
Utah /k/arol

Jul 22nd, 2020
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  1. >"So this time you'll be gone for a few months?"
  2. >"Yep."
  3. >"Out in the wastes?"
  4. >"Yes mam."
  5. >the girl behind the supplies desk gives me a nervous look
  6. >it's understandable, I guess
  7. >a few months in the desert certainly suck, and for a caravan escort like me, it really sucks
  8. >but, pay is good, and it isn't all that dangerous
  9. >for the most part
  10. >I check over the list again
  11. >about 500 rounds of .308 has been alotted to me personally and is being loaded into that clapped out BTR
  12. >along with a sleeping mat and a blanket that might as well be maid out of steel wool
  13. >fun times
  14. >I tap the wood of the galil hanging by its strap off my shoulders, resting by my stomache
  15. >this run might suck
  16. >"Well, everything looks to be in order."
  17. >the counter girl gives me a cheery smile
  18. >"That's good to hear, sir. You stay safe, now."
  19. >"Will do."
  20. >"Enjoy your trip, sir."
  21. >She smiles again and gives a little good bye wave
  22. >"Yeah, you too."
  23. >with that, I turn on my heels and walk out the door
  24. >standing on the porch of the supplier's a breathe in the last breath of air with any humidity I'll take for the next months
  25. >Yeah, I've decided it
  26. >this is probably gonna suck
  27. >walk around back, where the rest of the group is setting up
  28. >a couple of figures stand around the transport
  29. >a couple of human escorts toiling around with or showing off gear
  30. >usual stuff
  31. >one stands out to me
  32. >tall, dark, and seemingly covered in a thick matting of that looks like steel wool
  33. >that's... interesting
  34. >approach the figure and before I'm even 10ft from its back it turns to me
  35. >a giant... hood stares at me
  36. >best way to describe the mountain like peak that is its head
  37. >and a darkening in the front of the coarse covereing of hair where its face would be suggests an opening
  38. >"Yes?"
  39. >a voice seeps out of it, hissing and coarse
  40. >"What would you be?"
  41. >the creature pauses before answering
  42. >"We are Mass."
  43. >I look it up and down before continuing
  44. >"Cool name, but that doesn't exactly answer my question."
  45. >Mass leans their body one way, almost as if to cock its head
  46. >"We are...."
  47. >there's a pause
  48. >"a drifter."
  49. >I nod my head in response
  50. >that's neat
  51. >whatever a drifter is
  52. >"Well, okay. Nice to meet you, Mass."
  53. >I hold my hand out to offer a handshake
  54. >Mass just stares at it
  55. >after about 30 seconds, the drifter finally speaks again
  56. >"We do not understand."
  57. >I look the tall stranger up and down again
  58. >"Well, it's a hand shake."
  59. >"Hand shake?"
  60. >I hold back a sigh
  61. >"Yeah. You grab my hand and shake it."
  62. >the drifter takes a second to consider the concept before reaching out its hand slowly
  63. >the motion seems to draw out for ages so I expedite the process by clasping its hand first and shaking
  64. >the "skin" of Mass's hand feels like dried out coral, and I have to take care not to rub my palm off on the coarse surface
  65. >I break the hand shake after a few eternities of gut wrenching cringe
  66. >Mass just looks at its hand for a moment before letting it fall to its side
  67. >a low "Interesting..." murmurs out of the rocky hood
  68. >oh boy
  69. >I managed to find somebody more autistic than me
  70. >"And your name?"
  71. >I takes me a second to realize what he asked before I respond
  72. >"I'm Anon."
  73. >"That Anon?"
  74. >"No, it's just a common name. Most people just call me Utah."
  75. >the drifter dwells on the new information before continuing
  76. >"Very well then, Utah. We are honored to meet you."
  77. >the shawl covered mountain tips its peak at me slightly in a small bow
  78. >"Like wise, Mass."
  79. >I give a small tip of my hat
  80. >I'm not even sure if it can see the gesture
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