over to the winged horse and wraps an arm around her neck, stroking her fur idly as she watches and listens.
  448. Balladeer Sulwh says to Illyria, "I hope it wil just solidify your convictions."
  449. Balladeer Sulwh says, "Will, even."
  451. You beckon to Illyria.
  453. Motes of rubescent light shimmer across the Golden Belt of the Enlightened briefly, lending the effigy of the Guardian Drachou about Sulwh's waist the appearance of dancing amongst flames.
  455. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Want to... um. Talk about it in privates."
  457. Sulwh smiles faintly as he points up the cliff.
  458. Balladeer Sulwh says, "I'll take my leave to give you both privacy."
  460. You nod your head at Sulwh.
  462. Sulwh inclines his head politely to those around him.
  463. Sulwh drifts etherward, trailed by the hauntingly beautiful notes that dance upon the air.
  465. Illyria begins to follow you.
  466. Illyria follows you up.
  468. A precarious promontory overlooking the sea.
  469. Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. A young female horse with iridescent blue wings stands here, pawing the ground.
  470. You see exits leading northwest and down.
  472. Illyria follows you northwest.
  474. A mist-enshrouded forest of blooming wisterias.
  475. In the shape of an open palm, a metallic sigil lies here. A young female horse with iridescent blue wings stands here, pawing the ground.
  476. You see a single exit leading southeast.
  478. You crease your brow in a frown.
  480. Illyria follows you southeast.
  482. A precarious promontory overlooking the sea.
  483. Throughout the location, small dancing flames flicker and spark. A young female horse with iridescent blue wings stands here, pawing the ground.
  484. You see exits leading northwest and down.
  486. You peer about yourself unscrupulously.
  487. You have emoted: Cheliyi sits down at the edge of the cliff, patting the spot beside her as Muginn, the ghost-feathered crow settles down on the opposite end.
  489. Illyria detaches from the young horse and drifts forward, settling down beside you with an air of unbidden curiosity.
  491. You sigh quietly, frills drooping as your tail sags.
  493. Looking out across the ocean, you say, "So... going to Glomdorings, yes? Reasons?"
  495. Illyria murmurs, "Let me guess. You're disappointed in my decision too." She looks away, visibly beginning to wall herself off. "One reason primarily. It's the only way to follow the Silent One."
  497. Muginn ruffles his feathers, stirring up puffs of fog.
  499. Smiling faintly, you say, "Not disappointed. You grow how you want to grow, yes. Whether under light of Moon of shade of Night, is not for me to decide. I used to follow Him, as well. He is very kind, to His children."
  500. You have emoted: Cheliyi seems extraordinarily tired, petting Muginn, the ghost-feathered crow with slow, steady movements. "Moving just for Him? What other reasons, yes?"
  502. You think to yourself: **the deep, bitter ache, He is good to his children, He was good to you. But, for why? Only to hurt, only to use.**.
  504. Illyria looks down at her hands, perched loosely in her lap. "The night is.. special. Always has been, to me. In the darkness, all other senses heighten. You feel more intensely, perceive more strongly- your eyes stop tricking you into taking things at face value. You must evaluate each thing in all of its parts, not just for its appearance. It comforts and shelters and hides you. It hold secrets, then whispers them to to those who know how to listen." She quirks her lips. "For Him. Yes. But it's a pull of the soul. I didn't know whose Fulcrux I entered, fresh from the Portal. I only know it called to me. Is that not reason enough?"
  506. You have emoted: Cheliyi's lips quirk into a smile, almost wistful. "Mother Night is special, yes. Always liked the Shadows more than the Light. Did not hurt my eyes, as much." Her dull gaze blinks slowly behind her tinted spectacles, and she looks Illyria up and down. "What," she asks, "do you know about kindness?" The mugwump soon holds up her hands in a placating manner, as if to soothe an outburst she can see coming. "Not to dissuade. Not to change your mind. But, what do you think about it?"
  508. You think to yourself: **the deep ache... you miss Night's embrace, sometimes. Your siblings. When it all was simple, and you were blind.**.
  510. Illyria tilts her head, looking up to regard you carefully. A hint of defensiveness enters her eyes, then melts away as she sighs and shrugs. "Is this going to be a repeat of Ms. Elexia?" she murmurs wryly, looking away. "Kindness has its place. But it shouldn't keep you from doing what needs to be done for the greater good and health of the whole. Practicality is its own kindness. I do not believe in cruelty for its own sake, as thing to take pleasure in, but sometimes cruelty can be kindness to... if it prevents a longer sort of suffering."
  512. The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
  513. You pat Illyria in a friendly manner.
  514. Wearily, you say, "Then if you believe that with all of your heart, Glomdoring is a goodly place for you."
  516. Gurashi bestows their cityfavour upon you.
  518. Resigned, you say, "Was a part, of Glomdorings. Was Culture minister. Believed everything, every day. Loved home. But, they hurt my family again, and again, because they were too kind. Too loving. Too naive. Did not see it, until it was too late. Could not stand, being unable to protect those I cared about, even while Wyrden. Could not stand that I had been used, to hurt. But, if it is something you are unafraid of, something you can not feel heavy in your chest for, you will flourish."
  520. Bitterly amused, you say, "I rotted, yes. Refused to cut away what makes me, me. Selfish. But, I rotted for it, and left."
  521. Gaze suddenly steely as she looks the faeling in the eyes, you say, "If you are fine, with being used, being lied to, and cutting away yourself for refinement. Then you will rise and become powerful. May you grow strong."
  522. You have emoted: Cheliyi finally hums, her piece said.
  524. Illyria tilts her head, frowning, then looks out over the sea. "I don't know what makes me me. I'm still finding out." She lapses into silence, then sighs. "I feel... on an intellectual level... like your words should make me feel worse than they do. Perhaps the fact that they don't that means that on the inside, I'm already rotten. Or perhaps I'm just a different sort of blossom." Glancing over, her frown deepens. "I care nothing for power. And everyone should refine themselves, no matter where they are."
  526. Illyria's eyes darken further. "And as to being used and lied to, well, Glomdoring doesn't exactly hold a monopoly on that."
  527. You have emoted: Cheliyi smiles, and shakes her head. "They are not. Not mean to pierce, or somethings. They are just truths, and truths that you are willing to bear. Makes you stronger, in a different way than me, yes. Refinement is only in one way, in Glomdorings. No other ways to grow." The mugwump hums at Illyria's words, and chuckles softly. "Liars are everywhere. But the truths for each person, are different. Your truth, it seems, is that you will be a good rose in Her Garden. I wish you the best."
  528. You give a midnight black rose to Illyria.
  529. Softer, you say, "Though I do not like Him, or follow Him anymore... please be sure to be the follower I could never be. He deserves peoples who can grow strong under His teachings."
  531. Illyria blinks and tilts her head. "Her? Whose Garden?" she asks curiously, frowning but accepting the rose with a hint of a smile that flits away like a wayward pixie.
  533. You blink.
  534. You chuckle softly, your frilled tail flicking idly with amusement.
  536. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Someone you must learn well of, yes. She is Lady Viravain, Lady of the Roses, of the Thorns. She created my siblings, the Glomdoring. It is Her Garden, and She tends to it lovingly, yes. In Her own way. Be polite to Her, yes? And for your safety, try not to ask foolish things, no."
  538. Illyria begins to speak, then stops, looking down. After a moment, she begins to laugh, but the sound is drier than the desert winds. "Now. That, I cannot promise. I am ravenously curious and a seeker of knowledge, and I don't know if something is a foolish thing to ask until I've already asked it." She sighs. "No. All I can do is accept the consequences of those questions as they come, and learn from them."
  540. A wry smile spreads across your face.
  541. Amused, you say, "Then like I said. You will do fine. May my siblings shade your steps."
  543. "Your siblings?" Illyria asks in vague puzzlement.
  545. You blink.
  546. You chuckle softly, your frilled tail flicking idly with amusement.
  548. Illyria thinks to herself: [ A mental image of oversized mugwumps holding parasols above her head as she walks.].
  550. You have emoted: Cheliyi's frills twitch, and she suddenly bursts out laughing. She shakes her head vigorously, waving Illyria off. "Was raised, when I was young, by Glomdoring itself. The trees. Can hear them," she says, her chuckling finally dying down.
  552. Illyria looks first enlightened, then even more confused. A hundred questions are considered and discarded either as irrelevant or for later, until one lingers on her lips. "The trees in Glomdoring... if you can hear them, what do they tell you?" she asks quietly.
  554. Black, starry mist coalesces into Dusan, the coruscant as he gives a platter housing a bleached skull full of stew to Illyria before disappearing again.
  556. Illyria stares implacably about herself.
  557. Illyria stares implacably at a platter housing a bleached skull full of stew.
  559. You have emoted: Cheliyi smiles sadly, opening her mouth to respond only to freeze as Dusan appears, and fades. For a moment, she almost looks struck, only to sigh, and shake her head. "They sing. All trees do. Used to just... talk with them. Mostly would tell stories, tell me about their days, we were just... family. But, they also used to sing a certain song." Her gaze glazes over, distant. "Do not feel like singing it, at the moment. But... maybe you will come to hear it. It is mostly praises of Glomdoring."
  561. You think to yourself: **bitter amusement, hiding deep hurt** Now, they tell me I am a failure, and that I should come back to rot.
  563. Muginn shakes out his feathers, the plumes suddenly glowing with an ethereal haze. Ripples of mist pool at his talons, writhing with silent, screaming faces that leave hoar-frost in their wake.
  565. Illyria purses her lips, looking down. "Is it a good song?" she asks quietly. "Because some of the trees in there look... anguished. The one last thing I don't understand is why the forest is so very twisted, decaying." Her eyes shift to the ghostly crow for a moment, then back to you. "And no one will give me an answer that makes sense."
  567. The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
  569. You have emoted: "Glomdorings... it is alive. That which is weak, rots. Is culled. The process can be very painful. The refinement does not only happen to peoples, no," Cheliyi sighs, shifting in place. "The trees do not sing in pain. They are singing as they are. Deeper, darker than Serenwildes, with a hint of coldness that contrasts the warmth of summer." Her gaze flicks to Illyria once more, smile sad. "It is no secret, that the Wyrd is a painful thing. The Wyrd itself warps, to bring all under its mold for evolution. That, is why home seems twisted. But, to people who are truly wyrden, it is truly home. It can be truly beautiful."
  571. Gaze pained, you say, "Do leaves not crunch underfoot in Serenwilde, feeding the soil? Does the corpse not rot beneath the earth, feeding the forest? It is simply that Glomdorings has many more dying things, to feed from. To thrive from."
  573. Illyria listens intently now, leaning in more closely as you speaks, eyes bright as she carefully takes each word and cradles it in her mind. A sense of finality almost audibly clicks into place as the mugwump finishes, a quiet acceptance that whisks away the last remnants of conflict that had subtly tensed her shoulders. With a long exhale, she nods. "That.. that makes sense," comes the reply as the faeling tucks away a strand of hair teased by the sea breeze. She smiles at the other, a complicated thing that holds both gratefulness and an acknowledgment of the pain brought by speaking of it. "Thank you," she says quietly.
  575. The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
  577. Softly, you say, "I have been hurt and betrayed by my home many times, yes. I hope, that it will not be the same for you. Glomdoring can be good, for those who will thrive there."
  579. Illyria nods slightly, understanding. "Time will tell," she says, equally softly.
  581. You give Illyria a friendly squeeze.
  582. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "If you need something, just ask, yes. Does not have to be in a time of need or anything, or that I think you will doubt. But if you need foods, or something to talk about, my manse is open. Called "Overgrowth," yes."
  584. A warmer smile, now, as Illyria climbs to her feet, making her way back to the winged filly. "Thank you- oh. I just realized I haven't even caught your name."
  586. You give a trillingly melodic laugh, your frills resonating with joy.
  587. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Is Cheliyi. Only heard your name sort of from Mister Sulwh. Is Illyria, yes?"
  589. Illyria nods. "It's Illyria," she confirms. "It was good to meet you, Cheliyi. I truly hope you find happiness where you are."
  591. You have emoted: Cheliyi pushes herself to her feet with a grunt, dusting off her skirt. "Me too," she jokes, flashing a half-grin. "Now, let's get off the cliff, yes."
  593. A ghost of a smile touches Illyria's lips.
  594. Illyria says, "Yes. Let's."
  596. A wry smile spreads across your face.
  597. You beckon to Illyria.
  599. Illyria begins to follow you.
  600. Illyria follows you down.
  601. Illyria follows you ether.
  603. The Aetherplex Chamber.
  604. The spherical chamber is formed from a hollow geode comprised of dozens of precious gemstones. Large jagged formations of rubies, sapphires, diamonds and emeralds line the walls and ceiling. The floor has been cut and polished to a brilliant shine, revealing concentric circles of brilliant colours. Upon close examination of the glassy floor, shimmering reflections briefly glide across its smooth surface of wondrous mansions and abodes. A current of electricity continuously runs throughout this mineral wonder, causing tiny sparks to erratically blossom up and down the crystalline formations. Hidden deep within the environment lies a mystic pathway. Shimmering with aetheric energy, a bright glowing portal floats here in midair. Hackles risen, a fierce timberwolf prowls about here. A screech owl is here, surveying the surroundings. There are 2 great brindle mastiffs here. A giant bat hangs here, wings folded about its body and one beady eye open. Long, lean, and vibrating with barely-contained energy, a greyhound sniffs about here. A young female horse with iridescent blue wings stands here, pawing the ground. You see a sign here instructing you to use the PORTAL command to enter the aetherplex system. There is an aetherways portal here.
  605. You see exits leading north (open door), south, out, and through a bright, glowing portal.
  607. You bow respectfully to Illyria.
  608. You move about quickly and lose Illyria.
  610. Illyria curtseys gracefully before you.
  612. The ghost of a smile passes fleetingly across your lips.
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