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Feb 21st, 2020
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  1. So I had a cigarette and thought about this for a moment, composed my thoughts on exactly why I object to what you guys are doing.
  2. I SEE what you want and understand why you would want it. You want an actual, effective economy similar to games like TF2 or runescape if you go really far back.
  3. The problem isnt what you are trying to do, even if it is a completely futile effort, it is WHERE you chose to set up shop. You have decided to monopolize the Wifi chat for a competitive battling community with this borderline OCD-levels of restrictive trading shit. You asked my why I was even here, to which I ask why do YOU think that is? Do you think I googled some random shit about pokemon trading? Do you think some random recommended me?
  4. No, I play the actual game and didnt think that the trading chat room would so blatantly and egregiously clash with the competitive one. I was WRONG, but I absolutely should not have been. The goal of that chat may have changed but it was changed by people who clearly have no business doing such things while attached to showdown. The goal of that chat SHOULD CLEARLY be to get people equipped for COMPETITIVE BATTLING as quickly and efficiently as possible. Shiny trading should absolutely come second, even if you cant flex by handing out cloned mons that mean nothing to you but the world to others anymore.
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