
Linux commands

Apr 2nd, 2023 (edited)
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  1. ls: list files and directories
  2. cd: change directory
  3. pwd: print working directory
  4. mkdir: make directory
  5. rmdir: remove directory
  6. touch: create an empty file or update the modification time of a file
  7. cp: copy files or directories
  8. mv: move or rename files or directories
  9. rm: remove files or directories
  10. cat: concatenate files and display on the standard output
  11. echo: display a line of text
  12. nano: a text editor
  13. top: display system processes in real-time
  16. grep: search for a pattern in a file or output of another command.
  17. find: search for files or directories based on different criteria, such as name, size, or type.
  18. chmod: change the permissions of a file or directory.
  19. chown: change the owner of a file or directory.
  20. tar: create or extract compressed archive files.
  21. ssh: secure shell protocol to connect to a remote system.
  22. scp: secure copy to transfer files between systems.
  23. ping: send a packet to a network host to check if it is reachable.
  24. ifconfig/ip: network interface configuration tool to display and configure network interfaces and IP addresses.
  25. netstat/ss: display network connections, open ports, and other network statistics.
  26. ps: display information about processes running on the system.
  27. kill: send a signal to a process to terminate or stop it.
  28. df: display the amount of free and used disk space on the system.
  29. du: display the disk usage of files and directories.
  30. history: display a list of commands previously executed in the shell.
  32. These are just a few of the many commands available in Linux. You can find more information about these commands and others in the Linux manual pages or by using the “man” command followed by the command name, for example: “man ls”.
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