
The Gloom In The Corner Track Details

Mar 26th, 2023
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  1. The Gloom In The Corner Trinity Individual Tracks meaning:
  3. From Heaven To Hell:
  4. Our story opens on the Narrator painting a picture for the listener of the demonic landscape our three “heroes” are cast to. The sound of a clock ticking and winding insinuates that time doesn’t work as it should in The Rabbit Hole; terrible circumstances from The Mortal Realm are stuck in a loop, and time has a tendency to skip and jump back and forth in places where maybe it shouldn’t, discombobulating newcomers to the dimension. Both monsters and lost souls fill the world of hunt or be hunted, and a black sun that fills the sky with red clouds never descends, a perpetual reality somewhere between day and night.
  5. As the sky opens up for our heroes to descend to the realm, falling through the clouds, one of them, an angel, sings a byword from the previous arc in our story.
  7. Obliteration Imminent:
  9. After double crossing Section 13, leading to her death, Rachel spent an extended amount of time in the limbo dimension where the Panel of Judgement decided her fate, where she was able to ‘haunt’ Jay. However, the Panel cast her to the Garden for an ancient blood-line connection to the first angels that created the multiple dimensions, and she was forbidden from making contact with Jay from her new world in the Garden. Feeling out of place in the heavenly world, she became addicted to the idea of being close to the one she loved, and began to secretly work on necromantic spells that would allow her to visit the Mortal Realm. This led to her visiting Jay frequently, but she was soon discovered by Gatekeepers of the Panel, and sentenced to an eternity in the Rabbit Hole for her disobeyment. Once in the Hole, she continued to use the necromancy to contact her love, but with the change of atmosphere and the substitution of various ingredients, Rachel’s state of mind began to slowly decay with each visit to her lover’s slumber until he prevented her visiting again after discovering he was the one that killed her via proxy of Sherlock, and locking Sherlock out with ‘The Damned Seal’. Distraught and broken, she aimlessly wandered Hell’s Plains, hunted by demons for her angelic lineage, and Gatekeepers for her further use of dark magic and attempt at contacting other dimensions. As she continued to hide and run, she vowed that she’ll one day return home to Jay so she can be with him again. After some time, at a point near death, she is saved by an ethereal figure and a knight in mechanical armour; The Narrator and The Ronin.
  11. Ronin:
  13. Ethan Hardy’s descent to the Rabbit Hole was an unorthodox event; standing before the Panel of Judgement after his suicide, he forced his way into the Rabbit Hole without the approved sentencing of the Panel, determined to seek out Rachel and find a way back to the Mortal Realm once she had been found. Going against the approval of the Panel, Ethan became a High-Value Target for the Keepers, becoming hunted by both demon-kind and the Judges in his quest in the Rabbit Hole. At first, the Panel were determined to retrieve him to face proper sentencing, but after violently terminating multiple Keepers, he became marked for permanent termination by the Panel. Demons and Keepers were no match for him however, and Ethan’s quest turned to a bloody and barbaric crusade, decimating those who stood in his way without hesitation. After a near-death battle, Ethan was sought out by the Narrator, who guided him to an ancient set of mystical armor, the armor of Sherlock Bones from his time in the First Reign under King Baphicho, the “Black Cloud”. After altering and modernizing the armor to suit his needs, Ethan set back out on his quest, becoming even more violent and bloody than before, where he earned the name “Rōnin” from those who both feared and hunted him. After some time, he found Rachel after the guidance of The Narrator.
  15. Black Rot:
  17. The last of the Trinity to join us on this quest, Clara Carne descends to the Rabbit Hole with the promise to herself of finding a way back to the Mortal Realm to be with Sherlock, despite her unfortunate demise at his hand. She unequivocally knows that his hand was forced in the ordeal, and with the passing of time in the Rabbit Hole, her love and desire to be with him again only grows stronger. During her time before meeting Rachel and Ethan, she began to deal with complex necromancy to find a way back to the Mortal Realm and bypass the Panel of Judgement, but nothing appears to work. Word spread amongst demons that she was the lover of the infamous Sherlock Bones, and soon, Clara amassed an army of her own. Upon being found by the Narrator, Clara shows her disdain of being grouped together with the Girl of Glass and the Ronin and the desired outcome of the journey, wishing that Jay had let Sherlock take full control when he had the chance, and that if anyone should be in control of that vessel, it should be Sherlock.
  18. Despite their differences, the Unholy Trinity commence their journey after The Narrator tasks them with obtaining three mythical objects; the first being The Hand of the King, a blade wielded by Sherlock in his time of the First Reign, currently in possession of the Reaper that travels the Highways of Hell. The second object, Pandora’s Box, is said to be located at the bottom of the Frozen Lake of Cocytus, and the third object is the Heart of the Ruler, the beating heart of the current ruler of Hell, Asmodeus.
  20. New Order:
  22. The origin story of Elias DeGraver and Atticus Encey is a dark and gruesome tale; in his adolescence, the church DeGraver was a part of ostracised and attempted to murder him when they discovered his supernatural abilities, seeing him as demonic and a false messiah. In response, Encey, an ancient Gloom that, much like Sherlock, was reincarnated in DeGraver, emerged from DeGraver, and turned on his friends and family, burning down the establishment with everyone in it; only he and Encey survived. Wandering the streets alone, DeGraver was taken in by a chapter of the Holy Order and converted to their religion, being taught that monsters and supernaturalists are better to mortals, though DeGraver still saw them as equal. Over time, DeGraver and Encey rise through the ranks of the faction, soon becoming the President of the entire global organisation in the events leading up to Jay and Sherlock’s demise.
  23. After the Sect’s disbandonment, and the exposure of the supernaturalist community to the public, DeGraver and the Holy Order take charge as an official government agency, tasked with assisting and aiding their community on a worldwide scale. Despite all this, the Order and its community are still frowned upon by the mortals, and after some time, DeGraver and Encey stage a worldwide coup, taking over all governments and military, bringing the supernaturalists to a level higher than ever before in history.
  25. Clutch:
  27. Jumping back down to the Rabbit Hole, we meet the Trinity as they wander down the Highway of Hell, a dried up and barren River Styx. The Trinity quarrel with each other; Rachel spirals further into her anxious state of mind as Clara berates her over trivial arguments while Ronin tries to keep them both from killing each other, but somehow ends up as a moderator for the arguments. Eventually, a white hearse pulls up to greet them; Charon, the Ferryman turned ride-share driver, who takes souls between various layers of Hell, and current possessor of the Hand of the King. Charon tells them that if they wish to take the Hand, they must first travel with him to the end of his route while he’s intoxicated. Clara argues heavily against the deal as the trauma of her parents' deaths resurfaces, but before a decision is made, the Trinity are attacked by a swarm of demons and are forced to take Charon’s deal to survive, boarding the hearse, commencing the ride of their lives.
  28. Tires screeching, bottles downed, the Trinity scream down the River Styx aboard Charon’s chariot as they fight off demons. While Rachel incapacitates and Ethan slaughters, Clara clings on for dear life as Charon screams down the road, wavering drunkenly both from intoxication and to shake off the following demons. As they reach the climax of their journey, they unforeseeably run off the road as Charon swerved to avoid Two Keepers pursuing a bounty, and crash the hearse. Charon believes the Trinity’s debt has been paid, giving them the Hand of the King, but heeds the warning of not using the Hand on Earth against its current ruler in fear of opening up portals between worlds. The Trinity flee the scene to avoid combat with the Keepers. The Two Keepers rummage their way through the wreckage to Charon, who informs them of the Trinity’s plans to dimension jump, and begin to tail them on their journey.
  30. Pandora's Box:
  32. The Trinity make their way to the Lake of Cocytus, where a great battle rages between the army of Asmodeus and another demonic faction. Stepping forward into No Man’s Land, the Trinity wade their way through the warzone to the edge of the lake, where they are separated in the chaos of the combat. Dazed and shell shocked from incoming bombardment, Rachel staggers towards the centre of the lake, fear running through her veins. The Ronin, fully engaged in combat with demonic forces, calls out to her to stop, but she’s hit with a second bombardment, breaking the ice beneath her, and the Ronin and the Queen and only watch helplessly as she sinks into the lake. As Rachel sinks, her anxieties and fears begin to escalate; cold water fills her lungs as she apathetically struggles to make her way back to the surface, somewhat believing that her own internal torment is what’s weighing her down. As she sinks further to the bottom, slowly losing consciousness, she sees Pandora’s Box, and swims over to it with the intention that when the others find her body, at least they’ll find the device that they need. Wrapping her arms around the Box as she fades into oblivion, she spots a splash from above, and the Ronin swims down to save her, dragging both her and the Box back to the surface. Clara drags them both from the lake, and the Trinity continue crossing the lake, heading towards a modernised reconstruction of the Tower of Babel.
  33. Meanwhile, the Two Keepers inspect the hole in Cocytus that Rōnin and Rachel emerged from, using sonar binoculars to see if Pandora’s Box has been taken or not. They have a short squabble, but finally agree that the Box has been taken, and they realise that they’ll be doing a dimensional jump ritual involving the heart of Asmodeus, and they continue on to the Tower to stop them.
  35. Behemoth:
  37. Climbing the Tower of Babel, the Trinity meet the ruler of the Rabbit Hole, Asmodeus. Clara and Rachel assume they think they’re being led to a trap, but Ethan assures them they’ll be fine. Alas, upon reaching Asmodeus, he tells them he’s lured them to him so that he can kill specifically the Rōnin himself. The Ronin and Asmodeus launch into combat, and Clara and Rachel begin fighting Asmodeus’ minions. As the battle rages on, Asmodeus continues to arrogantly express victory, but Ronin’s rage gives him the upper hand, and Asmodeus begins to realise he’s losing an uphill battle. The Rōnin, fuelled by the rage from having to deal with Clara and Rachel’s constant arguing, and dealing with grievances of his own, finishes off Asmodeus with barbaric cruelty, not quite killing the Demi-God, but incapacitating him enough to take his heart for the ritual, carving it out with the Hand of the King. The Narrator emerges, instructing them to begin the ritual now that they have The Hand of the King, Pandora‘s Box, and The Heart of the Devil. Rachel asks him if he will be joining them in coming back to Earth, and he tells them that he’s bound to the ethereal realms, and that once they are back on Earth, they’re on their own. A roar from an onslaught of Asmodeus’ forces comes from outside the Throne room, and the Trinity prepare for battle.
  38. The Two Keepers reach the bottom of the Tower of Babel just as the ritual begins, watching the clouds swirl and lightning crack as the portal begins to open. The one with Green Eyes expresses they haven’t much time to stop them. The one with Grey Eyes oddly verbalises that it’s ironic that they’re going to the highest floor to stop them from going to the realm of the living, but the other ignores him, and the Two begin the climb.
  40. Gravity:
  42. As Clara and the Narrator begin working on the ritual, Rachel and the Rōnin fight off Asmodeus’ remaining forces. Rachel’s anxieties heighten as Clara gets closer to opening the portal, even falling back to let the Rōnin tear down the horde with a Gatling gun, but the pressure and intensity continues to grow as they’re surrounded by the battalion. The Two Keepers reach the fight, and cut their way through to stop them, and the one with Green Eyes reaches out to grab her just as the portal completes its construction, and Clara pushes her through, and the Rōnin, the Queen and the Girl of Glass fall into the portal, closing it behind them as they transcend down the wormhole. Rachel feels an elation she’s never felt before as she’s pulled apart and put back together inside the wormhole, and has an anxious excitement at the thought of returning home to her loved ones. The Trinity finish their ascension to the Mortal Realm, emerging from their graves in the Section 13 Burial Ground in Melbourne, depicting a slight change in their appearances; Rachel’s eyes changing to violet due to the reconstruction of her body surging her ancestral Dark Angel powers, Clara’s eyes turning grey due to her connection with Sherlock.
  43. Back in the Throne Room of the Tower the Two Keepers assess the carnage the Trinity have caused, and speak to Asmodeus as he dies. Asmodeus tells them that the ritual is only partially complete, and that in order for the Trinity to completely collapse the barriers between worlds, they will need to defeat the ruler of the Mortal Realm with the Hand of the King, something he suspects is bound to happen once Rachel realises DeGraver was the one that killed Jay and Sherlock. The Two Keepers finish off Asmodeus, and speak of planning to warn DeGraver and Encey of what’s about to happen, but before they can leave, they’re trapped in the Throne room by the Narrator, who tells them he has his own reasons for wanting the Trinity to kill the ruler of the Mortal Realm. The Narrator, a Keeper himself, leaves the Two Keepers, keeping them from being able to leave the Rabbit Hole “until they are needed”.
  45. Red Clouds:
  47. The Trinity briefly go their separate ways to seek out their loved ones and reconnect. But as they each go down their own journey’s, they realise the world they left has changed drastically since they left, and that it’s been a decade since the fall of the Sect. Rachel finds that not only has the Sect been dismantled, but all of her loved ones have either moved on or away, dispersed around the world or locked up after trials that led to the Sect’s disbandonment. The Rōnin finds that his partner Isaac has moved on and is now happily married with adopted children, and Clara discovers that DeGraver and Encey killed Jay and Sherlock as the Sect were exposed. The Trinity meet back up at Section 13 Burial Ground, where Clara and The Rōnin find Rachel huddled over Jay’s grave crying. The Trinity venture to one of the places where it all began, the bar where the Oxymøron Incident occurred. They sit down to have a drink in the nearly empty bar, a TV playing softly in the background, questioning what to do next. A news report sparks interest between them, and they get the bartender to turn it up. The news report tells that in the anniversary of Ultima Pluvia, the day the supernatural community was exposed, DeGraver will be hosting an event in celebration, where supernaturalists and mortals can come together in harmony and celebrate a unification, a decade after the events, and 5 years after the beginning of his ruling. Rachel, with anger and hatred building up within her, declares she’s planning to kill him at the event.
  48. A few days later, the Trinity confront DeGraver and Encey at the event. Encey antagonises Rachel, pushing her over the edge, and releasing her dark angel form.
  50. Nor Hell A Fury:
  52. The fight begins; Rachel fighting the transformed DeGraver and killing anyone daring enough to come close, and Rōnin and Clara fighting off security forces while the two battle. As the battle rages on, Rachel becomes more and more aggressive, becoming more and more violent in her attacks. The Rōnin and Clara turn the event site around them into a battleground, devastating their foes in theatrical destruction. Rachel’s fury surpasses DeGraver’s ability, and he falls against her might. Rachel, goes ballistic on the fallen ruler, killing him with the Hand of the King, knowing full well that the consequences of said actions will lead to a bridge between worlds, with the intention that maybe she will be able to bring back her love as she continues to stab DeGraver long after he’s dead. She collapses, crying over the corpse of the man who killed her love. Rain begins to pour heavily, and the crowd begins to rally around the Trinity. Rachel eggs them on for a fight, knowing that she’d decimate anyone who would dare come near her. Clara and the Rōnin try to approach her, but she lashes out at them, injuring them both with her dark angel form. However, before she could do any real damage, the storm raging above them strikes two bolts of lightning down; one in a nearby building, and one in the centre of the crowd. The audience makes way for the figure emerging from the crater made from the lightning; the Green Eyed Keeper, slowly making his way forward to the stage where the Trinity are. Rachel snaps out of her breakdown to focus on the potential new enemy, and the Rōnin raises his sword to him as he approaches, but before he can attack, the Keeper takes off his mask, revealing it to be Julian Hardy, Rachel’s lover. Rachel stares awestruck, somewhat hesitant to believe it’s really Jay before them. The Trinity asks how he’s ‘alive’, and he begins to briefly summarise for them, before ripping them a new one for the catastrophic dimensional event they’ve just created.
  54. Gatekeeper:
  56. Jay tells how after his death at the hands of DeGraver, he and Sherlock were assigned to the Panel of Judgement as Gatekeepers; the authoritative enforcers that serve as both bounty hunters in the ethereal realms, working to keep people dimensional jumping between worlds and “collecting” souls that have led astray into the Mortal Realm. Not quite alive, but not quite dead, both he and Sherlock walked between the three realms ethereally for a decade, doing the Panel’s work and maintaining peace amongst the realms; “Correctional Department 3BC”, under their department head “Barry”, the Narrator. Jay explains that he never put together that Ethan was the Rōnin due to another department signing off that Ethan was perma-killed just before he got his armour that made him the Rōnin. He only put two and two together after they first crossed paths after speaking to Charon, where Jay and Sherlock were already chasing another bounty at the time of the crash. Shifting his tone, Jay explains how he and Sherlock attempted to stop the Trinity from performing the dimensional jump tasked to them by The Narrator, knowing the events that would follow if Rachel found out that Jay was dead in the Mortal Realm, but was stopped by the Narrator, without knowledge as to why. Rachel tries to reconnect with him, but Jay pushes her away, asking her if she knows the full extent of what they’ve just done. As if on queue, portals between the three realms begin to open up, and the foes the Trinity had defeated, DeGraver and Encey included, resurrect from death, commencing the first stage of the world collision. As the sky opens up and begins to rain, the Trinity and Jay are surrounded once again by their foes, a siren blaring in the background, and a prerecorded message of warning plays out over electronic devices, warning of the end. Before the onslaught can begin however, a voice commands them to stop, and emerging from the crowd of now bowing servants, is Sherlock Bones.
  58. Hail To The King:
  60. As the resurrected and the demons of Hell begin to kneel and bow to their king, Sherlock wades his way through the crowd, occasionally cutting down a mortal or supernaturalist who refuses to bow. As Sherlock makes his way to the stage in his over the top theatrical way, he snatches the Hand of the King, his old sword from Rachel, and briefly comments on Ronin’s armour, admiring what he’s done to it. Making his way to the podium, he and Encey (who now has a body of his own thanks to resurrection) shake hands (a la Predator, you know, the bro-shake), and proclaims himself the new ruler of both the Mortal Realm and the Rabbit Hole, and asks Clara to be his Queen once again. She of course accepts, and the new King begins his reign.
  61. What follows is a week-long pillaging and war; as Sherlock rages across both the Rabbit Hole, aided by DeGraver and Encey, and reluctantly, the Trinity and Jay. The Panel are suspiciously silent in intervening, with their Gatekeepers acting as mercenary agents; half of them siding with Sherlock, the other half joining the Angel forces of The Garden (Heaven), who wage battle against Sherlock’s reign. This doesn’t stop the new King, and he and Clara continue their “beautiful” reign across worlds.
  62. However, on the seventh day things take a shift, and the Narrator finally emerges from hiding after watching Sherlock setup his kingdom. In a surprise turn of events, the Narrator strikes both Clara and Sherlock down, and reveals himself as King Baphicho, and the gang realise that they haven’t made a kingdom for Sherlock, they’ve made a kingdom for King Baphicho and his new unified world; Apocolypta.
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