
Sep 12th, 2012
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  1. The truth is these users, are trying to agree to these bullshit that is made by "COOL USERS" and they aren't cool at all,These users think that if they agree to what these dumbshit say, they will be cool, and I'm 100% sure they will go nowhere. So STOP TRYING TO BE COOL BY AGREEING TO THIS BULLSHIT, BECAUSE IT WONT MAKE YOU COOL.Everyone knows that what I'm saying it true, but you keep making it false and faking it.Rile5 is going nowhere if you keep doing this bullshit.Yeah guys, keep disliking my posts, because it's the truth, and you don't want anyone to know the truth, time ago, I saw Nick posting bullshit piece of idiotic spam and he got a lot of likes and +1's, if I swear someone like Natedog or Nikolaaa or other users, which I respect them more than you guys, if they post what did Nick say, they will -1's him, they will say shut up or doing their shits, but but, you won't give -1's if someone like Nick, Stanley, Matei say it, you will +1 them.Stop doing this shit, stop faking the damn truth stop stop it, with what you are doing the forums goes no where. forgot something about the trusted shit, like what Sree motioned, Matei and Tybone got their trusted for free, they did no shit. The rule is for everyone to follow. I'm not sure if they were even deleted from the trusted list, because I never saw them untrusted when they cleaned the trusted list, this is one of the bullshit examples.
  3. -Nets/MrFox
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