
Self Centered Prick

Dec 4th, 2013
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  1. chrisraney has joined the chat
  2. SophiaSoprano has joined the chat
  3. chrisraney: -Chris had just come from watching game film, he was ready for this weeks game on thursday, time was ticking and the confrence championship was so close, this year could be the schools first bowl game, he parked his truck and got out of it, he walked inside straighgt faced he comes up to the second set of double doors and slides his key card opening it up, he sighs and sits down on the couch right around the corner, he then goes to his room after standing back up and grabs his x box, he takes it out to the common room with the bigger tv and hooks it up, he puts the game film dvd in and starts to watch it
  4. SophiaSoprano: (Yea..cause there's not a chick there at all lol)
  5. chrisraney: (i wanted the bigger tv lol)
  6. SophiaSoprano: -Amelia was again passed out on the couch after the long day at the sports bar. She held the pink and grey covered otter box in her hand close to her chest but her head was buried in the cushion of one of the couches. Her legs were in there air from where she hadn'tmoved since she came in that night. Mia stirred but never awoke as he came into the common room and hooked the gaming device up to the television. The blonde curly headed girl smiled sweetly in her sleep as she dreamt of her ex back home in Bama. She didn't want to wake, this dream was far better than her reality at the moment.-
  7. chrisraney: -he looked at the sleeping girl- If you dont wanna hear me talk to my self get out
  8. SophiaSoprano: -Amelia never heard his douchebag remark as she was still lost in her fantasy dreamland. She stirred a little more, shifting so that her knees finally curled to her chest and she lay on her side now. The blonde cradled the phone against her chest as she slept cuddling it as if it were a stuffed animal or person.-
  9. chrisraney: -he turns up the tv a little more, the announcer buzzed through out the common room as chris sat there writing thedefensive formations
  10. Alexithymiaa: -Steph made her way down the paved path from the center of campus, dragging her gym bag behind her as she approached Talon Hall. She pulled the door open hard, stepping inside to shield herself from the cold as she dropped down beside her bag to pull out her ID card. She scanned it through the door, pushing into the hall and dragging her bag behind her again. She heard the sound of the tv from the living room, furrowing her brows as she rounded the corner to see Chris seated on the couch beside a sleeping girl. She dropped the strap of her bag, settling it beside the couch as she reached for the remote beside him, immediately lowering the volume. "What are you. deaf?"-
  11. chrisraney: She wontget out
  12. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : -She rolled her eyes, tossing the remote back onto the couch. "It's the common area..."-
  13. chrisraney: But..but..the game
  14. chrisraney: She has a dorm to sleep in
  15. SophiaSopranoSophiaSoprano WhisperAdd Friend: -Amelia blinked open her sky blue eyes as the announcer's voice seeped through into her dream. She made a disgusted face then rolled her eyes at the guy immediatley closing them back in hopes of getting back to her fantasyland. Unable, she groaned and sat up noticing it was football, then bit her lower lip. Mia loved to watch football, and even more loved to watch the cheerleaders. It was her passion, but since transfering knew her career would surely be over. Amelia scratched her head dazed from her nap then blinked and looked about the room quietly/-
  16. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "And you have one to play games in. Quit your bitching and give me a controller." She plopped herself down on the couch beside him, holding out her hand.-
  17. chrisraney: Im not playing a watching film for my next game
  18. chrisraney: I mean we can play games if you want
  19. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, leaving her hand outstretched to him. "I hate everything. We should play games where you get the kick the shit out of things until they die."-
  20. chrisraneychrisraney Whisper: What kinda games do you play?
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Usually ones that I can just button mash and win."
  22. chrisraney: Your so weird.
  23. chrisraneychrisraney Whisper: -he looked at the new girl- SOrry to take your spot, big game coming up
  24. SophiaSoprano: -Mia arose not wanting to bother them and made her way towards the kitchen idly wondering how long she'd been asleep. She browsed through then decided she really wasn't that hungry and stayed staring into the fridge blankly-
  25. Alexithymiaa: -She nudged him with her elbow, frowning. "Quit thinking that football takes precidense over everything else. This is why Cadence thinks you're a dick."-
  26. chrisraney: Its the same way with you and gymnastics..
  27. Alexithymiaa: -She shook her head. "Not at all. You force it at everyone else. I do my own thing in my own time."-
  28. chrisraney: Theres a list of things i need to get done in the week, and im doing them, not my fault people have a problem with it, no one understands, nor it seems like anyone has school spirt
  29. SophiaSoprano: -Mia yawned shaking her head free of the daze she was in then finally decided on a yogurt she'd put in the fridge earlier. She grabbed a spoon then wandered over to a table hitting her phone to check her text messages.-
  30. Alexithymiaa: -She sighed. "You're totally missing the point. You just shoved that girl out of her spot because YOU need to watch game film. Great, but don't inconveniance other people because of your priorities. Same way you told Cadence to entertain Jordan's feelings so you guys can win a stupid game. That's so self centered and that school spirit bullshit is just a cop out." She pushed up from the couch, breezing by him and grabbing her gym bag from the floor, sticking her hand inside hastily to grab her keys. She stalked over to her door, shoving them in the lock and pushing the door open, kicking it closed behind her, the keys still hanging from the door.-
  31. chrisraney: -he sighed watching her walk away- You just dont get it.
  32. SophiaSoprano: -Mia smiled to herself half listening to their conversation. She shook her head letting her curls fall in front of her face hoping to cover the smile. She understood both sides. She'd be through it and that was why she was here.-
  33. Alexithymiaa: -She collapsed down onto the bean bag pillow that sat beside the tv, burying her face into it as she let out a muffled groan. She fisted her hands in the fabric, her nails biting into the center of her hands to create small half mooned imprints.-
  34. chrisraney: -hegroaned and stood up walking to stephs door, seing as the keys were in it he didnt bother to knock, he twisted the door open and walked in tossing her keys at her- You just dont fucking get it, yiu think im being self centered and what not, but its really not that at all
  35. Alexithymiaa: -She scoffed, whipping her head around to look at him. "I don't fucking get it? I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that fucking gets it, Chris. You can't just force your priorities off on other people. THATS how you're self centered. I understand this means a lot to you. But that just means you should do whatever YOU as a single person can to make it happen." Her heart thundered in her chest, the pulse hammering in her ears as she stared at him, her brow twitching.-
  36. chrisraney: You clearly dont fucking get it steph, okay il stop with the fucking ego, im doing it for a reason, everyone needs to mind there damn business about it
  37. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes, half smirking in sarcasm. "Well gee love, how ever can we mind our own fucing business if you keep shovin it in everyone's faces?"-
  38. chrisraney: -he looked away from her straight faced not wanting to give her the reason why he was acting like this- Whatever steph, your right
  39. Alexithymiaa: -She bit the inside of her cheek hard, glaring at him. "You can either look at me when you lie or you can leave."-
  40. chrisraney: what would you care anyway....
  41. Alexithymiaa: -SHe sat up, turning to look at him and furrowing her brows, her voice calmer. "Why wouldn't I care?"-
  42. SophiaSoprano: ((Whoops. Back)
  43. Alexithymiaa: (wb)
  44. SophiaSoprano: (Thank ya)
  45. chrisraney: Steph, i really dont wanna fight
  46. Alexithymiaa: -She rolled her eyes. "It's a little late for that. You better tell me what the hell is going on with you because if that's really the way you feel, then obviously your apology to Cadence was bullshit."-
  47. SophiaSoprano: -Finishing her yogurt, Mia got up taking a paper towel she'd had to wipe the table even though she hadn't made any mess. She threw it away then walked back over to the couch examining the football game that was still playing on the screen.-
  48. chrisraney: I dont feel confident...with my ankle and all, so im building up my ego to get everyone off my back and my dad
  49. Alexithymiaa: -She sighed, dipping her head down and pinching the bridge of her nose. "Do me a favor and don't just assume that being a cocky bastard is the better of your options, please?"-
  50. chrisraney: yea..sure
  51. chrisraney: sorry//
  52. Alexithymiaa: "Don't yeah, sure me. I mean it. If you're not sure how to deal with something, you can come to me ya' know. You claim to have all these feelings for me, but you never trust me enough to talk to me about what's going on."-
  53. chrisraney: Well honestly your a smart ass, im kinda afraid of your input
  54. Alexithymiaa: "You should be. Because I'll only ever be honest with you. If you wanted a sugarcoasted marshmallow response to cushion your ego, find someone who doesn't give a shit because I won't do it."
  55. chrisraney: Your a smart ass about it, i dont mind honesty
  56. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, well you're too used to people telling you what you want to hear." She pushed up from the cushion and walked over to him, staring him in the face. "I'm always a smart ass. If it's something you have a problem with, I don't know what to tell you."-
  57. chrisraney: Im afraid to lose..
  58. Alexithymiaa: -Her face softened, staring at him. "Everyone's afraid to lose. It's not really something people get used to ever. It's just one of those things you need to swallow..."-
  59. chrisraney: everyone areound this area is so hype
  60. Alexithymiaa: "What do you mean?"
  61. chrisraney: the fans
  62. chrisraney: they are on your side when you win, but once you loose its like boo you suck, fuck this school yada yada
  63. Alexithymiaa: "That's kind of everywhere... It's just the way things like this go."
  64. chrisraney: Can we have a pep rally?
  65. Alexithymiaa: "You're asking me? I'm not in charge of that." (Skype that shit)
  66. chrisraney: who is
  67. Alexithymiaa: -She shrugged. "Administration?"-
  68. chrisraney: i guess so
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