
debut for MM 1

Nov 27th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. NAME : Song Namjoon
  2. STAGE NAME : Noah
  4. STAGE PERSONA : Onstage, he is very charismatic and he is very good with his expressions. He likes to make eye contact and he knows what to do to drive the fans wild. He can be energetic or he can be smooth and sensual. He generally knows how to capture a concept well.
  5. TELEVISION PERSONA : On television, he is very lively and talkative and he always has personal stories to tell. He likes to pretend to be cocky and overconfident but the hosts and people watching always know that he is just joking around. He easily gets the audience and the hosts to like him. He is very honest and quite shameless and he will talk about anything openly even when he probably shouldn't.
  6. LIVE PERSONA : He likes to answer fans questions and also likes to tell them funny stories. He also sometimes talks to them about what is going on in his life such as how he is doing, his mental health and/or maybe any hints about songs they have coming out.
  8. TRIVIA :
  9. 1 He has two sisters.
  10. 2 His celebrity crushes are Rihanna, Jessi and SZA.
  11. 3 He looks up to Eunhyuk of Super Junior, T.O.P from Big Bang and the members of Shinee
  12. 4 He went to school in England and there he did his GCSEs. He did Spanish and actually got an A*
  13. 5 Some of his favourite artists include Boyz II Men, Brian McKnight, Justin Timberlake, The Gap Band, TLC and Kool and the Gang
  14. 6 He is scared of heights and will cry for his mum when he is too high up
  15. 7 He is currently watching Attack on Titan
  16. 8 He has a really good immune system and rarely gets sick but when he does get sick, it is really bad
  17. 9 He talks in his sleep and he also hums in his sleep. He also has a habit of taking off his clothes in his sleep
  18. 10 He really wants tattoos but he doesn't know what to get
  19. 11 He is a huge gamer and has a ps4, xbox 360 and a really good gaming pc
  20. 12 He wants to start a gaming channel
  22. HABITS :
  23. 1 He always hums while he eats
  24. 2 When he is having an interesting conversation, he tends to throw his phone up and down
  25. 3 He is always cracking his joints
  26. 4 When he is immersed in a game he tends to bite his lip a lot
  29. 1 When he wears headbands
  30. 2 His confidence and charisma
  31. 3 His openness
  33. MESSAGE TO GROUP : Congratulations boys, we did it! Lets keep up the good work and we can conquer the world!
  34. MESSAGE TO FANS : We have so much in store for you guys so I hope you keep up-to-date with what we have coming. I love you guys!
  36. PERSONAL INTRODUCTION : "Hello my name is Namjoon but I prefer Noah, I hope you will be impressed with what I have in store for you"
  38. SEXUALITY: Heterosexual
  39. LOVE INTEREST : Wheein (mamamoo)
  40. HOW YOU MET : Wheein and Noah met on a variety show (maybe Running Man, Hello Counsellor, Knowing Bros or Happy Together). They were both guest stars on the episode and they quickly got very comfortable around each other. Through out the show, while the focus wasn't on them or the camera wasn't on them, they started talking and getting to know each other and at one point, the hosts start teasing them and accusing them of not paying attention and they all started laughing. After the show, they both exchanged numbers and continued to talk in the following weeks.
  42. RELATIONSHIP DESCRIPTION : Noah and Wheein are quite affectionate and touchy with each other and this is because that is how they express their feelings. They give each other emotional support as they both understand the pressure of being an idol. During any scandals, they comfort each other and and make sure that the hate doesn't get to the other. They are quite open with their relationship and often post pictures together and tag each other in stories. They love going on adventures together and so this means that their relationship is never boring. Where they love their spontaneous and adventurous side, they also have their deep and insightful side and they can have really good discussions and deep talks. They actually listen to each other and consider what the other says. They are able to maturely communicate any indifferences without having major fight or arguments.
  45. 1 They are quite an affectionate couple and they don't really care about PDA. Noah also loves carrying her on his shoulders. His love language is physical touch so he cannot go about five minutes without touching her.
  46. 2 Wheein often tries to teach him to dance but it doesn't always work out completely well. It makes for some cute videos.
  47. 3 They find completely matching outfits cringy but they don't mind maybe wearing matching hats or a matching pattern or colour scheme.
  48. 4 They love introducing each other to new artists.
  49. 5 They often watch crime documentaries and docuseries' as they are really interesting.
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