
MonMusu Mekton Quest: Episode 21

Feb 3rd, 2016
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  1. 8:00 PM - GMing Mekton: You gaze in disbelief at the pen in your hand. Eve removes her own hand from your shoulder, folding her arms and nodding resolutely. "You're certainly special, Kari. While you were the first of your species I've encountered, if the rest of them are half as talented as you are, then the galaxy is in for a surprise."
  2. 8:08 PM - Kari: Kari chitters in what can only be a distant laugh. "Th-thanks, Eve... I... I guess it's all just a lot to take in. I have no idea how I'm going to tell my family all this. That I'm a wraith, that I'm psionic, what that even is and I intend to get cybernetics at some point. It's... It's all so much. I'm just some girl off the street who always wanted to pilot a mek. Then I find something for Mr. Silk and in the blink of an eye I'm... I'm someone important. My whole life's just... 'bam'." Kari mocks a little explosion with one hand, giggling quietly. "And it's all fighting and rescue missions."
  4. Hanging her head in one hand for a minute, she just breathes quietly there as she processes. After a moment, she sits up a little straighter and holds the pen out for the doctor. "Thanks for the pen. Guess I'd better get used to this stuff, huh? It's not so bad. I'm getting hired to help people, right?"
  5. 8:14 PM - GMing Mekton: The Raz'ask gives an understanding caw as it cocks its head, ruffling its wings. "I would not call it 'hired' so much as 'recruited'. It sounds more important that way." He tilts his head, giving you a wink. Eve nods in response, taking his answer seriously. "It's true. You are not simply filling a vacant position, you are providing invaluable assistance to the galaxy as a whole. WIth your raw talent, the inherent edge in a conversation you'll have by being a mostly unrecognized race, your newfound psionic abilities... like it or not, Kari, you are a force to be reckoned with. Once we hone your abilities further, you'll truly be a force of good for this galaxy, one it so desperately needs."
  6. 8:18 PM - Kari: Kari laughs quietly, enjoying the quip about sounding more important. Turning to Eve, however, her eyes start to swirl with some brighter colours finally. "A 'force to be reckonned with' huh? Heh... Sounds kinda cool coming from someone you like." A big smile spreads across her face, and with one more giggle, she nods in the affirmative. "Alright. When do we start?"
  7. 8:23 PM - GMing Mekton: Eve offers you a small smile, the metal clacking of one hand tapping against her opposite forearm resounding through the room. "You already have. For now, we need to get you initiated properly. There will be a meeting with the Council, you will need to get proper Federation and Wraith IDs and papers... there's a fairly extensive process to it. Lucky for you, most of it is handled by others."
  8. 8:23 PM - Kari: "Do I get a cute uniform too?" she says with a touch of snark.
  9. 8:24 PM - GMing Mekton: "You'll have to earn your cute uniform," Eve snarks in return.
  10. 8:29 PM - Kari: With a giggle, Kari opens her eyes to peer into Eve's. "Yes, Ma'am~." Turning back to the doctor, Kari gives him a curious look. "So do I need further examining, sir? Or should I get to being initiated?"
  11. 8:32 PM - GMing Mekton: He chuckles, sounding much like a cawing crow. "You'll find our medical technology a far sight better than what you're likely used to, being from a civilization lacking spaceflight. I've already given you a thorough check - to the best of my knowledge, which is lacking on your particular species - and general checks all check out. You are a healthy and well individual."
  12. 8:37 PM - Kari: "Oh! Well that's easy. Thanks~." Standing up from her seat, she gives her neck and crack and turns to Eve. "So! Shall we get down to business? Or did you have questions for the doctor too?"
  13. 8:52 PM - GMing Mekton: Eve shakes her head, approaching the doctor and shaking hands. Turning to you, she says, "No, I believe I've had my questions answered. If you're ready, I am prepared to disembark at any time. We will make for the Council and prepare to get you initiated immediately. The sooner you can get your papers, the sooner you'll be able to go on proper Federation-assigned missions and make a name for yourself among the ranks of the Wraiths."
  14. 8:54 PM - Kari: "Alright. What does that all involve? Do I need to go through like... special operations training or something?"
  15. 9:02 PM - GMing Mekton: "You will, yes. Though depending on what you elect to specialize in, you may be required to undergo additional training to further hone specific skills."
  16. 9:07 PM - Kari: "It was nice to meet you, doctor," Kari says, giving him a wave as she steps out of the door. "Okay, so what kind of specialties can I pick from? Is it like... between weapons and stuff?"
  17. 9:08 PM - GMing Mekton: "Weapons, psionic specialization, technical capabilities and mecha piloting, among other things."
  18. 9:16 PM - GMing Mekton: The doctor nods, bidding you farewell as the two of you depart. Walking through the halls of the station, you reenter your ship. Walking through the halls, you arrive back on the bridge, and watch as Eve sets a course deeper towards the center of the galaxy. You watch the projected course pop up on the holomap, and feel the ship jarr slightly before humming forwards and departing from the station, leaving it behind.
  19. 9:20 PM - Kari: Kari shifts slightly with the decoupling of the ship, and looks over the course being plotted. "Is that where the federation is based? What's the place like?"
  20. 9:28 PM - GMing Mekton: She nods. "The Federation's 'homeworld' of sorts, though not belonging to any particular race. It was the Raz'ask that originally conceived of the Federation, so it was originally a Raz'ask planet before they donated it as a collective for the galaxy's benefit. It took many years for a proper Federation to develop, and even then it held no power until some time after."
  21. 9:32 PM - GMing Mekton: "The planet itself is hyperdeveloped to such an extent that it qualifies as a 'hive planet', being colonized by the various races of the Council. The entire planet's surface is covered with interconnected structures and towering spires. The Council themselves are located in the upper regions of these spires. Think of it like... a planet-sized castle."
  22. 9:42 PM - Kari: "That sounds amazing...! And... kind of terrifying and intimidating.... but still really cool." Kari giggles to herself and wrings her hands as she thinks about all the people who will probably be staring at her.
  23. 9:44 PM - GMing Mekton: Eve smile, turning to face you and leaning against a railing, folding her arms as she speaks. "The initation process isn't public. It's a private matter between you, the Council and any special guests. Such as myself, for example."
  24. 9:46 PM - Kari: "O-oh? Okay. What um... what all does it involve? Do I need to dress formal or anything?"
  25. 9:50 PM - GMing Mekton: "You shouldn't need to, but I wouldn't recommend arriving in sweatpants and a stained tshirt. You'll want to make a good impression, and while they can ultimately veto your candidacy should they decide to, they generally leave recruitment to other Wraiths."
  26. 9:51 PM - Kari: Kari nods and follows along, letting her nodding continue a little past the end of Eve's dialogue. She pauses for a moment and does her best to keep a straight face. "So... what are sweatpants?"
  27. 9:56 PM - GMing Mekton: "A piece of legwear made of soft, baggy, loose-fitting material. Generally quite comfortable, but not very presentable. Generally a popular type of clothing to wear when exercising or sleeping."
  28. 10:00 PM - Kari: "Oh. I see, I see. That sounds weird, but I think I get it now. Um... should I put on a uniform? Or is what I'm wearing now work? I.. don't really know much about federation... culture I think?" Kari scratches the back of her head, seeming quite confused. "Guess I'll need to look through my wardrobe then, but I'm not sure if what my people think is formal or appropriate is the same."
  29. 10:05 PM - GMing Mekton: "What you're wearing would satisfy, though may not be the impression you're looking to make. Your pilot's suit would go well, or something more formal. Perhaps you can ask Chief Langio for assistance, she's gone through the process before."
  30. 10:07 PM - Kari: Kari's face flushes significantly, and she stutters a bit. "Uhhhh.... M-Maybe I'll j-just go with my pilot suit then. I uh... I w-wouldn't want to bother her with something like that."
  31. 10:14 PM - Kari is now Online.
  32. 10:16 PM - GMing Mekton: "The pilot's suit is indeed a good choice. Professional, formal, sets a good example of work ethic." Eve nods, turning around and returning her attention to the map to ensure everything is still on course. "Once you're initiated into the Wraiths proper as an Apparition, you'll be left to your own devices until the Federation contacts you. At your request, I will provide you with my contact information."
  33. 10:24 PM - Kari: Kari nods, starting to calm down if only a little. Her cheeks are still burning enough to match her hair, but with a little cough, she's ready to move on. "Right, contact information. We can do it now, if you'd like. Have to stay in contact with my mentor, right? Heh~." With a little smile on her face, Kari taps a couple buttons on her wrist comm and stands ready to punch in the info.
  34. 10:33 PM - GMing Mekton: Eve lets out a quiet chuckle at the mention of 'mentor'. Raising her arm, she rolls up her sleeve and you watch as a panel slides open, revealing a touchscreen. She taps away at that, holding out her arm to you and displaying... the interface to a communicator. "Enter your information, then. Mine is displayed on the next page over."
  35. 10:36 PM - Kari: "Got it~." Tapping in her own information, she gives Eve a nod when it's all saved. "Thanks, Eve."
  36. 10:38 PM - GMing Mekton: Retracting the panel, she lowers the sleeve and nods in return. "You may feel some upcoming exhaustion from the sudden onset of psionic potential, so I would recommend you get some rest while we travel." She stops, putting a hand to her chin and thinking. "Have you ever had a hangover?"
  37. 10:39 PM - Kari: "Huh? Um... N-no I don't think so. Why do you ask?"
  38. 10:41 PM - GMing Mekton: "I hear the feeling is akin to it, is all... drink some water before you sleep."
  39. 10:45 PM - Kari: "Uh... a-alright, Ma'am. I guess I'll go grab my suit and get some rest. If um... if you need anything just let me know." Citing off some brief directions to her quarters, Kari takes a couple steps towards the door before stopping. "D-D you need anything else before I go?"
  40. 10:47 PM - GMing Mekton: Thinking for a moment, Eve shakes her head. "Not at this time, no. Should anything arise, I will contact you," she taps her arm smartly, smiling faintly.
  41. 10:49 PM - Kari: "O-okay then. Ma'am~." Kari snaps a little salute, giggling a little and then trotting to the door. Opening it, she gives a little wave before slipping out and heading to her room to lie down.
  42. 10:56 PM - GMing Mekton: You head off to bed, leaving Eve behind in the bridge. Taking her advice, you drink a glass of water before bed.
  43. 10:56 PM - Kari: (Psi Roll: 8)
  44. 11:00 PM - GMing Mekton: The following day, you awaken with a minor headache, though it passes with time. You spend a fair amount of free time on the 40-hour trip chatting up Widoia, who was at the time still reeling from your shared night with Langio. A minor terror occured when Langio popped up and offered her own opinion before leaving, but otherwise the day proceeded with no incidents. You attempted to practice your Psi power with the remaining time in the day, and it... does not go so well. You feel barely able to move the pen at all, though the fact that you quite literally moved that pen /with your mind/ is no less impressive or amazing to you. The headache from before returns a fair bit stronger by the end of your practice, and while you don't feel as though you got very far, you're now sure that your abilities were not a fluke, if nothing else.
  45. 11:06 PM - Kari: (Got dat 2 IP)
  46. 11:07 PM - GMing Mekton: yee
  47. 11:10 PM - Kari: (12)
  48. 11:18 PM - Kari is now Online.
  49. 11:19 PM - GMing Mekton: You head off to sleep to go through a series of similar events the following day. Continuing to practice your psionic capabilities, you almost managed to spoon-feed yourself with your mind before dropping the spoon and getting covered in yogurt. Washing up and taking a break for your pounding head, you spend more time with your lovely waifu Widoia. You speak some more with Eve about various things before departing for bed once more. You awaken the next day, peeking out of your window to see... an incredible sight. There's a gray ball-like planet up ahead that seems almost moon-like before you pick out the silohuettes and shapes of long, tower-like shapes. It is then you realize this gray, gleaming ball in the distance isn't a rock, but a planet covered in an exuberant number of buildings and structures. The entire planet's visible surface is artifical architecture, the spires of towers reaching into the clouds.
  50. 11:25 PM - Kari: Kari sits up on her knees, looking out the window with awe. She stares out in amazement and tries to take in the sights while she still can. As amazing as it is, she also realizes that it's a time clock for her to get ready. With a little sigh, Kari gets up to grab a glass of water. She relaxes for a bit, and just takes her time waking up before taking a quick shower to get ready. With her hair in order and the rest of her clean too, she zips up her flight suit and makes sure all her gear is in order.
  51. 11:33 PM - GMing Mekton: Decked out in your usual loadout, you proceed to the bridge, where you find Eve and Mr. Silk standing and staring out the window, apparently in talks. You catch Eve mid-sentence. "...will see about getting those items you requested. The Council can be tight with what it's willing to relinquish, but in exchange for a promising Wraith candidate, they may deem it worth the cause."
  52. Mr. Silk nods. "But of course. You must understand that while I am a patriot through and through, to both my people and the Federation, I am also a businessman as well. Time and resources are how I make my living."
  53. "We understand completely, Mr. Silk. Both of those aspects are equally vital to us in our lifesaving efforts. As such, we have elected to expend both in the interest of smooth relations with you and the chance to make use of and improve upon her abilities."
  54. 11:38 PM - Kari: Kari stands by quietly, arms behind her back, as she waits for their conversation to end. She starts to feel a little uncomfortable and gives her wings a little buzz in case she has yet to be noticed. Otherwise, she waits patiently.
  55. 11:40 PM - GMing Mekton: Turning his head backwards slightly, his eyes alight upon you and he breaks into a smile. Turning around fully, he spreads his arms wide in a welcoming gesture. "Ah, Kari. So good of you to join us."
  56. 11:41 PM - Kari: "Thank you, sir~," Kari says with a smile of her own. She reaches up to brush the hair from her eyes only for it to fall over the one again. "It's been a little bit, hasn't it?"
  57. 11:42 PM - GMing Mekton: "Yes, you could say that. I never doubted you a second, however. You've come through thus far after all."
  58. 11:43 PM - Kari: "Of course, sir. Can't go dying on you, right? That's not in my job description~."
  59. 11:46 PM - GMing Mekton: He chuckles lightly, lowering his arms and clasping his fingers together. "Of course. A given obvious." Mr. Silkl
  60. 11:47 PM - GMing Mekton: nods.
  61. 11:50 PM - Kari: "So this is it?" Kari asks, nodding to the planet. "It's... amazing. Kind of hard to believe it's a planet with all those buildings."
  62. 11:55 PM - GMing Mekton: "Quite so," Eve says. "This is centuries of collaborative effort. It's taken quite a while to get to where it is now."
  64. Extending an arm, Mr. Silk gestures out the window. "It is as Ms. Akemi says. The Council races floruish on this planet It is the home to many billions of diverse peoples, and it is here where a majority of the Federation's decisions are made. You'll notice the moon-size planetoids oribiting the planet?" Mr. Silk adds, gesturing to them in turn. "Auto defenses. Those aren't moons, they are guns."
  65. 11:58 PM - Kari: "O-oh." Kari's eyes widen with realization, looking over the defense batteries orbiting the planet. "That's... I guess you'd have to be insane to attack this place. Not for long but... yeah."
  66. Tuesday, January 19, 2016
  67. 12:04 AM - GMing Mekton: "That's the idea. The foundation of the Federation, this is essentially the heart and soul of the galaxy." Eve nods, satisfied with her explanation as she turns around, looking out back at the planet.
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