
Vlad Gabe

May 16th, 2015
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  1. Name: Vladimir Black Blade, originally Edward Feaver
  3. Age: 23 in Appearance
  5. Race: Human - Vampire
  7. Appearance: Vlad is 6'8" in height with short, very roughly cut, black hair, blood red eyes, pale skin. His face is always in a grin but is also somewhat long (Or tall) and thin with a bigger than average nose pointed outward, though it was much softer before becoming a vampire. He's very muscular, but has been toned down from a brawny giant to be a little slankier but retaining his strength and getting more speed, mostly due to his vampirism still.
  9. Personality: Vladimir can be rather rash and quick to anger, but generally respects most folk and tries to do what he thinks is right. He can be somewhat dimwitted at times, but generally excels when it comes to combat, just not being educated in most areas other than fighting and blacksmithery. He feels most vampires are animals that lack a proper leader and wishes to establish his own kingdom and family from them, to civilize and establish peace between them and the mortal people around them. Also~ he has a rather bad time on boats and is deathly afraid of fire.
  11. Equipment: The BlackBlade: A Family blade crafted out of a black steel, it's 6 feet in length, 1 foot in width, and is an inch thick. The blade itself jets out at the end, making a sort of pendulum shaped blade. It has a roughly two foot long handle. I
  12. +---]======) (Rough visualization.)
  14. A smaller one handed sword for close fight.
  16. Chainmail Armor: Vlad utilizes a very lightweight chainmail and leather armor, really feeling a good offense is a good defense, as well utilizing the fact that his body is harder to kill now to his advantage.
  18. Coffin Cart: A coffin converted to a cart carried by his enthralled Ox Hel. It has been fitted and crafted alongside his journey to carry all of his supplies, including storing his sword below it. As well it has storage for blood on it's side that he drains from either bandits or animal as needed, though never taking from the innocent.
  21. Background:
  22. Vladimir grew up in a rural town toward the north. It was situated on the edges of snow capped cliffs. Seasonally the town had two main economic resources, an old iron mine that was within it's mountain sides and as well the logging downward from town into the nearby river. They mainly gained their food from local hunting and gathering, or imports of grain from their mines and logging. He was originally born as Edward Feaver to a young waitress at the local inn and her husband, a smithy who's family had worked the iron of the mountains for the past 6 generations. Edward spent much of his life learning under his father in smithing. Day after day they would work tirelessly to craft the tools needed by the loggers and miners, construction equipment for the growing town, but as well making weapons and armor needed by the military. But as his father was now an aging man, having married later in life and was soon to die, Edward took up a position in logging to make sure his family had the money they needed.
  23. One afternoon, to celebrate the anniversary of the town's founding two-hundred years earlier, the Feaver family was commissioned to make a monument by the mining company. Vlad and his father thought for two weeks on what to make with Vlad coming up with the idea to make a giant sword, signifying the military strength the town has given to the people. For the next month and a half before the anniversary date the two pounded at steel, folding it and shaping it slowly into the shape of their blade in their free time. Over the time, it's constant reheating had darkened the steel to a black before it gained it's pendulum shape. The blade was giant, 6 feet long, 1 foot wide, and a quarter of an inch thick, being almost too heavy for Vlad to even lift let alone wield, with it being hung in front of the Town-Hall for all to see.
  24. Everything in Vlad's life was seeming perfectly normal and happy for him. He even was finding himself a relationship with the Daughter of a Merchant that frequented the town, hoping to save enough for a proper proposal. Then everything changed when the Fire Nation, I mean hordes of vampires attacked. During evening after a long shift of clearing forest, Vlad came to his home with it being lit aflame. A group of Vampires were ravaging the town. Vlazd fought all he could to protect his family, but he was simply too late and very outnumbered. He however did not receive a valiant death in battle, but instead of knocked out and cursed, left alone in the dead town to await for morning.
  25. He awoke to a splitting headache as the sun was rising over the mountain top. Standing, and trembling before the sight of the town he stumbled through the wasteland. He looked over desecrated bodies, people stuck on poles and burned over the kinder of their houses, and flayed bodies over the roads. Coming to the townhall, now burnt to the ground he looked over a broken windowpane and saw he lacked his own reflection and his hand naturally took to his mouth, finding his fangs. "THOSE FUCKING BASTARDS!" He yelled, punching a board beneath him and breaking it as the sun began glaring in his eye. However beneath the board was the Blackblade, sitting there, as pristine and perfect as when it was made. Grabbing it and covering himself in cloth to protect from the sun Vlad took out to find a new place in the world himself. Over the next few years Vlad would travel as much of the world as he can, hoping to learn from others as what for him to do in life, coming to realization that people like him are either outcasts or savages and the only true solution is to make a home for them all whether they or other's like it or not. He sought out to become a king.
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