

Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  2. # # # #
  3. # # DEVELOPER: SakuraGFX # #
  4. # # SCRIPTver: 2.1.2 # #
  5. # # VERSION: 1.2 # #
  6. # # # #
  7. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  10. options:
  11. # =========================================== #
  12. # config #
  13. # =========================================== #
  15. other: %player% is dead.
  16. potion: &f
  17. fall: &f
  18. blockexplosion: &f
  19. entityexplosion: &f
  20. lava: &f
  21. drown: &f
  23. # %player% - playername
  24. # %attacker% - attackername
  25. # %attacker's health% - attackerhealth
  28. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  29. # ____ _ _____ _ _ _ #
  30. # | _ \ ___ _ __ | |_ | ____|__| (_) |_ #
  31. # | | | |/ _ \| '_ \| __| | _| / _` | | __| #
  32. # | |_| | (_) | | | | |_ | |__| (_| | | |_ #
  33. # |____/ \___/|_| |_|\__| |_____\__,_|_|\__| #
  34. # #
  35. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
  36. on death of player:
  37. if arg-1 is not set:
  38. if victim is player:
  39. set the death message to "{@other}"
  40. if damage was caused by attack:
  41. if victim is player:
  42. set the death message to "&c%player%&7&l<< &f%attacker%'s HP &e&l%attacker's health%"
  43. if damage was caused by potion:
  44. if victim is player:
  45. set the death message to "{@potion}"
  46. if damage was caused by fall:
  47. if victim is player:
  48. set the death message to "{@fall}"
  49. if damage was caused by block explosion:
  50. if victim is player:
  51. set the death message to "{@blockexplosion}"
  52. if damage was caused by entity explosion:
  53. if victim is player:
  54. set the death message to "{@entityexplosion}"
  55. if damage was caused by lava:
  56. if victim is player:
  57. set the death message to "{@lava}"
  58. if damage was caused by drown:
  59. if victim is player:
  60. set the death message to "{@drown}"
  62. #_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/#
  63. # #
  64. # Anti Spam Chat&Command #
  65. # #
  66. #_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/#
  67. #■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
  68. #==========#
  69. # 設定 #
  70. #==========#
  71. options:
  72. prefix: &7&l[&4AntiSpam&7&l]&r
  73. 警告文[chat]: &c連続でチャットをすることは出来ません!
  74. 警告文[command]: &c連続でコマンドを実行することは出来ません!
  75. クールダウン[chat]: 2 second
  76. クールダウン[command]: 2 second
  77. #■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
  78. #==========#
  79. # コード #
  80. #==========#
  81. on join:
  82. set {%player%cooldwon-chat} to now
  83. set {%player%cooldwon-command} to now
  85. on chat:
  86. difference between {%player%cooldwon-chat} and now is less than {@クールダウン[chat]}:
  87. cancel event
  88. send "{@prefix} {@警告文[chat]}" to player
  89. else:
  90. set {%player%cooldwon-chat} to now
  92. on command:
  93. difference between {%player%cooldwon-command} and now is less than {@クールダウン[command]}:
  94. cancel event
  95. send "{@prefix} {@警告文[command]}" to player
  96. else:
  97. set {%player%cooldwon-command} to now
  99. #===================#
  100. # #
  101. # Big Ender Chest #
  102. # #
  103. #===================#
  105. on right click:
  106. event-block is ender chest
  107. cancel event
  108. open virtual chest inventory with size 6 named "Big Ender Chest" to player
  109. set {_slot} to 0
  110. loop {EnderChest%player%::*}:
  111. set slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to loop-value
  112. add 1 to {_slot}
  114. on inventory close:
  115. inventory name of player's current inventory is "Big Ender Chest"
  116. clear {EnderChest%player%::*}
  117. set {_slot} to 0
  118. loop 54 times:
  119. add slot {_slot} of player's current inventory to {EnderChest%player%::*}
  120. add 1 to {_slot}
  122. #------------------#
  123. # ガチャポンスクリプト #
  124. #------------------#
  126. options:
  127. gatya.prefix: &6&l[&2&lガチャポン&6&l]&f
  128. ガチャ1の名前
  129. gatya.lore.1: ガチャ1の説明文
  130. gatya.cost.1: stone #アイテムのIDを入れる ※有料ガチャのコスト
  132. #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#
  134. command /gatya give <player> <text> <text> <number>:
  135. permission: gatya.admin
  136. trigger:
  137. if arg 2 is "weapon":
  138. if arg 3 is "free":
  139. give arg 4 of name tag named "&e{}&a[無料]" with lore "{@gatya.lore.1}" to arg 1
  140. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &b%player%&fが&b%arg 1%&fに『&e{}&a[無料]&f』をあげました!" to player and arg 1
  141. else if arg 3 is "charge":
  142. give arg 4 of name tag named "&e{}&c[有料]" with lore "{@gatya.lore.1}" to arg 1
  143. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &b%player%&fが&b%arg 1%&fに『&e{}&c[有料]&f』をあげました!" to player and arg 1
  145. on rightclick:
  146. held item is name tag
  147. if name of item is "&e{}&a[無料]":
  148. if lore of item is "{@gatya.lore.1}":
  149. remove 1 of held item from player
  150. set {_gatya} to random integer between 1 and 14
  151. if {_gatya} is between 1 and 5:
  152. give 1 of wooden sword to player
  153. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  154. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  155. else if {_gatya} is between 5 and 8:
  156. give 1 of stone sword to player
  157. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  158. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  159. else if {_gatya} is between 9 and 11:
  160. give 1 of iron sword to player
  161. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  162. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  163. else if {_gatya} is between 12 and 13:
  164. give 1 of golden sword to player
  165. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  166. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  167. else if {_gatya} is 14:
  168. give 1 of diamond sword to player
  169. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  170. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  171. else if name of item is "&e{}&c[有料]":
  172. if lore of item is "{@gatya.lore.1}":
  173. if player has 1 of {@gatya.cost.1}:
  174. remove 1 of held item from player
  175. remove 1 of {@gatya.cost.1} from player's inventory
  176. set {_gatya} to random integer between 1 and 14
  177. if {_gatya} is between 1 and 5:
  178. give 1 of wooden sword to player
  179. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  180. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  181. else if {_gatya} is between 5 and 8:
  182. give 1 of stone sword to player
  183. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  184. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  185. else if {_gatya} is between 9 and 11:
  186. give 1 of iron sword to player
  187. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  188. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  189. else if {_gatya} is between 12 and 13:
  190. give 1 of golden sword to player
  191. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  192. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  193. else if {_gatya} is 14:
  194. give 1 of diamond sword to player
  195. play "ENTITY_PLAYER_LEVELUP" to player at volume 1
  196. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &e景品がインベントリに送られました" to player
  197. else:
  198. send "{@gatya.prefix} : &c必要コストを持っていません・・・" to player
  200. options:
  201. p: &8[&4Explosive Pickaxe&8]
  202. noperm: &cSorry, but you don't have the permission &f{@perm}
  203. perm: explosivepickaxe.get
  205. command /explosive:
  206. permission: {@perm}
  207. permission message: {@noperm}
  208. trigger:
  209. if player's tool is a pickaxe with lore "&8[&4Explosive&8]":
  210. send "{@p} &cYou are already holding a Pickaxe with &4Explosive &con!"
  211. else:
  212. if player's tool is a pickaxe:
  213. if player's balance is greater than 999:
  214. execute console command "eco take %player% 1000"
  215. send "{@p} &4Explosive &chas now been applied on your Pickaxe!"
  216. set lore of player's tool to "&8[&4Explosive&8]"
  217. else:
  218. send "{@p} &cYou don't have enough money to apply &4Explosive &con your Pickaxe! You need &f1K&c!"
  219. else:
  220. send "{@p} &cYou need to hold a pickaxe!"
  222. on break:
  223. if player's tool is a pickaxe with lore "&8[&4Explosive&8]":
  224. loop blocks in radius 2.9 around the targeted block:
  225. create a fake explosion at targeted block
  226. give loop-block to player
  227. set loop-block to air
  228. else:
  229. uncancel event
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