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Apr 21st, 2017
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  1. dualcore build # ./
  3. * IMPORTANT: 6 news items need reading for repository 'gentoo'.
  4. * Use eselect news read to view new items.
  7. These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
  9. Calculating dependencies... done!
  10. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/lzo-2.09:2::gentoo [2.08-r1:2::gentoo] USE="-examples -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 581 KiB
  11. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/libutempter-1.1.6-r2::gentoo [1.1.6-r1::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 16 KiB
  12. [ebuild U ] net-wireless/wireless-regdb-20170307::gentoo [20160610::gentoo] 17 KiB
  13. [ebuild U ] sys-libs/timezone-data-2017a::gentoo [2016h::gentoo] USE="nls -leaps_timezone" 523 KiB
  14. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/binutils-config-5-r3::gentoo [5-r2::gentoo] 0 KiB
  15. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/npth-1.3::gentoo [1.2::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 290 KiB
  16. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libunistring-0.9.7:0/2::gentoo [0.9.5:0/2::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="(64%*) -32% (-x32)" 3.506 KiB
  17. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/vala-common-0.34.7::gentoo [0.34.3::gentoo] 2.712 KiB
  18. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/ethtool-4.8::gentoo [3.18::gentoo] 210 KiB
  19. [ebuild R ] media-libs/libvpx-1.5.0:0/3::gentoo USE="svc* threads -doc -postproc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="avx mmx sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 ssse3 -avx2" 1.862 KiB
  20. [ebuild N ] media-libs/opusfile-0.6::gentoo USE="float http -doc (-fixed-point) -static-libs" 428 KiB
  21. [ebuild U ] app-arch/rar-5.4.0::gentoo [5.3.0::gentoo] USE="-all_sfx -static" 1.130 KiB
  22. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/perl-5.24.1-r1:0/5.24::gentoo [5.22.3_rc4:0/5.22::gentoo] USE="berkdb gdbm -debug -doc -ithreads" 11.414 KiB
  23. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Data-Dumper-2.160.0-r1::gentoo [2.158.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  24. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Test-Harness-3.360.100_rc::gentoo [3.350.100_rc::gentoo] 0 KiB
  25. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-File-Spec-3.630.100_rc::gentoo [3.560.200_rc::gentoo] 0 KiB
  26. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Storable-2.560.100_rc::gentoo [2.530.200_rc::gentoo] 0 KiB
  27. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Carp-1.400.0-r1::gentoo [1.360.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  28. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker-7.100.200_rc::gentoo [7.40.200_rc::gentoo] 0 KiB
  29. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-IO-1.360.100_rc::gentoo [1.350.100_rc::gentoo] 0 KiB
  30. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.69.0-r1::gentoo [2.68.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  31. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Scalar-List-Utils-1.420.200_rc-r1::gentoo [1.410.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  32. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-libnet-3.80.100_rc::gentoo [3.50.100_rc::gentoo] 0 KiB
  33. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-parent-0.234.0-r1::gentoo [0.232.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  34. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Compress-Raw-Bzip2-2.69.0-r1::gentoo [2.68.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  35. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-if-0.60.600-r1::gentoo [0.60.400-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  36. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Term-ANSIColor-4.40.0-r1::gentoo [4.30.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  37. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Getopt-Long-2.480.0-r1::gentoo [2.450.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  38. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-File-Path-2.120.100_rc-r1::gentoo [2.90.0-r5::gentoo] 0 KiB
  39. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-IO-Compress-2.69.1_rc::gentoo [2.68.1_rc::gentoo] 0 KiB
  40. [ebuild N ] dev-perl/File-ShareDir-Install-0.110.0::gentoo USE="{-test}" 31 KiB
  41. [ebuild U ] dev-perl/File-ShareDir-1.102.0::gentoo [1.30.0-r1::gentoo] USE="{-test%}" 12 KiB
  42. [ebuild U ] app-emacs/emacs-common-gentoo-1.6::gentoo [1.5::gentoo] USE="X -games" 60 KiB
  43. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libevent-2.1.8:0/2.1-6::gentoo [2.0.22:0/0::gentoo] USE="ssl threads -debug (-libressl) -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 1.003 KiB
  44. [ebuild U ] dev-db/sqlite-3.17.0:3::gentoo [3.16.2:3::gentoo] USE="icu readline tcl -debug -doc -secure-delete -static-libs {-test} -tools" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 9.884 KiB
  45. [ebuild N ~] dev-libs/double-conversion-2.0.1:0/1::gentoo USE="-static-libs" 6.850 KiB
  46. [ebuild U ~] dev-python/sip-4.19.2:0/12::gentoo [4.18.1:0/11::gentoo] USE="-debug -doc" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 -python3_5 -python3_6%" 978 KiB
  47. [ebuild U ] dev-perl/XML-LibXML-2.12.800-r1::gentoo [2.12.100::gentoo] USE="-examples% -minimal% {-test}" 456 KiB
  48. [ebuild UD ] net-misc/youtube-dl-2017.03.16::gentoo [2017.03.22::gentoo] USE="offensive {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5)" 2.570 KiB
  49. [ebuild U ] dev-python/psutil-5.0.1::gentoo [2.1.3::gentoo] USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-pypy) (-pypy3) (-python3_5) (-python3_6)" 320 KiB
  50. [ebuild U ] dev-python/requests-2.12.5::gentoo [2.11.1::gentoo] USE="{-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-pypy) (-python3_5) (-python3_6)" 536 KiB
  51. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/gettext- [0.19.7::gentoo] USE="acl cxx emacs ncurses nls openmp -cvs -doc -git -java -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 19.243 KiB
  52. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libgpg-error-1.27-r1::gentoo [1.24::gentoo] USE="nls -common-lisp -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 795 KiB
  53. [ebuild NS ] sys-devel/binutils-2.26.1:2.26.1::gentoo [2.25.1-r1:2.25.1::gentoo] USE="cxx nls -multitarget -static-libs {-test} -vanilla" 25.007 KiB
  54. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/diffutils-3.5::gentoo [3.3::gentoo] USE="nls -static" 1.330 KiB
  55. [ebuild R ] cross-mips32-rb532-linux-gnu/binutils-2.26.1:2.26.1::crossdev USE="cxx nls -multitarget -static-libs {-test} -vanilla (-zlib%*)" 0 KiB
  56. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libgcrypt-1.7.6:0/20::gentoo [1.7.3:0/20::gentoo] USE="static-libs -doc" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 2.830 KiB
  57. [ebuild NS ] sys-devel/gcc-5.4.0-r3:5.4.0::gentoo [4.9.3:4.9.3::gentoo, 4.9.4:4.9.4::gentoo] USE="cxx fortran (multilib) nls nptl objc openmp sanitize vtv (-altivec) (-awt) -cilk -debug -doc (-fixed-point) -gcj -go -graphite (-hardened) (-jit) (-libssp) -mpx -nopie -nossp -objc++ -objc-gc -regression-test -vanilla" 93.468 KiB
  58. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libassuan-2.4.3-r1::gentoo [2.4.3::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 547 KiB
  59. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libksba-1.3.5-r1::gentoo [1.3.5::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" 607 KiB
  60. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libtasn1-4.10-r1:0/6::gentoo [4.10:0/6::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs -valgrind" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
  61. [ebuild U ] app-admin/eselect-1.4.8::gentoo [1.4.5::gentoo] USE="emacs -doc -vim-syntax" 173 KiB
  62. [ebuild U ] app-admin/perl-cleaner-2.25::gentoo [2.20::gentoo] 8 KiB
  63. [ebuild U ] app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.3::gentoo [0.3.2-r1::gentoo] PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-pypy) (-python3_5)" 3.123 KiB
  64. [ebuild U ] virtual/perl-Encode-2.800.100_rc::gentoo [2.730.0-r1::gentoo] 0 KiB
  65. [uninstall ] perl-core/Encode-2.730.0::gentoo
  66. [blocks b ] <perl-core/Encode-2.800.100_rc ("<perl-core/Encode-2.800.100_rc" is blocking virtual/perl-Encode-2.800.100_rc)
  67. [ebuild U ] media-libs/freetype-2.7.1-r2:2::gentoo [2.6.3-r1:2::gentoo] USE="X adobe-cff bzip2 cleartype_hinting%* png static-libs -bindist -debug -doc -fontforge -harfbuzz -infinality -utils" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1.783 KiB
  68. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libxcb-1.12-r2:0/1.12::gentoo [1.12:0/1.12::gentoo] USE="xkb -doc (-selinux) -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 600 KiB
  69. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libICE-1.0.9-r1::gentoo [1.0.9::gentoo] USE="ipv6 -doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 376 KiB
  70. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libpcre-8.40-r1:3::gentoo [8.39:3::gentoo] USE="bzip2 cxx jit pcre16 readline recursion-limit (unicode) zlib -libedit -pcre32 -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1.524 KiB
  71. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libdrm-2.4.75::gentoo [2.4.70::gentoo] USE="-libkms -static-libs -valgrind" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" VIDEO_CARDS="-amdgpu (-exynos) (-freedreno) -intel -nouveau (-omap) -radeon (-tegra) (-vc4) (-vivante) -vmware" 757 KiB
  72. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/wayland-1.12.0::gentoo [1.11.0::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 371 KiB
  73. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libsamplerate-0.1.9::gentoo [0.1.8-r1::gentoo] USE="-sndfile -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 4.236 KiB
  74. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/xkeyboard-config-2.20::gentoo [2.17::gentoo] 956 KiB
  75. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libevdev-1.5.6::gentoo [1.5.2::gentoo] USE="-static-libs" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 398 KiB
  76. [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libpcre2-10.22::gentoo USE="bzip2 jit readline recursion-limit unicode zlib -libedit -pcre16 -pcre32 -static-libs" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 1.437 KiB
  77. [ebuild U ] x11-apps/sessreg-1.1.1::gentoo [1.1.0::gentoo] 133 KiB
  78. [ebuild U ] x11-proto/presentproto-1.1::gentoo [1.0::gentoo] ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 114 KiB
  79. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libX11-1.6.5::gentoo [1.6.4::gentoo] USE="ipv6 -doc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 2.307 KiB
  80. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libXfont-1.5.2::gentoo [1.5.1::gentoo] USE="bzip2 ipv6 truetype -doc -static-libs" 518 KiB
  81. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libXi-1.7.9::gentoo [1.7.8::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 475 KiB
  82. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libsigc++-2.10.0:2::gentoo [2.8.0:2::gentoo] USE="-doc -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 3.706 KiB
  83. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-user-docs-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 13.818 KiB
  84. [ebuild U ] media-video/gnome-video-effects-0.4.3::gentoo [0.4.1::gentoo] 139 KiB
  85. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/gnome-backgrounds-3.22.1::gentoo [3.20::gentoo] 14.500 KiB
  86. [ebuild NS ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.9.16:4.9.16::gentoo [3.16.1:3.16.1::gentoo, 4.0.5:4.0.5::gentoo, 4.0.9:4.0.9::gentoo, 4.1.12:4.1.12::gentoo, 4.1.15-r1:4.1.15-r1::gentoo, 4.4.6:4.4.6::gentoo, 4.4.21:4.4.21::gentoo, 4.4.26:4.4.26::gentoo, 4.4.39:4.4.39::gentoo, 4.8.8:4.8.8::gentoo, 4.9.6-r1:4.9.6-r1::gentoo] USE="-build -experimental -symlink" 91.402 KiB
  87. [ebuild U ] net-analyzer/nmap-7.40::gentoo [7.31::gentoo] USE="ipv6 nls nse ssl (-libressl) -ncat -ndiff -nmap-update -nping (-system-lua) -zenmap" LINGUAS="de -fr -hi -hr -it -ja -pl -pt_BR -ru -zh" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 8.835 KiB
  88. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/adwaita-icon-theme-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20::gentoo] USE="branding" 17.994 KiB
  89. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/gnome-themes-standard-3.22.3::gentoo [3.20.2-r1::gentoo] 2.837 KiB
  90. [ebuild U ] x11-themes/gtk-engines-adwaita-3.22.3::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 0 KiB
  91. [ebuild U ] net-misc/wget-1.19.1-r1::gentoo [1.18::gentoo] USE="gnutls ipv6 nls pcre ssl zlib -debug -idn (-libressl) -ntlm -static {-test} -uuid" 2.063 KiB
  92. [ebuild R ] dev-db/postgresql-9.5.5:9.5::gentoo USE="ldap nls pam perl readline server ssl tcl xml zlib -doc -kerberos (-libressl) -pg_legacytimestamp -python (-selinux) -static-libs -threads -uuid" LINGUAS="de en -af -cs -es -fa -fr -hr -hu -it -ko -nb -pl -pt_BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sv -tr -zh_CN -zh_TW" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_4* -python2_7* (-python3_5) (-python3_6)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5) (-python3_6)" 18.091 KiB
  93. [ebuild U ] dev-python/PyQt4-4.12::gentoo [4.11.4-r1::gentoo] USE="X dbus declarative kde opengl sql svg webkit -compat -debug -designer -doc -examples -help -multimedia -phonon* -script* -scripttools -testlib -xmlpatterns" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5) (-python3_6)" 11.060 KiB
  94. [ebuild R ] x11-libs/libXmu-1.1.2::gentoo USE="ipv6 -doc -static-libs" ABI_X86="32* (64) (-x32)" 387 KiB
  95. [ebuild U ] x11-apps/xauth-1.0.10::gentoo [1.0.9-r2::gentoo] USE="ipv6 {-test}" 159 KiB
  96. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/xvkbd-3.7::gentoo [3.6::gentoo] 80 KiB
  97. [ebuild U ] x11-terms/xterm-327::gentoo [325::gentoo] USE="openpty truetype unicode xinerama -Xaw3d -toolbar" 1.212 KiB
  98. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/man-pages-4.09::gentoo [4.08::gentoo] USE="nls" L10N="de -da -fr -it -ja -nl -pl -ro -ru -zh-CN" 1.491 KiB
  99. [ebuild U ] sys-power/powertop-2.8::gentoo [2.6::gentoo] USE="X nls%* unicode" 655 KiB
  100. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libmtp-1.1.12:0/9::gentoo [1.1.11:0/9::gentoo] USE="crypt -doc -examples -static-libs" 759 KiB
  101. [ebuild U ~] sys-apps/openrc-0.25::gentoo [0.23.2::gentoo] USE="ncurses netifrc pam unicode -audit -debug -newnet (-prefix) (-selinux) -static-libs (-tools%)" 212 KiB
  102. [ebuild U ] sys-devel/llvm-3.9.1-r1:0/3.9.1::gentoo [3.7.1-r3:0/3.7.1::gentoo] USE="libffi ncurses sanitize%* static-analyzer xml -clang -debug -default-compiler-rt% -default-libcxx% -doc -gold -libedit (-lldb) -multitarget -ocaml -python {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" LLVM_TARGETS="AMDGPU%* BPF%* NVPTX%* (X86%*) -AArch64% -ARM% -Hexagon% -MSP430% -Mips% -PowerPC% -Sparc% -SystemZ% -XCore%" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" VIDEO_CARDS="(-radeon%)" 17.784 KiB
  103. [ebuild U ] media-libs/mesa-13.0.5::gentoo [12.0.1::gentoo] USE="classic dri3 egl gallium gbm gles2 llvm nettle%* nptl wayland xvmc -bindist -d3d9 -debug -gcrypt% -gles1 (-libressl) -opencl -openmax -openssl% -osmesa -pax_kernel -pic (-selinux) -vaapi -valgrind -vdpau -vulkan% -xa (-udev%*)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" VIDEO_CARDS="(-freedreno) -i915 -i965 -intel -nouveau -r100 -r200 -r300 -r600 -radeon -radeonsi (-vc4) -vmware" 8.957 KiB
  104. [ebuild UD ] media-video/ffmpeg-2.8.10:0/54.56.56::gentoo [3.2.4:0/55.57.57::gentoo] USE="X aac%* alsa bzip2 encode gnutls gpl hardcoded-tables iconv ieee1394 jack jpeg2k libcaca lzma modplug mp3 network openal opengl oss postproc pulseaudio sdl speex threads truetype v4l vaapi vorbis wavpack x264 x265 xcb xvid zlib -aacplus% (-altivec) -amr -amrenc (-armv5te) (-armv6) (-armv6t2) (-armvfp) -bluray -bs2b -cdio -celt -cpudetection -debug -doc -examples% -faac% -fdk -flite -fontconfig -frei0r -fribidi -gme -gsm -iec61883 -ladspa -libass (-libressl) -librtmp -libsoxr -libv4l (-mipsdspr1) (-mipsdspr2) (-mipsfpu) (-neon) -openssl -opus -pic -quvi% -samba -schroedinger -snappy -ssh -static-libs {-test} -theora -twolame -vdpau -vpx -webp -zvbi (-chromaprint%) (-ebur128%) (-gcrypt%) (-gmp%*) (-kvazaar%) (-libilbc%) (-mmal%) (-nvenc%) (-openh264%) (-rubberband%) (-zimg%)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="avx mmx mmxext sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3 -3dnow -3dnowext -avx2 -fma3 -fma4 -xop (-aes%*)" FFTOOLS="aviocat cws2fws ffescape ffeval ffhash fourcc2pixfmt graph2dot ismindex pktdumper qt-faststart sidxindex trasher" 8.385 KiB
  105. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libquicktime-1.2.4-r2::gentoo [1.2.4-r1::gentoo] USE="X aac alsa encode ffmpeg gtk jpeg lame opengl png vorbis x264 -doc -dv -libav% -schroedinger -static-libs" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" CPU_FLAGS_X86="mmx" 1.005 KiB
  106. [ebuild U ] app-crypt/gpgme-1.8.0-r2:1/11::gentoo [1.5.5:1/11::gentoo] USE="-common-lisp -cxx% -python% -qt5% -static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%* python3_4%* (-python3_5)" 1.268 KiB
  107. [ebuild U ] dev-java/saxpath-1.0-r3::gentoo [1.0-r2::gentoo] USE="-doc -source (-test%)" 36 KiB
  108. [ebuild U ] dev-java/relaxng-datatype-1.0-r2::gentoo [1.0-r1::gentoo] USE="-doc -source" 73 KiB
  109. [ebuild U ] dev-java/swing-layout-1.0.4-r1:1::gentoo [1.0.4:1::gentoo] USE="source -doc" 69 KiB
  110. [ebuild U ] dev-java/jsr173-1.0-r4::gentoo [1.0-r1::gentoo] USE="-doc -source" 625 KiB
  111. [ebuild U ] dev-java/dom4j-1.6.1-r7:1::gentoo [1.6.1-r5:1::gentoo] USE="-doc -source {-test}" 9.463 KiB
  112. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/wine-2.0::gentoo [1.8.3::gentoo] USE="X alsa cups fontconfig gecko gphoto2 gstreamer jpeg lcms ldap mono mp3 ncurses nls openal opengl perl png pulseaudio realtime run-exes ssl threads truetype udev%* udisks v4l xcomposite xinerama xml -capi -custom-cflags -dos -gsm -netapi -odbc -opencl -osmesa -oss -pcap -prelink -samba -scanner (-selinux) {-test} (-pipelight%) (-s3tc%) (-staging%) (-vaapi%)" ABI_X86="32 64 (-x32)" LINGUAS="de en -ar -bg -ca -cs -da -el -en_US -eo -es -fa -fi -fr -he -hi -hr -hu -it -ja -ko -lt -ml -nb_NO -nl -or -pa -pl -pt_BR -pt_PT -rm -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr_RS@cyrillic -sr_RS@latin -sv -te -th -tr -uk -wa -zh_CN -zh_TW" 165.443 KiB
  113. [ebuild N ] dev-libs/libgnome-games-support-1.2.1:1/2::gentoo 333 KiB
  114. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/sushi-3.21.91::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] USE="-office" 290 KiB
  115. [ebuild U ] x11-misc/xdiskusage-1.51::gentoo [1.48_p20111016::gentoo] 53 KiB
  116. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/glib-2.50.3-r1:2::gentoo [2.50.3:2::gentoo] USE="dbus (mime) xattr -debug (-fam) (-selinux) -static-libs -systemtap {-test} -utils" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 0 KiB
  117. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/cairo-1.14.8::gentoo [1.14.6::gentoo] USE="X glib opengl svg xcb (-aqua) -debug (-directfb) (-gles2) -static-libs -valgrind (-xlib-xcb%)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 34.563 KiB
  118. [ebuild U ] dev-lang/vala-0.34.7:0.34::gentoo [0.34.3:0.34::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 0 KiB
  119. [ebuild U ] dev-cpp/glibmm-2.50.0:2::gentoo [2.48.1:2::gentoo] USE="-debug -doc {-test} (-examples%)" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 6.285 KiB
  120. [ebuild U ] net-libs/glib-networking-2.50.0::gentoo [2.48.2::gentoo] USE="libproxy ssl -gnome -smartcard {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 426 KiB
  121. [ebuild U ] app-misc/mc-4.8.18-r1::gentoo [4.8.15::gentoo] USE="X edit gpm nls slang spell xdg -mclib -samba -sftp {-test}" 2.405 KiB
  122. [ebuild U ] dev-perl/glib-perl-1.324.0::gentoo [1.314.0::gentoo] 291 KiB
  123. [ebuild R ] dev-libs/gobject-introspection-1.50.0::gentoo USE="cairo -doctool {-test}" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_4* -python2_7* -python3_5" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 -python3_5" 1.383 KiB
  124. [ebuild U ~] x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.36.6:2::gentoo [2.36.5:2::gentoo] USE="X introspection jpeg jpeg2k tiff -debug {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 5.046 KiB
  125. [ebuild U ~] net-dns/avahi-0.6.32-r2::gentoo [0.6.32-r1::gentoo] USE="autoipd dbus gdbm gtk gtk3 introspection ipv6 mdnsresponder-compat nls python qt4 -bookmarks -doc -howl-compat -mono (-selinux) {-test} -utils" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 913 KiB
  126. [ebuild U ] media-libs/harfbuzz-1.4.5:0/0.9.18::gentoo [1.4.3:0/0.9.18::gentoo] USE="cairo glib graphite icu introspection truetype -fontconfig -static-libs {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1.440 KiB
  127. [ebuild U ] app-accessibility/at-spi2-core-2.22.1:2::gentoo [2.20.2:2::gentoo] USE="X introspection" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 444 KiB
  128. [ebuild U ] net-libs/libsoup-2.56.0:2.4::gentoo [2.54.1-r1:2.4::gentoo] USE="introspection ssl -debug -gssapi -samba {-test} -vala" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 1.779 KiB
  129. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/json-glib-1.2.8::gentoo [1.2.2::gentoo] USE="introspection -debug" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 591 KiB
  130. [ebuild U ] media-libs/clutter-gtk-1.8.2:1.0::gentoo [1.8.0:1.0::gentoo] USE="X gtk introspection -debug -examples -wayland" 320 KiB
  131. [ebuild U ] dev-python/pygobject-3.22.0:3::gentoo [3.20.1:3::gentoo] USE="cairo threads -examples {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5) (-python3_6)" 740 KiB
  132. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/gtksourceview-3.22.2:3.0/3::gentoo [3.20.4:3.0/3::gentoo] USE="introspection -glade {-test} -vala" 1.559 KiB
  133. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libmediaart-1.9.1:2.0::gentoo [1.9.0-r1:2.0::gentoo] USE="introspection qt5 -gtk {-test} -vala" 5.690 KiB
  134. [ebuild N ] app-arch/gnome-autoar-0.2.2::gentoo USE="gtk introspection -vala" 289 KiB
  135. [ebuild U ] app-text/gspell-1.2.3:0/1::gentoo [1.2.2:0/1::gentoo] USE="introspection {-test} -vala" 387 KiB
  136. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/libgnomekbd- [3.6.0:0/0::gentoo] USE="introspection {-test}" 441 KiB
  137. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/gdl-3.22.0:3/5::gentoo [3.20.0:3/5::gentoo] USE="introspection" 517 KiB
  138. [ebuild U ~] x11-libs/pango-1.40.5::gentoo [1.40.3::gentoo] USE="X introspection {-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 1.041 KiB
  139. [ebuild U ] dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.9::gentoo] 358 KiB
  140. [ebuild U ] app-accessibility/at-spi2-atk-2.22.0:2::gentoo [2.20.1:2::gentoo] USE="{-test}" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 299 KiB
  141. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/libnotify-0.7.7::gentoo [0.7.6-r3::gentoo] USE="introspection {-test}" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 279 KiB
  142. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-desktop-3.22.2:3/12::gentoo [3.20.2:3/12::gentoo] USE="introspection udev%* -debug {-test}" 1.040 KiB
  143. [ebuild U ] media-libs/grilo-0.3.3:0.3/0::gentoo [0.3.2:0.3/0::gentoo] USE="gtk introspection network playlist -examples {-test} -vala" 627 KiB
  144. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libpeas-1.20.0::gentoo [1.18.0::gentoo] USE="gtk python -glade -jit -lua {-test}" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5)" 545 KiB
  145. [ebuild U ] net-libs/gssdp-1.0.2:0/3::gentoo [0.14.16:0/3::gentoo] USE="gtk introspection" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 306 KiB
  146. [ebuild R ] gnome-extra/chrome-gnome-shell-8-r1::gentoo PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_4* -python2_7* (-python3_5)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5)" 0 KiB
  147. [ebuild U ] media-libs/libchamplain-0.12.15:0.12::gentoo [0.12.14:0.12::gentoo] USE="gtk introspection -debug -vala" 603 KiB
  148. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/gnome-screenshot-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] 253 KiB
  149. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-calculator-3.22.3::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] 1.294 KiB
  150. [ebuild U ] dev-cpp/gtkmm-3.22.0:3.0::gentoo [3.20.1:3.0::gentoo] USE="X (-aqua) -doc {-test} -wayland (-examples%)" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" 12.033 KiB
  151. [ebuild U ] net-im/pidgin-2.12.0:0/2::gentoo [2.11.0-r1:0/2::gentoo] USE="dbus gnutls gstreamer gtk ncurses nls perl spell tcl xscreensaver zeroconf (-aqua) -debug -doc -eds -gadu -groupwise -idn -meanwhile -networkmanager -pie -prediction -python -sasl -silc -tk -zephyr (-mxit%)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 9.057 KiB
  152. [ebuild U ] app-text/mupdf-1.10a-r2:0/1.10a::gentoo [1.10a-r1:0/1.10a::gentoo] USE="X curl javascript opengl openssl (-libressl) -static -static-libs -vanilla" 0 KiB
  153. [ebuild U ] dev-util/anjuta-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] USE="introspection subversion -debug -devhelp -glade (-packagekit) -terminal {-test} -vala" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 6.214 KiB
  154. [ebuild U ] net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.16.1:4/37::gentoo [2.14.5:4/37::gentoo] USE="(X) egl geolocation gstreamer introspection jit libnotify opengl spell webgl (-aqua) -coverage -doc -gles2 -gnome-keyring -nsplugin {-test} -wayland" 14.333 KiB
  155. [ebuild U ] x11-libs/vte-0.46.1:2.91::gentoo [0.44.3:2.91::gentoo] USE="crypt introspection -debug -glade -vala" 966 KiB
  156. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/nm-applet-1.4.6-r1::gentoo [1.4.2::gentoo] USE="introspection -modemmanager -teamd" 1.357 KiB
  157. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/zenity-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] USE="libnotify -debug -webkit (-test%)" 1.057 KiB
  158. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-shell-extensions-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] USE="-examples" 332 KiB
  159. [ebuild U ] app-arch/file-roller-3.22.3::gentoo [3.20.4::gentoo] USE="libnotify%* (-packagekit) (-nautilus%)" 1.390 KiB
  160. [ebuild U ] net-misc/vino-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] USE="crypt ipv6 jpeg ssl telepathy zeroconf zlib -debug -gnome-keyring" 751 KiB
  161. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/gnome-font-viewer-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] 314 KiB
  162. [ebuild U ] app-admin/gkrellm-2.3.10:2::gentoo [2.3.5-r4:2::gentoo] USE="X gnutls hddtemp lm_sensors nls ssl (-libressl) -ntlm" 765 KiB
  163. [ebuild U ] www-plugins/adobe-flash- [] USE="nsplugin ppapi (-kde%*)" ABI_X86="64 -32 (-x32)" 18.006 KiB
  164. [ebuild R ] net-irc/hexchat-2.12.4-r1::gentoo USE="dbus gtk libnotify libproxy nls perl plugin-checksum plugin-sysinfo spell ssl -debug -libcanberra (-libressl) -lua -plugin-fishlim -python (-theme-manager)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_4* -python2_7* (-python3_5)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5)" 1.418 KiB
  165. [ebuild U ] net-wireless/spectools-2016.01.1::gentoo [2011.08.1-r2::gentoo] USE="gtk ncurses -debug%" 118 KiB
  166. [ebuild U ] net-libs/gnome-online-accounts-3.22.5:0/1::gentoo [3.20.4:0/1::gentoo] USE="introspection -debug -gnome -kerberos" 1.372 KiB
  167. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/yelp-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] 1.352 KiB
  168. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/shotwell-0.24.3::gentoo [0.23.7::gentoo] 0 KiB
  169. [ebuild N ] app-text/libgepub-0.4::gentoo USE="introspection" 241 KiB
  170. [ebuild U ] app-emulation/qemu-2.8.0-r10::gentoo [2.8.0-r3::gentoo] USE="aio alsa bzip2 caps curl fdt filecaps gnutls gtk jpeg lzo ncurses nfs nls opengl pin-upstream-blobs png pulseaudio sdl seccomp threads usb vde vhost-net vnc vte xattr xfs -accessibility -bluetooth -debug (-glusterfs) -gtk2 -infiniband -iscsi -numa -python -rbd -sasl -sdl2 (-selinux) -smartcard -snappy -spice -ssh -static -static-user -systemtap -tci {-test} -usbredir -virgl -virtfs -xen (-static-softmmu%)" LINGUAS="-bg -de_DE -fr_FR -hu -it -tr -zh_CN" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" QEMU_SOFTMMU_TARGETS="x86_64 -aarch64 -alpha -arm -cris -i386 -lm32 -m68k -microblaze -microblazeel -mips -mips64 -mips64el -mipsel -moxie -or32 -ppc -ppc64 -ppcemb -s390x -sh4 -sh4eb -sparc -sparc64 -tricore -unicore32 -xtensa -xtensaeb" QEMU_USER_TARGETS="-aarch64 -alpha -arm -armeb -cris -i386 -m68k -microblaze -microblazeel -mips -mips64 -mips64el -mipsel -mipsn32 -mipsn32el -or32 -ppc -ppc64 -ppc64abi32 -ppc64le -s390x -sh4 -sh4eb -sparc -sparc32plus -sparc64 -tilegx -x86_64" 16 KiB
  171. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/nautilus-3.22.3::gentoo [3.20.4::gentoo] USE="exif introspection previewer -gnome (-packagekit) (-selinux) -sendto {-test} -tracker -xmp" 4.986 KiB
  172. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-user-share-3.18.3::gentoo [3.18.2::gentoo] 0 KiB
  173. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-settings-daemon-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] USE="colord cups policykit udev -debug -networkmanager (-openrc-force) -smartcard {-test} -wayland" INPUT_DEVICES="-wacom" 1.619 KiB
  174. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-tweak-tool-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 255 KiB
  175. [ebuild U ] app-text/evince-3.22.1:0/evd3.4-evv3.3::gentoo [3.20.1:0/evd3.4-evv3.3::gentoo] USE="gstreamer introspection postscript tiff -djvu -dvi -gnome -gnome-keyring -nautilus -nsplugin -t1lib -xps" 3.287 KiB
  176. [ebuild R ] kde-frameworks/ki18n-5.29.0:5/5.29::gentoo USE="-debug {-test}" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_4* -python2_7* (-python3_5)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5)" 2.961 KiB
  177. [ebuild R ] sys-apps/util-linux-2.28.2::gentoo USE="cramfs ncurses nls pam readline static-libs suid systemd udev unicode -build -caps -fdformat -kill -python (-selinux) -slang {-test} -tty-helpers" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_4* -python2_7* (-python3_5)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5)" 4.053 KiB
  178. [ebuild U ~] sys-apps/systemd-233-r1:0/2::gentoo [233:0/2::gentoo] USE="acl curl gcrypt kmod lz4 lzma pam policykit seccomp ssl -apparmor -audit -build -cryptsetup -doc -elfutils -gnuefi -http -idn -importd -nat -qrcode (-selinux) -sysv-utils {-test} -vanilla -xkb" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 0 KiB
  179. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/appstream-glib-0.6.8:0/8::gentoo [0.6.7:0/8::gentoo] USE="introspection nls -stemmer" 1.917 KiB
  180. [ebuild U ] app-misc/tracker-1.10.5:0/100::gentoo [1.8.0:0/100::gentoo] USE="exif ffmpeg flac gif gtk iso jpeg miner-fs mp3 pdf rss seccomp%* tiff vorbis xml -cue -firefox-bookmarks -gsf -gstreamer -iptc -libav -nautilus -networkmanager -playlist -stemmer {-test} -thunderbird -upnp-av -upower -xmp -xps" 4.917 KiB
  181. [ebuild U ] net-libs/gupnp-1.0.2:0/4::gentoo [0.20.18:0/4::gentoo] USE="introspection -connman -networkmanager" ABI_X86="(64) -32 (-x32)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 412 KiB
  182. [ebuild U ] x11-terms/gnome-terminal-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.3::gentoo] USE="gnome-shell nautilus -debug -vanilla" 1.907 KiB
  183. [ebuild U ] net-fs/nfs-utils-1.3.4::gentoo [1.3.1-r5::gentoo] USE="ipv6 libmount nfsidmap nfsv4 tcpd uuid -caps -kerberos -nfsdcld -nfsv41 (-selinux)" 796 KiB
  184. [ebuild U ~] dev-qt/qtcore-5.7.1-r2:5/5.7::gentoo [5.7.1-r1:5/5.7::gentoo] USE="icu systemd -debug {-test}" 43.939 KiB
  185. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gvfs-1.30.3::gentoo [1.28.3-r1::gentoo] USE="cdda gphoto2 gtk http ios mtp nfs policykit%* systemd udev udisks zeroconf -afp -archive -bluray -fuse -gnome-keyring -gnome-online-accounts -google -samba {-test}" 1.851 KiB
  186. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-session-3.22.3::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] USE="ipv6 systemd -doc" 760 KiB
  187. [ebuild U ] media-video/cheese-3.22.1:0/8::gentoo [3.20.2:0/8::gentoo] USE="introspection {-test}" 1.800 KiB
  188. [ebuild U ] media-plugins/grilo-plugins-0.3.4:0.3::gentoo [0.3.3:0.3::gentoo] USE="dvd tracker upnp-av youtube (-chromaprint) -daap -examples -flickr -freebox -gnome-online-accounts (-lua) -subtitles -thetvdb -vimeo" 1.836 KiB
  189. [ebuild U ] net-misc/gnome-online-miners-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] USE="-flickr" 267 KiB
  190. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-color-manager-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] USE="(-packagekit) -raw {-test}" 2.610 KiB
  191. [ebuild U ] games-board/iagno-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] 1.773 KiB
  192. [ebuild U ] games-puzzle/swell-foop-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] 2.241 KiB
  193. [ebuild U ] games-puzzle/hitori-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] 450 KiB
  194. [ebuild U ] games-board/gnome-mahjongg-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] 4.223 KiB
  195. [ebuild U ] games-board/four-in-a-row-3.22.1::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] 1.745 KiB
  196. [ebuild U ] games-puzzle/gnome-tetravex-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] 2.120 KiB
  197. [ebuild U ] games-board/gnome-mines-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] 3.065 KiB
  198. [ebuild U ] games-arcade/gnome-robots-3.22.1::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] 1.585 KiB
  199. [ebuild U ] games-puzzle/gnome-taquin-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] 4.913 KiB
  200. [ebuild U ] games-puzzle/five-or-more-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] 3.221 KiB
  201. [ebuild U ] games-board/gnome-chess-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] 2.710 KiB
  202. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/dconf-editor-3.22.3::gentoo [3.20.3::gentoo] 386 KiB
  203. [ebuild U ] games-puzzle/quadrapassel-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] 1.697 KiB
  204. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/gnome-disk-utility-3.22.1::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] USE="systemd -fat -gnome" 1.422 KiB
  205. [ebuild U ] games-arcade/gnome-nibbles- [] 1.558 KiB
  206. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-system-monitor-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] USE="X systemd" 887 KiB
  207. [ebuild U ] games-board/tali-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] 1.677 KiB
  208. [ebuild U ] games-puzzle/gnome-sudoku-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.5::gentoo] 2.818 KiB
  209. [ebuild U ] net-misc/vinagre-3.22.0-r1::gentoo [3.20.2-r1::gentoo] USE="ssh telepathy zeroconf -rdp -spice" 1.539 KiB
  210. [ebuild U ] www-client/epiphany-3.22.7::gentoo [3.20.3::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 2.240 KiB
  211. [ebuild U ] games-puzzle/lightsoff-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] 1.886 KiB
  212. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-characters-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 1.447 KiB
  213. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-power-manager-3.22.2::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] USE="{-test}" 443 KiB
  214. [ebuild U ] games-puzzle/gnome-klotski-3.22.1::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] 1.388 KiB
  215. [ebuild U ] sys-apps/baobab-3.22.1::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] 926 KiB
  216. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/polkit-kde-agent-5.8.6:5::gentoo [5.8.5:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 41 KiB
  217. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kde-cli-tools-5.8.6:5::gentoo [5.8.5:5::gentoo] USE="X handbook kdesu -debug {-test}" 479 KiB
  218. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-core-libs-3.22.2:3.0::gentoo [3.20.0:3.0::gentoo] USE="cups -python" 0 KiB
  219. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-control-center-3.22.2-r1:2::gentoo [3.20.2-r1:2::gentoo] USE="colord cups gnome-online-accounts ibus%* networkmanager v4l -bluetooth -debug -kerberos -wayland (-i18n%*)" INPUT_DEVICES="-wacom" 7.107 KiB
  220. [ebuild U ] dev-libs/libdbusmenu-qt-0.9.3_pre20160218::gentoo [0.9.3_pre20140619-r1::gentoo] USE="qt4 qt5 -debug {-test} (-doc%)" ABI_X86="32 (64) (-x32)" 46 KiB
  221. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gdm-3.22.3::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] USE="branding introspection ipv6 tcpd xinerama -accessibility -audit -fprint -plymouth (-selinux) -smartcard {-test} -wayland" 1.085 KiB
  222. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdenlive-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook semantic-desktop v4l -debug -freesound -gles2 -jogshuttle" 6.468 KiB
  223. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ffmpegthumbs-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug -libav" 21 KiB
  224. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/libkexiv2-16.12.3:5::gentoo [15.08.3:4/15.08::gentoo] USE="xmp -debug" 64 KiB
  225. [ebuild U ] app-editors/gedit-3.22.0::gentoo [3.20.2::gentoo] USE="introspection python spell {-test} -vala" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_4%* (-python3_5)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_4 (-python3_5)" 2.889 KiB
  226. [ebuild U ] media-video/totem-3.22.1::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] USE="introspection python -debug -lirc -nautilus {-test} -zeitgeist" PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_4* -python2_7* (-python3_5)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 python3_4 (-python3_5)" 1.937 KiB
  227. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/poxml-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" 32 KiB
  228. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kactivitymanagerd-5.8.6:5::gentoo [5.8.5:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 82 KiB
  229. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/baloo-widgets-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug {-test}" 56 KiB
  230. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kio-extras-16.12.3-r1:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="exif handbook man%* mtp sftp -activities% -debug -openexr -phonon -samba -slp {-test}" 274 KiB
  231. [ebuild U ] media-gfx/gnome-photos-3.22.5::gentoo [3.20.3::gentoo] USE="-flickr% {-test} -upnp-av%" 940 KiB
  232. [ebuild U ] media-sound/gnome-music-3.22.2-r1::gentoo [3.20.2-r1::gentoo] PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python3_4%* (-python3_5)" PYTHON_TARGETS="python3_4 (-python3_5)" 1.512 KiB
  233. [ebuild U ] media-sound/sound-juicer-3.22.1::gentoo [3.20.0::gentoo] USE="flac vorbis -debug {-test}" 992 KiB
  234. [ebuild U ] gnome-extra/gnome-documents-3.22.1::gentoo [3.20.1::gentoo] 2.260 KiB
  235. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/libkcompactdisc-16.12.3-r1:5::gentoo [16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo] USE="alsa -debug" 76 KiB
  236. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/libkcddb-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug -musicbrainz {-test}" 156 KiB
  237. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/dragon-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" 469 KiB
  238. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kcron-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" 137 KiB
  239. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ksystemlog-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook systemd -debug {-test}" 343 KiB
  240. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/krfb-16.12.3-r1:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" 162 KiB
  241. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/krdc-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook rdp -debug -vnc" 285 KiB
  242. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdenetwork-filesharing-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 28 KiB
  243. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-desktop-applets-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 27 KiB
  244. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/signon-kwallet-extension-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 11 KiB
  245. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/filelight-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" 208 KiB
  246. [ebuild U ] net-irc/kvirc-5.0_pre20170202154736::gentoo [5.0_pre20161201011150::gentoo] USE="audiofile dbus kde nls oss perl phonon python spell ssl -dcc_video -debug -doc -gsm -profile -theora -webkit" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7%*" 5.964 KiB
  247. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/spectacle-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug -kipi -share" 984 KiB
  248. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/libkipi-16.12.3:5/32::gentoo [16.08.3-r1:5/31::gentoo] USE="-debug" 102 KiB
  249. [ebuild U ] media-video/kaffeine-2.0.6:5::gentoo [2.0.5:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" 2.242 KiB
  250. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kate-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="addons handbook -debug {-test}" 1.829 KiB
  251. [ebuild U ] media-sound/qmmp-1.1.7-r1::gentoo [1.0.10-r1::gentoo] USE="aac alsa analyzer* cdda cover* crossfade* cue* curl dbus ffmpeg flac jack mad midi modplug mplayer musepack notifier* opus* oss pulseaudio sid%* udisks vorbis wavpack -bs2b -enca -game -gnome% -ladspa -libav% -lyrics -mms -projectm -qsui -qtmedia% -scrobbler -sndfile -soxr% -stereo -tray (-kde%*) (-libsamplerate%*) (-mpris%)" 1.109 KiB
  252. [ebuild U ] net-analyzer/wireshark-2.2.5:0/2.2.5::gentoo [2.2.4:0/2.2.4::gentoo] USE="adns caps crypt filecaps geoip gtk netlink pcap portaudio qt5 ssl zlib -androiddump -ciscodump -doc -doc-pdf -kerberos -libssh -lua -randpkt -randpktdump -sbc (-selinux) -smi -sshdump -tfshark" CPU_FLAGS_X86="sse4_2" 31.541 KiB
  253. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kcalc-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug {-test}" 84 KiB
  254. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kwalletmanager-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" 373 KiB
  255. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kaccounts-integration-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug {-test}" 46 KiB
  256. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kwave-16.12.3:5::gentoo [0.9.2-r1:5::gentoo] USE="alsa flac handbook mp3 oss pulseaudio qtmedia vorbis -debug -opus" 1.488 KiB
  257. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-core-apps-3.22.2:3.0::gentoo [3.20.0:3.0::gentoo] USE="cdr cups -bluetooth" 0 KiB
  258. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/khelpcenter-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" 1.431 KiB
  259. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-extra-apps-3.22.2:3.0::gentoo [3.20.0:3.0::gentoo] USE="games share shotwell tracker" 0 KiB
  260. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kmix-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="alsa pulseaudio -debug" 380 KiB
  261. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/dolphin-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook semantic-desktop -debug {-test} -thumbnail" 661 KiB
  262. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kolourpaint-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug -scanner" 859 KiB
  263. [ebuild U ] kde-plasma/kscreenlocker-5.8.6:5::gentoo [5.8.5:5::gentoo] USE="pam -debug {-test}" 106 KiB
  264. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-common-internals-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="otr sso -debug {-test}" 310 KiB
  265. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kaccounts-providers-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 17 KiB
  266. [ebuild U ] gnome-base/gnome-3.22.2:2.0::gentoo [3.20.0:2.0::gentoo] USE="cdr classic cups extras -accessibility -bluetooth" 0 KiB
  267. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-contact-list-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 48 KiB
  268. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-filetransfer-handler-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 23 KiB
  269. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-accounts-kcm-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug -experimental" 88 KiB
  270. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-kded-module-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 38 KiB
  271. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-call-ui-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 45 KiB
  272. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-auth-handler-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 26 KiB
  273. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-contact-runner-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 17 KiB
  274. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-send-file-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 15 KiB
  275. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-approver-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug" 21 KiB
  276. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/ktp-text-ui-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="-debug (-speech)" 289 KiB
  277. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/kfmclient-16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo USE="(-aqua) -debug" 2.003 KiB
  278. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdepimlibs-4.14.11_pre20160211-r3:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.11_pre20160211-r2:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook ldap (-aqua) -debug -prison {-test}" 4.200 KiB
  279. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kscd-16.12.3:4/16.12::gentoo [16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug" 91 KiB
  280. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/juk-16.12.3:4/16.12::gentoo [16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo] USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug" 436 KiB
  281. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kget-16.12.3:4/16.12::gentoo [16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo] USE="handbook (-aqua) -bittorrent -debug -mms -sqlite (-gpg%)" 1.057 KiB
  282. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/zeroconf-ioslave-16.12.3:4/16.12::gentoo [16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug" 26 KiB
  283. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdepim-common-libs-4.14.11_pre20160211-r1:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.11_pre20160211:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="(-aqua) -debug -google" 18.117 KiB
  284. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kmail-4.14.11_pre20160211-r1:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.11_pre20160211:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook kontact (-aqua) -debug {-test}" 0 KiB
  285. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kleopatra-4.14.11_pre20160211-r1:4/4.14::gentoo [4.14.11_pre20160211:4/4.14::gentoo] USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
  286. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kde-l10n-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" L10N="de -ar -ast -bg -bs -ca -ca-valencia -cs -da -el -en-GB -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hr -hu -ia -id -is -it -ja -kk -km -ko -lt -lv -mr -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt-BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sr-Latn -sr-Latn-ijekavsk -sr-ijekavsk -sv -tr -ug -uk -wa -zh-CN -zh-TW" 31.215 KiB
  287. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kde4-l10n-16.12.3-r1:4::gentoo [16.08.3:4::gentoo] USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug {-test}" L10N="de -ar -ast -bg -bs -ca -ca-valencia -cs -da -el -en-GB -eo -es -et -eu -fa -fi -fr -ga -gl -he -hi -hr -hu -ia -id -is -it -ja -kk -km -ko -lt -lv -mr -nb -nds -nl -nn -pa -pl -pt -pt-BR -ro -ru -sk -sl -sr -sr-Latn -sr-Latn-ijekavsk -sr-ijekavsk -sv -tr -ug -uk -wa -zh-CN -zh-TW" 0 KiB
  288. [blocks b ] <kde-apps/kde4-l10n-16.12.3 ("<kde-apps/kde4-l10n-16.12.3" is blocking kde-apps/kde-l10n-16.12.3)
  289. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/plasma-telepathy-meta-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="gstreamer nls" 0 KiB
  290. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdeadmin-meta-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="cron nls" 0 KiB
  291. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdenetwork-meta-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="nls -ppp" 0 KiB
  292. [ebuild U ] kde-apps/kdemultimedia-meta-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:5::gentoo] USE="ffmpeg nls" 0 KiB
  293. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kdialog-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo] USE="X -debug" 32 KiB
  294. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kdialog-16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo USE="(-aqua) -debug"
  295. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kdialog:4 ("kde-apps/kdialog:4" is blocking kde-apps/kdialog-16.12.3)
  296. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/kfind-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo] USE="handbook -debug" 61 KiB
  297. [uninstall ] kde-apps/kfind-16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo USE="handbook (-aqua) -debug"
  298. [blocks b ] kde-apps/kfind:4 ("kde-apps/kfind:4" is blocking kde-apps/kfind-16.12.3)
  299. [ebuild NS ] kde-apps/keditbookmarks-16.12.3:5::gentoo [16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo] USE="handbook man -debug {-test}" 63 KiB
  300. [uninstall ] kde-apps/keditbookmarks-16.08.3:4/16.08::gentoo USE="(-aqua) -debug {-test}"
  301. [blocks b ] kde-apps/keditbookmarks:4 ("kde-apps/keditbookmarks:4" is blocking kde-apps/keditbookmarks-16.12.3)
  302. [ebuild N ] kde-apps/konqueror-16.08.3-r1:4/16.08::gentoo USE="bookmarks filemanager handbook svg (-aqua) -debug" 0 KiB
  304. Total: 284 packages (255 upgrades, 2 downgrades, 9 new, 9 in new slots, 9 reinstalls, 4 uninstalls), Size of downloads: 1.018.967 KiB
  305. Conflict: 5 blocks
  307. !!! Multiple package instances within a single package slot have been pulled
  308. !!! into the dependency graph, resulting in a slot conflict:
  310. dev-lang/perl:0
  312. (dev-lang/perl-5.24.1-r1:0/5.24::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  313. =dev-lang/perl-5.24* required by (virtual/perl-Carp-1.400.0-r1:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  314. ^ ^^^^^
  315. (and 27 more with the same problem)
  317. (dev-lang/perl-5.22.3_rc4:0/5.22::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  318. dev-lang/perl:0/5.22= required by (dev-python/subunit-1.2.0-r1:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  319. ^^^^^^^^
  320. (and 84 more with the same problem)
  322. app-crypt/gpgme:1
  324. (app-crypt/gpgme-1.8.0-r2:1/11::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  325. >=app-crypt/gpgme-1.8.0 required by (kde-apps/kdepimlibs-4.14.11_pre20160211-r3:4/4.14::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
  326. ^^ ^^^^^
  328. (app-crypt/gpgme-1.5.5:1/11::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  329. <app-crypt/gpgme-1.8.0 required by (mail-client/mutt-1.5.24-r2:0/0::gentoo, installed)
  330. ^ ^^^^^
  332. media-video/ffmpeg:0
  334. (media-video/ffmpeg-3.2.4:0/55.57.57::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
  335. media-video/ffmpeg:0/55.57.57= required by (net-misc/freerdp-2.0.0_pre20160722:0/2::gentoo, installed)
  336. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  337. >=media-video/ffmpeg-3.2.4:0=[abi_x86_32(-)?,abi_x86_64(-)?,abi_x86_x32(-)?,abi_mips_n32(-)?,abi_mips_n64(-)?,abi_mips_o32(-)?,abi_ppc_32(-)?,abi_ppc_64(-)?,abi_s390_32(-)?,abi_s390_64(-)?] required by (media-plugins/gst-plugins-libav-1.10.4:1.0/1.0::gentoo, installed)
  338. ^^ ^^^^^^^^
  339. (and 10 more with the same problems)
  341. (media-video/ffmpeg-2.8.10:0/54.56.56::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
  342. >=media-video/ffmpeg-2.8:0/54.56.56= required by (media-libs/gegl-0.3.8:0.3/0.3::gentoo, installed)
  343. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
  345. NOTE: Use the '--verbose-conflicts' option to display parents omitted above
  347. It may be possible to solve this problem by using package.mask to
  348. prevent one of those packages from being selected. However, it is also
  349. possible that conflicting dependencies exist such that they are
  350. impossible to satisfy simultaneously. If such a conflict exists in
  351. the dependencies of two different packages, then those packages can
  352. not be installed simultaneously.
  354. For more information, see MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge man
  355. page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
  358. !!! Problems have been detected with your world file
  359. !!! Please run emaint --check world
  362. !!! Ebuilds for the following packages are either all
  363. !!! masked or don't exist:
  364. cross-mips-rb532-linux-gnu/linux-headers cross-mips-rb532-linux-gnu/gcc cross-mips-rb532-linux-gnu/binutils cross-mips-rb532-linux-gnu/glibc
  366. !!! The following installed packages are masked:
  367. - kde-frameworks/baloo-5.29.0::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
  368. /etc/portage/package.mask/kde-frameworks/baloo:
  369. ###kde-frameworks/baloo
  371. - net-misc/networkmanager-1.4.0-r1::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
  372. /etc/portage/package.mask/net-misc/networkmanager:
  373. # Im Zweifel Auskommentieren!
  375. - kde-frameworks/baloo-4.14.3::gentoo (masked by: package.mask)
  376. For more information, see the MASKED PACKAGES section in the emerge
  377. man page or refer to the Gentoo Handbook.
  379. dualcore build #
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