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Jan 21st, 2017
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  2. Natrii-Today at 12:30 PM
  3. hi there in short, I have heard from People in the WoW Priest forums that your discord is feeding flawed and often incorrect information to Discipline Priests making many Priests to under preform and leave the spec.
  4. Mend-Today at 12:33 PM
  5. What information is flawed?
  6. Natrii-Today at 12:42 PM
  7. hi there
  8. sorry for delay
  9. was talking to Blackmorgrim
  10. but he seemed to think I was talking about Shadow
  11. A) Statweight
  12. b) the pros and cons of disc priests in generaL
  13. general*
  14. Mend-Today at 12:46 PM
  15. How is that information flawed exactly? You'll need to be more specific.
  16. Natrii-Today at 12:47 PM
  17. ofc mate
  18. basically the way I have been told
  19. you guys have made a list of statweights in the likes of: 1.0 Haste, 0.8 Int 0.7 crit 0.65 Mast 0.6 Vers
  20. some crap like that
  21. correct me if I am wrong
  22. Mend-Today at 12:50 PM
  23. Those numbers are a little out dated but int > haste > crit = mast = vers is the priority
  24. Natrii-Today at 12:50 PM
  25. just asking
  26. how can u change a stat from 0.8 to all of a sudden best
  27. without any patch
  28. u guys are clearly just guessing
  29. Mend-Today at 12:50 PM
  30. 7.1.5 was a patch?
  31. Natrii-Today at 12:50 PM
  32. if u had done math
  33. u had never said haste was above int
  34. ever
  35. ever
  36. ever
  37. Mend-Today at 12:51 PM
  38. Lol
  39. Natrii-Today at 12:51 PM
  40. 7.1.5 was a patch u kiddin?
  41. it maybe changed like 1% of stat prios
  42. Mend-Today at 12:51 PM
  43. What's your problem?
  44. Natrii-Today at 12:51 PM
  45. and it removed power from INT to other stats
  46. so in that case it had been
  47. Haste 1.0, int 0.7
  48. or shit like that
  49. My problem is, I have been trying to help Disc priests to play wow since Cata on the wow forums
  50. I have had long debates with leading priests from across entire EU.
  51. then all of a sudden in Legion. (mind me, I didnt play WoD)
  52. I get told my stat weights are wrong since there are statweights made by u guys, that are considered "accepted as facts"
  53. The net result of this, is Disc priests following ur stat weights, underpreforming by amounts like 20-25%
  54. thats my problem.
  55. Mend-Today at 1:00 PM
  56. First, you're saying secondary stat weights didn't change in 7.1.5?
  57. Because they did
  58. Also, like I said the weights you linked were outdated
  59. and the value of haste is a lot harder to determine than you'd think
  60. So we always assumed int and haste were closer. Also, you never provided me what your alternative is.
  61. Natrii-Today at 1:01 PM
  62. I claim, u cant ever make stat weights
  63. its been debunked since tbc
  64. Mend-Today at 1:01 PM
  65. My claim is, you're correct. They aren't 100% accurate
  66. They are a guideline
  67. We say so
  68. Natrii-Today at 1:02 PM
  69. on world boss, atm gimme 30sec
  70. back
  71. Thing is, if u make stat weights u must give templates
  72. Mend-Today at 1:03 PM
  73. Here
  74. Natrii-Today at 1:03 PM
  75. such as, at 0% secondaries each stat is worth this
  76. with 20% of this and that
  77. they value is this
  78. Mend-Today at 1:03 PM
  80. Natrii-Today at 1:03 PM
  81. so ppl learns
  82. Mend-Today at 1:03 PM
  83. That's the calculation used to determine stat weights
  84. They are based off the players actual stats and not some static set of weights
  85. At their core they are static weights, but they adjust based on the player stats
  86. Also, have you even looked at the information I have in the #discipline channel?
  87. Natrii-Today at 1:05 PM
  88. ok
  89. Mend-Today at 1:05 PM
  90. Because you would have seen that if you did
  91. Natrii-Today at 1:05 PM
  92. impressive
  93. I cant make such things
  94. so I am not gonna say anything else than that I am mighty impressed
  95. however. Does the Average joe understand this?
  96. tbf, this is so complext that I dont even understand it
  97. and I have been throerycrafting since tbc
  98. Mend-Today at 1:06 PM
  99. We explain it to them before they get weights usually. The importance of each stat and why
  100. Natrii-Today at 1:06 PM
  101. it looks like someones mathpapers
  102. not a result
  103. more like wip
  104. ok
  105. another important part tho is
  106. if I ask u
  107. how can u value intellect so close to crit
  108. I mean
  109. with 0% crit and 4000 intellect
  110. u need 400 crit for 1% more dmg/healing, and 200 intellect is 1%
  111. Mend-Today at 1:07 PM
  112. It values the stat based on what you need. So if crit is low, it values higher
  113. Natrii-Today at 1:07 PM
  114. so how on earth
  115. can one be 1.0 and other 0.9
  116. Mend-Today at 1:07 PM
  117. Example: you are 885 ilvl with 5% crit
  118. Natrii-Today at 1:07 PM
  119. xD
  120. ok
  121. but thats just even more wrong then
  122. cus then u need 420 crit for 1% dmg and healing
  123. Mend-Today at 1:08 PM
  124. These are pawn strings btw
  125. not weights
  126. Different things
  127. Natrii-Today at 1:08 PM
  128. ok
  129. but if I ask u this
  130. Mend-Today at 1:08 PM
  131. For the sake of pawn, this makes your gear choices more accurate
  132. Natrii-Today at 1:08 PM
  133. I got 26% crit 11.5% vers
  134. pretty much optimal
  135. and then 20% haste
  136. and some scrap mastery
  137. based on ur website
  138. I would have terrible stats
  139. based on the game and math
  140. I have perfect
  141. so where did we lose eachother?
  142. Mend-Today at 1:09 PM
  143. Right, because you're not playing the optimal playstyle for healing in mythic raids
  144. Natrii-Today at 1:10 PM
  145. I value damage as 1. healing as 1
  146. 1000 dmg and 1000 healing = 2000
  147. 800 dmg and 1100 healing = 1900
  148. u seem to count 1000 dmg and 1000 healing as 1000
  149. and 800 dmg and 1100 healing as 1100
  150. Mend-Today at 1:11 PM
  151. Discipline Priests are healers. Our DPS is a result of our healing, not our primary focus
  152. If you're under some assumption we're hybrids, I'm sorry, but you're wrong
  153. Natrii-Today at 1:11 PM
  154. We're Hybrids, thats another thing I wanted to talk about
  155. the philosophy of Disc Priests in general
  156. the goal, the benefits and the weaknesses
  157. We're always gonna be worse healers than a Resto shaman, if we dont count our dmg into the calc
  158. Mend-Today at 1:12 PM
  159. So you're saying to be the most optimal healer as a Disc Priest you should focus on damage as well?
  160. Natrii-Today at 1:12 PM
  161. yes
  162. if u do 300k dmg and 350k healing
  163. is way better than
  164. Mend-Today at 1:13 PM
  165. Then explain to me how several Disc Priests beat other healers in overall healing rankings
  166. Natrii-Today at 1:13 PM
  167. 100k dmg and 400k healing
  168. Mend-Today at 1:13 PM
  169. While doing 150k dps
  170. Natrii-Today at 1:13 PM
  171. show me the log where disc is world 1
  172. even if u can dig one up
  173. it will be hard to find
  174. Tichondrius rank 2
  175. thats the best I can find
  176. thats 1 boss fight
  177. Mend-Today at 1:14 PM
  178. If you have math proving what we say is wrong, please share it. If you have logs proving what we say is wrong, please share them. I'm not going to sit here while someone who I don't know is telling me that what has worked in actual Mythic raids is somehow incorrect or inaccurate.
  179. Otherwise you're speaking in general terms and it's doing us no good
  180. Natrii-Today at 1:14 PM
  181. ofc mate
  182. will do
  183. sorry, I appologize
  184. why are u running a website like this tho
  185. discord my misstakes
  186. Mend-Today at 1:15 PM
  187. Question is, why aren't you running your own?
  188. Natrii-Today at 1:15 PM
  189. if u dont want a discussion
  190. Mend-Today at 1:15 PM
  191. I'm open to discussion
  192. Natrii-Today at 1:15 PM
  193. plz have respect
  194. good
  195. sec then
  196. Mend-Today at 1:16 PM
  197. The problem is you're not discussing anything
  198. All you've done is tell me I'm wrong
  199. Natrii-Today at 1:16 PM
  200. well u are, I can prove it to u
  201. but if u cant comprahend it
  202. thats ur issue not mine
  203. here is my main logs
  204. ur friend said I was overgeared and bla bla
  205. so here is my alt
  207. Mend-Today at 1:17 PM
  208. You also are healing with some potato healers
  209. Natrii-Today at 1:17 PM
  210. bare in mind, I am world first healing and dmg on SAME kill on SEVERAL fights for my itemlevel with my alt
  211. Mend-Today at 1:17 PM
  212. Lol
  213. You're aware how many people are in that item level bracket right?
  214. Natrii-Today at 1:18 PM
  215. so its not like my healing is bad
  216. I talk about my alt
  217. and hes 875ish
  218. Mend-Today at 1:18 PM
  219. Again
  220. Natrii-Today at 1:18 PM
  221. thats the most populated bracket
  222. on my main I am world 2nd dmg world 5th healing on Startseeker guy
  223. Mend-Today at 1:18 PM
  225. Gyazo
  226. Gyazo
  228. Great it's down
  229. sec
  230. Natrii-Today at 1:19 PM
  231. several other things
  232. too
  233. so thats some logs for starters
  234. now u wanted math right?
  235. or u want to check the logs?
  236. be my guest
  237. Mend-Today at 1:23 PM
  238. If you want to prove us wrong then the burden of proof is on you to do so. Linking week 1 logs from NH is not proof of anything. Also, ranking in healing and DPS in Normal / Heroic of any difficulty isn't a major accomplishment. The fact is you provide 2/3rds (at most) of another DPS's damage and 1/3rd of a healers out put, seen here:
  239. Gyazo
  240. Gyazo
  242. Until you can give me concrete proof that your method is viable as a healer, I'm not going to recommend it to anyone
  243. If you had decent healers healing with you and you were holding your own, that's a different story, but your other healers aren't rockstars, and provided there is a lot of consistent damage in Nighthold, your style of Atonement healing will yield more healing than in encounters like Ursoc or Elerethe in EN for example
  244. Doesn't make it viable as a healer since you'd likely fail in a mythic setting. We provide information for players who are trying to maximize their play to clear Heroic and enter Mythic raids. H2P has always been a resource for competitive players since 2011.
  245. Natrii-Today at 1:27 PM
  246. Dude, thats my disc alt, getting carried in tov
  247. Mend-Today at 1:28 PM
  249. Gyazo
  250. Gyazo
  252. Natrii-Today at 1:28 PM
  253. I was basically the 3rd wheel on the cart
  254. Mend-Today at 1:28 PM
  255. There, my apologies
  256. Point is, you're still not outhealing me at 400k hps
  257. or someone of equal gear
  258. Natrii-Today at 1:29 PM
  259. wow cool
  260. just got fox mount
  261. wow so weird website u link pictures with
  262. had to reboot discord
  263. either way
  264. thats Helya HC
  265. and we had too good healers
  266. for it
  267. and I did 300k dps
  268. and still high end blue healing
  269. Mend-Today at 1:32 PM
  270. That's fine, but you could do 600k+ with Shadow
  271. So if you want to DPS
  272. Play a DPS spec
  273. Natrii-Today at 1:32 PM
  274. sure thing
  275. Mend-Today at 1:32 PM
  276. If you want to heal, play a healer spec
  277. Natrii-Today at 1:32 PM
  278. wow
  279. Mend-Today at 1:32 PM
  280. Disc is not a hybrid
  281. You're making it seem like getting rank 1 in DPS makes a healing spec viable as DPS
  282. When that's not how it works
  283. Never has
  284. Natrii-Today at 1:33 PM
  285. ur so terrible at arguing and even worse at being able to run a discord like this
  286. Mend-Today at 1:33 PM
  287. Ok
  288. Thanks for wasting my time
  289. Natrii-Today at 1:33 PM
  290. I rest my case
  291. Mend-Today at 1:33 PM
  292. Good luck
  293. Actually, I want one last parting shot: If you ever want to disprove something, do it with facts. Don't come in telling people they are wrong then act like they should know who you are, when honestly, you've accomplished nothing other than make yourself look like an idiot to anyone who knows what the hell they are talking about. You say you theorycrafted since TBC or w/e, but you got impressed by a stat calculator (not even that complicated). You have some major issues to deal with personally I can tell, because you can't handle being told you're wrong when you clearly are. I hope you decide to act a bit more like an adult in how you try to portray your views, but I doubt that will happen. Back to my blocked list you go.
  294. ClydeBOT-Today at 1:39 PM
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