
texts with tazz

Dec 2nd, 2014
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  1. me<<< Hey tazz i need to know why you was give that script of Brit and Alden and who gave it to you? and elly did tell me that you had it coz she thought i needed to know coz she is still my mum.
  2. tazz<<< amber got it from nene, amber gave it to me and i gave it to your mum this morming
  3. me<<< why did amber give it to you tho
  4. tazz<<< no clue she just told me to have a look at it
  5. me<<< wot i dont understand wot the point behind it is
  6. tazz<<< wish i knew
  7. me<< i might ask her lol
  8. tazz<< and alden sure likes to call your mom a whore alot
  9. me<<< yea i know that's wrong but she can give as good as she gets. but when has anyone not said something bad in anger or when their hurting? but mum knows she aint so thems just words. as the saying goes ' sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me'
  10. tazz<< that's true also
  11. me<< so wot could you really do with this info really?
  12. tazz<< tbh i really dont know never crossed my mind
  13. me<< if it had wot could you do with it?
  14. tazz<< i could trash it like i never seen it or make peace with your uncle for him to look at
  15. me<< why would uncle wanna see it?
  16. tazz<< idk
  17. me<< can you ask amber why she sent it to you plz?
  18. tazz<< alright
  19. me<< so wot she say?
  20. tazz<< still waiting
  21. tazz<< this is why... even tho im not in the family anymore i still care and worry about its how i am and thats why she gave it to me
  22. me<< okay thats the same answer she gave to ma as well
  23. tazz<< there you go
  24. me<< why have you not said any thing about this before?
  25. tazz<< idk tbh
  26. tazz<< i know your still pissed with me and didnt wanna make things worse
  27. me<< mhmm i still am kinda pissed at you for wot you did to ma and then alden coz of his messages. you should of just blocked him when they first started coming through
  28. tazz<< yeah i know
  29. me<< it didnt need to get that far you two are just stubborn butt heads
  30. tazz<< thats true i can be stubborn at times
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