
All Time Kittens Collab Concert

Dec 18th, 2017
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Covet: [Stop it.. I don't want to dance with you broad.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood backstage surrounded by both bands preparing to go on. Working with All Time Low was nice because that means they had roadies to set up all of their equipment on stage for them. Pretty much everyone had a cup of some sort of alcoholic beverage in their hand in the green room next to the stage, all waiting on their cue to finally perform for the evening. Steph was shivering since she was wearing almost nothing, a cup of beer in her hand she'd only really had a couple of sips from. She was just watching everyone chatting and enjoying each other's company as they waited, frankly a little overwhelmed by the amount of people in the small room so she was just hanging back.-
  4. Alexithymiaa: (Dance with her)
  5. Covet: [She looks like a burning man drop out. I'm good. She probably has sand fleas]
  6. Alexithymiaa: (hahahahaha)
  7. Covet: Felix had been out with the ATL photographer getting pre-show crowd shots as well as finding vantage points to get the bands as well. He'd really been taking in everything the guy was telling him, but now they were done with that and had walked back into the green room. He saw everyone drinking out of the plastic cups and bottles then walked over to Steph, seeing her wall flowering. "You ready for tonight? You look great by the way."
  8. Alexithymiaa: -She turned her head when she heard Felix's voice, sending him a smile with a small shrug. "Nervous. The guys draw a pretty big crowd, and to collaborate like this? It's just really different. We didn't have nearly as much practice and rehearsal as I would have liked." She turned to set her cup down on the table, wringing her hands out together before glancing down at herself. "And here I thought I looked as cold as I feel."-
  9. Covet: Felix smiled at her and lokked her over again, "I think you're more prepared than you think, How about I warm you up a little bit before you go on stage?" He asked her as he wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his face against her neck, leaving soft kisses. It was sweet, but also kind of a territorial thing, because he knew somewhere in the room Zack was there. His hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her in close to himself. "You're going to be awesome and I'm going to take awesome pictures of you, and the band."
  10. Alexithymiaa: -She stepped into him and looped her arms around his back, leaning her weight against him. "As long as you keep saying it, it must be true, right?" She said with a laugh, her eyes darting over to Vinny coming into the room to let them know they were on. She gave him a gentle pat on the arm. "You should get into place." Letting go of him, both bands began filing out of the green room, standing on the side of the stage. The lights went dark, first the two drummers running out to their respective drumsets that were side by side, both Kristen and Rian dropping into their seats and beginning a basic beat. Next went Zack and Ashley to the far side of the stage with their basses, the crowd beginning to cheer because even though it was dark, you could see them. Jack ran out with Gabby next, joining in the continued adding of the overall sound echoing through the venue. Katie walked out by herself, lingering toward the back where the drums were. Glancing at Alex, Steph took a deep breath before the two ran out together, moving to the front of the stage to their microphones. When the music fully picked up, she threw her head forward, tossing her hair over to head band a bit before stepping in front of the microphone again. "I let you get away with thinking you're the cure. I think I'm in too deep it's time to pull the cord."-
  11. Covet: "Yeah...I know..." He said with a reluctant sigh, because he was enjoying the slight snuggle moment. He walked out with the rest of the band and made his way to the spot he'd picked out to take pictures. He spent most of the song watching it through the veiwfinder, snapping picture after picture, because digital era baby and he had memory card space to spare.
  12. Alexithymiaa: -She spun around and jumped up onto the amp in front of her, leaning forward and belting the last few notes as the song came to a close. Jumping down, she walked back over to Alex so they could share the introduction of the next song. // Alex let his guitar hang around his neck as he laughed into the microphone, holding his arm out to pull Steph into a side hug. "So guess what happens when your favorite people do a collab?" He asked, pausing for the cheering from the audience before speaking again. "Yeah, you get this kickass song. It's going to be on the Krucial Kittens new EP so keep an ear out for preorder dates." The band broke into the song as soon as he was done talking, Alex singing first. "I gotta say something I've been thinking bout. I can't wait to lay around with you and tell you all the secrets I've been keeping to myself." // Steph held her microphone as she seemingly sang back at Alex, as it was a duet afterall. "It's been a while since I've felt butterflies. Do you feel the same way too? If every single second could last that much longer would you hold me?" The two jumped together as the song picked up, Steph walking to the edge of the stage as she sang and danced, but she was looking straight at Felix this time.-
  13. Covet: Felix watched her, honestly loving her first song, because it was such a fuck you Ash song. When she started in on the second one, he actually dropped the camera down, and watched her forgetting that he was supposed to be taking pictures. He'd heard the song, when they recorded it, but this was different because she was sining at him. He smiled at her and gave her a wink, then brought the camera back up to snap some more shots.
  14. Alexithymiaa: (Actually when she wrote it, it was a fuck you Wes song hahahahhaa)
  15. Covet: [BAHAHA Well he doesn't know that.. and thinks it's also fitting for Ash XD]
  16. Alexithymiaa: -She turned back to Alex, reaching her hand out to him as they seemingly sang to each other again. "Kiss me again and again and again. Oh, kiss me again." Without hesitation, the guitars blared together and Steph jumped, throwing her body forward to thrash because THIS was the fuck you Ash song. As the music mellowed for the first verse, she stepped up to the edge of the stage, dragging the microphone stand with her and leaning the stand back. "I was better off the night before I met you. But I was mesmerized and high on every word you spoke. You were born to run, but your poison tongue won't save you. Cause when you play with fire, it all goes up in smoke." She ripped the microphone off the stand, angry singing the chorus.-
  17. Covet: Felix smiled as she changed up the song again into something more upbeat, also familiar with this one because it was definitely a Fuck you Ash song. He was doing the standing squating photographer thing, making sure to get the different angles and emotions as she sang the song. Because WHEN these pictures are posted and or published, He could only hope Ash saw that shit. Felix why so salty towards the dudes around her tonight?
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned back into a pretty serious back bend, holding the microphone in front of her mouth as she belted out the last part of the song. Standing up, she walked over to stand next to Alex, the two laughing a bit. "This ones our last song of the night. We wanted to do something a little festive, and we hope everyone has a happy holiday." The guitars blared and Steph brought her microphone up again. "Baby all I want for Christmas is you. I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need. Don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree. I don't need to hang my stocking there up on the fire place." Her eyes jumped over to Felix again, turning and walking over to his side of the stage, fully playing up to him as everyone rocked out to rocker Christmas music.-
  19. Covet: Felix grinned as she sang at him again, then nodded his head and signed the word "Clever" and gave her an I love you. When she mentioned the thing about stockings he yelled out, "That's good we don't have any up right now anyways.!"
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Bringing the song to a close, she replaced the microphone in the stand, ignoring the fact that the entire band was rushing off the stage to the green room. She ran in the opposite direction, rushing over to Felix and bombarding him with love as she threw her arms around him, ignoring the camera in his hands because she was too excited.-
  21. Covet: Felix gave a soft grunt and pulled the camera out of her way and off to the side before he wrapped his arms back around her, giving her a kiss. " Look at you super star, that's how you're supposed to run off stage." He said his subtle note to her normally running off to vomit. " So.. do we NEED to stay after with the band.. or can we run away home, like.. right now. I want all this excitement and happiness to myself." Felix said listening to the crowd cheering.
  22. Alexithymiaa: -She leaned back to look at him, giving him a quick shrug. "We don't NEED to... but I do need to change before I walk out. Because it's like twenty degrees outside right now. But I'm going to see them all tomorrow anyway before I head off for cheer and leave Rian and Zack with you, so it's not a big deal." She leaned in to kiss him again, being a little dramatic about it before grinning. "Just give me five minutes. And I want to see your pictures like the second you dump your card." She pecked him yet again before turning and jogging off to the green room so she could put pants on and a jacket so they could go.-
  23. Covet: "Okay... Oh yeah.. Right.. That..." He said mumling then smiled at her, "Okay I'll be here waiting when you're done." He said as he looked down at his camera and started going through the shots. Enjoying them all.
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