
Baymax's 2nd Fight

Jan 12th, 2016
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  1. Fr0stfur
  2. test
  3. 11:03
  4. Gallibon the Destroyer
  5. Why?
  6. Wait, why did I just say that?
  7. DrGodzilla120 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  8. 11:04
  9. Fr0stfur
  10. DrG isn't leaving? xd
  11. NVM
  12. So...
  13. want to have a different RP?
  14. 11:05
  15. Gallibon the Destroyer
  16. SURE!
  17. 11:05
  18. Fr0stfur
  19. yayyy~
  20. 11:05
  21. Gallibon the Destroyer
  22. Also Fun Fact: Makia is the RP character I play that has the shortest name.
  23. Well so far.
  24. 11:05
  25. Fr0stfur
  26. Coollll
  27. I've once known someone with a two-letter name
  28. "Wa"
  29. 11:06
  30. Gallibon the Destroyer
  31. Also, do you still think Makia is a girl?
  32. XD
  33. 11:06
  34. Fr0stfur
  35. I've gotten used to it
  36. But I still always forget Bayma's name
  37. 11:06
  38. Gallibon the Destroyer
  39. *Baymax
  40. 11:06
  41. Fr0stfur
  42. Baymax's*
  43. See?!
  44. 11:07
  45. Gallibon the Destroyer
  46. The Viledrodes have been pretty quiet lately...
  47. 11:07
  48. Fr0stfur
  49. Viledrodes?
  50. 11:08
  51. Gallibon the Destroyer
  52. The alien/robot race I created. Fun Fact: I originally created them back in 2009.
  53. 11:08
  54. Fr0stfur
  55. Oh wow
  56. 11:09
  57. Gallibon the Destroyer
  58. As for the Viledrodes themselves, they wish to conquer Earth as well, but so far we've only seen a little bit of them.
  59. 11:09
  60. Fr0stfur
  61. Mhmm
  62. Were they the meteor in LA?
  63. 11:09
  64. Gallibon the Destroyer
  65. In the RP's they've appeared in.
  66. That meteor was Gamoni.
  67. Or was it a different meteor? Because I recall Gamoni coming out of a meteor in Osaka, but she initially crash-landed in Seattle.
  68. Confused yet?
  69. 11:11
  70. Fr0stfur
  71. Yes :?
  72. Hey, here's a shameless plug for my Pastebin!
  74. 11:12
  75. Gallibon the Destroyer
  76. Also, I don't recall you being there when the Viledrodes we're present, so I don't blame you for not remembering them.
  77. 11:12
  78. Fr0stfur
  79. It has a ton of RPs in it!
  80. Yeah I probably wasn't
  81. 11:13
  82. Gallibon the Destroyer
  83. Lol, Makia is so naive! XD
  84. 11:14
  85. Fr0stfur
  86. Yeah
  87. I tried (and failed) to show Baymax's weakness in The Battle of Detroit
  88. 11:15
  89. Gallibon the Destroyer
  90. Baymax has a weakness?
  91. 11:15
  92. Fr0stfur
  93. Yeah
  94. 11:15
  95. Gallibon the Destroyer
  96. Also, Gamoni only spoke in French and English.
  97. She does that because...because.
  98. 11:16
  99. Fr0stfur
  100. If it takes a really long time to beat someone, he'll get really ticked off
  101. Which means he loses most of his strategy
  102. 11:16
  103. Gallibon the Destroyer
  104. So different RP now?
  105. I can start if you want.
  106. 11:18
  107. Fr0stfur
  108. Sure
  109. Do you want to use the Viledrodes?
  110. 11:19
  111. Gallibon the Destroyer
  112. I was acutally thinking about suing Gamoni again, but that could work as well.
  113. 11:20
  114. Fr0stfur
  115. Nah, Gamoni sounds good
  116. 11:20
  117. Gallibon the Destroyer
  118. Or we could do both.
  119. :3
  120. 11:20
  121. Fr0stfur
  122. xd
  123. I was actually thinking of maybe a sparring match with Makia and Baymax
  124. 11:21
  125. Gallibon the Destroyer
  126. We could work that in.
  127. Mind if it takes place in Colorado? Or stay in Lansing?
  128. 11:22
  129. Fr0stfur
  130. Colorado sounds cool
  131. 11:23
  132. Gallibon the Destroyer
  133. To Colorado is then!
  134. 11:23
  135. Fr0stfur
  136. hurray!
  137. brb
  138. gotta take a P
  139. 11:24
  140. Gallibon the Destroyer
  141. *On a warm Colorado evening, Makia travels to...well Colorado*
  142. 11:25
  143. Fr0stfur
  144. back
  145. (Baymax) *is in Colorado as well*
  146. 11:25
  147. Gallibon the Destroyer
  148. (Makia) <(I could use a drink. I know! I can get one at the bar! But first I got to change.)
  149. (Makia) <(...What was I suppose to change again? Ah who cares...)
  150. 11:27
  151. Fr0stfur
  152. (Baymax) <[Where's the action around here? I thought that Colorado was a hotspot for kaiju...]
  153. 11:27
  154. Gallibon the Destroyer
  155. (Makia) <(I don't know...)
  156. (Makia) *belly rumbles* <(I'm hungry...)
  157. 11:30
  158. Fr0stfur
  159. (Baymax) <[Me too...don't know how that works, but I am...]
  160. uh...
  161. how do i plot
  162. 11:32
  163. Gallibon the Destroyer
  164. (Makia) *stares at the sky blankly*
  165. 11:32
  166. Fr0stfur
  167. How do I advance this lol
  168. 11:33
  169. Gallibon the Destroyer
  170. *A bunch of birds fly by*
  171. (Makia) *watches the birds fly*
  172. (Makia) <(....Well...drinks this are this way!)
  173. (Makia) *starts walking and searching for a bar*
  174. *Something over the horizon watches them*
  175. 11:35
  176. Fr0stfur
  177. (Baymax) <[Count me in!] *follows Makia*
  178. 11:36
  179. Gallibon the Destroyer
  180. *After much traveling Makia and Baymax find the bar*
  181. (Makia) <(Here we are!)
  182. 11:36
  183. Fr0stfur
  184. (Baymax) <[Finally!]
  185. 11:36
  186. Gallibon the Destroyer
  187. (Makia) <(Hey, Baymax do you have any money?)
  188. 11:37
  189. Fr0stfur
  190. (Baymax) <[No, but I could make some!]
  191. (Baymax) *creates some money from a slot on his chest*
  192. 11:38
  193. Gallibon the Destroyer
  194. (Makia) <(Yay!)
  195. (Makia) <(So what kind do you want?)
  196. 11:39
  197. Fr0stfur
  198. (Baymax) <[What do YOU want?]
  199. 11:39
  200. Gallibon the Destroyer
  201. (Makia) <(Mtn. Dew. They have that here, right?)
  202. 11:40
  203. Fr0stfur
  204. (Baymax
  205. ) <[Of course they do!]
  206. 11:41
  207. Gallibon the Destroyer
  208. (Makia) <(Good! I'll be right back!) *heads in the bar*
  209. (???) *comes close to Baymax*
  210. 11:42
  211. Fr0stfur
  212. (Baymax) <[Uh...hi?]
  213. 11:42
  214. Gallibon the Destroyer
  215. (???) *dead silent*
  216. 11:44
  217. Fr0stfur
  218. (Baymax) <[Do I know you?] :/
  219. 11:45
  220. Gallibon the Destroyer
  221. *It's Gamoni*
  222. (Gamoni) *eyes glow red*
  223. plays as she arrives.
  224. 11:46
  225. Fr0stfur
  226. (Baymax) <[Oh god...uh...hey, no hard feelings about what happened back in Detroit, right?] *slowly begins to back away*
  227. 11:47
  228. Gallibon the Destroyer
  229. (Gamoni) <(You thought you could try to get rid of me didn't you? DIDN'T YOU!? Why it looks like you wrong.)
  230. (Gamoni) <(Now I come here to finish the score.)
  231. (Makia) *comes out of the bar* <(I got the drinks!)
  232. (Gamoni) *fires her laser fingers at Makia*
  233. (Makia) *barely dodges*
  234. 11:48
  235. Fr0stfur
  236. (Baymax) <[You may be stronger, but you're still outnumbered!] *fires laser eyes at Gamoni*
  237. stronger than before*
  238. 11:49
  239. Gallibon the Destroyer
  240. (Gamoni) *uses her limb enhancers to deflect the lasers*
  241. 11:50
  242. Fr0stfur
  243. (Baymax) *absorbs his own lasers*
  244. 11:50
  245. Gallibon the Destroyer
  246. (Gamoni) *fires a mad frenzy of plasma bullets from her limb enhancers* <(DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!)
  247. 11:51
  248. Fr0stfur
  249. (Baymax) <[Holy shit!] *ducks and tries to shoot a Paralysis Missile into Gamoni*
  250. 11:51
  251. Gallibon the Destroyer
  252. (Makia) *takes cover and starts drinking his Mtn. Dew*
  253. (Gamoni) *sees the Paralysis Missile coming this time and dodges it this time* <(Je vais essuyer vos ânes sur le sol.)
  254. (Gamoni) *cocks her "gun" limb enhancers*
  255. 11:55
  256. Fr0stfur
  257. (Baymax) <[Sons brut.] *turns its arm into a sledgehammer, while unloading his flamethrower into Gamoni with the other*
  258. 11:56
  259. Gallibon the Destroyer
  260. (Gamoni) <(I love it when somebody wants to put up a fight with me.)
  261. (Gamoni) *gets her limb enhancers ready*
  262. 11:57
  263. Fr0stfur
  264. (Baymax) <[I beat you last time, and I can do it again!] *fires electricity from his mouth at Gamoni*
  265. 11:58
  266. Gallibon the Destroyer
  267. (Gamoni) *fires a green fireball from her mouth*
  268. 11:58
  269. Fr0stfur
  270. *the two beams counter eachother*
  271. (Baymax) *charges Gamoni, swinging his sledgehammer arm at her*
  272. 11:59
  273. Gallibon the Destroyer
  274. *Then from out of nowhere came a fleet of Viledrode spaceships that started attacking.*
  275. (Viledrode Pilot) <(DIE YOU OVERGROWN BRUTES!!!)
  276. (Makia) *sees them and recognizes them* <(Not these guys again!)
  277. 12:00
  278. Fr0stfur
  279. (Baymax) <[Who are those guys?]
  280. 12:01
  281. Gallibon the Destroyer
  282. (Makia) <(There those same alien attackers from Osaka when I fought GmkGoji with KiryuGoji!)
  283. (Viledrode Spaceships) *fire like crazy at the kaiju*
  284. 12:02
  285. Fr0stfur
  286. (Baymax) <[That doesn't sound good...] *turns his attention from Gamoni to the spaceships, firing eye lasers at one of them*
  287. 12:02
  288. Gallibon the Destroyer
  289. (Viledrode Spaceships) *Many explode, some try to ram their ships right into the kaiju*
  290. (Makia) *breathes fire on some*
  291. 12:03
  292. Fr0stfur
  293. (Baymax) *attacks some with electricity and sonic blasts*
  294. 12:04
  295. Gallibon the Destroyer
  296. (Viledrode Pilot) *shoots at Baymax's head*
  297. (Gamoni) *just stands there*
  298. (Another Viledrode Pilot) *tries to fly in Makia's mouth but explodes on impact*
  299. (Makia) <(Ow! That hurt!)
  300. 12:06
  301. Fr0stfur
  302. (Baymax) <[Ow! Ow! Ow!] *is hit, but turns his eye lasers to the pilot that hit him*
  303. 12:06
  304. Gallibon the Destroyer
  305. (Viledrode Pilot) *explodes*
  306. (Viledrode Spaceships) *a few more keep exploding around them*
  307. 12:07
  308. Fr0stfur
  309. (Baymax) <[This is crazy!] *fires missiles at the pilots*
  310. 12:08
  311. Gallibon the Destroyer
  312. (Gamoni) <(Something familiar about these Viledrodes...I just can't place it....)
  313. (Makia) *fires his atomic breath at some*
  314. *There's only a few remaining Viledrode Spaceships left*
  315. I almost spelled "Viledorde."
  316. 12:09
  317. Fr0stfur
  318. (Baymax) *fires Sonic Booms at some of them*
  319. xd
  320. 12:11
  321. Gallibon the Destroyer
  322. *Only three Viledrode Spaceships remain*
  323. (Viledrode Pilot) <(Oh man, Emperor Tazarus is going to kill us for this!)
  324. 12:12
  325. Fr0stfur
  326. (Baymax) *fires Eye Lasers at one and a Sonic Blast at another*
  327. test!
  328. 12:13
  329. Gallibon the Destroyer
  330. *Two Viledrode spaceships are destroyed. The last one retreats.*
  331. 12:14
  332. Fr0stfur
  333. (Baymax) <[That was pretty easy...]
  334. 12:15
  335. Gallibon the Destroyer
  336. (Makia) <(And weird...)
  337. (Gamoni) <(Where we're we?)
  338. 12:19
  339. Fr0stfur
  340. (Baymax) <[fighting?]
  341. 12:20
  342. Gallibon the Destroyer
  343. (Makia) *To Gamoni* <(You know I just realized something you just right know...)
  344. 12:20
  345. Fr0stfur
  346. (Baymax) <[?]
  347. 12:21
  348. Gallibon the Destroyer
  349. (Makia) <(........)
  350. (Makia) <(....Where did you get those limb enhancers?)
  351. (Gamoni) *stands there in awkward silence for a few seconds, then promptly goes back to firing at the two of them*
  352. Um...Fr0stfur?
  353. Fr0stfur?
  354. Fr0sty?
  355. Where are you?
  356. ....
  357. 12:36
  358. Fr0stfur
  359. Test
  360. Back
  361. sry
  362. (Baymax) *turns his arm into a chainsaw and swings at Gamoni*
  363. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  364. 12:38
  365. Gallibon the Destroyer
  366. (Gamoni) <(HOLY DAMNIT!)
  367. (Gamoni) *barely dodges*
  368. (Gamoni) *turns her limb enhancers into blades and clashes with Baymax*
  369. 12:41
  370. Fr0stfur
  371. (Baymax) *fires eye lasers at Gamoni as the clash*
  372. 12:41
  373. Gallibon the Destroyer
  374. (Gamoni) *fires her energy tojo-blades at him*
  375. (Makia) *continues to drink his Mtn. Dew*
  376. 12:45
  377. Fr0stfur
  378. (Baymax) <[Agh!] *is caugh off-guard and isn't able to absorb the energy*
  379. (Baymax) *swings at Gamoni again*
  380. 12:46
  381. Gallibon the Destroyer
  382. (Gamoni) *swings her blades at Baymax again* <(Is that all you got?)
  383. 12:48
  384. Fr0stfur
  385. (Baymax) <[Shut up!] *unleashes a Sonic Boom at point-blank, damaging Gamoni but knocking Baymax back into a wall*
  386. 12:49
  387. Gallibon the Destroyer
  388. (Gamoni) *after getting back up from the Sonic Boom* <(Okay, that was admittedly impressive.)
  389. (Makia) *still drinking his Mtn. Dew*
  390. 12:50
  391. Fr0stfur
  392. (Baymax) <[Y-yeah...I think I might've hit my head a bit too hard on that wall...] *fires missiles at Gamoni, but they end up almost hitting Makia instead*
  393. Test
  394. 12:52
  395. Gallibon the Destroyer
  396. (Makia) <(AH!) *runs away from missiles*
  397. (Gamoni) *sees Makia and leaps at him*
  398. (Gamoni) *grabs Makia and strangles him*
  399. 12:53
  400. Fr0stfur
  401. (Baymax) <[Get away from him!] *turns his arm into a sledgehammer and bashes Gamoni's head with it*
  402. 12:53
  403. Gallibon the Destroyer
  404. (Gamoni) *threatening Baymax* <(Get any closer and I'll squash his head like a grape!)
  405. Fr0stfur
  406. oh...
  407. lol
  408. Retcon that
  409. 12:53
  410. Gallibon the Destroyer
  411. (Gamoni) *eyes glow red*
  412. (Makia) *sweating bullets*
  413. 12:54
  414. Fr0stfur
  415. Baymax didn't do that xd
  416. 12:54
  417. Gallibon the Destroyer
  418. I knows.
  419. 12:54
  420. Fr0stfur
  421. (Baymax) <[Uh....]
  422. 12:54
  423. Gallibon the Destroyer
  424. Either way, Makia is in danger.
  425. (Gamoni) <(WELL!?)
  426. (Makia) *mouths the words "help me"*
  427. 12:56
  428. Fr0stfur
  429. (Baymax) *backs away, secretly getting out a Paralysis Missile out of Gamoni's view*
  430. (Baymax) <[Uh, we can talk about this...] *remotely controls the missile, moving it out of Gamoni's line of sight as he moves past a table*
  431. 12:58
  432. Gallibon the Destroyer
  433. (Gamoni) <(What do have there!? IS IT A MISSILE!? YOU KNOW I HATE THOSE!!!)
  434. (Makia) *bites Gamoni's arm*
  435. (Gamoni) *roars loudly in pain*
  436. 12:59
  437. Fr0stfur
  438. (Baymax) *throws the missile into Gamoni*
  439. test
  440. 1:00
  441. Gallibon the Destroyer
  442. (Gamoni) *sees the missile and uses Makia as a shield*
  443. (Makia) *is hit by the missile*
  444. (Gamoni) *throws Makia at Baymax*
  445. 1:02
  446. Fr0stfur
  447. (Baymax) *dodges, firing eye lasers at Gamoni*
  448. 1:02
  449. Gallibon the Destroyer
  450. (Gamoni) *takes a few hits from Baymax's lasers and fires a green fireball at Baymax*
  451. (Makia) *on the ground* <(Damnit.)
  452. 1:04
  453. Fr0stfur
  454. (Baymax) *counters the fireball with a blast of electricity*
  455. (Baymax) *turns his arm into a cannon and launches a plasma sphere at Gamoni*
  456. 1:06
  457. Gallibon the Destroyer
  458. (Gamoni) *gets hit by the plasma sphere and is sent back by the blast*
  459. (Makia) *to Baymax* <(Could you help me?)
  460. 1:07
  461. Fr0stfur
  462. (Baymax) <[Oh, yeah!] *helps Makia*
  463. 1:08
  464. Gallibon the Destroyer
  465. (Makia) <(Here's your drink.) *hands Baymax his drink from the bar*
  466. 1:10
  467. Fr0stfur
  468. (Baymax) <[Thanks!]
  469. 1:11
  470. Gallibon the Destroyer
  471. (Gamoni) *gets back up*
  472. (Gamoni) <(I'll finish you guys off later...but in the meantime, I have other plans for tonight.)
  473. (Gamoni) <(No wait, that didn't sound right...)
  474. (Gamoni) <(But anyways, I'll see you guys later. Au revoir.)
  475. (Gamoni) *leaves*
  476. (Makia) <(Should we go after her?)
  477. 1:13
  478. Fr0stfur
  479. (Baymax) <[Eh. We'll get her next time anyways.]
  480. 1:13
  481. Gallibon the Destroyer
  482. (Makia) <(Yeah.) *drinks his Mtn. Dew*
  483. (Makia) <(Should we go home now?)
  484. (Makia) <(Or wherever we live?)
  485. 1:15
  486. Fr0stfur
  487. (Baymax) <[Sure.]
  488. Gallibon the Destroyer
  489. (Makia) <(Good.)
  490. 1:15
  491. Fr0stfur
  492. I GTG soon anyways
  493. I need to get to drawing Baymax
  495. 1:16
  496. Gallibon the Destroyer
  497. I still have all 8:01 from now. XD
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