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a guest
Nov 11th, 2016
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  1. # This config file is only provided as an example file.
  2. # Edit it to sute your needs.
  3. # For more info on how to edit this file. use the Readme.txt file or visit
  4. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. [Bec]
  6. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. # Set the ip to your server. normally will be fine.
  8. Ip=
  9. # Set the port to the server. default port is 2302
  10. Port=2306
  11. # Set the path to the BattlEye directory that is currently in use by the server.
  12. BePath=..\config\BattlEye
  13. # Set the path to your Admins.xml file containing your admins.
  14. Admins=Admins.xml
  15. # Set the path to your Commands.xml file.
  16. Commands=Commands.xml
  17. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. [Misc]
  19. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  20. # Set which type of hacks that will be added to your banlist.
  21. # 0 = none. 1 = GameHack. 2 = Battleye Hack. 3 = both GameHack & Battleye Hack.
  22. # value 3 is set as default if this parameter is not defined.
  23. Ban=3
  24. # Set the height & width of Becs console window
  25. ConsoleHeight=45
  26. ConsoleWidth=165
  27. # Only allow english chars.
  28. AsciiNickOnly=False
  29. # Only allow english chars to be typed on the chat. Note, Warnings must be enabled. 0 or more.
  30. AsciiChatOnly=True
  31. # If AsciiChatOnly is set True. you can define none english chars that will be accepted.
  32. # You separate each char with a , "note you need to define lower and upper case of the chars."
  33. IgnoreChatChars=€,£,æ,Æ,ø,Ø,å,Å,ö,ä,ü,ß
  34. # Set the amount of warnings a player will get before kicked. -1 is disabled. 0 instant kick
  35. # 1 == one warning on a bad word. next bad word results in kick
  36. Warnings=3
  37. # Kick players who has listed chars in their name
  38. DisallowPlayerNameChars={}()0123456789
  39. # Min length, kicks players who has to short name.
  40. MinPlayerNameLength=3
  41. # Max length, kicks players who has to long name.
  42. MaxPlayerNameLength=16
  43. # Set the name of your Arma3server.exe if it has been renamed from arma3server.exe to something else!
  44. # if the exe has its original name. comment it out.
  46. #ServerExeName = NewArmaExeName.exe
  47. # Set path to the file containing a list of bad words. Note, Warnings must be enabled. 0 or more.
  48. WordFilterFile=BadWords.txt
  49. # Set the path to the file containing whitelisted guids.
  50. #WhiteListFile = WhiteList.txt
  51. # Set custom whitelist kick message. Text must be in ascii letters. MAX 58 CHARS. BE only does ascii on messages
  52. #WhileListKickMsg = you are not whitelisted on this server.
  53. # Kick people with offensive names
  54. NickFilterFile=BadNames.txt
  55. # Set the path to the Scheduler.xml file.
  56. Scheduler=Scheduler.xml
  57. # Kick people who are idleing in the lobby, kick will happen after given time, Min time is 90 sec. use 0 to disable this function.
  58. KickLobbyIdlers=0
  59. # If enabled. Bec will create seperate chat files for each channel along with the main file.
  60. #ChatChannelFiles = false
  61. # Set the amount of Normal players who can connect. Set it to -1 to disable it.
  62. # If set to 0 it means only players who are listed in the Admins.xml, (or whatever you call it) will be able to connect to the server.
  63. # Quick Example 1: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins. then set SlotLimit to 45.
  64. # Quick Example 2: server can holed 50 players. and you want to reserve 5 slots for admins and 5 slots for friends. then set SlotLimit to 40,
  65. # AND edit your admins.xml. ADD in all your frineds guid and remaining data, put them in group example 100. or whatever you feel likt.
  66. # by using this method you can give some of your friends some access to some commands if you like or none.
  67. # in general this is works like .Whitelisting X player slots for admins and friends, while leaving the remaining Y slots for public.
  68. SlotLimit=-1
  69. # Set the message people will get when they try to connect and is not whitelisted. Text must be in ascii letters.
  70. SlotLimitKickMsg=The Server has reached its player limit.
  71. # The amount of time Bec will wait for the server to start up.
  72. Timeout=30
  73. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [Reporter]
  75. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  76. # Reporter account. Fill in the username and password for your reporter account.
  77. # GameHacks, BattlEye Hacks will be reported to a database. all players who connect will also be checked against this database.
  78. # Set the Username for your account
  79. #User = alfred
  80. # Set the Password for your account
  81. #Password = 123456
  82. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  83. [ChatRestriction]
  84. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. # Set max amount of chat lines a player is allowed to send for each channel.
  86. # Going passed the number will result in kick. -1 is disabled, 0 isntant kick.
  87. # If the number is higher than 0 players will be sent warnings.
  88. Lobby=30
  89. Global=5
  90. Side=0
  91. Group=0
  92. Vehicle=0
  93. Command=13
  94. Commander=15
  95. Direct=17
  96. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [ChatSpam]
  98. #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  99. # Set max amount of chat lines per channel allowed within given time frame.
  100. # Set the values to 0 to disable this function(s)
  101. # Quick Example:
  102. # Lobby = 5
  103. # Lobby_Time_Lower = 10
  104. # Lobby_Time_Upper = 15
  105. # If the time between each new chatlines from a player is less than CHANNEL_Time_Lower the spam counter increases by + 1.
  106. # Consider the CHANNEL (Lobby) as the spam counter.
  107. # When a player has (CHANNEL - 1) in spam counting. a warning will be sent to whom it may consern.
  108. # If the time between each new chatline from the player is Greater than CHANNEL_Time_Lower and Less than CHANNEL_Time_Upper the spam counter stay as it is.
  109. # If the time since the last chatline is greater then CHANNEL_Time_Upper the spam counter is reset to 1.
  110. # To get optimal result play around a bit with the values on your server.
  111. Lobby=0
  112. Lobby_Time_Lower=0
  113. Lobby_Time_Upper=0
  114. Global=0
  115. Global_Time_Lower=0
  116. Global_Time_Upper=0
  117. Side=0
  118. Side_Time_Lower=0
  119. Side_Time_Upper=0
  120. Group=2
  121. Group_Time_Lower=1
  122. Group_Time_Upper=3
  123. Vehicle=0
  124. Vehicle_Time_Lower=0
  125. Vehicle_Time_Upper=0
  126. Command=0
  127. Command_Time_Lower=0
  128. Command_Time_Upper=0
  129. Commander=0
  130. Commander_Time_Lower=0
  131. Commander_Time_Upper=0
  132. Direct=0
  133. Direct_Time_Lower=0
  134. Direct_Time_Upper=0
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