
Borderlands 3 Ungeared Wedding DLC Route

Jun 17th, 2021
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  1. Borderlands 3 Ungeared Wedding DLC Route (Updated 6/16/21)
  3. AT = Area Transition
  4. FT = Fast Travel
  5. SQ = Save Quit
  6. CaR = Catch a Ride
  8. 1. Lodge
  9. start game
  10. check markus fort jakobs shotgun, buy 2 shotgun sdus
  11. spec into skills
  12. navigate to xylourgos, oob to droppod
  14. run straight to gaige fight, cutscene, kill, SQ
  15. talk to gaige, SQ
  16. run past gaige and clear area in front of her asap
  17. follow gaige to gondola, call gondola, SQ
  18. hit targets on way to matriarch, shoot pipes
  19. kill matriarch, restart generator, SQ
  20. run towards gaige for objective, use button
  21. AT to The Lodge
  25. 2. Vincent
  26. run to entrance, skip cutscene, talk to mancubus, SQ
  27. meet guests, SQ x2
  28. place 20 balloons, SQ
  29. talk to hammerlock, SQ
  30. activate mancubus, check weapon vendor if you need to, SQ
  31. AT to cursehaven
  33. instantly SQ
  34. run to wainwright, talk, SQ
  35. oob to cemetery FT, FT to Cursehaven - bleak terrace
  36. hug wainwright to door, CHALLENGE gaige present
  37. run back to cave, clear area
  38. hug wainwright through the circular bit after the door
  39. shoot computer, hit New-U, SQ
  40. follow wainwright to arena, SQ
  41. stop renewal, SQ
  42. kill vincent, skip cutscene, run to square
  43. hit Lantern's Hook FT, run back to square, clear square
  44. FT to The lodge
  48. 3. Burton
  49. return to hammerlock, grab shotgun, wait for mission to finish, SQ
  50. talk to mancubus, SQ
  51. talk to wainwright, take ring, SQ
  52. talk to mancubus
  53. FT to cursehaven - Lanter's Hook
  55. instantly SQ
  56. run to eye witness, ring bell, SQ
  57. talk to gaddy, SQ
  58. talk to halan, SQ
  59. talk to jeanna, FT to Cursehaven - Withernot Cemetary, SQ
  60. equip cure (if better than current shotgun), fight through cemetery
  61. revive burton, (SQ if dialog doesn't skip)
  62. take gate key, SQ
  63. AT to Dustbound Archives
  67. 4. Archives
  68. talk to harriet, SQ
  69. clear area, Hit right side New-U, use holoprojector, SQ
  70. run to holotape, grab it, SQ
  71. place tape, SQ
  72. run to next room
  73. get burton dialog, place clone
  74. enter ventalation shaft, shoot barrel, clone warp
  75. run to tape, kill guy, grab it, SQ
  76. place tape, SQ
  77. clear ambush, SQ
  78. run to scholar, kill scholar, grab tape
  79. FT to The lodge
  83. 5. Eista
  84. return to lodge, SQ
  85. talk to mancubus, SQ
  86. insert tape, SQ
  87. AT to Skittermaw Basin
  89. use CaR, drive to camp entrance
  90. run up to camp entrance until objective, SQ
  91. fight amourettes, fight + revive eista, follow eista, SQ
  92. eat kife, FT to Skittermaw basin - Cursehaven Gondola
  93. drive to Cankerwood, open gate
  94. AT to Cankerwood
  96. regroup with hammerlock, talk, SQ
  97. run ahead and start killing things, find tracks
  98. run ahead again, find tracks
  99. run ahead, find tracks
  100. get checkpoint by bridge, SQ
  101. bridge jump into outpost, clear area
  102. shoot chains, clear area
  103. open gate, search piles, SQ
  104. grab poison, run to wolven, clear area, grab meat
  105. run to brewery, press DBRDLDLDB
  106. (D = Down, B = Brew, R = Right, L = Left)
  107. pick up brew, run to claptrap
  108. clear area, talk to claptrap, SQ
  109. talk to hammerlock, clear area, run to lair
  110. melee vines, SQ
  111. wait for dialog, SQ
  112. give hammerlock bait, SQ
  113. cutscene, kill wendigo, pick up kife
  114. talk to hammerlock, FT to Skittermaw Basin - Clan Amourette
  118. 6. Negul Neshai
  119. clear ambush, talk to eista, SQ
  120. place kife, SQ
  121. AT to negul neshai
  123. run to defence cannons, kill cannons
  124. reach Dahl base, run to cannon, press button
  125. start clearing Kritch cave, pick up heart
  126. grab fuse, run back to cannon, place items
  127. fire cannon, run straight to ship
  128. clear area, take elevator
  129. run to terminal, call deathtrap, clear area
  130. during fight shoot targets to open door, wait for deathtrap
  131. hug deathtrap on way to next arena
  132. use projector, clear area, follow deathtrap
  133. clear area, drop into arena, SQ
  134. grab heart piece, SQ
  135. install on deathtrap, SQ
  136. clear area, melee and use panel, run between switches
  137. check on deathtrap, SQ
  138. kill grawn, SQ
  139. highfive deathtrap
  140. FT to The lodge
  144. 7. Heart
  145. SQ x2
  146. regroup with gaige, SQ
  147. talk to claptrap, get pearl
  148. FT to Cursehaven - Olmstead Square
  150. meet gaige, clear area
  151. run ahead and next clear area
  152. kill, kill, activate deathtrap, kill
  153. speak to gaige
  154. AT to Heart's desire
  156. run to head on wall
  157. open boxes, grab antlerplace antler
  158. bottom right drawer, button
  159. kill tom and xam
  160. examine rune, solve puzzle (2, 2, 3, 1)
  161. run through to heart, cutscene, kill Heart
  162. talk to wainwright, SQ
  163. talk to the Hammerlock, SQ
  164. Time ends when cutscene starts
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