
Wrath of the Titans: Eternia Edition

Mar 12th, 2014
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  1. From high above, nearing the cloudline a single entity gazed down oddly capable of honing it's sights upon a small group breaking off in an opening nearby Danarium.
  2. Nearby the sun, it's cosmic aura was nothing more than a mere golden dot in the sky, easily mistake-able for a glare of the sun.
  4. Seems a few -do- break off from their society... Let's hope I don't startle them -too- much.
  6. He pivoted, face-down, pindropping for the grounds below. The wind began to whistle, howling upon his descend. The cry it gave off was soon noticible to those below, and if they decided to look up, would be granted the sight of a.... Shooting star? And it was... Coming straight for them!
  8. As it began to near, threatening to hit both Felix and Ivy, it took a rapid curve heading for the forestry further north. Meters away! No, further! It was definitely out of harm's reach from them, atleast.
  10. A loud bang, and finally a bright glow within the trees! A violent rumble, as though an earthquake was upon them, but only breifly. Smoke began to ascend, dust clouding the tree stumps, and soon after... The sizzle of superheated material, boiling out the water within organic life.
  12. What... Was this? A shooting star in broad daylight? From the sky? What would this mean?
  13. (Nepheral Alderenian)
  14. Ivy conceiled her smirk as she kept her face tilted toward the ground, out of Felix's view. Everything was going according to plan, she had him right where she wanted him, and now it was time for the real fun to begin. Her voice was soft as she began to regail him with a fictitious ending to a real encounter, "There's this boy, Malguus...He's a bit younger than me but..."
  16. Her voice was soon completely overshadowed by an intensifying howl of the wind. With that, her concentration broke and she glanced up toward the sky, only to find a shooting star crashing down from the heavens directly toward them. Was this karma? Was Kraus going to strike her down for her lies before she could even complete them?! All she knew is that it was terrifying, and she screamed loudly, practically in Felix's ear as Nepheral encroached closer and closer at an incredibly fast pace.
  18. Though when he curved away from them and caused an explosion off in the distance harmlessly to them, a sigh of relief escaped her lips. Now genuinely shaken up she muttered, "Sorry for screaming..."
  19. (Ivy)
  20. [08:22:49] As Ivy began to speak of the boy named Malguus, Felix's head was already tilted upward as he stared at the bright light that was darting towards the two. Though he was indeed frightened by the object that seemed as though it would crash into both him and Ivy, Felix couldn't help but feel a sense of awe.
  22. "Amazing..." he muttered before attempting to push Ivy down a bit and covering her head with his body and closing his eyes. Her piercing scream hurt his ears but he felt that it was warranted condisering that they were in danger.
  24. The object then curved away and landed a few meters north of the two adolescents. A strong gust of wind blew by along with the glowing orb which pulled Felix's hair and red jacket along with it.
  26. Once everything had calmed a bit, Felix would lean back a bit and look at Ivy once again as she apologized. "It's no big deal," he stated reassuringly, "More importantly, what was that?!" Felix's eyes glimmered with excitement as he turned to look over at the glowing object that landed not too far from them. The boy stood up quickly and smiled confidently before putting out his hand to help Ivy up.
  28. "Come on! Let's check it out!"
  29. (Felix Strykar)
  31. (
  33. As the two recollected themselves, the shockwave delivered from the impact began to settle. Dusts slowly descending back down to the ground, and pebbles clashing against the solid ground and forestry. The trees parted from a section of the forest, bent from a formed crater.
  35. Cracks within the crater glown a bright yellow, steaming from the heavy impact, and friction that took place upon landing. An excessive amount amount of steam seemed to radiate off of this entity, once knealing from the impact and now coming to a slow rise to stand. A silhuette shrouded in the steam of the ground, vaporizing the water from the dirt to harden it to near stone.
  37. It slowly turned it's head, glowing white pupuls, and black sclera, white clothing and a golden aura, the smoke wading down in his embrace he was now revealed. The flesh skimmed from his knuckled, recoiling back, regenerating back to it's former state, and a glare upon the two that happened to bare witness to it all.
  39. "...Moooooortaaaaals." The word slipped through his lips much like a serpent's slither, almost hushed yet loud enough to be picked up.
  40. So, Danarium's king wants me dead?... Seems I'll have to test his inhabitants... Perhaps that'd be enough proof for me...
  42. Nepheral began to levitate, now hovering a few inches from his crater, awaiting their reaction.
  43. (Nepheral Alderenian)
  44. Ivy glanced up toward Felix, who she was completely sure was crazy, and inquired, "You want to go 'check it out' after it nearly killed us?" Yet it didn't really seem to matter, whether she wanted it or not, the being that had caused the disturbance had addressed them, and made it clear that it wouldn't be ignored.
  46. She couldn't help but genuinely feel helpless in this scenario, she knew she didn't have the power nor the speed to escape from..whatever it was that had come to them, all that was left was seeing what it wanted and living or dying by it's decisions. Though how it had addressed them was what worried her the most, it merely called them mortals, which led her to believe it may in fact be a divine being, especially with an entrance like that.
  48. Taking a gulp and attempting to still her nerves, she stepped away from Felix and inquired weakly, "Yes?"
  49. (Ivy)
  50. He might have come of as crazy but in truth, Felix was simply excited by the amount of wonders this land had brought him so far since he came to its shore. In response to Ivy, Felix nodded and said,
  52. "Well, if it wanted to really kill us, we wouldn't be here right now right?"
  54. It was then that the being within the crater addressed both him and Ivy. Felix simply turned towards it with his eyes wide open. The creature began to hover in the air which only peaked Felix's curiosity.
  56. he thought as he admired the being.
  58. Being called a mortal seemed to pass over Felix's head completely as he felt no way about it. Now completely ignoring Ivy, who was begining to step away, Felix confidently faced the stranger and stated,
  60. "Hi there! I'm Felix. May I ask who or what you are?"
  62. (Felix Strykar)
  63. Yonus had been flying towards the area that he had claimed to begin working on his project, but he was caught off guard as a few shockwaves hit him, knocking him slightly off of his trajectory and gaining his attention. He turned his head towards the area by which it had happened and narrowed his eyes for a moment as he began to fly towards the location. Once he got within range, he was able to visible see Nepheral making his ascent into the air and two others nearby who had been talking to one another, but he could not hear about what due to his range.
  65. In a quick motion, Yonus performed a flip in the air and began to fly upside down. His silver armor reflecting off of the sun for a moment as the energy of the stars began to enter his body. Yonus, still being new to the concept, hadn't even realized that the energy was entering his body as of yet. The golden aura crept upon his form as the particles slowly seeped into his form. The appearance of the aura around Nepheral influencing his own had triggered the mana receptors within him to call forth the power of the cosmos. The shining being flew overhead and finished his flip as he gracefully landed on the other side of the two beings.
  67. Looking through the slits in his helmet, Yonus, gazed upon their forms, but hadn't decided to take any action as of yet. He merely folded his arms and looked at Nepheral for a mere moment before turning to face them. Slowly, he raised himself slightly off of the ground as he hovered before the beings. His eyes glanced to the side once again as he finally took notice of a third being standing near the duo. He raised an eyebrow as his crimson glare fell upon it, and that being alone. He reached into his cloak as he pulled out his shield and simply held onto it awaiting any further action from this third being. The massive blade upon the back of Yonus simply called him as he hadn't seen the joy of battle in some time.
  68. (Vraxus Alderenian)
  69. After dull day in the forest for Diomedes, he felt bored as he roamed around aimlessly through the forest, trying to figure out what to do with himself for the day. "Maybe see Rachel?" He muttered, so bored he found himself talking to himself. As he moves he ventures south a bit to the edge of the tree line.. a group of people.
  71. He squints his eyes a bit, there were two people floating around. That has to be Nepheral.. and what was his name? Yonus? Yeah.. Diomedes mused as he looked on. "What the hell.." He says as he crosses his arms and watches, deciding to keep his distance, it looked as if they were picking on two travelers. Part of him was a bit surprised, he didn't know the two associated with each other, Yonus and Nepheral.
  72. (Diomedes)
  73. The rather peaceful approach from this mortal was indeed... Odd, why would he defy what was expected? Why didn't he draw his weapon, or even prepare to flee? Well, atleast he didn't need to engage in battle with any other random people for the moment.
  75. Another glow caught his attention, quite similiar to his own.... His brother? Well, it looked like it from here, however, his attention wasn't so much locked upon him. "What am I, child? So, you don't know?"
  77. In that case, Danarium's king must be keeping me a secret.. Heheh, such fear is mere cowardice, no matter I'll deal with him in due time. Him, and the melyms alike... His Alderenian eyes locked upon Felix, showing signs of slight confusion, but more of a deep hatred. A mixture of expresions within a dull face, peering down upon them almost as though bored.
  79. "Hrm. In such a case, I'll keep it in terms you mortals shall understand. Simply, but most certainly.. A god in your presence...."
  81. He gave way for a short pause, before allowing a name to slip from his lips like silk, "Nepheral..." ended with the hiss of his tongue. "As for my reason of appearance, to save the likes of you mortals from your own damnation."
  82. (Nepheral Alderenian)
  83. Ivy's attention shifted over from Nepheral to Vraxus, a second being that descended from the sky and made it's way over to the group. It hadn't exactly done anything, but she wasn't particularly fond of the way that it had prepared for battle and set it's eyes on her etheral guardian. While Felix spoke to the self proclaimed God, she took a few steps back and snapped her fingers, beckoning for her servant to swiftly come to her side. Without a word, her minion obeyed, though it did grip the hilt of it's blade and kept it's gaze fixated on Vraxus.
  84. (Ivy)
  85. "Oh? A god huh?" he questioned as he stared at Nepheral. he thought as a second being that was similar to the first entered the area.
  87. Felix glanced at the other person who also appeared.
  89. "Can all of your kind fly Nepheral?!" he asked assuming that the other stranger was in some way related to Nepheral.
  91. Felix hadn't taken note of Ivy's summoning of her minion at all.
  92. (Felix Strykar)
  93. Yonus had begun to reach towards his own blade once the spirit took hold of its own, but he ceased when the spirit began to walk away. Seeing that the threat was finished, Yonus, returned his shield into his cloak revealing the chains wrapped around his waist. A mere sigh escaped his mouth as he turned his head towards the trees nearby, concerned that he might have heard something not too long ago, but it was dismissed as he heard the name of Nepheral being spoken. He turned his head towards Felix and observed the conversation for the time being; Yonus kept the spirit within his peripheral in case it got bold.
  94. (Vraxus Alderenian)
  95. Diomedes had grow a bit annoyed of watching the two, seeing Nepheral was just too frusterating for him and for some reason he just felt Nepheral was up to no good like usual. With any further thought on the matter he steps out from the trees and stares over at Nepheral before walking even closer to him. "Nepheral, why are you in the forest? I told you to leave.. I can't say I'm happy to see you here.." Diomedes sighs a bit as he speaks to him in a casual tone before looking to the other pair, the looked about his own age.
  97. "He isn't bothering you guys is he? I know how he can be sometimes.. heh." As serious as he knew Nepheral could be at times he couldn't help but chuckle a bit as he asked the two how there were.. like he was the forest police or something. The whole idea of it amused him.
  98. (Diomedes)
  99. Another voice, this one... Familair. Oddly enough, it recognized him. Nepheral took a slow turn to rest his Alderenian eyes upon the voice that taunted him, belittled him, angered him. To his presence arrived one he recalled to have defeated him in the past. Defeat to such a mortal, welled back to memory upon descending his sights upon him once more, was enough to make his blood boil.
  101. His entire body pivoted to the sight of Diomedes, now his goals and intentions completely changed. "...You...Traitorious mortal!"
  102. Little did Diomedes know, Nepheral had been manifesting his power for some time now, even giving off a small hint of sensible occultism merged upon his chest.
  104. "I have nerve to act out against your superior." The ground around them seemed to almost tremor once more, and his glow intensifying, an the omnimous presence of a third force eminated from his body, bearing pressure on all nearby. It was as though the world were growing heavier, attempting to push them into the soil below.
  106. However, this wasn't a direct attack, no.. But a building gravitonic pressence. It came with his anger, and was only the prelude to his impending wrath.
  107. (Nepheral Alderenian)
  108. Things seemed to be escalating quickly as Diomedes, a stranger to her, entered the scene and instantly took the spotlight off of the two of them. If she was smart, she'd take this opportunity and run, but the mysterious stranger seemed quite confident in himself, and Felix hadn't run either, so perhaps she should stick around, just to see what was happening. That didn't mean she wouldn't get prepared for things to quickly head south though, and as took one more step backward and turned her body perpendicular to the water's edge she held her hand aloft and pulled a small stream of water from the depths of the pond, which coiled around her. The last step she took before turning back to the others and silently waiting was imbuing it with her mana, giving it a restorative property.
  109. (Ivy)
  110. Felix's eyes again widened in reaction to the pressure that seemed to be emminating from Nepheral's being. He felt something similar to this before during his bout with the horde of yokai.
  112. he thought as he looked towards the man who entered the area and seemed to challenge Nepheral.
  114. Now understanding the severity of the situation, Felix's visage relaxed as a smile grew on his face. "Seems we've been dragged into a fight Ivy," he stated as he took note of the girl who proved to not be as defensless as she said she was, "Water magic huh? And you said that you needed protecting." Felix chuckled a bit before continuing, "Well its a good thing that you can defend yourself to some extent."
  116. Felix pulled his hood back above his head, lowered his stance and raised his fists in preparation of what was to come. He wasn't scared but rather excited at the challenge that the situation presented. The boy had grown fond of fighting and wished to test what he learned whilst training.
  117. (Felix Strykar)
  118. Yonus looked at the ground as the tremors began, he looked towards the trees to see the leaves falling down from the intense amount of power being released. He turned his head to see Diomedes' appearance. It bothered him as he was expecting such an outcome after speaking with Diomedes in their last meeting, but he hadn't expected such timing. Narrowing his eyes upon the man's form, Yonus, turned to his side to see what actions were being done by those whom had been there earlier.
  120. Yonus scoffed for a moment as he watched the girl summon forth the power of aquatic magic, and simply shook his head once he saw the young man prepare for battle as well. Yonus fixated his gaze back upon Diomedes, "I assume that you spoke with Jin and the King to obtain entry into Danarium once more?" He asked casually before turning his gaze upon Nepheral. "This is not a day for battle. It is a special occasion, it is the Day of Birthing by Kraus. This is the day that the world was formed by our creator, and as such, we cannot engage in battle yet, Nepheral." He explained towards him in an empty tone.
  122. Yonus quietly grunted as the radiation from Nepheral's corruption began to intermingle with his own. The feeling of the Walking Dead being within point blank range radiated upon him. His eye scar began to throb painfully as the darkness seeped further into his core. He shook his head a few times before looking up towards Diomedes, "We are not combatants this day. Stay your magic and blades. A mere conversation between the creations of Kraus is not illegal, right, officer?" He joked towards Diomedes trying to lessen the tension. Despite his lust for battle, there was a factor in this situation that he did not agree with.
  123. (Vraxus Alderenian)
  124. As the ground trembles, Diomedes loses his balance as he is caught off guard and falls down before hoping back up and trying to keep his balance. Now he was getting angry with everything going on, Nepheral always seemed to be up to no good.. and its like he didn't learn from their previous encounters. "Nepheral, listen to your friend and back down! I will attack you if you do anything else!" He calls out before glancing to Yonus, his eyes seemed to be in agreement with him.
  126. "I'm not allowed back in Danarium quite yet, but you need to keep talking some sense into Nepheral. I won't go easy on him this time!" Diomedes declares as he looks at Yonus then switches his gaze back to Nepheral, slowly reaching for his weapon as he does. The ground shaking just kept adding more fuel to the fire he already had against Nepheral, anymore actions by him and he felt he couldn't control himself any longer.
  127. (Diomedes)
  128. On the normal occasion, Nepheral would likely come to his senses with Vraxus' headsup, however, with Diomedes' input, belittle the power Nepheral had, it only seemed to have been negated. Thus, his attention shifted from Vraxus to Diomedes with nothing but anger behind his gaze. Anger... And hatred, in the most unadulterated degree...
  130. "...You have... The audacity to talk down upon me when granted the opportunity of MERCY?!" His voice jumped, echoing through the forest, and backed up with a sudden tremor. He had it, and now, Nepheral's wrath was making it's entrance.
  132. "You..... Are but a mere fool... Now I will show you what power truely is..." His voice descended into a hostile growl, near whispering. The tremor was getting far more violent now, hitting a peak! Loud snaps of the earth below shuddered at the enviornment and soon, shifts! Was the very land around them being re-arranged in this man's presence?!
  134. He held his arms out to his sides, clenching his hands into tight fists, snarling with more than vicious hostility. They shook just as the ground beneath did, an obvious display of tremendous mana use all at once. THe power of the cosmos powered him, his cosmic aura overflowing and transfering into pure gravitonic force!
  136. Chunks of the earth began to levitate from EVERYWHERE! Underneath the likes of even the two bystanders, Felix and Ivy! It was almost as though the land were being teraformed by his sole essence, however, he couldn't do it entirely alone. Vraxus would have to cue in as well, fueling his power with his own cosmic and gravity mastery.
  138. Water from the lake pulled up in a gelatinous form, monsteriously superior to the water magi's aura, coming up with the rest of the pulled earth. Trees tore from their roots, crafting bridges in this new aerial battleground, and even taking Diomedes with them whom stood upon his own chunk of Earth.
  140. "You have proven to be a throne at my side, for too long... It's about time I've taught you a lesson you shalt not forget!"
  142. Traveling through this would require flight, perhaps even extreme agility... And luck at the very least for all within proximity. "Diomedes... Feel the wrath of a god!" His voice, boomed throughout the new enviornment, now... His personal playground.
  144. (RP Build Up Theme:
  145. (Nepheral Alderenian)
  146. Ivy's eyes grew wide open as she not only felt the earth beneath her tremble, but the layer of earth they were standing on even seperated from the layers beneath and the entire group floated into the air. The time for negotiations was over, whether she liked it or not, she was a part of this skirmish and would have to see it to the end. Glancing over toward Felix, she simply nodded and muttered, "We're a part of this now...Mere mortals in the presence of a god."
  148. She of course figured that Diomedes would focus his efforts of Nepheral first, the other had wanted to resolve things peacefully, but now that the 'god' had made it clear that wasn't going to happen, she was sure that his right hand man would attack as well. Her eyes darted back and forth between the debris, figuring out a path for not only her, but her spectre to take as well so that the two of them could do their best to assist by distracting Vraxus as long as they could.
  150. The link between herself and her spirit was strong enough for it to understand her feelings, and without issuing an order, it executed it's master's will. As it lept from one piece of debris to the next, it drew it's etheral sword and lashed out toward the other 'divine' being. In the meantime, Ivy clasped her hands together and aimed them toward the floating rock that she had been standing atop and launched herself high into the air, above the debris, by shooting an intense beam of water toward it. From there she would have a clear shot at Vraxus from a distance as the other two no doubtedly duked it out.
  151. (Ivy)
  152. Felix was shocked and struggled to maintain his balance as the earth from beneath his feet began to crackle.
  154. "W-what is this?!" he questioned as he realized what was happening. Quickly turning towards Ivy, Felix attempted to grab the girl's hand. "GRAB MY HAND!!"
  155. But before he could get ahold of her's, the earth broke and began to levitate into the air in a mixture of large and small pieces. The boy could only stare at the one responsible in awe at his power.
  157. "N-no could one be capable of such things?" he muttered to himself as he listened to what Ivy had to say. Luckily, the earth beneath their feet hadn't separated the two and Felix watched as Ivy's minion attempted to attack Nepheral's companion. His cyan hues glanced over at Nerpheral and the stranger Diomedes before focusing on what seemed to have become his own opponent.
  159. "It looks to be that way," he stated towards Ivy as he pounded his fists together, "Let's try to have some fun! I'll watch your back if you watch mine!" he said with a smile.
  161. The boy had never felt this way in his life. The adrenaline was pumping through his veins as and his mind became ever more focused despite his seemingly carefree attitude towards the dangers that were presented by the situation. Felix struggled to keep his balance but with each step he grew better at crossing the terrain as he reacted out of pure instinct. He cautiously made his was way closer towards Vraxus laughing all the while.
  162. (Felix Strykar)
  163. Yonus heard the words that Diomedes had spoken and it irritated him further, he tried his best to maintain his anger from this man, but he kept adding onto it. A mere moment passed before he lowered his head for a moment. Everything about this moment was a bane on what he had intended to do, however, even in light of this he could still prove his worth to his diety. Taking a single step forward after Diomedes finished speaking he reached into his robe pulling out his shield and raised his right hand as he took hold of the massive blade on his back, but then something unexpected happened.
  165. Nepheral rose his tone and spoke out loudly allowing his booming voice to be heard by all within the area. The words reached inside of him as it pulled at his very core. The darkness that was radiating from within the core of Nepheral had finally taken its toll upon as the words and display of power reinforced him. The large scar upon his eye began to radiate powerful heat and then suddenly burst into life once more as the hellish flames burned his entire body from that singular point. Yonus stared at the ground for a moment as his arms fell to his side and he paused, unmoving, for the time being.
  167. The visions of Walking Dead attacking him, taking him down and burning his wounded body. The presence of Kok'bael and his darkness radiating inside of him during the war as he spoke within his mind and caused the boy to fall in fear. The vision of Kok'bael standing before him appeared within his mind and smiled. Suddenly, the destruction of Elesis rang as if it had just happened before his eyes once again, and finally he saw himself consuming her flesh to consume the power that the woman possessed. The visions blanked out as a single hand reached out to him, Listen to my voice, and answer my call. You are my brother, you are a God. It stated in the voice of Nepheral.
  169. Then, Yonus lifted his head up as the burning scar faded away. The darkness no longer stimulating it, but instead stimulating his very mind. Yonus felt the ground starting to shake and rumble as Nepheral pulled upon the power of the cosmos and the power of the gravitational forces. He began to raise his own hands up as well as himself as the ground quaked and tore asunder.(At this point use the rp of Nepheral for reference.) "I am his Wrath, and his my God." Yonus stated in a dark tone as he pulled the blade off of his back as the large chunks of rock flew through the air. "I will be the pillar that enforces your ascension beyond Atmos!" He finished as he felt the darkness stimulate the entirety of his mana circuit.
  171. His muscles began to bulge and expand as the mana stimulated his strength to great levels, and the cosmic energies blended together with his gravitational power before it began to link with Nepheral. The link between them being the corrupted darkness inside, and as such the cosmic power saw them as one and the same. The orbs that fueled them began to combine and seperate as they closed in, enforcing both of them united. The Alderenian raised his foot into the air as he rapidly pulled the blade off of his back. Stomping upon the ground he propelled himself into the air at a rapid pace.
  173. "The voice of Kraus has spoken, and now his Wrath shall answer!" He stated as he roared through the skies swinging his blade to slice the enormous rocks in half as he quickly began to close the gap between himself and Diomedes, He flipped his body around slamming his shield into another incoming rock launched it out of his way, and as he raised up his blade to prepare his battle against Diomedes, he caught sight of the two beings preparing an ambush.
  175. "Those who stand in the way of God's Judgment must meet his Wrath and learn divine punishment!" He announced as he kicked off of a passing rock closing the gap between them quickly he donned a smile beneath his helmet as he finally gifted with the chance to sate his bloodlust and to answer the advisement of Nepheral. He was pleased.
  176. (Vraxus Alderenian)
  177. Everything around Diomedes shifted into motion as he watched the surroundings in the distance lower around him while the ground beneathe his feet raised him up into the air, making him shift slightly backwards before he catches his balance. All around him was an array of moving rocks and trees and water, revovling slowly in a freefloat like the inner workings of a cloak. He could tell it was time for another battle, this time against Yonus and Nepheral.
  179. Without warning air bursts out of Diomedes' body and swirls up and around him in a wind aura that slowly shifts around his body as he glances to Yonus who was coming at him then back to Nepheral. "This is it Nepheral!" Diomedes shouts before charging forward and taking a massive leap off the piece of ground he was on. Under the weight of his jump the ground shifts underneath him and he lands on another rock before sprinting forward and jumping onto a tree that was floating mid-air.
  181. In a dash he runs up the mass of the tree, closing the gap between him and Nepheral as he leaps off the end, his sword posed above his head as he brings it down in a slashing motion towards Nepheral. For Diomedes it was time to finish their battle once and for all as he flew through the air at Nepheral.
  182. (Diomedes)
  183. The swing of Diomedes' blade came slashing across his chest, a massive surge of wind propelling him down, disrupting his control over the enviornment. A boom of bass radiated through the aerial playscape, now bringing to it's descent. No longer could it sustain without Nepheral's control, and with the fall of this 'god', came everyone else that happened to be standing upon the floating debris.
  185. The crashes gave a booming earthquake, easily heard for miles, maybe even Danarium! The crash of the water from the lake rain over them breifly, before washing away at Felix and Ivy at they tumbled downward.Dust fired off, shrouding all within proximity, and Nepheral, unfortunately left buried half-way in his own creation. Once a prarrie, now, a wasteland of earth chucked about.
  187. He snarled, blood seeping from his lips, heavily injured...
  189. "....Y-..You....Ignorant....Fools..."
  190. (Nepheral Alderenian)
  191. Ivy hadn't even made it through the battle to see one of her enemies fall, while she had given it her all and tried her best to avoid Vraxus, her efforts were in vain. With the hope that she had provided enough of a distraction for Diomedes, she simply plummeted from the air like a stone as she fell unconscious from the wrath of Vraxus' blade.
  192. (Ivy)
  193. Yonus gazed with bright, shocked eyes as he witnessed Nepheral plummeting out of the sky and the rest of the terrain with it. His attention went away from the combatants as he flew downwards towards the body that was quickly covered by the debris. He was in utter disbelief of what he had witnesed and continued to go downward, despite the injuries he had sustained. His body was already giving way and quickly succumbed as his magic deactivated returning him to his basic stature. Yonus would crash upon the land defeated, several feet away from Nepheral. He coughed a bit of blood out, "No, leave him.....he is not a monster.." He scratched out as blood ran down from his armor.
  194. (Vraxus Alderenian)
  195. Thanks to the support of his allies, Felix managed to make it through the battle as his insticts caused the wind to dance around his fists with each strike. In the end, Felix was able to see both Nerpheral's and Vraxus' downfall. He laughed at the sheer thrill he had whilst fighting. His laughter came to an end as he caught a glimpse of Ivy falling to the ground along with the rubble and water which once floated in the air. Felix quickly placed his fists behind him and shot out a blast of wind which propelled him downwards towards Ivy. Luckily, he managed to propel himself enough to catch the black haired girl.
  197. "Gotcha!" he said as he aimed his free hand downward and let another gust of wind shoot loose in order to somewhat soften their descent...Unfortunately it wasn't enough to completely soften the landing as Felix landed on his legs and fell to his knees. He still held Ivy above the ground as to protect her from the impact but the collision shook up his legs and caused him to feel a twinge of pain. he thought smiling.
  198. (Felix Strykar)
  199. The entire battle was chaotic, a mess of shifting earth and trees that Diomedes dashes from back and forth as finally takes down Nepheral with a crushing blow of his sword. But it wasn't over yet, he immediatley shifts his focus to Yocus and charges at him, giving him all his strength as he swings repeatedly. And then it was all over, the ground comes crashing down with Nepheral, Yonus himself flailing down to the ground.
  201. Diomedes stays on a piece of the earth as it plummets down to the ground before swiftly jumping off it and landing on his feet next to Vraxus. For a moment he grabs at his arm, a deep pain running through it and notices it was soaked with blood but he waves the pain off. "I'm tired of you people raising hell in this forest! This is my home!" Diomedes roars as he takes a step towards Vraxus and looms over him, staring him in his eye.
  203. This same man had just spoken to him recently and offered to help him, now he foolishly attacked Diomedes. Enraged, Diomedes' eyes flash a shade of blue as he is consumed with ice and wind that flows around him, finally reaching for his sword in one swift motion and driving it into Yonus's gut, pinning him to the ground as he lies there helpless. As he tries to pull the sword out it becomes stuck and he decides to leave it as he turns to Nepheral and starts slowly walking towards him without his weapon, his eyes full of rage and hatred for the man.
  204. (Diomedes)
  205. Suddenly, a powerful blow pierced through his chest. Yonus opened his eyes widely as he coughed out a large amount of blood onto his helmet. His head lowered down as the helmet fell from his head onto the ground, his crimson eyes looking outwards towards Nepheral as he began to fall forward. His internal organs being cut heavily by the severity of the blow caused more blood to flow from his mouth and tainting his armor in solid red. His body fell to the ground, nearly limp as the images of his life flew through his mind. A mere smile crossed his face as he realized he was never able to exact his revenge on the Kosigona, but he didn't care for that in this moment.
  207. His right hand slowly slid through the debris as it reached out towards Nepheral, "Don't...*Cough*" With the cough more blood fell upon the ground, coating the area surrounding him in even more blood. " to ascend." He chocked out as he felt his vision blurring. His sight finally starting to become pitch black as he watched Diomedes walking towards him before it cut out. Yonus remained on the ground as his hand fell to the ground limp and the debris continued to come down covering his body in the dirt. The smile only widened as he thought about everything, and realized he had done as much as he could.
  209. Shield.>
  211. With his thoughts complete, Yonus remained on the ground unmoving and unconscious. If he was not healed soon, his life would end.
  212. (Vraxus Alderenian)
  213. Ivy's eyes fluttered open as she regained consciousess, only to be filled with blinding sunlight. As she quickly snapped them shut, she tried to get a feel for where she was. She couldn't feel any part of her body touching the ground, it felt as if someone was holding her up off of the ground. The young sorceress tried to move her limbs, but her arm only twitched, and barely at that. Her entire body was filled with searing pain, and she groaned in agony. She'd never felt anything like this in her entire life, it was excruciating.
  215. Her eyes opened slowly once again as her head tilted over toward Felix's chest limply, and now that she wasn't being blinded by the sun she noticed that not only was he still standing, but he had managed to save her as well. Her voice was weak as she inquired softly, "Did...we win..?"
  216. (Ivy)
  217. Felix would notice Ivy's awakening and would stare into her eyes before closing his own and smiling.
  219. "Yup! We won."
  221. The hood that was once covering his head had again fallen off. His body ached but it was not enough to render him useless after the fight as he gazed over towards the stranger Diomedes.
  223. he thought before directing his attention back to Ivy.
  225. "Can you walk?" he inquired.
  226. (Felix Strykar)
  227. The remainder of falling debris descended upon Nepheral, mere pebbles and streams of dust now from a large boulder that proved to arch just to his side, thankfully not crushing him, however tilted to such an extent that it seemed quite likely. He was covered up to his chest, one arm covered half-way in dust, whilst his left and head laid back, bloodied and conscious...
  229. He was too weak, and injured to move. All of his mana that remained seemed to centralize upon his chest, radiating something much like an occultist's aura? No.. It wasn't that precise, it was something like a calling beacon. A violet glow upon his chest, just barely shifted from where his heart should be.
  231. He snarled at the sight of Diomedes, yet didn't show much recoil to pain. A symptom of his disability...
  233. "...B-...Bro-...Brother..." He managed to make past his lips, too injured to speak much more.
  234. (Nepheral Alderenian)
  235. Ivy coughed weakly and attempted to shrug. Her shoulders barely moved, yet that alone was probably more than enough of an indication to the contrary. From there, she simply muttered, "I don't think so, no. I may need to be taken into Danarium for medical treatment.." At that instant, a jolt of pain darted through her ribs and as she winced, she cried out quietly. If she'd had the strength to fill the air with a piercing screach, she would have, but she was having enough trouble breathing as it was.
  236. (Ivy)
  237. [12:22:36] Ivy: (can basically just RP dropping me off elsewhere. Don't have time to read and respond to other people's healing RPs. If someone wants to do one on me thats fine, but I need to jet in like 10 mins, and that's a hard 10. when he rps takin me elsewhere I'm gonna be gone xD)
  238. [12:22:36] Felix Strykar: (ok)
  239. [12:23:28] Felix nodded and looked towards Diomedes once more.
  241. "I hope we meet again sir." he stated in the stranger's direction before carrying Ivy towards Danarium for medical attention.
  243. "What was your name again?" he asked Ivy whilst walking.
  244. (Felix Strykar)
  245. [12:23:28] Ivy: Ivy.
  246. [12:24:19] Nepheral looked pitiful as he lies helpless on the ground, crushed by his own magic going against him. "Nepheral.. I warned you. I WARNED you!" Diomedes shouts as he shakes his head slightly and walks over to him, stopping once he was right next to him. "Now look at you Nepheral.. look what you've done to yourself" Diomedes mutters as he kneels down next to him and slowly removes his gloves, reveiling an icey blue hand that radiated cold from it.
  248. Without warning Diomedes grabs Nepheral by the throat and squeezes as he sends a chill into his body with his ice magic. Diomedes looked completely consumed by the ice and wind swirling around him, he was lost in his magic and the only thing on his mind at this point was revenge on the man who had been such a nuisence to him. "Nepheral-" His eyes flash a shade of blue as he looks around the area "Look what you've done, now you're going to die in middle of the mess you created!" As he speaks he lets out a diabolic laugh and grins down at Nepheral, helpless to him.
  250. "Pathetic.. you and your friend, to think you thought you could beat me?" He laughs again and it appears Diomedes' entire demeanor changed as he became lost in his ice magic and rage. He continues to squeeze harder at Nepheral's throat.
  251. (Diomedes)
  252. Nepheral's lungs were closed off, preventing him from breathing with Diomedes' strong grasp. His chest only brightened, attempting to call with it's occultistic embrace. However, he was too weak... And it's light began to falter. His energy began to fade, and his vision began to darken. He was forced to condone to mere thoughts now..
  254. "To think... You were once an ally... To think you mortals could be trusted to change...." His Alderenian eyes locked upon Diomedes, and his mind crawled back to an earlier moment in time.
  256. -Fade to white-
  258. A day when Nepheral and The Doctor sent him off on a mission, and Nepheral merely watched as he left with Vivir to capture a Kosigona within Tilandre, in an elaborate rouse to capture their family fan. The day he let them go, noting the sketchiness of the scenario.
  260. "...Then, I shouldn't have come to trust you mortals... I should've killed you all when I had the chance. I should've simply slain all, and risen the most devoted...."
  263. -Fade back to reality-
  265. Now, he rose his left arm for Diomedes' face, slowly raising... Shuddering, index finger pointing for his left eye, as though attempting to gore at it. However, mere centimeters away, it receded, as did his form, exhausted, and now? Unresponsive...
  267. His body fell limp now, and the conflict, was officially over.
  268. (Nepheral Alderenian)
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