
Oz is technicolor

Mar 28th, 2018
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  1. Covet: [XD the dressing room has a boyfriend/hubby bench XD]
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat on the floor in the dressing room of Kohls because they have nice stuff I guess, her legs hugged tightly to her chest with her arms wrapped around her legs, her head tipped down into her knees as she cried hysterically. She'd been trying on a bikini and staring at herself when she broke down, and now this is what she's sitting on the dirty floor wearing.-
  3. Alexithymiaa: (Naturally. And Im looking at the items on the racks and thinking, "Kohls, you have such a variety.")
  4. Covet: [XD]
  5. Covet: Felix had made his way through the mall, kind of turned around because he wasn't that familiar with this mall. That only made him more irritated, which made him grumble, which caused him to cough and sound like he was hacking up a lung worse than when he first quit. He finally made his way into the store and located the dressing rooms. He knocked on the outside, because it might be suspicious if he just walked in. He sounded terrible and had that stuffy nose sound to his voice. "Steph? It's me...Is it alright if I come in?"
  6. Alexithymiaa: -Hearing Felix's familiar yet strange voice, she lifted her wet face from her knees and looked up, her voice escaping in the tiniest sound. "Yes..."-
  7. Covet: He slipped behind the curtain, not caring if anyone wanted to get on his ass about it. He saw Steph on the floor wrapped up in a ball. He sat down on the floor with her, and rubbed her hand over her back. "You know.. this typically isn't how you get a bathing suit wet."
  8. Alexithymiaa: (HAH)
  9. Alexithymiaa: -The second he opened his big mouth, she burst into tears again, unrolling herself from a ball and shifting to throw her arms around him, burying her face into his collar, her words muffled from his shirt and her tears. "I'm sorry I havent listened to you and I'm sorry that I was keeping things from you. You didnt deserve that and I'm sorry for dragging you down here. I can't do this by myself and I thought I could, but I can't and I went to the shelter and he was such a good boy and he's all alone and if no one saves him, he's going to die alone and I'm going to die alone if I cant save myself."-
  10. Covet: Felix pulled her into a hug as she cried and went on and on, his face scrunching up at moments trying to peice the context of everything together. "I really hope you mean the animal shelter, because We're not bringing home a hobo and claiming him as a pet. That's too far, and I refuse to fight over pets, anymore than I already have to with the rest of the zoo." He told her sternly, but obviously joking trying to lighten the mood. "You're not going to die alone, Steph. I'm hurt, that you didn't listen, or talk to me. But I can't really hold too much against you, when I did the same thing. Don't worry about dragging me down here, The worst part was that I couldn't get here quicker for you." He told her pressing his head to hers.
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She squeezed her eyes closed and held onto him, nodding her head kind of absently. "I went to give them the monthly donation and they had the saddest looking good boy. We sat together for awhile and I think I was projecting a lot of my feelings onto him, but he gave me a good hug and I forced myself to leave." She paused, smacking her hand into his arm gently. "Don't let me go to the shelter by myself." Sniffling and rubbing her hand against her face since she was a mess, she eased back from him, staring into his face. "I thought I would be okay, but I'm not. I'm not okay, Arizona."-
  12. Covet: " Aww, I'm sure he could tell you needed a hug." Felix said, because of course animals are smart. He laughed as she smacked him, " I didn't even know you were going. Do they get weird animals in the shelter here? The ones in Tucson, get tarantulas, and lizards all the time. An armadillo once." He looked back at her and brushed her hair back out of her face and over her ear, " I think you're being to hard on yourself. Expecting more than what you're capable of. This is one of those things that takes time. And a lot of it starts by stopping the comparrison of your current self with your former self. How can you expect growth , and forward momentum, if you're running backwards?"
  13. CovetCovet : *too hard
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Mostly just dogs and cats." She spoke as she stared into his face, giving a quick jerk of her shoulder. "You make it sound so easy. How am I supposed to do that when every single day that I get up and get dressed, I'm reminded that my clothes don't fit me anymore?" She lowered her chin, dropping her eyes from his. "This is an instance where I'm going to struggle regardless of what I do..."-
  15. Covet: "You stop looking at is like it's a negative thing." Felix told her. "You can't sit here on the floor, and honestly tell me that you didn't know this was going to happen. Or is this more of your pretending it's not going to happen, bullshit?" He asked in an even tone tilting his head to look at her. "You needing to go shopping, because things are too small, is a good thing. That is something to celebrate, not cry on the floor of a department store dressing room. Being as thin as you were, is know this too, as you're constantly beating yourself up for the damage you've done to yourself. But where's that guilt when you're running until you're heart nearly gives out?" He asked then took a deep breath, "This whole thing is a struggle, the difference is, if you stop fighting the change, eventually, it becomes less and less of a struggle."
  16. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "I just thought it was something I could get in and get out doing it quickly and not paying much attention to the act itself." She admitted, finally looking up at him. "It doesnt feel like a good thing. It feels like I'm staring at my reflection and hating everything I see and there's nothing I can do about that. I don't know what to do..."-
  17. Covet: "Mistake number one right there." Felix told her, "You've been struggling with this for years. And you thought it would be better in a few months? People that gain and drop weight for movies, can't make those kind of turn arounds that quick, even with a trainer." Felix stood up and took her hands, to help pull her to her feet. "Stand up, and look in that mirror and tell me exactly what you hate."
  18. Alexithymiaa: -She put her hands in his and pulled herself up to her feet, hesitant to look into the mirror and avoiding it a minute because that's how she ended up on the floor in the first place. Exhaling deeply, she finally turned around to stare at herself in the mirror, her arms coming around herself to hide her middle from view. "Everything is in all the wrong places..."-
  19. Covet: Felix watched her intently, and raised an eyebrow, " Can you show me what's in the wrong place? I'm not seeing anything that's where it shouldn't be." He asked looking her over, not in a checking out way, or juding way either.
  20. Alexithymiaa: She glanced down at her legs, moving her hand in a slicing motion against her thigh. "Instead of having any kind of an ass, I just have excess leg. And instead of having good boobs, all of my fat is just..." She moved her hands to her middle, curling her fingers into the skin of her stomach and then shaking her head. "I can't... I want to go home."-
  21. Covet: "Stop." Felix said, taking her hands and holding them at her sides. "There is not an ounce of fat on you. If you want an ass, it requires building muscle, not starving it. Good boobs can be purchased, and I'm quite happy with what you have. Have you ever heard me complain?" He asked her. "Now you want to know what I see?" Felix looked in her eyes, through the reflection of the mirror. "I see someone who looks like life is coming back to embrace her. When I first met you, your skin, had this pale opacity to it, But now it's like you got picked up out of Kansas and dropped in Oz, because I can see pink to your skin. And you know how I feel about pink. Your Eyes aren't as sunken and sad as they were when I met you, Even your hair seems brighter. " He told her cupping her face as he touched her body softly caressing her in a comforting way, " Please don't go wandering back to Kansas, This place..where you're at now, is starting to look good on you, But this is technicolor, and I want to see how 4kUHD looks on you. Even if it blinds me." He told her giving her a kiss.
  22. Alexithymiaa: -She stood and stared at herself in the mirror as she listened to pretty much the best metaphor she'd ever heard, way to go Felix, blinking back the tears in her eyes before turning around to face him, returning the kiss. "Thank you..." She let out a sigh and leaned into him for hugs. "Let me change out of this so we can leave. I dont want to be here anymore." She gave him a nudge toward the curtain so he would step out and she could change into full clothes in peace.-
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