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Chatting log on March 25, 2013 on #kali-linux

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Mar 25th, 2013
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  1. T 1364186057 31 < samiux > 30 I just tell you what I found, if you do not accept, it is not my part at all
  2. T 1364186070 18 < Glides > well he maintains a blog
  3. T 1364186077 18 < jerichodotm > gotcha. my apologies
  4. T 1364186082 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, yes, I wrote a lot of articles, at least three for kali
  5. T 1364186092 31 < samiux > 30 please check with the kali forum
  6. T 1364186094 18 < balding_parrot > It is not the packages problem, they conform to the standard, it is the DE's problem because they don't always follow the standards correctly
  7. T 1364186101 18 < dustin___ > any takers on helping figure out what the compile issue is? im a little dumb
  8. T 1364186130 18 < jerichodotm > What is the biggest issue w/ the build in your opion?
  9. T 1364186146 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, i might be able to help. whats up
  10. T 1364186244 23* 23GuilhermeCunha 已結束 ( 23 Read error: Connection reset by peer 23)
  11. T 1364186278 19* 19 GuilhermeCunha ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  12. T 1364186285 23* 23GuilhermeCunha 已結束 ( 23 Changing host 23)
  13. T 1364186285 19* 19 GuilhermeCunha (~gcunha@unaffiliated/guilhermecunha) 加入了 #kali-linux
  14. T 1364186310 18 < dustin___ > ok i have a hawking hwp54g wifi card, had no trouble using compat-wireless with backtrack r3
  15. T 1364186350 18 < dustin___ > could not load normal drivers with either distro, so tried to get and make and then install latest compat under kali
  16. T 1364186357 18 < balding_parrot > dustin___ this is not the BT channel
  17. T 1364186366 18 < dustin___ > no, this is a kali issue
  18. T 1364186378 18 < jerichodotm > what version were you using then and what are you trying now?
  19. T 1364186384 23* 23VanHelsing 已結束 ( 23 Quit: Leaving 23)
  20. T 1364186386 18 < dustin___ > ok
  21. T 1364186399 18 < dustin___ > lspci shows a rt2500pci
  22. T 1364186400 18 < balding_parrot > what chipset
  23. T 1364186404 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, I don't know who do not follow the standard, but at the moment is kali is only working perfect in Gnome, I opinion.
  24. T 1364186405 18 < dustin___ > i got latest compat wireless
  25. T 1364186416 18 < jerichodotm > did you try the one that previously worked?
  26. T 1364186421 18 < dustin___ > yes, aye
  27. T 1364186423 23* 23phewl 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 256 seconds 23)
  28. T 1364186426 31 < samiux > 30 *my opinion
  29. T 1364186436 18 < jerichodotm > what error?
  30. T 1364186439 18 < dustin___ > it gave me errors related to kernel headers
  31. T 1364186445 18 < dustin___ > one second, i will grab it up
  32. T 1364186448 18 < jerichodotm > did you download kernel headers?
  33. T 1364186490 18 < dustin___ > ill tell you what it tells me , one second
  34. T 1364186497 18 < balding_parrot > apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
  35. T 1364186505 18 < jerichodotm > k
  36. T 1364186542 18 < dustin___ > as soon as i make in the dir
  37. T 1364186590 18 < jerichodotm > is this the previious version of compat-wireless or the newest one?
  38. T 1364186651 18 < dustin___ > i get 30 or so: ......../compat-wireless/net/wireless/nl80211.c In function ______whatever__ then 1292.92 error "blank blank" has no member named "pid"
  39. T 1364186669 18 < dustin___ > so it looks like all the functions its calling are referring to things that don't exist....
  40. T 1364186677 18 < dustin___ > i downloaded the latest stable i believe
  41. T 1364186685 18 < dustin___ >
  42. T 1364186724 18 < jerichodotm > What is the version that used to work?
  43. T 1364186730 18 < dustin___ > that one, pretty sure
  44. T 1364186751 18 < dustin___ > i got it working like 2 days ago in backtrack with that one
  45. T 1364186762 18 < jerichodotm > k. the error also mentions kernel headers
  46. T 1364186764 18 < dustin___ > funny thing is, if i go to compat-drivers 3-15
  47. T 1364186771 18 < dustin___ > those will make
  48. T 1364186777 18 < dustin___ > but cant load any modules
  49. T 1364186782 18 < jerichodotm > ok.. hold up on that..
  50. T 1364186797 18 < jerichodotm > you are getting kernel header errors w/ this version correct?
  51. T 1364186809 18 < dustin___ > those are kernel header errors right?
  52. T 1364186877 18 < dustin___ > root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.c: In function ‘nl80211_probe_client’:
  53. T 1364186878 18 < dustin___ > /root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.c:6776:32: error: ‘struct genl_info’ has no member named ‘snd_pid’
  54. T 1364186878 18 < dustin___ > /root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.c: In function ‘nl80211_register_beacons’:
  55. T 1364186878 18 < dustin___ > /root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.c:6814:31: error: ‘struct genl_info’ has no member named ‘snd_pid’
  56. T 1364186878 18 < dustin___ > /root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.c: In function ‘nl80211_netlink_notify’:
  57. T 1364186880 18 < dustin___ > /root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.c:8752:48: error: ‘struct netlink_notify’ has no member named ‘pid’
  58. T 1364186882 18 < dustin___ > /root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.c:8753:39: error: ‘struct netlink_notify’ has no member named ‘pid’
  59. T 1364186884 18 < dustin___ > /root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.c: In function ‘nl80211_register_mgmt’:
  60. T 1364186886 18 < dustin___ > /root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.c:6074:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function [-Wreturn-type]
  61. T 1364186888 18 < dustin___ > make[5]: *** [/root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless/nl80211.o] Error 1
  62. T 1364186891 18 < dustin___ > make[4]: *** [/root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1/net/wireless] Error 2
  63. T 1364186893 18 < dustin___ > make[3]: *** [_module_/root/Desktop/compat-wireless-3.6.8-1] Error 2
  64. T 1364186895 18 < dustin___ > make[2]: *** [sub-make] Error 2
  65. T 1364186897 18 < dustin___ > make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
  66. T 1364186899 21* 21balding_parrot 把 dustin___ 踢出了 #kali-linux ( 4Use if you have more than 3 lines to paste into the channel ! ) ( 21)
  67. T 1364186929 23* 23Havish 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 256 seconds 23)
  68. T 1364186930 18 < jerichodotm > those .c files are in the native kenel i belive
  69. T 1364186933 18 < jerichodotm > or not
  70. T 1364186944 18 < jerichodotm > have a good oe
  71. T 1364187032 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, I think you are one of the developers does not expected too many Linux newbiews are using your distributions. So, your documentation need to be improve.
  72. T 1364187040 18 < maldytovyco` > lol
  73. T 1364187062 18 < jerichodotm > thats in the disclaimer
  74. T 1364187074 18 < Glides > To be fair:
  75. T 1364187084 31 < samiux > 30 I am telling the truth only, not offencive
  76. T 1364187090 19* 19 dustin___ ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  77. T 1364187097 18 < Glides > Its not a beginners distro
  78. T 1364187112 21 < balding_parrot > 21 samiux quit pushing ! I have been far more patient that I need to be
  79. T 1364187115 18 < dustin___ > sorry, didnt know about pastebin
  80. T 1364187131 18 < Glides > dustin___: now you do ;)
  81. T 1364187136 18 < jerichodotm > no prob.. install kernel headers..
  82. T 1364187153 18 < dustin___ > on that note, pretty sure i did in fact grab them
  83. T 1364187162 18 < dustin___ > where would i find them just to make sure?
  84. T 1364187171 18 < balding_parrot > apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
  85. T 1364187173 18 < jerichodotm > do dpkg -l | grep kernel-headers
  86. T 1364187211 18 < prompt32 > but gnome is the most 'linux' gui for a linux OS. N this was the reason i choose to build my system on bt/now on kali. KDE is a freak w/out areason, and xfce it's unusable
  87. T 1364187238 18 < dustin___ > i get no output for dpkg
  88. T 1364187273 18 < jerichodotm > it drops you right back to the shell prompt w/ no message?
  89. T 1364187284 18 < balding_parrot > then your /etc/apt/sources.list is bad
  90. T 1364187308 18 < jerichodotm > balding_parrot, he did a grep. prob doesnt have it installed
  91. T 1364187308 18 < Glides > Did you do step 8?
  92. T 1364187313 18 < balding_parrot >
  93. T 1364187314 18 < dustin___ > hmm, when i apt get, i get couldnt find...
  94. T 1364187318 18 < jerichodotm > type what balding_parrot stated above
  95. T 1364187337 31 < samiux > 30 there is a mirror bug in the installer when the user is not connected to the internet or not choose the mirror when install the kali
  96. T 1364187347 18 < jerichodotm > since your command came back with nothing that means no package w/ kernel-headers in its name is installed
  97. T 1364187350 31 < samiux > 30 *minor
  98. T 1364187365 18 < dustin___ > hmm, okay, i know that my sources has stuff in
  99. T 1364187369 18 < Glides > jerichodotm: he said apt-get doesn't find it either
  100. T 1364187376 18 < dustin___ > cus im building a live cd right now
  101. T 1364187383 18 < dustin___ > and it found all the kali bootstrapper stuff
  102. T 1364187384 18 < jerichodotm > Glides, my bad..
  103. T 1364187396 18 < dustin___ > and also, i can apt-get other stuff, just it seems no headers
  104. T 1364187402 18 < dustin___ > what repo do i need?
  105. T 1364187409 18 < balding_parrot >
  106. T 1364187416 18 < balding_parrot > apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
  107. T 1364187428 31 < samiux > 30 apt-get update first
  108. T 1364187448 18 < Glides > The 'parrot' part of your name is starting to make me chuckle.
  109. T 1364187449 18 < balding_parrot > should go without saying
  110. T 1364187490 18 < dustin___ > def have those entries in my sources, along with all the others to get the livebuildconfig
  111. T 1364187541 31 < samiux > 30 dustin___, you want to rebuild kali? as I can't follow the chat at all.
  112. T 1364187543 18 < balding_parrot > Glides look how often I have to repeat myself and still get ignored or told I'm wrong !
  113. T 1364187562 23* 23GuilhermeCunha 已結束 ( 23 Read error: Connection reset by peer 23)
  114. T 1364187578 18 < jerichodotm > what does this show.. grep -h ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list
  115. T 1364187579 18 < Glides > balding_parrot: that's where the balding part comes in...all makes sense now ;)
  116. T 1364187598 19* 19 GuilhermeCunha ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  117. T 1364187621 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, that's why this channel is so busy these days
  118. T 1364187626 18 < balding_parrot > doesn't actually come from that..... but it has become very..... apt
  119. T 1364187632 23* 23baba 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 260 seconds 23)
  120. T 1364187639 19* 19 megha (~fire@unaffiliated/security) 加入了 #kali-linux
  121. T 1364187672 18 < dustin___ > quite a few
  122. T 1364187676 18 < dustin___ > it shows
  123. T 1364187685 18 < Glides > use pastebin :)
  124. T 1364187688 18 < jerichodotm > paste in pastebi
  125. T 1364187689 18 < jerichodotm > n
  126. T 1364187694 31 < samiux > 30 too many Linux newbies come to know Kali Linux and you need to support, that is the truth. So, in my opinion, your documentation should be prefect enough.
  127. T 1364187722 19* 19 Havish ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  128. T 1364187788 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, no the problem of the kali developers that new people are attracted to their product. and where do the resources come from to maintain documentation and answer basic questions. who funds these outlays?
  129. T 1364187794 21 < balding_parrot > 21 samiux how many more times... they are called "guides" for a reason !
  130. T 1364187809 18 < Glides > The way I choose to look at it is, they are providing a free distro. That is well maintained and has an active community. As long as you have basic 'nix experience and a little google-fu in you - you can manage.
  131. T 1364187826 18 < dustin___ >
  132. T 1364187839 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, many as far as I know, very basic questions or steps
  133. T 1364187853 18 < balding_parrot > it would be impossible for them to cover EVERY scenario
  134. T 1364187855 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, wow
  135. T 1364187873 18 < Glides > Yeah
  136. T 1364187879 18 < Glides > thats not right
  137. T 1364187880 18 < dustin___ > lol i have duplicates?
  138. T 1364187884 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, deleete all that nonsense
  139. T 1364187886 18 < jerichodotm > and add tehese 3
  140. T 1364187887 23* 23noobv3rn 已結束 ( 23 Quit: leaving 23)
  141. T 1364187888 18 < jerichodotm >
  142. T 1364187889 18 < jerichodotm > woops
  143. T 1364187894 18 < jerichodotm > deb kali main non-free contrib
  144. T 1364187894 18 < jerichodotm > deb-src kali main non-free contrib
  145. T 1364187895 18 < jerichodotm > deb kali/updates main contrib non-free
  146. T 1364187898 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, as far as I know, backtrack is a well know pentesting distro, the kali will so. so, the developers may predict too as I am
  147. T 1364187906 18 < nell > balding_parrot you are obviously a gnome fan
  148. T 1364187913 18 < jerichodotm > you are just asking for problems when you do that
  149. T 1364187915 18 < dustin___ > i told you guys, i had to do the other repos to build the kde live cd im doing right now
  150. T 1364187927 18 < nell > how do you shortcut your way around? KDE it's very simple to customize quickly to fit ones needs
  151. T 1364187931 18 < nell > but gnome seems to need a lot of work
  152. T 1364187952 18 < balding_parrot > nell I am no gnome fan at all
  153. T 1364187981 18 < Glides > I'd put money on it he isn't a KDE fan either
  154. T 1364187983 18 < dustin___ > i cant edit the repos out right now, it is hitting them to build my live cd right?
  155. T 1364187983 18 < nell > My mistake.
  156. T 1364187985 31 < samiux > 30 but gnome is working perfect in kali
  157. T 1364187994 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, who funds the resources to create extra documentation and extra bodies to answer questions?
  158. T 1364187995 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: so?
  159. T 1364187996 18 < balding_parrot > I have always prefered KDE..... well I did up until 4 came out
  160. T 1364188004 18 < nell > :)
  161. T 1364188011 18 < nell > I hope that it will stay stable this time
  162. T 1364188021 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, offensive security
  163. T 1364188028 31 < samiux > 30 my school
  164. T 1364188051 21 < balding_parrot > 21 samiux wrong
  165. T 1364188058 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, wait. how many thigns are going on here? are you doing this from a live CD??
  166. T 1364188060 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: I don't really know to many distros that have two DE working perfectly at the switch of 4 or less commands.
  167. T 1364188063 31 < samiux > 30 please keep in mind that I am the supporter of kali and offensive security
  168. T 1364188074 18 < illwill > the only one
  169. T 1364188074 18 < balding_parrot > offensive security only funds hosting etc
  170. T 1364188098 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, may be I misread something
  171. T 1364188099 23* 23c0rrup7 已結束 ( 23 Quit: Gone fishing ... 23)
  172. T 1364188103 18 < balding_parrot > everything else is done by volunteers
  173. T 1364188108 18 < dustin___ > no kali is installed on the hard disk
  174. T 1364188117 18 < dustin___ > gnome, amd64 version from the site
  175. T 1364188135 18 < dustin___ > and i am building a live-build-config iso now
  176. T 1364188153 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, offensive security doesn't have those resources availble to them from what i know. instead of talking in abstracts. what is an example documentation that could be improved?
  177. T 1364188186 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, you're fine. you removing them from your settings doesnt bring them down. if so, wed all be screwed when you turned off your computer
  178. T 1364188192 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, at least is installation
  179. T 1364188213 31 < samiux > 30 most of them (from bt before) use other method to install
  180. T 1364188229 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, ok.. did they not accept your documentation for installation ?
  181. T 1364188263 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, I am not asking for accept my documentation
  182. T 1364188279 31 < samiux > 30 I am just telling the truth
  183. T 1364188302 23* 23didnot 已結束 ( 23 Changing host 23)
  184. T 1364188303 19* 19 didnot (~didnot@unaffiliated/didnot) 加入了 #kali-linux
  185. T 1364188320 18 < Glides > But, it works out of the box with gnome and a root user. If you are saying you want them to document every possible configuration possible to the machine...doesn't that seem a bit extreme?
  186. T 1364188334 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, nobody in the world will accept the truth as far as I know, at least in my experience
  187. T 1364188359 18 < Glides > They have some support to make some customization and workarounds/fix for common issues. An IRC channel with mods/dev in it all day. Forums/wiki, etc.
  188. T 1364188369 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, so you know the documentation needs improvement and havent taken any of your time to correct it which is how FOSS works.
  189. T 1364188376 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, be keep in mind that I am the supporter of kali and offensive security
  190. T 1364188388 18 < jerichodotm > this isnt microsoft documentation, or apple where you have to beg them to alter things
  191. T 1364188392 18 < dustin___ > roger, i did that jericho
  192. T 1364188398 18 < dustin___ > still doesnt bring it down
  193. T 1364188403 31 < samiux > 30 so, I just told the one of the developers
  194. T 1364188417 18 < dustin___ > unable to locate pakage kernel headers 3.7 trunk amd64
  195. T 1364188435 18 < dustin___ > couldnt find any package by regex kernel_headers ...........
  196. T 1364188458 18 < balding_parrot > apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
  197. T 1364188461 31 < samiux > 30 one of the developers even deleted the bug reports but he did not invest it a lot about the problem at all.
  198. T 1364188473 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, personally id rather have developers allocating their resources to non-noob stuff. why dont you create the document?
  199. T 1364188487 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, did you run apt-get update first?
  200. T 1364188502 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, I already wrote some
  201. T 1364188518 31 < samiux > 30 and they are on the kali forum
  202. T 1364188546 18 < dustin___ > yeah, and only got the message that some have been kept back
  203. T 1364188549 18 < Glides > If apt-get hangs, whats the safest way to unlock it?
  204. T 1364188552 18 < dustin___ > i got it to do a long upgrade earlier
  205. T 1364188553 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, please don't think me too negative
  206. T 1364188557 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, and you should continue until resources are funded to create a deliverable that isn't in the scope of the project.. ie: documentations for novices..
  207. T 1364188595 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, I just to tell the developers about the truth
  208. T 1364188599 31 < samiux > 30 nothing else
  209. T 1364188616 31 < samiux > 30 if they do not accept, it is nothing else harm to me at all
  210. T 1364188622 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, not at all. i just think your criticism is unfair
  211. T 1364188625 31 < samiux > 30 but harm to others new comers
  212. T 1364188644 18 < Glides > Their target market isn't new comers
  213. T 1364188649 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, it is my opinion at all, accept or not just depends
  214. T 1364188649 18 < Glides > so, they are ok with that
  215. T 1364188652 18 < jerichodotm > run the command you did earlier and paste the results in pastebin
  216. T 1364188672 18 < dustin___ > jerichodotm, which command, the upgrade?
  217. T 1364188678 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, I am a perfect man indeed
  218. T 1364188712 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, let me ask you this.. should the devs write documenation on internet history?
  219. T 1364188714 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, I will well test anything before it is released out
  220. T 1364188739 18 < jerichodotm > grep -h ^deb /etc/apt/sources.list
  221. T 1364188739 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, what do you mean? I don't understamd
  222. T 1364188764 18 < dustin___ > ah, i changed the list to the three you told me to change to
  223. T 1364188766 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, should the devs spend time writing documentation on the history of the internet?
  224. T 1364188792 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, and that command outputs those 3 repos?
  225. T 1364188793 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, sorry don't get it as my native language is not english
  226. T 1364188822 18 < dustin___ > no, output sends me back to shell
  227. T 1364188824 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, should the developers document World War II?
  228. T 1364188826 18 < dustin___ > no output rather
  229. T 1364188840 18 < Glides > Multiple DE's aren't necessary nor do they add any major benefit to the distros objective. Why would they spend time documenting the process on how to do it then? When anyone who actually can perform a pentest should already know how to change between desktop managers in nix. Or am I wrong?
  230. T 1364188841 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, cat /etc/apt/sources.list
  231. T 1364188855 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, wwii?
  232. T 1364188864 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, yes. should they?
  233. T 1364188880 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, if not, why not?
  234. T 1364188889 18 < dustin___ > jerichodotm, yes, it displays the three repos with the cat command
  235. T 1364188895 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, sorry, I don't understand what your meaning, I can't answer.
  236. T 1364188937 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: Let me ask it this way. If the devs spent time writing documation on WWII would that benefit the distrobution?
  237. T 1364188943 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, you dont know if the developers should spend time documenting world war II?
  238. T 1364188946 18 < Glides > distribution *
  239. T 1364188974 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, aptitude search | grep linux-headers
  240. T 1364188993 18 < Glides > jerichodotm is a console ninja
  241. T 1364189007 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, don't know, but if there is ground to talk, let it be, in my opinion
  242. T 1364189026 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, can yo answer the question please
  243. T 1364189059 18 < jerichodotm > even if it seems odd
  244. T 1364189062 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, sorry, I don't understand what you are asking as my native language is not english
  245. T 1364189064 18 < dustin___ > it said to specify one thing to search for, so i apt search linux headers and got abunch of headers
  246. T 1364189085 31 < samiux > 30 I really don't understand at all what's your meaning how can I answer?
  247. T 1364189091 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, should the developers spend more time documenting the install processs?
  248. T 1364189122 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, if their listerners are used to, I think it is a must.
  249. T 1364189127 23* 23upp 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  250. T 1364189131 18 < jerichodotm > ok now .. apt-get install linux-kernel-headers
  251. T 1364189153 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, in order to reduce the support effort or time, in my opinion
  252. T 1364189153 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, how is it you understood that? but not the previous sentence?
  253. T 1364189182 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, what do you mean?
  254. T 1364189183 19* 19 upp ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  255. T 1364189184 18 < Glides > They are not penalized if someone doesn't understand how to use linux
  256. T 1364189216 18 < prompt32 > dev/ers is a term of future, ww2 is a past event, is a job of history, and yes a historian could write many times about ww2, as new views changes or discover
  257. T 1364189221 18 < jerichodotm > you can answer this.
  258. T 1364189222 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, should the developers spend more time documenting the install processs?
  259. T 1364189229 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, agree, if the newbies are not familiar with Linux how can we support
  260. T 1364189233 21 < jerichodotm > 21 but not this.. samiux, should the developers spend more time documenting world war II?
  261. T 1364189254 18 < jerichodotm > i am using the same english ..
  262. T 1364189266 18 < Glides > how can we support the newbies you mean?
  263. T 1364189271 18 < jerichodotm > no
  264. T 1364189282 18 < jerichodotm > am i getting trolled?
  265. T 1364189294 18 < Glides > We can direct them to a newbie friendly distro
  266. T 1364189313 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, in my opinion, the developers should assume all of their users are newcomers to linux and kali and write their documentation, it would be fine.
  267. T 1364189330 18 < Glides > jerichodotm: no, I don't think he gets you are asking hypothetically
  268. T 1364189344 18 < jerichodotm > the point is the devs shoudn't spend extrra time documenting basic concepts because that is not in the scope of the project.
  269. T 1364189351 18 < jerichodotm > Glides, ok
  270. T 1364189354 18 < jerichodotm > wasnt sure
  271. T 1364189366 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, so, why you support them?
  272. T 1364189413 19* 19 oxsud (~OS-10440@ 加入了 #kali-linux
  273. T 1364189416 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, since kali is not for beginner of linux (at least) why you spent a lot of time to support time but will nil result.
  274. T 1364189422 18 < jerichodotm > because i use the distro everyday at the company i created.. and so do the 2 other people that work with me.
  275. T 1364189432 31 < samiux > 30 as they really don't understand what you are talking about
  276. T 1364189450 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: the effort to support people completely new to linux and focus on the bleeding edge technologies used in ITsec would require much more than what is available now.
  277. T 1364189451 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, I use Linux every day
  278. T 1364189455 18 < dustin___ > no luck
  279. T 1364189463 18 < dustin___ > i think its saying theyre already installed
  280. T 1364189465 23* 23altonj 已結束 ( 23 Quit: Page closed 23)
  281. T 1364189474 18 < balding_parrot > The developers "job" is to develop the OS as a whole. We provide basic documentation only as a couressy
  282. T 1364189489 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, I agree with you
  283. T 1364189494 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, im not part of the development team. im just a dude
  284. T 1364189495 18 < balding_parrot > courtessy*
  285. T 1364189522 18 < Glides > 'just a dude' haha
  286. T 1364189540 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, seeing that you had 10000 repo's .. you might have fried your system.
  287. T 1364189546 18 < balding_parrot > but you have been saying we should spend lots more time on the doccumentation
  288. T 1364189550 18 < jerichodotm > but dpkg -l | grep linux-kernel-headers
  289. T 1364189573 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, why do i care if you do or dont use linux everyday?
  290. T 1364189594 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, it is nothing to care at all
  291. T 1364189600 18 < balding_parrot > because the documentation is not perfect enough in your opinion
  292. T 1364189637 18 < Glides > I would just like to take a second and thanks the devs for their hard work
  293. T 1364189640 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, be keep in mind that kali is a distro for pentesters who are believed to be IT professionals
  294. T 1364189643 18 < Glides > Thanks devs
  295. T 1364189661 18 < balding_parrot > Glides np yw
  296. T 1364189678 18 < jerichodotm > i think you want the project to be something its not..
  297. T 1364189698 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, up to you, but it is my opinion
  298. T 1364189711 18 < jerichodotm > for sure. i would be screwed if this product went away..
  299. T 1364189716 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: exactly - so why should there be a lot of effort in detailing misc topics that don't relate to the projects goals?
  300. T 1364189740 18 < illwill > WHY DOESNT KALI MAKE SAMMICHES
  301. T 1364189768 18 < Glides > apt-get install SAMMICHmaker-ng
  302. T 1364189791 18 < dustin___ > aight
  303. T 1364189793 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, don't know. as far as I know, when something asking for very basic questions in #backtrack-linux, nobody will answer him.
  304. T 1364189811 31 < samiux > 30 *someone
  305. T 1364189817 18* balding_parrot can't believe his patience so far
  306. T 1364189823 18 < illwill > i got jelly on my wifi card :(
  307. T 1364189835 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, thank you, as I have a lot of time
  308. T 1364189844 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, do you acknowledge that kali is designed for experiened users?
  309. T 1364189856 18 < dustin___ > jerichodotm, i think i will try to get this working again when i reinstall with kde cd
  310. T 1364189858 18 < Glides > maybe they aren't at the keyboard? or maybe it's their motto?
  311. T 1364189875 18 < dustin___ > i will stop back in when i try to get the headers again tomorrow, thanks for you help
  312. T 1364189876 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, sure, it is. it is for pentesting professionals
  313. T 1364189884 18 < Glides >
  314. T 1364189889 18 < jerichodotm > dustin___, do yourself a favor and dont install any rep;s outside of the kali ones cuz when you do upgrades it screws everythign up
  315. T 1364189914 18 < illwill > maybe it translated to Cry Harder for him
  316. T 1364189928 18 < Glides > They like it when people hurt themselves trying to fix an issue. muts is kinda sick that way
  317. T 1364189931 18 < prompt32 > so in a command that we added one option, the new man page must be 1 line long! ha
  318. T 1364189935 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, at the first beginning, I just told the devs about the facts
  319. T 1364189956 31 < samiux > 30 but they do not accept at all.
  320. T 1364189973 31 < samiux > 30 that is what I found the weakness in the offsec
  321. T 1364189991 18 < illwill > they dont spoonfeed?
  322. T 1364190001 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, an opinion can't logically be valid if it conflicts with facts you already accept.
  323. T 1364190005 31 < samiux > 30 offsec train me in the field but I am so disappointed so far
  324. T 1364190019 18 < illwill > then you failed yourself
  325. T 1364190024 18 < Glides > oh wow
  326. T 1364190035 18 < Glides > I thought that first course was life changing
  327. T 1364190037 18 < Glides > seriously
  328. T 1364190047 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, you have some inner logical contradictions to work out
  329. T 1364190054 18 < Glides > I had goosebumps doing the exam
  330. T 1364190056 31 < samiux > 30 they even delete a bug report but not rate it as not valid
  331. T 1364190062 31 < samiux > 30 what do you think?
  332. T 1364190081 18 < Glides > What was the bug?
  333. T 1364190089 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, may be. I am an insane person at all
  334. T 1364190091 19* 19 jabra_ ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  335. T 1364190106 19* 19 soleb ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  336. T 1364190121 19* 19 waiting_ ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  337. T 1364190155 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, what do you mean?
  338. T 1364190180 18 < illwill > What was the bug?
  339. T 1364190184 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, i work w/ company executives that would eat your kids for a .05 % increase in market share so no a bug deletion doesnt bother me,
  340. T 1364190186 19* 19 Audi-1_ (~dhakkan@unaffiliated/audi-1) 加入了 #kali-linux
  341. T 1364190191 19* 19 Neal|ZNC ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  342. T 1364190223 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, just up to you and you can't change my opinion
  343. T 1364190228 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, you aren't insane. your points on this topic are logically invalid.
  344. T 1364190229 19* 19 buxy_bak ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  345. T 1364190239 19* 19 aze_ (~aze@unaffiliated/aze) 加入了 #kali-linux
  346. T 1364190241 19* 19 wilde_wurst ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  347. T 1364190247 18 < Glides > well at least we got to an opinion now. Not facts
  348. T 1364190261 19* 19 noregret_ (~regret@unaffiliated/noregret) 加入了 #kali-linux
  349. T 1364190266 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, you cant change it either because as i already typed, its not a valid opinion.
  350. T 1364190269 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, what do you want to know?
  351. T 1364190294 18 < Glides > eh? I'm good
  352. T 1364190294 19* 19 _Reaper (reaper@2607:f128:40:f00:72a1::1) 加入了 #kali-linux
  353. T 1364190296 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, may be, but I don't really know as I am insane
  354. T 1364190323 18 < illwill > youre a few sammiches short of a picnic
  355. T 1364190333 31 < samiux > 30 oh, guys, my native language is not english please be forgive
  356. T 1364190336 21 < balding_parrot > 21 samiux I will state this one last time. The packages are NOT made for any DE in particular. The .desktop files are not made for any DE in particular. They are all made to the industry standard. A particular DE's interpretation of those standards are the only differences you are seeing. This has nothing to do with how kali has been built no matter what your opinion on it says
  357. T 1364190360 19* 19 paul_and1ew ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  358. T 1364190361 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, naa. you wouldnt know you were insane if you were insane. ya heard/
  359. T 1364190362 18 < Glides > illwill: seriously about ruined a keyboard.
  360. T 1364190381 23* 23soleblaze 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  361. T 1364190381 23* 23crazedpsyc 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  362. T 1364190382 23* 23Neal_ 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  363. T 1364190382 23* 23jabra 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  364. T 1364190382 23* 23buxy 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  365. T 1364190382 23* 23waiting 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  366. T 1364190382 23* 23lurkster 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  367. T 1364190382 23* 23aze 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  368. T 1364190382 23* 23Audi-1 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  369. T 1364190382 23* 23noregret 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  370. T 1364190382 23* 23Reaper__ 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  371. T 1364190382 23* 23paul_andrew 已結束 ( 23 Ping timeout: 245 seconds 23)
  372. T 1364190388 22* Neal|ZNC 改名為 Neal_
  373. T 1364190389 18 < prompt32 > insanity is a very good native chemical of ur bain .
  374. T 1364190389 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, yes, I know that I am insane at all
  375. T 1364190398 19* 19 crazedpsyc ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  376. T 1364190430 18 < jerichodotm > ok. thats enough for me
  377. T 1364190440 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, that is what I found so far, I am not giving you any pressure on that. but I just want to express it \
  378. T 1364190478 18 < jerichodotm > Glides, are you good w/ gnome or X in general?
  379. T 1364190481 19* 19 lurkster ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  380. T 1364190497 18 < Glides > err, define 'good
  381. T 1364190515 18 < jerichodotm > Glides, i want to increase the width of the borders of my open windows
  382. T 1364190540 18 < jerichodotm > because my mouse cant be set any slower that i know of and its hard to grab windows and strech em at times
  383. T 1364190580 18 < prompt32 > xfce4
  384. T 1364190582 18 < Glides > That's probably the theme
  385. T 1364190584 23* 23superkojiman 已結束 ( 23 Quit: Up, up and away!!! 23)
  386. T 1364190610 18 < jerichodotm > k. i tried a few but didnt see that option.
  387. T 1364190618 18 < jerichodotm > prompt32, thx. ill look into that
  388. T 1364190653 18 < prompt32 > no. don't. it was irony. this will make yur problem bigger.
  389. T 1364190682 18 < jerichodotm > prompt32, i thought that was the old one w/ nothing
  390. T 1364190683 18 < balding_parrot > is this in a vm ?
  391. T 1364190695 18 < jerichodotm > balding_parrot, no. standard laptop
  392. T 1364190719 18 < balding_parrot > ah ok
  393. T 1364190748 18 < balding_parrot > I just remembered that there is a package that improves mouse reponse etc in a vm
  394. T 1364190757 18 < jerichodotm > looked in the .conf fiels for anything with width .. no luck. ill just keep installing more themes
  395. T 1364190765 18 < balding_parrot > thought it was a possibility
  396. T 1364190775 18 < jerichodotm > that would be the ideal solution. to slow this trackpad down
  397. T 1364190832 18 < prompt32 > has trackpad has dpi res ?
  398. T 1364190843 18 < Glides > Did you slow it down in your System Settings?
  399. T 1364190960 18 < jerichodotm > sorry. phone call. brb
  400. T 1364190968 18 < balding_parrot > I know there are settings for the borders etc, but can't for the life of me remember where they are right now
  401. T 1364190981 18 < Glides > me either
  402. T 1364190990 18 < Glides > where they in gnome-tweak-tool?
  403. T 1364191002 18 < Glides > were
  404. T 1364191003 18 < balding_parrot > a bit wound up atm
  405. T 1364191029 18* balding_parrot wonders why
  406. T 1364191042 18 < Glides > I sense sarcasm
  407. T 1364191068 18 < balding_parrot > sarcasm from me ?
  408. T 1364191072 18 < Glides > I'm overly thrilled with the release man
  409. T 1364191079 18 < balding_parrot > ohh I wouldn't do that
  410. T 1364191082 18 < Glides > lol
  411. T 1364191113 18 < balding_parrot > we think it's a great release
  412. T 1364191124 18 < balding_parrot > far better than anything before
  413. T 1364191141 18 < balding_parrot > huge strides ahead
  414. T 1364191144 18 < Glides > I said this earlier, but it just feels like a lot more 'polish' in it
  415. T 1364191170 18 < balding_parrot > hell of a lot more blood sweat and tears
  416. T 1364191219 18 < Glides > I can only imagine. Takes passion, you've been doing this every since I remember using backtrack right at the end of BT2
  417. T 1364191235 18 < balding_parrot > the learning curve for devs has been like this |
  418. T 1364191249 18 < Glides > From Ubuntu to debian?
  419. T 1364191255 18 < prompt32 > except for the pentest folder...
  420. T 1364191290 18 < balding_parrot > being sooooo compliant on everything and the processes involved in that
  421. T 1364191298 19* 19 lude ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  422. T 1364191306 31 < samiux > 30 you all change a lot from the previous version, nobody will used to it, in my opinion
  423. T 1364191319 18 < Glides > I'm happy for FHS compliance so, much appriciated
  424. T 1364191347 18 < Glides > inb4
  425. T 1364191350 18 < jerichodotm > sorry bout that.. ive set everything to their minimim in the gui settings and using xset m..if there are other options i dont know of them
  426. T 1364191363 18 < balding_parrot > FHS is a huge ammount of work and a pita..... but worth it
  427. T 1364191396 19* 19 AfoHT ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  428. T 1364191409 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, but nobody will know what tools you have installed in the first time
  429. T 1364191425 18 < prompt32 > <jerichodotm> there is a q in the forum, like ur problem (i think)
  430. T 1364191439 18 < jerichodotm > prompt32, ty. i will look
  431. T 1364191454 19* 19 AK-47 (~MrChuape@ 加入了 #kali-linux
  432. T 1364191477 18 < Glides > I got so pumped about the release I ordered a Uno3 to play with
  433. T 1364191491 18 < Glides > Uno R3*
  434. T 1364191502 21 < balding_parrot > 21 samiux learn the FHS way...... then you will find the tools in their correct place
  435. T 1364191513 23* 23lude 已結束 ( 23 Client Quit 23)
  436. T 1364191530 18 < Glides >
  437. T 1364191571 18 < prompt32 > <balding_parrot> for someone that knows what to do, an expert lets's say, maybe it's ok, but for someone who search/learn, it;s a huge different to explore a menu tree than a menu dir
  438. T 1364191592 18 < nell > I'm installing weechat on here
  439. T 1364191597 18 < nell > and im wondering
  440. T 1364191598 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, not me, I used to. but you and other devs will be asked for this or that tools are installed or not.
  441. T 1364191600 18 < jerichodotm > ahhh. specific config file for the trackpad in xorg.d.. dpi isnt declared but maybe i can add it. lemme test this out
  442. T 1364191608 18 < nell > should I get the weechat for wheezy or squeeze
  443. T 1364191677 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: changes happen, this one is for the good. File structure is something that can be relearned. Compliance is very important in moving forward as a serious distribution
  444. T 1364191686 18 < balding_parrot >
  445. T 1364191705 18 < balding_parrot > ^^^ that's what we follow
  446. T 1364191719 18 < Glides > That's got a lot more detail than my link o.o
  447. T 1364191731 18 < Glides > Thanks for the bookmark
  448. T 1364191737 18 < balding_parrot > tell me about it ;)
  449. T 1364191762 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, I already used to, but others who switched from backtrack will not used to the standard. they will asked for the /pentest. so, in my opinion, the documentation should be mention that.
  450. T 1364191775 18 < Glides > It does
  451. T 1364191791 18 < Glides > FHS compliant: Kali has been developed to adhere to the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard, allowing all Linux users to easily locate binaries, support files, libraries, etc.
  452. T 1364191801 18 < Glides >
  453. T 1364191811 18 < prompt32 > FHS is not an argument, even this for specific kind a progs or groups of progs, it;s specify it's dir structure (/var,/usr/local), kali goes the other way,
  454. T 1364191837 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, for linux users are used to this statement but how about who are from other operating systems?
  455. T 1364191855 31 < samiux > 30 who will understand what is fhs?
  456. T 1364191856 18 < balding_parrot > nell wheezy
  457. T 1364191866 18 < prompt32 > it;s more easy for all users to find..., i think kali is in single user mode
  458. T 1364191870 18 < Glides > I'd point them toward fedora or Ubuntu
  459. T 1364191889 31 < samiux > 30 debain instead
  460. T 1364191898 31 < samiux > 30 not ubuntu or fedora
  461. T 1364191911 18 < Glides > Again, your opinion
  462. T 1364191917 31 < samiux > 30 it is
  463. T 1364191925 18 < Glides > Sooo
  464. T 1364191948 31 < samiux > 30 just to express, accept or not not important
  465. T 1364191948 18 < Glides > You got a security distro based on debian, but you want it to go back to the way it was when it was based on Ubuntu?
  466. T 1364191962 18 < balding_parrot > Kali Linux is a Linux distribution that aggregates thousands of free software packages in its main section. As a Debian derivative, all of the software therein complies with the Debian Free Software Guidelines.
  467. T 1364191978 18 < balding_parrot > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  468. T 1364192049 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, no, debian way
  469. T 1364192052 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, whats going on here..
  470. T 1364192060 18 < megha > balding_parrot: so the source code of tools must also be available ?
  471. T 1364192066 18 < Glides > eys
  472. T 1364192072 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, sorry what do you mean?
  473. T 1364192076 18 < Glides >
  474. T 1364192080 18 < Glides > Open source Git tree: We are huge proponents of open source software and our development tree is available for all to see and all sources are available for those who wish to tweak and rebuild packages.
  475. T 1364192084 18 < balding_parrot > megha yes, and they all are
  476. T 1364192094 18 < megha > the idea of kali on debian is a good thing.
  477. T 1364192100 18 < megha > cool :D
  478. T 1364192113 31 < samiux > 30 me too
  479. T 1364192128 18 < prompt32 > me too
  480. T 1364192137 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: you can't have your pentest folder and be compliant at the same time. What are you complaining about?
  481. T 1364192142 31 < samiux > 30 I think we are having a language barrier
  482. T 1364192144 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, do you agree that Kali is a distro designed for experienced users?
  483. T 1364192160 18 < balding_parrot > megha there are 1 or 2 exceptions to that, but that is because of licensing
  484. T 1364192173 18 < megha > which tools ?
  485. T 1364192175 18 < Glides > maltego?
  486. T 1364192185 18 < balding_parrot > maltego for 1
  487. T 1364192192 18 < Glides > and metaspoit pro?
  488. T 1364192196 18 < Glides > sploit*
  489. T 1364192215 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, no complaint at all, I already knew that and used to
  490. T 1364192217 23* 23GuilhermeCunha 已結束 ( 23 Read error: Connection reset by peer 23)
  491. T 1364192218 18 < megha > metasploit it BSD license. the base .
  492. T 1364192227 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, yes, I agreed
  493. T 1364192237 18 < Glides > yeah I added the pro part
  494. T 1364192249 18 < megha > :D
  495. T 1364192250 18 < Glides > I think that needs registered and is not OS
  496. T 1364192252 19* 19 GuilhermeCunha ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  497. T 1364192261 18 < megha > yes correct
  498. T 1364192261 18 < Glides > could be wrong, I was guessing
  499. T 1364192277 18 < megha > balding_parrot: which is the other one ?
  500. T 1364192284 18 < Glides > But if I was right, I want a cookie
  501. T 1364192285 18 < balding_parrot > Glides did I correct you ;)
  502. T 1364192313 18 < Glides > I guess metasploit pro and maltego
  503. T 1364192318 18 < balding_parrot > I can't remember them all, but there are only a couple like that
  504. T 1364192319 18 < Glides > guessed*
  505. T 1364192359 18 < Glides > burpsuite
  506. T 1364192405 18 < Glides > but it's a jar file I think
  507. T 1364192507 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, do you also understand the devs have advertised that noobs should choose another distor?
  508. T 1364192571 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, may be not, but why they and you support those are newbies of linux at least.
  509. T 1364192572 18 < megha > balding_parrot: ok :)
  510. T 1364192593 18 < megha > if newbies can learn stuff i don't think it's that rocket science stuff.
  511. T 1364192628 18 < megha > if newbies can learn stuff, than i don't think it's difficult or kind of rocket science to master at.
  512. T 1364192630 18 < megha > it*
  513. T 1364192633 18 < balding_parrot > megha but be assured, where required or allowed to, the source is available
  514. T 1364192634 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, in the old channel (#backtrack-linux) nobody will answer.
  515. T 1364192663 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, so im clear. is the problem that you don't understand that the devs have advertised the distro should not be used by newbs? I can provide you with the URL
  516. T 1364192700 18 < megha > balding_parrot: 99 % the source code of all the tools are available right ?
  517. T 1364192715 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, here ya go..
  518. T 1364192721 21 < balding_parrot > 21 samiux the "old channel" #backtrack-linux states that it is not supported anymore
  519. T 1364192763 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, no don't do that. I just told you that why you and the devs will answer those questions that the old channel does not answer at all. does you all think that you are very important?
  520. T 1364192768 18 < balding_parrot > megha something like that, feel free to check though if you like
  521. T 1364192776 23* 23upp 已結束 ( 23 Remote host closed the connection 23)
  522. T 1364192780 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, not now, before, I said
  523. T 1364192791 19* 19 upp ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  524. T 1364192810 18 < megha > balding_parrot: :D ok
  525. T 1364192837 18 < prompt32 > its the human nature !
  526. T 1364192841 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, so you dont understand the distro is designed for experienced users?
  527. T 1364192859 18 < prompt32 > it;s hard to be open source, body and soul ...
  528. T 1364192868 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: or are you saying you don't like that people help other people?
  529. T 1364192874 21 < balding_parrot > 21 samiux do you think a possible reason the devs at least didn't answer much might have been because of the months when they were busy with the dev work on kali
  530. T 1364192881 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, it is designed for experienced users but not the newbies. I already know that
  531. T 1364192924 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, I don't know at all, as you all did tell us/
  532. T 1364192960 18* balding_parrot 's patience is now >< much
  533. T 1364192964 18 < Glides > So that's the issue?
  534. T 1364192968 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, I am not saying that but you all saying that you are so important, in my opinion.
  535. T 1364192988 18 < Glides > Who said that?
  536. T 1364193002 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, *didn't
  537. T 1364193009 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: I have a serious questions to ask you
  538. T 1364193034 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: You smoking that wacky tabacky?
  539. T 1364193045 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, ok. now that you understand, it will save you and others a lot of time bringing up topics not related to the scope of the project.
  540. T 1364193045 31 < samiux > 30 what do you say that one of the devs delete a bug report when he did not fully investigate into the problem?
  541. T 1364193065 18 < prompt32 > i do
  542. T 1364193072 31 < samiux > 30 the bug report is not reported by me, be informed
  543. T 1364193084 21 < jerichodotm > 21 one of you programmed a bot and called him samiux ..
  544. T 1364193085 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: you are under the influence jerichodotm and I are with Offsec or Kali or BT somehow - we are not
  545. T 1364193087 18 < jerichodotm > this must be a put on
  546. T 1364193126 18 < Glides > What leads you to that assumtion?
  547. T 1364193127 21 < balding_parrot > 21 samiux what bug report ? I have got to chech this out
  548. T 1364193133 31 < samiux > 30 what do you think is up to you. but at least I expressed it
  549. T 1364193150 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, there are at least two
  550. T 1364193152 31 < samiux > 30 by muts
  551. T 1364193164 31 < samiux > 30 but they are not reported by me
  552. T 1364193165 18 < Glides > Link the report
  553. T 1364193181 18 < Glides > ...
  554. T 1364193182 31 < samiux > 30 how can I give you the link if they are already deleted
  555. T 1364193195 18 < balding_parrot > which ones exactly
  556. T 1364193205 18 < Glides > balding has access what were they
  557. T 1364193207 18 < balding_parrot > on what
  558. T 1364193222 31 < samiux > 30 one is about about wifi card and the other that I forgot
  559. T 1364193249 18 < jerichodotm > Glides, because the questions have come full circle and even after acknowledging he understands something , he all of the sudden says something in contrast.
  560. T 1364193259 18 < balding_parrot > and how do you know they were not looked into ?
  561. T 1364193277 18 < Glides > It's not even about the distro right now
  562. T 1364193289 18 < jerichodotm > im not at all sure what happened here
  563. T 1364193296 31 < samiux > 30 but I encountered that one of my wifi card namely intel 5100 agn cannot be connected to a a/n router
  564. T 1364193299 18 < Glides > Its about how his buddy got a bug report closed on them that was probably user error or lack of knowledge.
  565. T 1364193314 18 < jerichodotm > ahhhhhh
  566. T 1364193349 31 < samiux > 30 Glides, it is not true
  567. T 1364193377 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, are you cleverbot?
  568. T 1364193389 18 < jerichodotm > jk
  569. T 1364193396 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, what do you mean?
  570. T 1364193424 31 < samiux > 30 jerichodotm, I really don't understand
  571. T 1364193426 23* 23GuilhermeCunha 已結束 ( 23 Read error: Connection reset by peer 23)
  572. T 1364193447 18 < prompt32 > <jerichodotm> you agree with the idea that somones delete 2 bug reports ?
  573. T 1364193452 19* 19 GuilhermeCunha ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  574. T 1364193468 31 < samiux > 30 prompt32, hehe
  575. T 1364193468 18 < jerichodotm > that seems to be the pattern
  576. T 1364193468 23* 23dustin___ 已結束 ( 23 Read error: Connection reset by peer 23)
  577. T 1364193481 21 < prompt32 > 21 i think that the reason samiux freaks. and i agree
  578. T 1364193494 31 < samiux > 30 it should be rated as "invalid" but not to be deleted.
  579. T 1364193566 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, do i agree with the idea that 2 bug reports were deleted? i have no idea but i have no reason to think you are lying about the bug reports.
  580. T 1364193608 31 < samiux > 30 I want to report one but it should be already exist but it is deleted by one of the devs
  581. T 1364193644 31 < samiux > 30 I tested for others, do you feels that fair?
  582. T 1364193663 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, knowing that, are you going to re-submit it?
  583. T 1364193686 23* 23GuilhermeCunha 已結束 ( 23 Changing host 23)
  584. T 1364193687 19* 19 GuilhermeCunha (~gcunha@unaffiliated/guilhermecunha) 加入了 #kali-linux
  585. T 1364193696 31 < samiux > 30 may be but depending on the devs who would delete my entry
  586. T 1364193703 21 < jerichodotm > 21 samiux, it sucks but im not paying the salary of the devs to provide me support
  587. T 1364193713 21 < Glides > 21 samiux: you could report it, that way you know it actually got reported. You'll have the link and history, etc.
  588. T 1364193725 jabra_ jandrusk JensenDied jerichodotm JMcAfreak josen
  589. T 1364193728 31 < samiux > 30 it is not my concern, sorry jerichodotm
  590. T 1364193738 18 < Glides > balding_parrot: please
  591. T 1364193765 31 < samiux > 30 I already told muts in the channel yesterday in my timezone
  592. T 1364193795 18 < Glides > But you didn't report it on where it could be tracked?
  593. T 1364193848 23* 23GuilhermeCunha 已結束 ( 23 Read error: Connection reset by peer 23)
  594. T 1364193872 19* 19 GuilhermeCunha ( 加入了 #kali-linux
  595. T 1364193878 31 < samiux > 30 the one who delete the entry in the bug track, I told him about the fact, not enough? at least muts not telling me to do so.
  596. T 1364193929 18 < balding_parrot > Found a couple relating to wifi and all were closed with a report of what action was taken. The original poster of the bug and anyone who took any part in the bug report will have got an email detailing the actions taken
  597. T 1364193945 18 < _FBi > BP fix my xbox
  598. T 1364193947 18 < balding_parrot > Not one was closed or deleted without action
  599. T 1364193968 18 < Glides > _FBi: have you rebooted 3 times?
  600. T 1364193971 21 < balding_parrot > 21 so yet again samiux you are totally wrong
  601. T 1364193972 31 < samiux > 30 balding_parrot, but I cannot find them in the web
  602. T 1364193973 18 < _FBi > I have :/
  603. T 1364193983 18 < Glides > Then submit one
  604. T 1364193998 31 < samiux > 30 why me, I am not the victim
  605. T 1364194016 18 < Glides > Because it sounds like the victim doesnt exist
  606. T 1364194016 31 < samiux > 30 I just tell you the truth
  607. T 1364194020 18 < balding_parrot > ffs, did you read what I said
  608. T 1364194024 18 < jerichodotm > haha
  609. T 1364194028 31 < samiux > 30 okay, let's it be
  610. T 1364194032 31 < samiux > 30 your choose
  611. T 1364194036 18 < Glides > And then evidence was used to prove your truth wasnt true
  612. T 1364194042 22* 26balding_parrot 取消了 26 samiux 的聊天室管理員權限
  613. T 1364194042 22* balding_parrot 封禁了 *!*@gateway/tor-sasl/samiux
  614. T 1364194042 23* 您被 balding_parrot 從 #kali-linux 中踢出 ( Now serving #82 23)
  615. T 1364194089 沒有加入任何聊天室。請嘗試 /join #<channel>
  616. T 1364194141 22* 已切斷連接 ()。
  617. T 1364194159 Python interface unloaded
  618. T 1364194159 Tcl interface unloaded
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