
JacksonSpar- 11/25/2015

Nov 25th, 2015
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  1. LordCainKnightLord: this is where the tounament will be at,
  2. Guest_JacksonLector: Thank you Lord Cain
  3. LordCainKnightLord: mark it
  4. RaduBarvon: Nice. I like this.
  5. Guest_JacksonLector: Will make a great arena
  6. LordCainKnightLord: ok i have told the owner you two are here,so if anyone eless comes in tell them you have permission too be here
  7. RaduBarvon: Alright
  8. RaduBarvon: Shall we start over then, Jackson?
  9. Guest_JacksonLector: -moves to the ring, his armor slightly polished and his sword sharpend. As he moved to ground he put his sword on a bench and readed himself for the spar. His hands flexing and his arms still, he would study and try to predict any possible move and outcome. He then would move a hand into his poket and take it out, trying to concel it in his fist as he gets in a fighting stance "When ever your ready my lord"
  10. RaduBarvon: (brb I need make something to eat really quick)
  11. Guest_JacksonLector: (tyt)
  12. RaduBarvon: (Alright. Shall we get started?)
  13. Guest_JacksonLector: (lol i said my peice)
  14. RaduBarvon: The vampire watched and rolled the cigarette between his teeth a little as he watched closely. His eyes narrowed as the corner of his lips curled upward. Two tiny points of white could be seen poking down onto his lips as he grined. "Alright then. So you're not going to use weapons. Fair enough," he clenched his palms tightly. With a FWOOSH they burst into bright blue flames swirling around his hands up to his wrists. "Shall we? I should warn you that my kind have the ability of speed incapable of most humans..." He took a stance and raised a hand before his face as the blue glow reflected on his dark grin.
  15. Guest_JacksonLector: Jackson began to stand out of his stance and grin as he slowly walked toward Radu his arms open, his eyes locked onto him. His posture relaxed and steady as he continued slowly and then as came almost in arms lengh he close his eyes and took a darning step forward, using his ears and nose to act as sencers, scanning the room and his opponent as he slowly walked forward
  16. RaduBarvon: "Interesting choice of moves," he spoke softly and jumped up in the air as he gently landed a foot on the other's shoulders before reaching down gripping the other's hair gently before springing off. "Hope you have a bucket of water," he chuckled a little.
  17. Guest_JacksonLector: -As he landed on his sholders, jackson would drop down in hopes of him falling with him slamming down a smoke pellet as he rollled forward and turned quickly examining the smoke for any brightness in the smoke "I have my suprises..buckets of water is to obvious, why not just smother it untill its out'
  18. RaduBarvon: Tilting his head to the side he managed to fall forward and brace his impact with the groun with the side of his face. "Ow..." He grumbled a bit and rolled his body to the side and away from his opponents. The fire faded slowly as he lay there for a moment. "Smothering still leaves the posibility of reignition!" he groaned a bit and pushed himself up and sat on the ground, "Especially if you use questionable material to smother," he inhaled the smoke from the pellet and coughed a little. It wasn't like cigarette smoke, but it was at least a little tolerable. His eyes darted around the room quickly as he waved a hand as it light on fire again sening heat out towards the source of the smoke from the pellet. "Surprised you're using chemicals," he reached out trying to ignite the smoke on fire as the pellet caught aflame with a blue blaze.
  19. Guest_JacksonLector: he would dart behind a pillar, keeping from the combustion of the smoke as he closed his eyes hearing any form of foot steps and waiting behind keeping silent and letting the ignition be used as the distraction
  20. RaduBarvon: Brows furrowing he flicked his hands around as fire was flung in the directions he was aiming. The blue flames fizzled and died as they hit the cold stone leaving scorch marks everywhere however there were a few flames that caught the wooden structures as they burst into flames. "Can't hide if I burn down the whole room," he chuckeld darkly as the grin curled upward further.
  21. Guest_JacksonLector: He would look at the wood that cought flame and try to mimic his position in his mind getting more pellets at the ready and he then comes ut of hiding looking at him and sprints toward him at full speed, jumping at toward him at the halfway mark, his legs under him and his arms streached out ashe used the momentum to fling the pelletes at his face. causing them to burst on impact letting him tackle his opponent with an arm up high ready to make the lethal strike
  22. Guest_JacksonLector: (record of 6 smoke pellets left xD)
  23. RaduBarvon: Radu winced a bit as the pellets exploded on his face as he swatted the smoke away. Quickly he felt the impact of the other as he grabbed at the other's limbs singing at the armor and leather that covered the other warrior. Baring his fangs he hissed and growled, "Get off. You don't know how to kill my kind anyways," he grumbled and glared at the other.
  24. Guest_JacksonLector: He would look at him moving off as he brushed off the smoke and looked at his burnt gear "Oh dear..i need to replace this..and you brunt my arms abit"
  25. Guest_JacksonLector: he laughed and offered to help him up
  26. RaduBarvon: Pressing his palms to the floor the flames extinguish slowly as he took the other's hand and got up, "There are a few pointers I could easily give to you if you so choose. Particularly against an Ifrit"
  27. Guest_JacksonLector: I would love them
  28. Guest_JacksonLector: any critisism and adivce would be well recieved my lord
  29. RaduBarvon: Well for a start, I'm a baron, not a lord. Next off, perhaps adding some of the 5 senses to your post. Smell, Touch, Taste, Sight, Sound. I know I didn't do that, but it was simply a spar and I wanted to see what you could do. But definitely a lot more in depth. Write as if you are trying to describe a movie in your head. Secondly, if you are going against a fire-user, avoid the use of anything that can catch fire. That might help with some kind of magics as well. Because you will be fighting a shapeshifter or two. Using more than just conventional tools of the trade will come in handy.
  30. Guest_JacksonLector: -nods taking the information in- Im trying my old assassin moves back when i was really good at this type of thing
  31. Guest_JacksonLector: modeled after assassins creed but with my own design
  32. Guest_JacksonLector: deception is my number one weapon
  33. RaduBarvon: -nods- It would work.... on a human. I know Kiara wants to try to use a dragon form. I'm not sure which sort of dragonic lore she follows, although I will say the typical consensus is that you need to remove a scale and attack there. I personally find her as a bit of a godmodder though so be prepared for that. Lilica, I have no idea about what she's going to be doing. There is going to be another human in the competition that I know of. He's got these capsules he injects into himself to gain the same abilities as myself as he is from the same series. I don't know much about Leon other than he likes to provoke. If Lilica becomes a crusnik before then... go for the head. They can die just like any other creature however they are just simply more powerful.
  34. Guest_JacksonLector: -nods- Thank you my lord
  35. Guest_JacksonLector: Can we try again?
  36. RaduBarvon: Alright. If you really want, that's okay.
  37. Guest_JacksonLector: I want to win
  38. RaduBarvon: Well
  39. RaduBarvon: In a spar, it will always end in a yeild or draw
  40. RaduBarvon: You cannot kill in a spar, and I believe in the tournament, it is to a yeild as well
  41. Guest_JacksonLector: Well
  42. Guest_JacksonLector: Can i give you a detail of my gear?
  43. RaduBarvon: Sure
  44. RaduBarvon: Do you want to pratice descriptive posts then?
  45. Guest_JacksonLector: actualyl yes
  46. Guest_JacksonLector: but leme tell you what i am working with
  47. RaduBarvon: fair
  48. Guest_JacksonLector: Grapling hook, 10 smoke pellets, two wrist blades, a sword, bottles of potions (2 sleep, 2 that makes you sick, 2 that causes suffication) 5 throwing daggers, 10ft of rope, 5 hidden blades and 2 rages
  49. Guest_JacksonLector: *rags
  50. RaduBarvon: Alright. So then your character would certainly make noise when he walked if he has that much gear, correct?
  51. Guest_JacksonLector: Most of it is snuffed into leather pouches
  52. Guest_JacksonLector: to take care of any forms of noise
  53. Guest_JacksonLector: ill mst likely not use my sword
  54. RaduBarvon: Hmm, okay. What sort of sword is it?
  55. Guest_JacksonLector: nothing magical
  56. Guest_JacksonLector: its purpose is to be tipped wit potions
  57. RaduBarvon: Alright. Is it a katana, a broadsword, a zweihender, a claymore, a raipier?
  58. Guest_JacksonLector: Custom
  59. Guest_JacksonLector: its a sacrificial style weapon
  60. Guest_JacksonLector: all weight is balanced to give since most of the mass is centered
  61. RaduBarvon: Alright. What is the blade itself like?
  62. Guest_JacksonLector: Its marked with my guilds symbole and it has a shapness but small holes beyond the sharp point to hold drops of poison
  63. Guest_JacksonLector: the blad is forwarded
  64. RaduBarvon: Alright then. How about this. Give me a detailed post about your character simply standing in a field out in the wild.
  65. Guest_JacksonLector: Jack would stand out in a field, his eyes look up at the sun as he moves his hand to shade his eyes. He would smell the fresh air and close his eyes enjoying the wind as his passes agaisnt his skin. He then let his ears listen for any sound of wildlife. His mouth opens slightly to tast the sweet air allowing himself to be draw into the rays of heat, feeling joy in his heart as he kept his face up and his eyes slowly close
  66. RaduBarvon: Relatively good. How about.....
  67. RaduBarvon: (using radu as an example)
  68. RaduBarvon: Radu stood in the center of the field, the moonlight pale and cool flooding over the scene before him. His eyes, equal in blue to the dark cerulian of the night sky, scanned the tall bowing blades of grass. Off in the distance a few crickets chatterd with one another as a larke called out sorrowfully. The long, tan-dry stalks of grass rustled in a hushed whisper as their wickery scent wafted into the air playing with the subtle notes of the tall pines that ringed the clearing. The vampire paced forward as his hand reached down and gently brushed along the top of the flora as the tops of the blades tickled his palms. Memories of running through here flooded his mind as he picked up the pace as if chasing the phantasmic memory of himself through the field. A twig snapped in the line of trees. He stopped and stared. Narrowing his eyes, he focused and saw the shadowy figure of another. Who was this?
  69. RaduBarvon: Even then, that is short compared to what some of the others are going to be typing in the tournament.
  70. Guest_JacksonLector: -nods in attention-
  71. Guest_JacksonLector: I think i get it
  72. RaduBarvon: Yeah. lol As I said earlier, some backstory can add a LOT of padding to a post.
  73. Guest_JacksonLector: ok, br real fast and give me another
  74. RaduBarvon: Alright then.
  75. Guest_JacksonLector: ok back
  76. RaduBarvon: wb
  77. RaduBarvon: Here... I found an old post from a FB Rp I did before.
  78. RaduBarvon: Monster. He had been called that so many times before in his life; particularly by those he had once lived with while on Mars. Of course they would see such a being as himself as a creature. Genetically engineered beings such as himself were commonly the victim of such twisted prejudice. The silver-haired man slid a grey-gloved hand underneath the round lenses that rested upon his nose and rubbed his eyelids. The icy blue eyes stung a bit and felt rather dry but perhaps that was due to the lack of tears he now had. To take the pain of the word 'monster' further he was one of the four who had been experimented on when he discovered the kudlak and krusnik bacilli. At the time it seemed like a revolutionary idea to be able to infused oneself with such substances and change what they were going to become. Only Abel and his test-tube siblings were the ones who were able to survive being fused with the latter of the bacilli as the rest of the vaginal-born colonizers revived the kudlak and became what those who remained on Earth could only call... vampire. From that point on in his life he really did become a monster. All he had to do was activate what science had labeled 'nanomachines' in his body and he'd instantly transform. Having to use such abilities was something the man wished to avoid. The book fell from his arms and flapped its way to the floor. The crusnik snapped out of such memories and picked it up dusting off the musty cover with a small sigh. That was all over nine-hundred years ago and since then he had been to hell and back now serving the Vatican. Redemption; for the longest time he himself was contra mundi. Enemy of the world, Abel had slaughtered hundreds of those who remained on Earth (known as the Terrans) in the name of the Methusela (the name those who returned from Mars gave to themselves) yet quickly changed when betrayed by his own brother. "Cain..." he muttered to himself as he flipped open the book seeing ancient language he frowned a little. His older brother... the first crusnik ever created had killed their mother, beheading her and practically shoving the piece in Abel's horrified face. Since then, he quickly changed his ways and fought solely for peace between all. Pacing quietly towards the bookshelf the numerous rosaries and crucifixes jingled together and glinted in the low torchlight. Despite wearing the heavy black layers that symbolized his priesthood, the man was relatively thing yet well toned. Bending down he frowned trying to find where amongst the other books the one he held went. Screw it! Standing at roughly six feet ten inches (of course, he's not human now is he) the priest set the book on top of the shelf. Abel paused for a moment then frowned. Something within the hall felt off. Turning his attention back to the shelves the priest nearly jumped out of his skin upon hearing the door collapse. "AH! That's going to be taken out of my pay," he frowned a bit then stood straight with a frown. The stranger spoke as the father stood watching a bit, "Then if that is truly who and what you claim to be, in the name of Pope Alessandro XVII, I curse and condemn you for entering such a holy place!" Despite his devotion to his vows and the cloth, Abel himself had no real belief in the deity know as God. A gloved hand slowly reached inside the breast of the heavily decorated coat and gripped the cool metal handle of a revolver. This seemed like a good situation to call for backup... but alas... he was the only one there for the time being.
  79. Guest_JacksonLector: lord
  80. RaduBarvon: THAT is the kind of posting that's most likely going to happen.
  81. Guest_JacksonLector: -nods-
  82. RaduBarvon: That's not even the longest post I've ever done. x'D
  83. Guest_JacksonLector: alright..lets try again
  84. RaduBarvon: Alright. You can go ahead and start.
  85. Guest_JacksonLector: leme go get meh food firstr
  86. RaduBarvon: alright
  87. RaduBarvon: Alright I'll make you a deal.
  88. RaduBarvon: You go ahead and work on a nice long post
  89. RaduBarvon: I want to run to go get mcdonalds thanks to lilica.
  90. Guest_JacksonLector: bk
  91. Guest_JacksonLector: lol ok
  92. Guest_JacksonLector: ill
  93. RaduBarvon: xD I will be back in a bit
  94. Guest_JacksonLector: xD be safe
  95. RaduBarvon: I will be. I'm going to save this whole log
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