
latest stranger's advice

Jun 25th, 2019
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  1. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
  2. You both like advice.
  3. You: i have a problem
  4. Stranger: what’s up
  5. You: i'm agonizingly bad at talking to girls
  6. Stranger: as a girl, i can say that most girls are the same way
  7. You: you don't get it
  8. You: my friends have seen tons of girls over the years. some of them just attract them like magnets.
  9. You: me, i've had 1 one night stand in 7 years
  10. You: i just
  11. You: can't do it
  12. You: and each time i fail i feel worse and worse about it
  13. You: i'm stuck in a loop
  14. Stranger: if you get stuck in a mental block, you won’t get out of it
  15. You: you're supposed to be confident, but failing kills my confidence. so does watching my friends succeed all the time.
  16. You: i don't know what to do
  17. Stranger: damn yeah i get that
  18. Stranger: i feel like all you can do is just keep putting yourself out there
  19. You: i'm not getting any younger either, and i already used up a lot of years. the same years my friends had to build up all this experience.
  20. Stranger: it’s really hard and can definitely hurt sometimes but the more you do it, the easier it gets
  21. You: some of them are a few years younger than me
  22. You: and it's even more painful because these same friends encourage me all the time
  23. You: over this past weekend, there was a three day long airbnb party being hosted at our friend's house
  24. You: and i was there friday
  25. Stranger: well the first thing i would say is don’t compare yourself. that feels awful and won’t help anything. you are different than your friends and that’s not a bad thing!! the fact that they encourage you is awesome bc they clearly care about you. focus on you and building your confidence
  26. You: nothing happened, but the next day, one of my friends had to cover another of our friend's shift on a complete whim
  27. You: and the girls from the party saw him and invited him to the second night
  28. You: guess what happened to him
  29. You: meanwhile, i was out all by myself that night because i didn't know where anyone was
  30. You: and ended up tapping out early
  31. You: i actually had a gut feeling the party was going on, because i saw a bunch of people from friday night while i was out
  32. You: but i thought it would be impolite if i just followed them
  33. You: so yesterday i had to hear my friend's story of what happened
  34. You: it's agonizing because he and i have the same birth sign, so our horoscope for that week came true for him.... but not me
  35. You: this particular friend is some sort of savant. he's somehow magically good at everything he tries. i love him but i'm almost afraid to be anywhere with him because i feel upstaged.
  36. You: but even without him, my other friends are all way more experienced at this than me
  37. You: it's so hard not to feel like the runt
  38. You: and i'm the second oldest
  39. Stranger: i don’t know what to tell you honestly but getting girls doesn’t define any guy it’s hard to explain but your self worth is more than this
  40. Stranger: it sounds super cheesy
  41. You: it's not even a matter of self worth. it's just that this is something i'd actually like to have. i'm just terrible at getting it.
  42. Stranger: but so why you’re the second oldest you still have so much time to meet girls and gain more experience
  43. You: i turn 28 in two weeks
  44. You: it doesn't feel like i have much time left
  45. You: i wasted far too much of my 20s
  46. Stranger: well you can’t go back so don’t worry about it
  47. Stranger: you’re still young
  48. Stranger: it really is a matter of confidence i think. especially if you’ve been put down so many times it gets harder and it feels like that’s all that will ever happen but there are so many people out there
  49. You: i know there are, and my neighborhood is a big summer hotspot
  50. You: but i don't exactly have the energy to go out every day of the week
  51. You: my cousin recently quit his job and he's in a union
  52. You: so he can just go out whenever he pleases for however long he pleases
  53. You: a lot of my friends have much better jobs than me
  54. You: but my boss refuses to give me a raise
  55. Stranger: don’t compare yourselfff that will get you nowhere
  56. Stranger: you don’t have to go out everyday, go out when you feel up for it and make the best of that
  57. Stranger: talk to girls, get the feel of things. don’t count yourself out before you even start
  58. You: i've been
  59. You: apparently i come on too strong
  60. You: but
  61. You: i can't help but be eager
  62. You: it's been so long
  63. You: i don't know how to hold back
  64. You: the best i was able to do was 1 one night stand last year, and i think that only happened because she was high as shit
  65. Stranger: have you tried any dating apps or are you interested in thag
  66. Stranger: finding people who probably feel the same way
  67. You: i went through three okcupid accounts in the last seven years
  68. You: i also tried tinder for like a month before giving up
  69. You: my friends insist i should hit tinder
  70. You: one of them even met his current gf on there
  71. Stranger: yeah why not
  72. Stranger: what made you give up?
  73. You: literally no matches
  74. You: and on okcupid i barely mustered a conversation
  75. You: no girls would respond
  76. You: i asked someone online about it and they said my pictures looked terrible and my profile was too negative
  77. You: but i was super depressed and cynical at the time
  78. You: i genuinely have difficulty selling myself without being completely dishonest
  79. You: i just don't know how to lie
  80. You: people tell me to be myself but
  81. You: i don't think there's much to me
  82. Stranger: and there’s the problem
  83. Stranger: you have so much to offer
  84. You: well, whenever i do talk to girls where i live, they're usually from out of town and assume i surf since i live at the beach. and i don't. because i was never interested in that.
  85. Stranger: but by telling yourself everyday that you can’t talk to girls and no girls like you and you’re too negative.. it makes those things come true
  86. You: what do i even do in a situation like that
  87. You: but how can i make the opposite come true if the opposite never happens?
  88. You: the most frustrating thing of all is, i didn't even used to be like this
  89. You: i've had girlfriends before
  90. You: and when i was at school, i was kind of _over_ confident
  91. You: after i graduated, nothing happened the way i wanted and i fell into a really deep depression
  92. Stranger: confidence and being able to appreciate yourself is genuinely the first step to getting involved
  93. You: i wonder if maybe that depression damaged me permanently
  94. Stranger: don’t keep looking back. things don’t have to be the same
  95. Stranger: no definitely not
  96. You: this is tough. i'm a very memory-driven person.
  97. You: a lot of my interests are rooted in nostalgia.
  98. Stranger: keep putting yourself out there. build new interests, make new friends. focus on you now and what makes you happy now. don’t keep wasting time thinking about things you may regret
  99. Stranger: if you believe or not, you are still young!! you have time to change
  100. Stranger: you’re not damaged, you’re still growing
  101. You: very few things really interest me
  102. You: it's the way i am.
  103. You: my asperger's could be the root of it
  104. You: my interests are all extremely few and niche, but i never skimp out
  105. You: answer me this:
  106. You: do you like or play video games?
  107. Stranger: yeah sometimes with my brother
  108. You: wait, how old are you anyway?
  109. Stranger: i’m 18 haha
  110. You: you're a baby compared to me
  111. You: how can i trust what you tell me
  112. Stranger: good question
  113. Stranger: well it sounds probably insane to you but i’ve felt the exact same things
  114. You: i did too at 18, but i hoped i'd be past it by now
  115. Stranger: i’ve literally never been in a relationship and i always wonder what’s wrong with me
  116. You: the expectation is different for girls
  117. Stranger: i feel like i wasted time in highschool not experimenting at all and stuff
  118. Stranger: in what way
  119. You: if a girl is single, nowadays that's seen as empowering
  120. You: i feel like i wasted my time not experimenting in college
  121. You: it was an art school in new york city
  122. Stranger: there’s never anything wrong with being single
  123. You: i've been told that people need sex, sometimes by women
  124. You: and to an extent it feels like they're right
  125. You: do you know what it feels like to go this long with this little physical contact?
  126. Stranger: i do hahha. i’ve been my whole life without any. that fucking sucks. i guess i agree for the most part. humans thrive on social connections bc we are social creatures but there’s still more to life than that
  127. You: you're only 18
  128. You: it's common to lose it between 18 and 20
  129. You: i didn't actually have sex until
  130. You: last year
  131. You: :\
  132. You: and i didn't fully penetrate
  133. Stranger: there’s nothing wrong with that either and if now you’re looking for more experience, the only way to do that is to get out there
  134. You: it's not like i haven't been trying
  135. You: but this brings me back to what i said in the beginning
  136. You: i'm agonizingly bad at talking to girls
  137. You: i don't know if it's because i ooze awkwardness or despair, or because i'm bad at social cues in general because of my asperger's, or because i'm simply too much of an aquired taste
  138. Stranger: don’t say that though. that’s not true. you can talk to girls. you may have had bad experiences in the past or faced rejection but you are a human like anyone else. i guarantee there’s people out there who will think you are the most interesting and attractive person
  139. Stranger: don’t count yourself out
  140. You: i know there are. the last person who thought that, i completely blew it with.
  141. You: the girl i went home with last year obviously did
  142. You: but
  143. You: i blew that too because i didn't understand you weren't supposed to hang around the next day
  144. You: in my defense, she made it sound like it was ok
  145. You: this is me being bad at reading social cues again
  146. Stranger: and if she can’t understand or accept that may be a part of you then she isn’t worth your time
  147. You: it sucks to be on bad terms with her. any time i've seen her since last year she's avoided me.
  148. You: my friend is right when he says i come on too strong
  149. You: i just don't know how to not be empassioned.
  150. You: i don't know how to not care
  151. Stranger: and that’s not bad at all
  152. Stranger: it’s an endearing quality
  153. You: i know it is
  154. You: but
  155. You: when you first talk to a girl
  156. You: you can't be empassioned
  157. You: do guys ever talk to you?
  158. Stranger: and that’s some mental game bullshit
  159. Stranger: not often honestly
  160. Stranger: and i’ve tried figuring myself out and i’m just super quiet and awkward and i don’t have an inviting personality. when i felt awful about never getting attention or approached i realized it was my fault
  161. Stranger: i started talking to guys first and that made so much difference in my confidence. genuinely everyone has their different struggles but none of them are permanent
  162. You: that is extremely uncommon and i wish more girls did it
  163. You: it would take a fuckton of pressure off me
  164. You: but
  165. You: any time girls do
  166. You: i'm never the guy they talk to
  167. You: i'm supposedly handsome
  168. You: but not inviting
  169. Stranger: and maybe that means you come off as intimidating and girls are just nervous to talk to you
  170. You: i considered that
  171. You: i dunno how i'm more intimidating than my friend. he's taller than me.
  172. You: you sure i don't just look like a creep? :\
  173. Stranger: height has less to do with it than someone’s energy i would say. people who don’t smile a lot or talk a lot can send messages to people they may not want to
  174. Stranger: i get that a lot
  175. Stranger: and no you don’t
  176. You: i never have anything to say when i'm around
  177. You: more often than not my friends talk about things i wasn't involved in
  178. You: so i just sort of get left out
  179. Stranger: but i’m sure you still have other things to talk about
  180. Stranger: try hanging apart from your friends
  181. You: that's very tough
  182. You: i can't do much when i'm alone
  183. You: girls are attracted to comradery
  184. Stranger: i mean that’s not necessarily true, approaching a group of guys is definitely intimidating
  185. You: in my experience
  186. You: girls rarely come near me when i'm alone
  187. You: and trying to approach them by myself usually doesn't lead anywhere
  188. Stranger: and if they aren’t helping your confidence or make you feel left out then that’s not helpful either
  189. Stranger: but you can’t put them together and assume you’re the problem
  190. Stranger: meeting people is so situational
  191. You: but i don't know what to do
  192. You: whenever i'm out with my friends, they soak up all the attention
  193. You: it doesn't even matter how many
  194. You: when i'm with my cousin all the girls pay attention to him and ignore me
  195. You: same with my other friends
  196. You: i don't have a clear solution
  197. You: that's why i'm in such despair right now
  198. Stranger: don’t lose hope. i guess that’s my biggest advice, you will find somebody who appreciates you for you
  199. You: :\
  200. Stranger: who sees you first instead of your friends or cousins
  201. You: people like that are really hard to come by
  202. Stranger: it might seem impossible but it’s true
  203. Stranger: but they’re out there
  204. You: i didn't say they weren't
  205. Stranger: there isn’t really a clear solution honestly. you just have to keep moving forward and it will come
  206. You: but they're frustratingly rare
  207. Stranger: well then when you meet one imagine how that will feel
  208. Stranger: worth it and extra special
  209. You: ;-;
  210. Stranger: it’s out there for you i promise
  211. You: how can you possibly know that
  212. Stranger: because from talking to you i know you’re just a normal guy who seems really sweet but is just feeling stuck right now. and that happens to everyone. but there’s nothing that is stopping you from finding and being in a meaningful relationship
  213. Stranger: you just have to get through this low spot
  214. You: i didn't even say anything about meaninful relationships
  215. You: i do want one but
  216. You: i'd also like to be able to like
  217. You: have sex once in a while
  218. You: since that's apparently a normal thing
  219. Stranger: so that’s what you want or what you feel like is expected
  220. You: well if everybody in my age range is out having casual sex, why can't i
  221. Stranger: and honestly finding like minded people in that sense can be pretty hard but dating apps is where to go i’d say
  222. You: i had a feeling it was going to come to that
  223. Stranger: and there’s nothing saying you can’t
  224. Stranger: besides you i think, you’re limiting yourself by putting yourself doen
  225. You: if it would actually happen for once, maybe i'd stop
  226. You: :\
  227. Stranger: if you’re just looking for a physical connection, believe that a girl would be lucky to even get you into bed. build that worth and avoid the desperation that comes without it. it will happen
  228. You: is lying to myself really the way to go? i have so much trouble lying.
  229. You: can't girls immediately see through that?
  230. Stranger: no because it’s not a lie, you have value!! respect yourself enough to know that you have the ability to choose who you show yourself to
  231. Stranger: just because there aren’t girls waiting in line for someone doesn’t mean they aren’t as wanted as the next
  232. You: i still don't know what to actually do in practice, though
  233. Stranger: and that mainly just comes from experience which makes that a tough situation
  234. Stranger: you can always read online and watch realistic porn to get ideas
  235. You: realistic porn? o_O
  236. You: how will that help me talk to girls?
  237. Stranger: hahha aren’t we talking about in practice with having casual sex
  238. You: i meant the whole process
  239. You: because so far i can't even get a girl to go home with me
  240. Stranger: which also just needs practice and building experience
  241. You: i feel like enough is never enough
  242. You: i don't even know _what_ it is i'm supposed to be practicing
  243. You: all i've gathered is that it requires a ridiculous number of really tiny things that i can't seem to get together
  244. You: don't gawk, don't get too excited, but also don't get too muted
  245. You: be assertive but also be calm
  246. You: algebra is easier for me than this
  247. Stranger: it only requires you to say hey. start a conversation and then be yourself for the rest
  248. You: finding an opener isn't always so easy
  249. You: and sometimes attempting an opener is enough to scare them
  250. You: :\
  251. Stranger: a hey is all you need
  252. Stranger: it just starts with a conversation
  253. You: this isn't telling me anything new. -.-;
  254. Stranger: well that’s all i have
  255. You: i guess this is it, then
  256. Stranger: good luck
  257. You: bye
  258. You: and
  259. You: thank you
  260. Stranger: i hope it helped in some way i guess
  261. Stranger has disconnected.
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