
What is this?

Feb 3rd, 2020 (edited)
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text 1.02 KB | None | 0 0
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  7. | | | | . n e o c i t i e s
  8. |_| |_| . o r g
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  10. Welcome to the Peelopaalu news archives!
  12. For those who aren't aware and are just discovering this through chance on Pastebin, I run a link directory over at and I needed somewhere to keep all of my old news articles to avoid ending up with about 40,000,000 pages of outdated news articles that nobody is likely to want to read in a hurry. But me being me, I can't bring myself to just delete them so I'm going to be keeping them here on Pastebin for people to browse through them (if they wish to do so) by date.
  14. kthxbai.
  15. snoop
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