
Rise of the Runelords, Session 2: Ch. 1, Burnt Offerings

Dec 29th, 2013
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  1. [13:15] <@Aqu|GM> --- Rise of the Runelords, Session 2: Chapter 1, Burnt Offerings ---
  2. [13:15] <@Aqu|GM> With Palurin too bothered to participate, especially after being robbed, Mahd drunk, and Pwent drinking, the festival continues. People dance, laugh, and play games such as the Sandpoint Devil Hunt Archery contest, the Goblin Toss, and the Lighthouse Smash! Festivities begin to die down around noon, and on queue, Father Zanthus' procession begins to once again liven the festivities.
  3. [13:16] <@Aqu|GM> Father Zanthus and his acolytes wheel a large covered wagon into the square, and after recounting the short parable of how Desna first fell to earth and was nursed back to health by a blind child who she transformed into an immortal butterfly as a reward for her aid, they pull aside the wagon’s cover, releasing the thousand children of Desna
  4. [13:16] <@Aqu|GM> A furious storm of a thousand swallowtail butterflies that swarm into the air in a spiraling riot of color to a great cheer from the crowd. Children begin to futilely chase butterflies, never quite quick enough to catch them.
  5. [13:18] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent claps his hands, watching the butterflies spiral and play; the insects seeming to be as livened by the festivities as the people, if it is even possible.
  6. [13:21] <Harvey> Mahd is sitting on a crate on the outskirts of the square sipping a skin of water and sobering up. She smiles and laughs at the butterflies, enjoying the spectacle as Orick simply stands by.
  7. [13:22] <Harvey> Palurin, also on the outskirts of the festivities watches passively, expression hidden beneath his dark hood.
  8. [13:24] <@Aqu|GM> As the swarm of Swallowtail butterflies begin to spread, acolytes of Desna set up tables in the center of the square for lunch. Members and owners of the local taverns begin to bring out dishes as the tables are set; filling the tables for a great feast. Each brings its best dishes—this event is a marketing push by the taverns as much to win new customers as it is to feed a hungry crowd!
  9. [13:27] <@Aqu|GM> After several minutes, the dishes are set, ranging from curry-spiced salmon to hagfish-lobster chowder to peppercorn venison-- all with the appropriate tavern's home-brewed alcohol, of course.
  10. [13:28] <@Aqu|GM> The acolytes back away, smiling as they call for the people, "Lunch is set!" they shout. "Come all, and eat! All food is free, provided by our wonderful local taverns. Enjoy yourselves."
  11. [13:30] <Harvey> Hopping off the crate, Mahd makes a beeline for the meat, grinning beneath her mask. Orick follows, small slit in his helmet rotating over the table to get a good look at the food.
  12. [13:30] <Harvey> Palurin stays where he is, not wanting to fight the crowds for the food. He's not particularly hungry anyway.
  13. [13:31] <@Aqu|GM> From the crowds, it seems that Ameiko Kaijitsu's curr-spiced salmon is quite the craze, and certainly more popular than the other two dishes.
  14. [13:32] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent is quick to join Mahd in her run to the table, though his stubby legs do not carry him as fast. He arrives a short while later, smiling. "Enjoying the food?" he asks.
  15. [13:34] <Harvey> She turns to him, a large hunk of lobster in her hand. She grins at him, her mask tilted up again as she brings the cooked crustacean to her mouth, biting into it, shell and all. With a loud crunch, her surprisingly sharp canines snap through the plates.
  16. [13:38] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent blinks, raising an eyebrow. "Huh. Nice set of choppers ye got there." He shrugs, taking a bite out of a serving of venison; beer in one hand, venison in the other.
  17. [13:43] <@Aqu|GM> A sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd. A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zanthus has taken the stage.
  18. [13:44] <@Aqu|GM> He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman’s scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, then another.
  19. [13:44] <@Aqu|GM> Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises — high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human.
  20. [13:44] <@Aqu|GM> The crowd parts and something low to the ground races by, giggling with disturbing glee as the stray dog gives a pained yelp and then collapses with a gurgle, its throat cut open from ear to ear. As blood pools around its head, the raucous sound of a strange song begins, chanted from shrill, scratchy voices.
  21. [13:45] <@Aqu|GM> The shape that raced by and killed the dog now hides at the edge of the wagon—a single goblin, licking the blood from its dogslicer as it looks excitedly at the crowd, seeking out a new target.
  22. [13:46] <@Aqu|GM> The crowd panics, many beginning to flee as the goblins charge into the fray. One goblin jumps onto the table, stuffing salmon into his pockets and pants for later. Another four stalk those at the festival tables, slashing wildly with their weapons as they approach.
  23. [13:52] <@Aqu|GM> Seeing the large construct, the goblins charge at Orick! A goblin song can be heard in the background: "Goblins chew and goblins bite. / Goblins cut and goblins fight. / Stab the dog and cut the horse, / Goblins eat and take by force!" With the vigor of the song, the four goblins try to slice the large construct.
  24. [13:53] <@Aqu|GM> The goblins seem to be thoroughly distracted in their hooting and cackling, and only one manages to hit the suit of armor. Cutting at his shin, the dogslicer slashes.
  25. [13:54] <@Aqu|GM> The fifth and final goblin is even more distracted than the rest. Instead of attacking, he begins to kick and smash plates on the table, throwing them at villagers and not paying much attention to the warriors near him.
  26. [13:58] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent huffs, glaring at the goblins. A deep-set animosity is clear (and common) between dwarves and goblins, but he recognizes what his best move would be. Instead of bashing skulls, he points a wooden symbol of Desna towards Orick. After a small prayer to the goddess, a ray of light shoots forth, washing over the construct.
  27. [14:00] <Harvey> Straightening, Palurin drops into a fighting stance and draws his sword. He quickly approaches the group of goblins around the strange black armor, swinging his sword at the nearest one.
  28. [14:05] <@Aqu|GM> The goblins prove too quick for Palurin, and manage to dodge his swing. Though stupid, they aren't stupid enough to leave their backs open. Two goblins turn, facing down Palurin.
  29. [14:08] <Harvey> Mahd quickly stands, tossing the lobster onto the table and pulling her mask down. Coming up behind Orick, she gently presses her palm against him, whispering softly. A soft glow infuses the armor, though other than that there doesn't seem to be much difference.
  30. [14:13] <@Aqu|GM> The woman from earlier, of whom Palurin spared, begins to approach. Initially not seen, she makes herself known as she buries one of her kukri into the back of a goblin that turned on Palurin. The goblin slumps with a shriek-- cut short by its quick death.
  31. [14:15] <Harvey> Orick looks down at the two twisted green shapes. With ponderous strength, he pulls the massive greatsword from his back, brandishing it. Raising it with sudden speed, he brings it on the one of goblins.
  32. [14:18] <@Aqu|GM> The downward force of the greatsword manages to impale the goblin, killing it the moment the sword reaches the ground. Unfortunately for Orick, the little bugger's corpse remains on his blade.
  33. [14:19] <@Aqu|GM> Burping after eating a few pieces of salmon, the goblin on the table jumps down...
  34. [14:20] <@Aqu|GM> ...and lands right next to Pwent and Mahd! He grins with delight, slashing at Mahd's ankles.
  35. [14:21] <@Aqu|GM> The goblin seems to have had too much to eat, and he only manages to reach the dirt, blade ending the lives of a few earthworms.
  36. [14:22] <@Aqu|GM> In response to his friend's death, one of the goblins jump up, slashing at the one of the hands of Orick.
  37. [14:22] <@Aqu|GM> Just barely, the goblin reaches Orick's hand, dogslicer cutting through the armor.
  38. [14:23] <@Aqu|GM> The final goblin growls, cursing at Palurin as it lunges forward, attempting to stab through his chest.
  39. [14:27] <@Aqu|GM> The goblin manages to pierce through Palurin's leather armor, blade making a painful gash in his chest.
  40. [14:29] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent groans. He's really wanting to smash some heads, but... healing comes first. He turns to Orick, laying a hand on the suit of armor. Light runs through his hand, and begins to run into the armor.
  41. [14:31] <Harvey> Palurin grimaces at the pain, taking a step back before lunging forward with a powerful thrust and an outstretched hand.
  42. [14:37] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin manages to skewer the goblin on his first swing. Thankful, he should be, as his spell of acid misses-- the splash landing slightly to the right of the goblin.
  43. [14:41] <Harvey> Mahd looks at the goblin right next to her, before waving her arm vaguely in front of her and chanting softly. A round, light red shield of energy appears of front of her.
  44. [14:43] <@Aqu|GM> Unfortunately for Mahd, her casting leaves her open. The goblin next to her lunges forward and slices at her chest before she can finish the spell, ending the incantation.
  45. [14:47] <Harvey> As Mahd is harmed, the suit of armor turns to her instantly. Yanking his sword free of the goblin in front of him he swivels, raising the blade as he does so and bringing it down in a massive diagonal slash at the goblin. As he does so, the glow on his body transfers to his sword.
  46. [14:51] <@Aqu|GM> The goblin doesn't even have a chance to move as the blade is brought upon him, cutting him in half. The two ends of his corpse fall to the side, a horrified look upon the fallen goblin's face, set before he was killed.
  47. [14:51] <@Aqu|GM> The final goblin shrieks in anger, following Orick and slashing at his calves while he is turned.
  48. [14:53] <@Aqu|GM> The goblin's rage allows him to swipe well into the armor, penetrating it.
  49. [14:55] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent growls. Enough healing! He decides to end this. The dwarf steps forward, attempting to grab the goblin's free arm in order to send damaging, necrotic magic through it.
  50. [14:56] <@Aqu|GM> The goblin is filled with necrotic energy, and his life-force is drained. The creature slumps to the ground, ended.
  51. [14:58] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent shakes his head and strokes his beard. "Odd, fer goblins to attack like this... in a town especially. Wonder how they got in," he muses to himself, then shakes his head. "Line up, all of ye! More gobbies be about, and ye'll need healing."
  52. [15:01] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys, of whom Palurin would recognize, nods her head to the half-elf. "I figured that I owed you for earlier," she explains. No other reason!
  53. [15:02] <Harvey> Palurin simply nods back, expression betraying nothing. He turns to the dwarf. "I would appreciate it."
  54. [15:03] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods, laying a hand on Palurin's side as he channels light through him. After a single moment, the half-elf is healed.
  55. [15:03] <Harvey> Mahd also turn to the dwarf, one hand on Orick's arm to support herself. "We wouldn't mind a bit of healing..." she grumbles through the mask.
  56. [15:05] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods, pointing his holy symbol towards Mahd. "Desna, shower her with your grace," he mumbles, and light goes forth, healing her wounds.
  57. [15:05] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns, looking to Orick. "That'd be all me healing... needed it all fer this one battle it seems."
  58. [15:06] <Harvey> "I will make do," reverberates the monotone voice inside the armor.
  59. [15:06] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent nods, and looks about... The crowd is in panic as goblins raid the church square - goblins race everywhere, running amok and singing and slashing indiscriminately.
  60. [15:07] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns. "It would seem the festivities have been cut short."
  61. [15:11] <Harvey> Palurin glances around, surveying the goblins and looking for a possible leader or motive to their actions.
  62. [15:13] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin notes that there is little to no organization that he can see-- only chaos in the square.
  63. [15:14] <@Aqu|GM> However, looking around, Palurin sees a bloom of fire erupts from the south. Goblins seem to have found the cart of fuel for the bonfire just south of the grounds and lit it on fire. Wagons burn and goblins cackle; the fire begins to spread.
  64. [15:14] <@Aqu|GM> Five goblins surround the burning wagons, one is a disgustingly garish female, singing and cackling as she cracks her whip on her fellow goblins.
  65. [15:15] <Harvey> "Perhaps we should do something about that," muses Mahd, though she sounds mildly amused at the whip-cracking.
  66. [15:15] <@Aqu|GM> "Goblins race and goblins jump./ Goblins slash and goblins bump. / Burn the skin and mash the head, / Goblins here and you be dead!" she sings, laughing and hooting along with the others.
  67. [15:15] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns and nods, seeing the ordeal. "I would agree..."
  68. [15:16] <Harvey> His sword still bare, Palurin is already heading towards the group.
  69. [15:17] <@Aqu|GM> Victanys slinks off into the shadows. Whether or not she would help is anyone's guess.
  70. [15:17] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent's stubby legs carry him after, following Palurin.
  71. [15:19] <Harvey> Palurin turns slightly, trying to keep an eye on the rogue. He doesn't particularly trust her, and he has no desire to be robbed in this chaos.
  72. [15:19] <Harvey> Shrugging to herself, Mahd sets out after them with Orick right beside her, still holding the very blood blade.
  73. [15:21] <@Aqu|GM> As the group approaches, the hooting and hollering stop. The female with the whip points her crooked finger towards the group, yelling, "Cut dem up! Go!" The goblins only grin further, running forward.
  74. [15:26] <Harvey> Orick begins to walk at his full stride, quickly outpacing Mahd and Pwent, and even the tall Palurin. As he approaches the goblins, he raises his blade, bringing it down in a powerful overhead slash at the foremost one.
  75. [15:27] <@Aqu|GM> The goblins manage to side-step the rather large construct, and his blade only meets the dirt.
  76. [15:28] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent follows Orick's lead, running up next to him, and swipes his mace, aiming to bash one of the goblins across their smug face.
  77. [15:29] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent's mace meets the head of a goblin! With a sickening crack, the goblin is brought to the ground, falling over with blood pooling at the base of his head.
  78. [15:30] <Harvey> Still safely away from the fracas, she begins casting the same shield spell once more.
  79. [15:32] <Harvey> Almost instantly, a small circle of red energy forms in front of her to protect her from harm.
  80. [15:32] <@Aqu|GM> Unseen by her... companions? Victanys continues to follow the shadows, maneuvering herself past the throng of goblins; unseen. A few more steps leads her to be right behind the female goblin, readying herself to strike.
  81. [15:34] <Harvey> Palurin is paying attention to the leader of the goblins, more concerned with taking out the leader than the grunts.
  82. [15:39] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin does take note of Victanys behind the leader!
  83. [15:41] <Harvey> Seeing her, Palurin switches his focus to the group of goblins, confident the goblin hag will be dealt with. Striding after the two warriors, he swings quickly at a goblin, forgoing the spell for now.
  84. [15:47] <@Aqu|GM> Palurin manages to create a rather large gash along the chest of one goblin, and it quickly falls.
  85. [15:47] <@Aqu|GM> The two forward goblins left attack Palurin and Pwent respectively, seeing as those two did the most damage.
  86. [15:48] <@Aqu|GM> Neither goblin manages to penetrate the armor of their combatants!
  87. [15:50] <@Aqu|GM> The female goblin lifts her hand, pointing it at Pwent. A red fog spews forth, surrounding Pwent's head.
  88. [15:51] <@Aqu|GM> Pwent looks rather bleary eyed as the fog surrounds him, then lifts. When it is gone, he stand completely still, weapon and shield down.
  89. [15:54] <Harvey> Turning slightly, Orick once again raises his blade, swinging it at the closest goblin.
  90. [16:00] <Aqu|GM> Orick easily slashes the goblin through and through. Another one down, slumped and cut in half.
  91. [16:00] <Aqu|GM> Pwent still seems to be in a daze, arms down.
  92. [16:03] <Harvey> Glancing at the final goblin in the group, Mahd grins beneath her mask. She quickly runs forward, slipping in next to Orick and drawing her longer, more ornate dagger at the same time. With a sharp laugh, she drives the sharp blade toward the last goblin's throat.
  93. [16:04] <Aqu|GM> The goblin side-steps her blade, cackling at her easily-avoided attack.
  94. [16:06] <Aqu|GM> A shriek is heard from the female goblin warchanter as Victanys drives her blade into its back. Pulling her blade back out, the corpse slumps to the ground. Victanys simply smirks, standing over the body.
  95. [16:06] <Aqu|GM> Seeing his commander fall, the last goblin blinks in surprise. He turns, quickly, and attempts to flee!
  96. [16:10] <Harvey> As the goblin turns and runs, Palurin, Mahd, and Orick raise their weapons to attack. However, Orick is the only one to make contact, impaling the goblin through the chest with a powerful thrust.
  97. [16:12] <Aqu|GM> As the final goblin falls, a number of citizens run out of their homes carrying water buckets, trying to quell the flames before they spread. Pwent, after shaking his head and regaining his wits, runs forward towards the flames. As soon as he reaches them, he begins chanting, conjuring water onto the flames to put them out.
  98. [16:12] <Aqu|GM> The fight is far from over, however, as it has once again simply moved. Clanging and clashing of swords is heard as an ever-present backdrop to the town's current state.
  99. [16:16] <Aqu|GM> Zanthus sighs, looking over the group as Victanys approaches, kukri sheathed. "Are you all alright?"
  100. [16:17] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs in her mask. "I'm fine, though Orick here is a bit worse-for-wear," she grins up at him. Palurin stays silent.
  101. [16:18] <Aqu|GM> Father Zanthus turns to cast a healing spell on Orick, mending his injuries. "I must thank you for bravely fending off those goblins, let this be my form of thanks."
  102. [16:25] <Harvey> "Thank you, priest," booms the armor, not unkindly.
  103. [16:26] <Aqu|GM> Father Zanthus nods and sighs. "I must look over the Chapel and make sure that does not happen again. There is too much at risk. We must not have another incident like Father Tobyn again." He gives a small bow to the group. "Many thanks, and let the gods be on your side." He turns, making his way back to the newly-created temple.
  104. [16:28] <Harvey> Palurin listens, trying to remember the history of this town in greater detail.
  105. [16:32] <Aqu|GM> Palurin would know Zanthus is referring to The Late Unpleasantness. Firstly, an eccentric but loved member of the town was revealed to be a serial killer, killing himself after taking the eyes and ears of 25 victims, and secondly, mentioning the fall of the previous temple.
  106. [16:32] <Aqu|GM> Not even a month after the serial killer was revealed, the town's church burned to the ground, losing the town's beloved Father Tobyn and his adoptive daughter Nualia.
  107. [16:36] <Aqu|GM> When the church burned to the ground, all that remained was ash, and neither body was recovered for burial. This only further damaged the feelings of citizens, as they could not give proper rest and respect to the Father and Daughter.
  108. [16:39] <Aqu|GM> Palurin is brought out of his reverie by the the sounds of battle; clanging swords, calls of support by the town guard, and shrieking of goblins echo through the streets, but at the festival itself, most of the citizens have fled. One or two goblins remain behind to scavenge food, and many more lie dead (along with a few unfortunate citizens).
  109. [16:39] <Aqu|GM> The fighting in the square has calmed, but loud screams and frantic barking come from the north.
  110. [16:42] <Harvey> Palurin glances towards the north with a frown hidden under his hood. Without a backwards glance he starts heading in that direction.
  111. [16:43] <Aqu|GM> Victanys once again disappears into the shadows.
  112. [16:44] <Aqu|GM> Pwent, even though thoroughly exhausted from quelling the flames, allows his stubby legs to carry him, following Palurin once again.
  113. [16:45] <Harvey> Palurin ignores her, confident that she has no more desires on his possessions. Mahd and Orick, meanwhile, watch the cloaked figure go. Mahd turns to Orick. {What do you think? Should we follow them?}, she asks telepathically. Instead of a response Orick simply nods.
  114. [16:48] <Harvey> With a shrug, Mahd starts walking slowly after Palurin. Orick follows, sheathing the massive, bloody blade.
  115. [16:49] <Aqu|GM> In front of the White Deer - a grand affair for a tavern, three stories tall with a stone first floor and wooden upper floors - a goblin commando mounted on a goblin dog has bravely attacked a noble and his hunting dog. The noble cowers behind a rain barrel where he calls for help, while his dog fights against the commando.
  116. [16:51] <Aqu|GM> You're too late for the dog, as the commando slices the dog with his horsechopper. The dog crashes, dying on the ground as the commando’s goblin-kin, numbering four, (who were themselves cowering nearby as the dog was handled) throw up a cheer and emerge from hiding. The goblins quickly surround the nobleman, jeering and brandishing their blades.
  117. [16:54] <Aqu|GM> Victanys begins to stalk behind the goblin commando, readying her blades, but not yet attacking.
  118. [16:55] <Harvey> Palurin starts to jog towards the group of four goblins, readying his blade. As he reaches them he swings downward at the closest one, trying to save the human noble.
  119. [16:56] <Aqu|GM> Palurin unfortunately misses, his blade not even nearing the goblin in his haste to attack.
  120. [16:57] <Aqu|GM> As Palurin enters the fray, the four goblins turn on him, jeering, cheering, and all swinging their blades to kill.
  121. [16:59] <Aqu|GM> Three of the four goblins manage to hit Palurin, swiping several times and bloodying his tunic. Dizziness begins to overcome him...
  122. [17:00] <Harvey> Palurin gasps, surprised. Glancing down at his wounds, he falls to his knees, barely stopping himself from crumpling to the ground.
  123. [17:02] <Aqu|GM> The goblin commander has other plans, however! Seeing a sneaking rogue behind him, he commands his dog to move. The goblin dog beneath him skirts a good distance away, and the goblin commander pulls out his shortbow, firing an arrow at Victanys.
  124. [17:03] <Aqu|GM> Victanys is fortunately agile enough to dodge the arrow, but curses under her breath as her position is revealed.
  125. [17:06] <Harvey> Seeing the cloaking figure fall, Orick storms towards the group of four, drawing his blade. With far more speed than one would expect from him he swings at the goblin closest to the bleeding figure.
  126. [17:07] <Aqu|GM> Orick manages to swipe away one of the pitiful goblins, leaving its bleeding corpse a distance away.
  127. [17:08] <Aqu|GM> Pwent charges after Orick, standing next to Palurin's crumpled form in guard. His mace once again is raised, coming down on a goblin's head.
  128. [17:09] <Aqu|GM> Pwent's downward strike is enough to crush the skull of a goblin, leaving it dead on the ground.
  129. [17:14] <Harvey> Grinning at the wanton bloodshed, Mahdilara raises both of her hands and points at Orick. {Be ready,}, she murmurs to him, before beginning to chant.
  130. [17:22] <Harvey> The chant done, she grabs a fistful of iron powder from a pouch on her belt and throw them at Orick. As they leave her hand, they seem to freeze in mid-air, before shooting toward's Orick. As they touch him, his entire body begins to glow. In an instant, the already sizable suit of armor is now large, complete with a much larger blade.
  131. [17:25] <Aqu|GM> Victanys dashes forward, seeing how far the goblin commander has fled, and attempts to instead drive one of her kukri in one of the minor goblins' backs.
  132. [17:25] <Aqu|GM> Victanys manages to drive her knife into the spine of one of the goblins, leaving it writhing in pain for a moment before falling dead.
  133. [17:26] <Aqu|GM> The final goblin in the midst of Palurin grins gleefully, attempting to end the Magus' life as he drives his dogslicer down towards his throat.
  134. [17:29] <Aqu|GM> Simultaneously, Pwent bashes the Goblin's chest with his mace, while Victanys slices the goblin's throat with her kukri. Chest battered and throat pouring blood, the goblin falls back before he has a chance to kill Palurin.
  135. [17:30] <Aqu|GM> The goblin commando aims his bow at Victanys once more, firing an arrow.
  136. [17:31] <Aqu|GM> The arrow catches itself in her leg, and she grunts in pain. She glares daggers at the goblin and its beast.
  137. [17:34] <Harvey> The grunts dispatched, the now immense suit of armor slowly turns to regard the dog-riding goblin. With a few massive steps, Orick is upon the commando, swinging his colossal blade.
  138. [17:37] <Aqu|GM> Orick is able to swipe the commander off of his mount and onto the ground. The sheer weight behind the blow kills the commander, and he's dead before he hits the ground.
  139. [17:38] <Aqu|GM> Pwent, while not having any healing spells, lays his hands on Palurin, casting a spell to stabilize him so that he will not bleed out.
  140. [17:47] <Harvey> Mahd heads over to the fallen figure. She glances over at Orick and the dog, dismissing the dog as any threat whatsoever.
  141. [17:49] <Aqu|GM> Victanys sighs, reaching into her packs. She was -hoping- to save it for later. For herself. Oh well. She leans down and lifts up Palurin's chin, her other free hand bringing a potion to his lips to gently pour down his throat.
  142. [17:49] <Aqu|GM> Palurin's wounds start to close, and his dizziness fades as he wakes.
  143. [17:54] <Harvey> Palurin's eyes blink open as he looks around. With a start, he stands up, surprised the find the human female who tried to kill him not an hour earlier right in front of him. As he does so, the hood over his face falls backward, already displaced when he was fed the potion.
  144. [18:11] <Aqu|GM> Victanys blinks, eyes meeting Palurin's. Her eyes travel to his ears as she mouths, 'half-elf', then frowns; not of distaste for the race, but rather at her being caught in the action of healing him. "You spared me, so... I healed you," she explains, frown only growing. She also stands, reaching behind his head and pulling his hood back up.
  145. [18:13] <Harvey> Palurin coughs a few times, before looking down, at the bloody rents in his cloak. "Thank you," he grumbles, glancing back up at the human.
  146. [18:14] <Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs, looking over to Orick and the dog, combat still going...
  147. [18:16] <Aqu|GM> Just as she looks over, the goblin dog lunges forward, biting at Orick's legs.
  148. [18:20] <Harvey> Glancing down at the creature clinging to his leg, Orick reverses the grip on the sword, raising the point above the dog's head. He plunges the tip downward, aiming at the dog's skull.
  149. [18:22] <Aqu|GM> The dog manages to jump off to the side, leaving Orick's blade to plunge into the ground.
  150. [18:22] <Aqu|GM> Pwent starts to run towards the dog and Orick, but his stubby legs can only carry him so far...
  151. [18:26] <Harvey> Mahd is amused by the realization that the hooded figure is a half-elf, not to mention intrigued by how the human knows him. However, as Orick is heavily damaged she turns back to the dog with a grimace. Drawing her dagger, she warily approaches the fray.
  152. [18:29] <Aqu|GM> Victanys can't quite make it to the fray; however, she can charge and throw her blade! As Victanys charges forward, she reaches back to grab her starknife, twirling it forward at the dog.
  153. [18:30] <Aqu|GM> The knife twirls past the dog, but one of its blades manages to slice along the dog's rib cage, leaving it badly wounded.
  154. [18:33] <Harvey> Grimacing slightly, Palurin turns to the dog. With a snarl equal in ferocity to the creature's own, he raises both of his hands murmuring under his breath. Suddenly, a while ball of energy erupts from his palm, flying towards the dog.
  155. [18:37] <Aqu|GM> The missile strike the dog unerringly, and the blast causes the dog to fall back, dead and charred.
  156. [18:39] <Aqu|GM> The nobleman, after righting himself and ending his hiding, approaches the group. Once Pwent, Victanys, and Mahd reach Orick, he smiles widely. "Thank you!" He cheers, looking them over. "I do not know -what- I would have done without your assistance."
  157. [18:40] <Aqu|GM> The nobleman gestures for Palurin to come over as well. "And you, too! Finishing the beast! A heroic ending, I would say!"
  158. [18:41] <Aqu|GM> The nobleman seems to be quickly distracted and his eyes move back over to Victanys. "The way you used those knives; how you threw that blade... marvelous!" He looks her over approvingly. "Such a fine warrior and an even finer lady."
  159. [18:41] <Harvey> Palurin grabs his sword off of the ground and slowly wipes the blood off on his cloak. He slowly sheathes it, approaching the group slowly.
  160. [18:42] <Aqu|GM> Victanys frowns and she fidgets rather uncomfortably. "...thanks," she mumbles.
  161. [18:46] <Harvey> Mahd stands next to Orick, who has since returned to normal size. She watches the noble through her mask.
  162. [18:47] <Harvey> Orick ignores the fairly sizable gashes and bites in his leg plate, paying special attention to the noble, trying to determine his purpose.
  163. [18:49] <Aqu|GM> The nobleman coughs, looking about nervously for more goblins. "Anyway, I am Aldern Foxglove. I am staying at the Rusty Dragon for a few days, so if you get a chance, stop by. I'd love to talk more, and reward you all properly for saving my life."
  164. [18:54] <Aqu|GM> The nobleman smiles. "Well, I will be off for now," he looks around, and following his gaze, one might see the droves of goblins currently fleeing. Even with the small amount of guards in sight, the victor is clear. "Please," he repeats, "visit me at the Rusty Dragon." With a bow, the noble turns and is off.
  165. [18:58] <Aqu|GM> Pwent smiles. "Well then, seems we drove 'em off." He looks to those around him. "Good on ye' all. Good fightin'."
  166. [18:58] <Harvey> Mahd and Orick watch him go. Mahd shrugs to herself, glancing at the fallen goblins. She grins mischievously beneath her mask. Bending down, she starts going through the pockets of the goblin leader. {Orick, go see what you can find on those other four.}
  167. [18:59] <Aqu|GM> Mahd finds a potion of light cure wounds, a masterwork horsechopper, a shortbow with 18 arrows, a set of studded leather armor, and 20 gold.
  168. [19:00] <Aqu|GM> Orick, meanwhile, finds four dogslicers, four sets of leather armor, and 13 gold in total.
  169. [19:06] <Harvey> Orick carries his finds back to her and dumping it on the ground next to the stuff she found. Mahd looks up at the group around them. "Well, shall we be diplomatic about this, or should we fight over the spoils?" she asks jokingly.
  170. [19:07] <Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs. "I do not need any of that. Perhaps anything we do not immediately need, we sell and divvy up?"
  171. [19:09] <Harvey> Palurin looks over the studded leather armor, stooping to grab it and sling it over his shoulder. Orick grabs a set of leather armor, offering it to Mahd, much to her irritation.
  172. [19:11] <Aqu|GM> Pwent smiles. "All of ye make a fine adventurin' party," he nods. "and I would bet that there'll be more goblins to kill. After all, most goblins 'er too stupid for an attack like this." He looks around to each. "What'd'ye say, we all travel together fer a bit, maybe stay in town, and see what comes of it?"
  173. [19:14] <Harvey> Mahd is too busy dividing the gold into equal portions under Orick's strict gaze.
  174. [19:14] <Aqu|GM> Pwent looks to Palurin and Victanys. "What'd'ye say? Me names Pwent. I'd be happy ta' have some companions along tha way."
  175. [19:15] <Harvey> Palurin scowls under his hood, not saying anything immediately.
  176. [19:16] <Aqu|GM> Victanys hmms to herself then nods. "I... sure. Haven't had a group like this before, but I suppose it could be fun."
  177. [19:19] <Harvey> The gold divided into four equal piles, Mahd stands. "I would love to! If you three can't find anything interesting to do, the world is completely dull."
  178. [19:20] <Harvey> {The other groups of goblins?} Orick murmurs to Mahd. "Ah! That's right! What do we think about looting those other goblins we killed?"
  179. [19:24] <Aqu|GM> Victanys smirks. "Well, let's get to it. See what their bodies have."
  180. [19:24] <Aqu|GM> Pwent nods. "Sure, gimme a minute." He looks to Palurin. "And you, lad? You gonna join our odd little group?"
  181. [19:26] <Harvey> He stands silent for a few moments. Finally, he reaches down, stashing his portion of the gold. "Yes," he replies simply.
  182. [19:27] <Harvey> As soon as he grabs a pile Mahd quickly snatches up the slightly larger pile for herself.
  183. [19:31] <Aqu|GM> Pwent and Victanys both grab their shares, the latter heading towards the last group of slain goblins. "Come on." Victanys gestures forward. "Let's go check the other group."
  184. [19:32] <Harvey> Palurin begins to follow her, shifting the armor on his shoulder. Mahd starts to follow, before pausing for a moment. {Orick, grab the leftover stuff. We can sell it.}
  185. [19:33] <Aqu|GM> Pwent nods, following after stashing his gold.
  186. [19:33] <Harvey> Stooping, Orick grabs everything else a little awkwardly and following.
  187. [19:36] <Aqu|GM> Upon reaching the other goblin corpses, the group finds, in total, four dogslicers, a whip, a shortsword, and five sets of leather armor.
  188. [19:37] <Harvey> Mahd makes a beeline for the whip, snatching that up almost instantly.
  189. [19:38] <Aqu|GM> Victanys shrugs. "Nothing else of too much use, and a bit heavy to carry all of that. Might as well leave the rest here unless you want some of it to keep."
  190. [19:42] <Harvey> Orick slowly comes along looking over the second hoard. After a moment's though, he tosses everything but the Horsechopper and shortbow and arrows onto the new pile.
  191. [19:46] <Aqu|GM> Pwent nods. "Right then... plenty of things to do still, unless ye're all wanting to head to the tavern to sleep. Could go talk to that noble, or to Zanthus and check on the church..."
  192. [19:46] <Harvey> He slings the bow over his back with the string over his chest. He also adopts the quiver of arrows. He keeps the polearm in hand.
  193. [19:47] <Harvey> Mahd looks thoughtful. Or she would if she wasn't still wearing the mask. "I wonder if that noble would pay us. That would be nice..." she muses.
  194. [19:49] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "He said he would, and we can go to sleep right after in the tavern. Seems like a good idea to me."
  195. [19:51] <Harvey> Palurin nods, though he doesn't say anything. The idea of a group still hasn't quite sunk in yet.
  196. [19:54] <Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs. "That'll do then!" He waves off towards the Red Dragon Inn. "Let's get goin'!"
  197. [19:55] <Harvey> Mahd laughs, following the cheery little dwarf.
  198. [19:57] <Aqu|GM> Victanys smiles faintly and follows in the rear.
  199. [20:03] <Harvey> Palurin follows as well, though he's still expressionless.
  200. [20:07] <Aqu|GM> You arrive at the Rusty Dragon, Sandpoint’s oldest inn, notable for the impressive (and quite rusty) iron dragon that looms on the building’s roof, doubling as a lightning rod and decoration. As you enter, the operator of the inn - Ameiko Kaijitsu - greets you welcome to her little place in the world.
  201. [20:08] <Aqu|GM> "Welcome!" Ameiko greets, recognizing the group. "I know you all, even if that isn't shared. Your fame's already growing in this town for what you did, and I'd like to repay you all. Feel free to stay in my in for as long as you'd like, within reason, for free!" She chuckles, heading behind a desk. "Just give me a moment and I'll fetch your keys."
  202. [20:09] <Harvey> Palurin raises his eyebrows, certainly not expecting the hero treatment for simply dispatching some goblins which the guard probably could've handled itself.
  203. [20:10] <Harvey> Mahd laughs again. "Oh, I like this."
  204. [20:10] <Aqu|GM> Ameiko explains as she looks for the room keys, "You see, most guards were off-duty for the festival. We certainly weren't expecting it... and the guards were having difficulties reassembling with all of the chaos." She frowns, shaking her head. "Not only that, but I hear the guard armory was the first place hit."
  205. [20:11] <Harvey> Palurin frowns at that news. "Did the goblins have a leader?" he asks suddenly.
  206. [20:12] <Aqu|GM> Ameiko produces five keys, looking forward. "Not -only- that, and don't try to spread the gossip, but I don't think it'll hurt telling you all, but I hear that the goblins said they were working for 'one of us longshanks'."
  207. [20:14] <Aqu|GM> Ameiko nods. "I know. Odd to think a human might be working with goblins. Anyway," she continues. "Do you need five keys, or are any of you an item?" She winks.
  208. [20:15] <Harvey> Mahd chuckles again. "The giant and I are together," she says playfully, glancing at Orick who is impassive.
  209. [20:19] <Aqu|GM> Ameiko smirks and nods, putting one key away and distributing the rest among the group. She gestures to a set of stairs, then down to a door nearby. "Your rooms are upstairs. As well, go through that door to the bar and dining room if you would like; Mr. Foxglove is expecting you."
  210. [20:22] <Harvey> Palurin approaches the counter. "Are you aware of any goblins that were captured?"
  211. [20:24] <Aqu|GM> Ameiko nods. "I hear the guards caught one or two, but I'm not sure they'd let you question them..." She thinks for a moment. "If you were interested, I'd say talk to Sheriff Hemlock."
  212. [20:28] <Harvey> Palurin nods. "Thank you, ma'am," he replies, a tiny smile on his face, though it's fairly well hidden under his hood.
  213. [20:58] <Aqu|GM> Ameiko nods and returns back behind her counter. "No problem. Let me know if any of you need anything."
  214. [21:02] <Aqu|GM> Pwent nods his head in a respectful bow and turns to head for the dining room.
  215. [21:03] <Aqu|GM> Victanys follows, sheathing her blades.
  216. [21:05] <Harvey> Palurin steps back, following the dwarf. Mahd and Orick are behind him.
  217. [21:07] <Aqu|GM> The nobleman, who introduced himself as Aldern Foxglove, greets you and motions you to sit around the table. "Glad you managed to come by. It's nice to sit down and talk instead of being under the blade of a goblin, don't you agree?"
  218. [21:07] <Aqu|GM> Pwent chuckles as he sits. "I don't mind it, as long as they're under me mace."
  219. [21:08] <Harvey> If they could see Mahd's expression it would be obvious she doesn't agree. Nonetheless, she sits down, Orick looming behind her seat. Palurin sits as well.
  220. [21:10] <Aqu|GM> Victanys sits, shrugging to the nobleman. She'd rather not deal with the buggers.
  221. [21:13] <Aqu|GM> Foxglove nods a few times. "Fair enough. Now, I have a proposition for you, if you'd give me a moment to tell you..." he looks at the group, as if waiting for a response.
  222. [21:17] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods. "Alright, sure. Let's hear it."
  223. [21:17] <Aqu|GM> Foxglove taps the table a few times. "I'm leaving the town in a few days - to my home in Magnimar - and before I do, I'd fancy a boar hunt in nearby Tickwood. Now, would you be interested in that kind of activity?"
  224. [21:19] <Harvey> "What would that entail, exactly?" Palurin asks slowly.
  225. [21:20] <Aqu|GM> Aldern nods his head slightly. "Well, I would love to have some companionship for the trip. I would be able to provide the horses, and we would ride. For sport, we hunt and capture, maybe have a small feast. Who knows how it will turn out."
  226. [21:22] <Harvey> "I'll do it if we actually eat the beast," Mahd replies, sounding a little amused.
  227. [21:22] <Aqu|GM> Aldern chuckles. "Of course. If we catch a beast, we will."
  228. [21:24] <Harvey> "I haven't been on a boar hunt in years... Sure, Orick and I will do it," Mahd says cheerfully.
  229. [21:25] <Aqu|GM> Pwent smiles. "Ah haven't been on one in a while either. Sounds good ta' me."
  230. [21:25] <Harvey> Palurin stays silent, looking a little skeptical under his hood.
  231. [21:25] <Aqu|GM> Victanys looks to Palurin, wondering what he thinks. "What do you think Palurin? A good idea for our troop?"
  232. [21:29] <Harvey> He glances at her with more than a little surprise. "I will do it if everyone else will."
  233. [21:30] <Aqu|GM> Victanys chuckles and nods. "Right then. Well, I like the idea."
  234. [21:31] <Aqu|GM> Foxglove claps his hands in delight, seeing their questioning further as an agreeing notion. "Oh yes, we shall use mounts - don't worry, I'll cover the cost of them... I'm glad you chose to come along."
  235. [21:31] <Harvey> "Why do you want us to go with you?" Orick asks suddenly, seeming to glare down at the human.
  236. [21:32] <Aqu|GM> Foxglove's happy mood is quickly replaced with confusion. "Why? Well, you all saved my life! Not only that, but I do find you all rather interesting."
  237. [21:33] <Harvey> "Then simply talk to us. Why drag us on a seemingly pointless hunt?" Mahd is giving Orick a questioning gaze, which he is blatantly ignoring.
  238. [21:35] <Aqu|GM> The noble raises an eyebrow. "Pointless? It is for the fun; the thrill! What's more," he chuckles. "I do think talking is possible -during- a hunt."
  239. [21:36] <Harvey> Orick continues to gaze pointedly down at the human, trying to discern any possible ulterior motives.
  240. [21:37] <Aqu|GM> As far as Orick can tell, he seems genuine.
  241. [21:37] <Aqu|GM> Foxglove smiles as he adds, "I will need a few days to gather the hunting supplies and mounts, so, the day after tomorrow, meet here in the morn, and we shall venture on."
  242. [21:41] <Aqu|GM> Foxglove smiles. "Now, unless you have more to ask of me, I would not mind if you retired. I am sure that all of today's fighting has tired you all."
  243. [21:42] <Harvey> {What's wrong with you?}, Mahd sends to Orick. {I do not trust this human. Be wary of him and his hunt.}, he replies instantly.
  244. [21:45] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods and stands. "... thanks. And good night, all." With a small wave, she turns to leave, heading for her room upstairs.
  245. [21:46] <Harvey> Palurin stands as well, leaving silently.
  246. [21:47] <Harvey> Mahd shrugs to herself, standing as well. "I apologize for Orick. He's very suspicious," she tells the noble as she leaves.
  247. [21:47] <Aqu|GM> Pwent chuckles and waves. "Thanks," he nods, then heads to his room.
  248. [21:47] <Harvey> Orick stays a moment later to glare at the noble before following Mahd.
  249. [21:49] <Harvey> Palurin finds his room, looking around it curiously.
  250. [21:51] <Aqu|GM> It isn't too big, but it is comfortable; a dresser, bed, and nightstand holding a candle. There is a small table with two chairs right by the window, opposite to the door, and through the window, there is a lovely view of the town square. Lovely, as it may have been, but now there is a fair bit of wreckage left over from the goblins that still needs cleaning.
  251. [21:53] <Harvey> Palurin tosses down his new set of armor on the table. He goes to look out the window for a moment before heading back out into the hallway.
  252. [21:54] <Harvey> Heading out of the inn, Palurin starts to survey the town.
  253. [21:55] <Harvey> Looking for a restaurant, in particular.
  254. [21:58] <Aqu|GM> After a bit of wandering, Palurin comes across the White Deer Inn, one of the inns that provided food for the festival.
  255. [21:59] <Harvey> He shrugs to himself, going inside.
  256. [22:00] <Aqu|GM> A pair of wooden life-sized deer, carved with painstaking care from white birch, stand astride the entrance to this sizable tavern and inn, which commands an impressive view of the Varisian Gulf to the north. The building is new, rebuilt after the previous inn burnt to the ground years ago in the same fire that destroyed the Sandpoint Chapel.
  257. [22:01] <Aqu|GM> As Palurin enters, he is greeted by a somber and quiet Shoanti human. A simple nod is produced in reflex to the magus' entrance.
  258. [22:04] <Aqu|GM> "Need something?" The man asks gruffly.
  259. [22:07] <Harvey> "Just food," Palurin replies, looking over the man's tattoos and trying to identify his tribe.
  260. [22:09] <Aqu|GM> Palurin can't seem to identify them, as the man heads to the back too quickly in order to fetch food. Looking around, there are plenty of tables to sit at in the mean time.
  261. [22:10] <Harvey> Shrugging to himself, Palurin goes to sit down at a table in the corner with his back to the wall.
  262. [22:13] <Aqu|GM> After many minutes the man comes back with a wooden plate holding peppercorn venison, along with water. "Here," he nods, setting it down. "It'd be one gold piece. Need any mead or wine?"
  263. [22:13] <Harvey> Palurin shakes his head, fishing a gold piece from one of his pouches. "Before you go, what tribe are you from?"
  264. [22:14] <Aqu|GM> The man raises an eyebrow. "Shriikirri-Quah. Why?"
  265. [22:15] <Harvey> Palurin looks a little disappointed. "No reason. Forget I asked," he replies, tossing the coin to the man.
  266. [22:16] <Aqu|GM> The man shrugs, taking the coin and returning to his post.
  267. [22:18] <Harvey> Bending to his food, Palurin starts to eat. He didn't eat anything at the feast, and the fighting and near death have caused him to be pretty hungry.
  268. [22:27] <Harvey> Food finished, Palurin stands, heading back out into the town.
  269. [22:31] <Harvey> He glances around at the various shops, though they're probably all closed. He glances down at his shredded cloak remorsefully before starting to head back to the inn.
  270. [22:32] <Aqu|GM> As Palurin finally reaches the hall to the rooms, Victanys is standing outside, leaning against a wall. As she sees Palurin, she's silent, but with a slight frown on her lips.
  271. [22:34] <Harvey> He pauses for a moment before regaining his stride and starting to unlock the door. As it opens he looks at her. "Do you want to come in?"
  272. [22:35] <Aqu|GM> Victanys shakes her head. "Why didn't you kill me?"
  273. [22:36] <Aqu|GM> "I don't get it," she adds. "You took me to an apothecary to be healed."
  274. [22:36] <Harvey> Palurin steps back, shutting the door again. "I told you why."
  275. [22:38] <Aqu|GM> Victanys shakes her head, repeating, "I don't get it." She frowns, hesitantly continuing, "I would have killed you."
  276. [22:40] <Harvey> "I saw no reason to kill you. I had my property back, and I had already mortally wounded you. It would have been cruel to leave you for dead, and I would have gained nothing by ending it."
  277. [22:41] <Aqu|GM> Victanys still doesn't seem to connect with the idea. She purses her lips and remains silent for a moment before sighing. "Well... thank you. And sorry."
  278. [22:43] <Harvey> "You're welcome. And I harbor you no ill will. What's done is done."
  279. [22:44] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods, turning back towards her room as she silently departs. That is, as long as Palurin didn't interrupt her leaving.
  280. [22:46] <Harvey> He slowly opens the door behind him, watching her go. With a little shrug, he goes inside and closes the door, locking it behind him.
  281. [22:54] <Aqu|GM> As Palurin sleeps, he is troubled by disturbing dreams. Images flitter in his mind's-eye; a white-haired girl, sitting with her arms grasping her knees, surrounded by children with their backs towards her. Much older now, the same white-haired girl is seen in the next fleeting image, and a young Varisian man is reaching his hand out to her.
  282. [22:54] <Aqu|GM> The image, like the other, quickly fades, and a third appears; this of the young woman being thrown into a bedroom by an older man. The older man, a moment later, produces a key and locks the door behind him.
  283. [22:54] <Aqu|GM> Palurin wakes a moment later in the dead of night, a cold-sweat coming over him.
  284. [22:57] <Harvey> Palurin slowly sits up, forcing himself to calm down. It's fairly clear this isn't an ordinary dream. Particularly considering he very, very rarely dreams. And certainly not of strange white-haired women.
  285. [23:00] <Harvey> After a few minutes, Palurin lies back down and quickly falls back to sleep.
  286. [23:01] <Aqu|GM> Morning comes swiftly as the companions sleep. The town is quick to wake, as its citizens are eager to clean up and go about their lives. Light flits through the window of each room.
  287. [23:03] <Aqu|GM> Pwent is up early! He quickly dresses himself and heads downstairs, getting himself some mead and bread for breakfast.
  288. [23:03] <Harvey> Palurin is awake as soon as the sun begins to rise. With a little groan, he sits up and stretches wondering about that strange dream. Mahd is much less disciplined and continues sleeping.
  289. [23:05] <Harvey> With a shrug, Palurin rises, starting to get dressed and wash his face from a small basin of water. before donning the rest of his accouterments. He puts on the new armor, pleased with the upgrade over his extremely old leather armor.
  290. [23:05] <Aqu|GM> Victanys is slow to get up, but eventually rolls out of bed. Her normal morning routine commences, such as readying her spring-loaded wrist-sheaths with her knives, and dressing in her leather armor.
  291. [23:07] <Harvey> Mahd continues to sleep.
  292. [23:07] <Aqu|GM> Victanys nods to herself after a final look-over and heads downstairs for breakfast. She claims herself water, cheese, and bread, and sits next to Pwent while she eats. While the two sit, they introduce themselves, as they hadn't exchanged names before.
  293. [23:08] <Harvey> Palurin heads down soon as well, fully suited up. He simply claims some bread and water. After a bit of hesitation, he sits with the other two.
  294. [23:11] <Aqu|GM> Victanys raises her head, looking to Palurin and gives him a faint smile. "My name is Victanys, by the way."
  295. [23:11] <Harvey> Palurin glances up from his hunk of bread. Swallowing quickly, he nods. "Palurin."
  296. [23:14] <Aqu|GM> Before the group has much time to exchange more pleasantries, the Sheriff Belor Hemlock enters the Inn. He immediately approaches the group's table and looks to each in their seat. "You all are the ones that I have been hearing about. Yes?"
  297. [23:15] <Aqu|GM> Victanys raises an eyebrow. "Yes... do you need something?"
  298. [23:15] <Harvey> Palurin finishes his bread and looks at the Sheriff.
  299. [23:17] <Aqu|GM> The Sheriff nods. "Yes." He sits down, talking in a more hushed tone. "The tomb of Father Tobyn was opened during the assault." He quickly explains, "His corpse was not found in the fire, but his vestments and some of his holy symbols were stored in the tomb. Father Zanthus brought this to my attention, and so I need help to investigate. Outsiders are preferable, as I'd rather not have the town know. It would only hurt them further."
  300. [23:20] <Aqu|GM> Pwent frowns. "Ye think the goblins have somefin to do with it?"
  301. [23:22] <Aqu|GM> The Sheriff shrugs. "I cannot say for sure. At worst, perhaps a goblin or two hid in the tomb while we chased them out of our town. This is why I'd like help, you see-- my guards are still recovering, and many that were not injured are too green for this kind of thing." He shakes his head. "As well, if something is gone, I'd prefer them to not spread worry and panic."
  302. [23:22] <Aqu|GM> The Sheriff blinks. "There... are two more of you, yes?"
  303. [23:23] <Harvey> Palurin glances around. "Yes," he replies slowly.
  304. [23:24] <Aqu|GM> Belor frowns. "Are they still asleep?"
  305. [23:25] <Harvey> Palurin shrugs. "Probably."
  306. [23:27] <Aqu|GM> Pwent chuckles. "Give me a moment, I'll fetch them." With that, the dwarf hops down from his seat and heads upstairs, knocking on Mahd's door.
  307. [23:31] <Harvey> Mahd groans softly, rolling around on the bed a few times before she sits up.
  308. [23:32] <Aqu|GM> Knock knock! "Mahd," Pwent knocks again. "Time te' wake!" A bellowing chuckle is heard beyond the door.
  309. [23:33] <Harvey> Grumbling to herself, she stumbles towards the door, opening it a crack. She peeks out, only allowing a portion of her face to show, though the poor light in the room would make it hard to get a good look at her.
  310. [23:34] <Aqu|GM> "Sheriff Belor is here asking for help," Pwent explains. "If you come down, he can explain it all again."
  311. [23:34] <Harvey> "Uhn..." she groans, pulling the door shut.
  312. [23:36] <Aqu|GM> Pwent chuckles. "C'mon, there's food downstairs."
  313. [23:37] <Harvey> "I'll be down..." she grumbles through the door.
  314. [23:39] <Aqu|GM> Pwent shrugs, heading downstairs to wait. "Says she'll be down in a minute." He sits.
  315. [23:43] <Harvey> After a little bit, she trudges into the room, cloak and mask once more on. There's a distinct lack of huge suit of armor following her around though. She ignores the group, instead heading straight towards the food. She grabs a trencher of bread, filling it with watered mead. That done, she heads towards the table and slumps into a chair.
  316. [23:47] <Aqu|GM> Sheriff Hemlock raises an eyebrow. "And your fifth?"
  317. [23:47] <Harvey> Mahd waves her hand dismissively. "I'll get him later," she grumbles.
  318. [23:48] <Aqu|GM> The Sheriff rolls his eyes and repeats the situation to Mahd. He nods. "So, I'd like it, if you can help, that you'd retrieve him... I'd rather have all of you accompany me."
  319. [23:51] <Harvey> She looks up from her food and gives the sheriff an even look through her mask. "I'll get him when I'm ready, human," she says slowly.
  320. [23:52] <Aqu|GM> Belor frowns. "If you do not wish to help, fine." He looks to Pwent, Palurin, and Victanys. "What say you three?"
  321. [23:53] <Aqu|GM> Pwent smiles. "I'd be happy to help." He glances at Mahd. "And I apologize for Mahd's rudeness. She's not a morning person."
  322. [23:54] <Harvey> She grumbles into her mead.
  323. [23:56] <Harvey> Palurin gives the Sheriff a hard look. "What would our reward be?"
  324. [23:56] <Aqu|GM> The Sheriff frowns. "Is assisting the town not enough? It is not a massive tomb. It will not take long at all."
  325. [23:59] <Harvey> Palurin grunts. "Very well."
  326. [00:01] <Aqu|GM> Victanys chuckles. "I would also like a reward, but if there is none to be had... fine, I will come, seeing as the other two will."
  327. [00:01] <Aqu|GM> Belor clasps his hands together. "Good. Once you are all finished and armed, let us depart."
  328. [00:02] <Aqu|GM> --End Session--
  329. [00:03] <Aqu|GM> Experience: 720
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