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Jan 16th, 2017
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  22. caption{List of variables}
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  27. begin{tabular}{l p{7cm} p{3cm} p{2cm}} %%zxqdcolumn
  28. toprule
  29. multicolumn{1}{l}{Variable} & multicolumn{1}{l}{Explanation} &
  30. multicolumn{1}{l}{Measure of} & multicolumn{1}{l}{Source} \
  31. midrule
  33. multicolumn{4}{c}{textbf{Dependent variables}} \
  34. rule{0pt}{1ex}
  36. $Y^n_{eu,t}$ & Yield on a 10-year zero coupon government bond of an eurozone country in the sample & & Datastream \
  37. $Y^n_{us,t}$ & Yield on the 10-year US zero coupon government bond & & Datastream \
  38. $R^n_{eu,t}$ & 10-year Overnight Index Swap rate of the EU & & Datastream \
  39. $R^n_{us,t}$ & 10-year Overnight Index Swap rate of the US & & Bloomberg
  40. \multicolumn{4}{c}{textbf{Control variables}} \
  41. rule{0pt}{1ex}
  42. $VSTOXX$ & Implied volatility of near term options on the EuroStoxx 50 index (eurozone equivalent of the VIX) & Euro-area risk aversion & Datastream \
  43. $CDS$ & 10-year credit default swap of an eurozone country in the sample. Defined in Datastream as ''the mid-rate spread between the entity and the relevant benchmark curve'' & Country specific credit risk & Datastream \
  44. $Redom$ & Redenomination risk. Calculated as the difference between the 5-year CDS of an eurozone country dominated in dollars minus the 5-year CDS dominated in Euro of that same country (this is called the quanto CDS), and quanto CDS of Germany ($Qcds_{t}$-$Qcds_{t_{Ger}}$) & Redenomination risk & Bloomberg \
  45. $CESI_{j}$ & The Citigroup Economic Surprise Index (CESI) measures the surprise content of the release of macroeconomic and fiscal news (not monetary policy news) on a daily basis. A positive value indicates a positive surprise. $j in us,eu$. & Macro-economic news & Datastream \
  46. $ECB$ & Impulse dummies which equal 1 on ECB UMP announcement days and 0 otherwise. See also Table A.2 in Appendix A.2. & UMP announcements of the ECB & ECB website \
  47. bottomrule
  48. end{tabular}
  49. begin{tablenotes}[para,flushleft]scriptsize{
  50. item textbf{Notes}: Rates and yields are measured in basis points. The variables $Y^n_{eu,t}$, $CDS$, $BAS$ and $Redom$ are collected for each eurozone country in the sample. The other variables are time-series observations.}
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  81. toprule
  82. Variable & Explanation & Measure of & Source \
  83. midrule
  84. multicolumn{4}{l}{Dependent variables} \
  85. $Y^n_{eu,t}$ & Yield on a 10-year zero coupon government bond of a eurozone country in the sample & & Datastream \
  86. $Y^n_{us,t}$ & Yield on the 10-year US zero coupon government bond & & Datastream \
  87. $R^n_{eu,t}$ & 10-year Overnight Index Swap rate of the EU & & Datastream \
  88. $R^n_{us,t}$ & 10-year Overnight Index Swap rate of the US & & Bloomberg \
  89. addlinespace
  90. multicolumn{4}{l}{Control variables} \
  91. $vname{VSTOXX}$ & Implied volatility of near term options on the EuroStoxx 50 index (eurozone equivalent of the VIX) & Euro-area risk aversion & Datastream \
  92. $vname{CDS}$ & 10-year credit default swap of an eurozone country in the sample. Defined in Datastream as ``the mid-rate spread between the entity and the relevant benchmark curve'' & Country specific credit risk & Datastream \
  93. $vname{Redom}$ & Redenomination risk. Calculated as the difference between the 5-year CDS of an eurozone country dominated in dollars minus the 5-year CDS dominated in Euro of that same country (this is called the quanto CDS), and quanto CDS of Germany ($vname{Qcds}_{t}-vname{Qcds}_{t_{vname{Ger}}}$) & Redenomination risk & Bloomberg \
  94. $vname{CESI}_{j}$ & The Citigroup Economic Surprise Index ($vname{CESI}$) measures the surprise content of the release of macroeconomic and fiscal news (not monetary policy news) on a daily basis. A positive value indicates a positive surprise. $jin{us,eu}$. & Macroeconomic news & Datastream \
  95. $vname{ECB}$ & Impulse dummies which equal $1$ on ECB UMP announcement days and~$0$ otherwise. See also Table A.2 in Appendix~A.2. & UMP announcements of the ECB & ECB website \
  96. bottomrule
  97. addlinespace
  98. end{tabular*}
  100. footnotesize
  101. textbf{Notes} Rates and yields are measured in basis points. The variables $Y^n_{eu,t}$, $vname{CDS}$, $vname{BAS}$ and $vname{Redom}$ are collected for each eurozone country in the sample. The other variables are time series observations.
  103. end{table}
  104. end{document}
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