

Jul 1st, 2022 (edited)
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  1. on death:
  2. if name of victim contains "&dAoda":
  3. loop all players:
  4. if {Invocacion.Activacion.Aoda.%loop-player%} is true:
  5. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%loop-player%}
  6. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%loop-player%}
  7. delete {Invocacion.Mordisco.%loop-player%}
  8. delete {Invocacion.VenenoAodaDMG}
  9. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Aoda} from loop-player's inventory
  10. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Aoda} from loop-player's inventory
  11. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Aoda.%loop-player%} to false
  12. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Aoda.%loop-player%} to true
  13. send "&6[Invocacion]&f Tu &aAoda&f acaba de despawnear a manos de &6%attacker%" to loop-player
  14. command /Aoda [<text>]:
  15. permission: Aoda
  16. cooldown: 90 seconds
  17. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 90 segundos.
  18. trigger:
  19. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  20. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Aoda.%player%} to false
  21. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  22. if arg 1 contains "Invocar":
  23. if {Invocacion.Esperando.Aoda.%player%} is true:
  24. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra Aoda de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  25. else:
  26. set {Invocacion.Acciones.Aoda} to enchanted book named "&8&o(S+D) &9Veneno Paralizante &f/ &8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar &f/ &8&o(S+I) &aMordisco"
  27. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.Aoda} to paper named "&cEliminar Aoda"
  28. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.Aoda} to player
  29. give {Invocacion.Acciones.Aoda} to player
  30. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Aoda.%player%} to true
  31. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Aoda.%player%} to true
  32. set {_npcsombra} to a citizen with name "&dAoda %player%" and entity type "PIG_ZOMBIE"
  33. wait 1 tick
  34. set {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%player%} to {_npcsombra}
  35. spawn citizen {_npcsombra} at location of player
  36. set {_npcid} to id of npc {_npcsombra}
  37. make console execute command "/npc sel %{_npcid}%"
  38. make console execute command "/npc vulnerable"
  39. apply invisibility to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  40. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to soul sand named "AODA"
  41. apply strength 7 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  42. apply speed 9 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  43. apply jump boost 1 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  44. apply resistance 4 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  45. apply fire resistance 5 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  46. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 210
  47. heal citizen {_npcid}
  50. on any movement:
  51. if {StunAoda.%player%} is true:
  52. cancel event
  53. on right click:
  54. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Aoda}:
  55. if player is sneaking:
  56. if targeted entity is set:
  57. if name of targeted entity is "&dAoda %player%":
  58. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  59. stop
  60. else:
  61. if {Invocacion.VenenoAoda.%player%} is not set:
  62. set {Invocacion.VenenoAoda.%player%} to 0
  63. if {Invocacion.VenenoAoda.%player%} is less than 1:
  64. set {Invocacion.VenenoAoda.%player%} to 50
  65. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%player%} to follow target with aggressive state true
  66. make player execute command "/cast VenenoParalizante"
  67. while {Invocacion.VenenoAoda.%player%} is more than 0:
  68. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.VenenoAoda.%player%}
  69. wait 1 second
  70. else:
  71. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.VenenoAoda.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  72. stop
  73. else:
  74. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  75. on left click:
  76. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.Aoda}:
  77. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%player%}
  78. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%player%}
  79. delete {Invocacion.Mordisco.%player%}
  80. delete {Invocacion.VenenoAodaDMG} and {Invocacion.VenenoAoda.%player%}
  81. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Aoda} from player's inventory
  82. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Aoda} from player's inventory
  83. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Aoda.%player%} to false
  84. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Aoda.%player%} to true
  85. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Aoda}:
  86. if player is sneaking:
  87. if targeted entity is set:
  88. if name of targeted entity is "&dAoda %player%":
  89. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  90. stop
  91. else:
  92. if {Invocacion.Mordisco.%player%} is not set:
  93. set {Invocacion.Mordisco.%player%} to 0
  94. if {Invocacion.Mordisco.%player%} is less than 1:
  95. set {Invocacion.Mordisco.%player%} to 70
  96. make player damage target by 8
  97. teleport npc {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%player%} to location of target
  98. make target run command "/particle magicCrit ~1 ~1 ~1 2 0.1 2 1 170 normal" as op
  99. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Mordisco!" to player
  100. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Mordisco!" to target
  101. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  102. while {Invocacion.Mordisco.%player%} is more than 0:
  103. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.Mordisco.%player%}
  104. wait 1 second
  105. else:
  106. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.Mordisco.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  107. stop
  108. else:
  109. if targeted entity is set:
  110. if name of targeted entity is "&dAoda %player%":
  111. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  112. stop
  113. else:
  114. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Aoda.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  115. #Aoda
  116. on damage:
  117. if distance between attacker and {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%attacker%} is smaller than 16:
  118. increase damage by 290%
  119. stop
  120. if {Invocacion.Escudo.%victim%} is true:
  121. cancel event
  122. add 1 to {Invocacion.EscudoCount.%victim%}
  123. if {Invocacion.EscudoCount.%victim%} is greater than 2:
  124. set {Invocacion.Escudo.%victim%} to false
  125. delete {Invocacion.EscudoCount.%victim%}
  126. send "&cSe te acabo el Efecto del Escudo de la Abjea Reina" to victim
  127. on death:
  128. if name of victim contains "&dABReina":
  129. loop all players:
  130. if {Invocacion.Activacion.ABReina.%loop-player%} is true:
  131. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%loop-player%}
  132. delete {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%loop-player%}
  133. delete {Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%loop-player%}
  134. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.ABReina} from loop-player's inventory
  135. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.ABReina} from loop-player's inventory
  136. set {Invocacion.Esperando.ABReina.%loop-player%} to false
  137. set {Invocacion.Activacion.ABReina.%loop-player%} to true
  138. send "&6[Invocacion]&f Tu &aAbeja Reina&f acaba de despawnear a manos de &6%attacker%" to loop-player
  139. command /ABReina [<text>]:
  140. permission: ABReina
  141. cooldown: 1 seconds
  142. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 90 segundos.
  143. trigger:
  144. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  145. set {Invocacion.Esperando.ABReina.%player%} to false
  146. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  147. if arg 1 contains "Invocar":
  148. if {Invocacion.Esperando.ABReina.%player%} is true:
  149. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra ABReina de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  150. else:
  151. set {Invocacion.Acciones.ABReina} to enchanted book named "&8&o(S+D) &dEscudo &f/ &8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar"
  152. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.ABReina} to paper named "&cEliminar ABReina"
  153. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.ABReina} to player
  154. give {Invocacion.Acciones.ABReina} to player
  155. set {Invocacion.Activacion.ABReina.%player%} to true
  156. set {Invocacion.Esperando.ABReina.%player%} to true
  157. set {_npcsombra} to a citizen with name "&dABReina %player%" and entity type "ZOMBIE"
  158. set {_npcid} to id of npc {_npcsombra}
  159. spawn npc {_npcsombra} at location of player
  160. set {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%player%} to {_npcsombra}
  161. set {_npcid} to id of npc {_npcsombra}
  162. wait 1 tick
  163. make console execute command "/npc sel %{_npcid}%"
  164. make console execute command "/npc vulnerable"
  165. apply invisibility to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  166. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to soul sand named "ABEJA REINA"
  167. apply regeneration 3 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  168. apply resistance 3 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  169. apply strength 5 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  170. apply speed 1 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  171. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 250
  172. heal citizen {_npcid}
  173. on right click:
  174. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.ABReina}:
  175. if player is sneaking:
  176. if distance between player and {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%player%} is smaller than 19:
  177. if {Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%player%} is not set:
  178. set {Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%player%} to 0
  179. if {Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%player%} is less than 1:
  180. set {Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%player%} to 180
  181. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  182. set {Invocacion.Escudo.%player%} to true
  183. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%player%}
  184. delete {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%player%}
  185. delete {Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%player%}
  186. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.ABReina} from player's inventory
  187. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.ABReina} from player's inventory
  188. set {Invocacion.Esperando.ABReina.%player%} to false
  189. set {Invocacion.Activacion.ABReina.%player%} to true
  190. send "&a¡Escudo Activado!"
  191. while {Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%player%} is more than 0:
  192. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%player%}
  193. wait 1 second
  194. else:
  195. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  196. stop
  197. else:
  198. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  199. on left click:
  200. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.ABReina}:
  201. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%player%}
  202. delete {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%player%}
  204. delete {Invocacion.AcidoABReina.%player%}
  205. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.ABReina} from player's inventory
  206. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.ABReina} from player's inventory
  207. set {Invocacion.Esperando.ABReina.%player%} to false
  208. set {Invocacion.Activacion.ABReina.%player%} to true
  209. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.ABReina}:
  210. if targeted entity is set:
  211. if name of targeted entity is "&dABReina %player%":
  212. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  213. stop
  214. else:
  215. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.ABReina.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  216. command /Secuaz [<text>]:
  217. permission: Secuaz
  218. cooldown: 7 minutes
  219. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 7 minutos.
  220. trigger:
  221. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  222. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Secuaz.%player%} to false
  223. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  224. if {Invocacion.Esperando.Secuaz.%player%} is true:
  225. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra Marioneta de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  226. else:
  227. set {Invocacion.Acciones.Secuaz} to enchanted book named "&8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar &f/ &8&o(S+I) &dPildoras"
  228. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.Secuaz} to paper named "&cEliminar Secuaz"
  229. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.Secuaz} to player
  230. give {Invocacion.Acciones.Secuaz} to player
  231. set {_npcsombra} to a citizen with name "&7Secuaz %player%" and entity type "ZOMBIE"
  232. wait 1 tick
  233. set {Invocacion.Residual.Secuaz.%player%} to {_npcsombra}
  234. spawn npc {_npcsombra} at location of player
  235. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Secuaz.%player%} to true
  236. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Secuaz.%player%} to true
  237. set {_npcid} to id of npc {_npcsombra}
  238. #Hat y Vulnerabilidad
  239. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to cyan wool named "Secuaz"
  240. make console execute command "/npc sel %{_npcid}%"
  241. make console execute command "/npc vulnerable"
  242. #Salud
  243. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 80
  245. heal citizen {_npcid}
  246. apply speed 2 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  247. apply strength 1 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  248. apply resistance 2 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  249. on right click:
  250. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Secuaz}:
  251. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Secuaz.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  252. on death:
  253. loop all players:
  254. if name of victim contains "&7Secuaz %loop-player%":
  255. if {Invocacion.Activacion.Secuaz.%loop-player%} is true:
  256. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.Secuaz.%loop-player%}
  257. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Secuaz.%loop-player%}
  258. delete {Invocacion.PildorasSecuaz.%loop-player%}
  259. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Secuaz} from loop-player's inventory
  260. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Secuaz} from loop-player's inventory
  261. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Secuaz.%loop-player%} to false
  262. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Secuaz.%loop-player%} to true
  263. send "&6[Invocacion]&f Tu &7Secuaz&f acaba de despawnear a manos de &6%attacker%" to loop-player
  264. on left click:
  265. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.Secuaz}:
  266. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.Secuaz.%player%}
  267. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Secuaz.%player%}
  268. delete {Invocacion.PildorasSecuaz.%player%}
  269. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Secuaz} from player's inventory
  270. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Secuaz} from player's inventory
  271. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Secuaz.%player%} to false
  272. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Secuaz.%player%} to true
  273. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Secuaz}:
  274. if player is sneaking:
  275. if {Invocacion.PildorasSecuaz.%player%} is not set:
  276. set {Invocacion.PildorasSecuaz.%player%} to 0
  277. if {Invocacion.PildorasSecuaz.%player%} is less than 1:
  278. set {Invocacion.PildorasSecuaz.%player%} to 60
  279. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Secuaz.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  280. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Pildoras Sanadoras!" to player
  281. apply regeneration 2 to player for 30 seconds
  282. while {Invocacion.PildorasSecuaz.%player%} is more than 0:
  283. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.PildorasSecuaz.%player%}
  284. wait 1 second
  285. else:
  286. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.PildorasSecuaz.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  287. stop
  288. else:
  289. if targeted entity is set:
  290. if name of targeted entity is "&7Secuaz %player%":
  291. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  292. stop
  293. else:
  294. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Secuaz.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  296. command /SecuazFuerte [<text>]:
  297. permission: SecuazFuerte
  298. cooldown: 12 minutes
  299. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 12 minutos.
  300. trigger:
  301. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  302. set {Invocacion.Esperando.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to false
  303. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  305. if {Invocacion.Esperando.SecuazFuerte.%player%} is true:
  306. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra Marioneta de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  307. else:
  308. set {Invocacion.Acciones.SecuazFuerte} to enchanted book named "&8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar &f/ &8&o(S+I) &dPildoras II &f/ &8&o(S+D)&c Suicidio"
  309. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.SecuazFuerte} to paper named "&cEliminar SecuazFuerte"
  310. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.SecuazFuerte} to player
  311. give {Invocacion.Acciones.SecuazFuerte} to player
  312. set {_npcsombra} to a citizen with name "&6Secuaz %player%" and entity type "ZOMBIE"
  313. wait 1 tick
  314. set {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to {_npcsombra}
  315. spawn npc {_npcsombra} at location of player
  316. set {Invocacion.Activacion.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to true
  317. set {Invocacion.Esperando.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to true
  318. set {_npcid} to id of npc {_npcsombra}
  319. #Hat y Vulnerabilidad
  320. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to cyan wool named "SecuazFuerte"
  321. make console execute command "/npc sel %{_npcid}%"
  322. make console execute command "/npc vulnerable"
  323. #Salud
  324. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 110
  326. heal citizen {_npcid}
  327. apply speed 3 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  328. apply strength 2 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  329. apply resistance 3 to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  330. on damage:
  331. if name of attacker contains "&6Secuaz":
  332. loop all players:
  333. if {Bomba.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%} is true:
  334. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%}
  335. delete {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%}
  336. delete {Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%loop-player%}
  337. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.SecuazFuerte} from loop-player's inventory
  338. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.SecuazFuerte} from loop-player's inventory
  339. set {Invocacion.Esperando.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%} to false
  340. set {Invocacion.Activacion.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%} to true
  341. set {Bomba.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%} to false
  342. damage victim by 18
  343. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Castigo Final!" to victim
  345. on right click:
  346. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.SecuazFuerte}:
  347. if player is sneaking:
  348. if targeted entity is set:
  349. if name of targeted entity is "&6Secuaz %player%":
  350. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  351. stop
  352. else:
  353. if {Invocacion.SuicidioSecuazFuerte2.%player%} is not set:
  354. set {Invocacion.SuicidioSecuazFuerte2.%player%} to 0
  355. if {Invocacion.SuicidioSecuazFuerte2.%player%} is less than 1:
  356. set {Invocacion.SuicidioSecuazFuerte2.%player%} to 600
  357. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  358. set {Bomba.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to true
  359. while {Invocacion.SuicidioSecuazFuerte2.%player%} is more than 0:
  360. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.SuicidioSecuazFuerte2.%player%}
  361. wait 1 second
  362. else:
  363. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.SuicidioSecuazFuerte2.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  364. stop
  365. else:
  366. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  367. on death:
  368. loop all players:
  369. if name of victim contains "&6Secuaz %loop-player%":
  370. if {Invocacion.Activacion.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%} is true:
  371. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%}
  372. set {Bomba.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%} to false
  373. delete {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%}
  374. delete {Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%loop-player%}
  375. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.SecuazFuerte} from loop-player's inventory
  376. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.SecuazFuerte} from loop-player's inventory
  377. set {Invocacion.Esperando.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%} to false
  378. set {Invocacion.Activacion.SecuazFuerte.%loop-player%} to true
  379. send "&6[Invocacion]&f Tu &6Secuaz&f acaba de despawnear a manos de &6%attacker%" to loop-player
  380. on left click:
  381. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.SecuazFuerte}:
  382. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%player%}
  383. delete {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%player%}
  384. delete {Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%player%}
  385. set {Bomba.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to false
  386. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.SecuazFuerte} from player's inventory
  387. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.SecuazFuerte} from player's inventory
  388. set {Invocacion.Esperando.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to false
  389. set {Invocacion.Activacion.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to true
  390. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.SecuazFuerte}:
  391. if player is sneaking:
  392. if {Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%player%} is not set:
  393. set {Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%player%} to 0
  394. if {Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%player%} is less than 1:
  395. set {Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%player%} to 120
  396. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  397. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Pildoras Sanadoras!" to player
  398. apply regeneration 2 to player for 1 minute
  399. apply resistance 3 to player for 40 seconds
  400. while {Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%player%} is more than 0:
  401. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%player%}
  402. wait 1 second
  403. else:
  404. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.PildorasSecuazFuerte.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  405. stop
  406. else:
  407. if targeted entity is set:
  408. if name of targeted entity is "&6Secuaz %player%":
  409. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  410. stop
  411. else:
  412. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.SecuazFuerte.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  415. command /Baku [<text>]:
  416. permission: Baku
  417. cooldown: 5 seconds
  418. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 50 segundos.
  419. trigger:
  420. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  421. set {Invocacion.Esperando.BakuSilver.%player%} to false
  422. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  423. if arg 1 contains "Invocar":
  424. if {Invocacion.Esperando.BakuSilver.%player%} is true:
  425. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra BakuSilver de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  426. else:
  427. set {Invocacion.Acciones.BakuSilver} to enchanted book named "&8&o(S+D) &3Ataque Rapido &f/ &8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar &f/ &8&o(S+I) &5CastBaku"
  428. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.BakuSilver} to paper named "&cEliminar BakuSilver"
  429. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.BakuSilver} to player
  430. give {Invocacion.Acciones.BakuSilver} to player
  431. set {Invocacion.Activacion.BakuSilver.%player%} to true
  432. set {Invocacion.Esperando.BakuSilver.%player%} to true
  433. set {_npcsombra} to a citizen with name "&dBaku %player%" and entity type "ZOMBIE"
  434. spawn citizen {_npcsombra} at location of player
  435. set {_npcid} to id of npc {_npcsombra}
  436. set {Invocacion.Residual.BakuSilver.%player%} to {_npcsombra}
  437. wait 1 tick
  438. apply invisibility to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  439. make console execute command "/npc sel %{_npcid}%"
  440. make console execute command "/npc vulnerable"
  441. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to soul sand named "BAKU"
  442. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 200
  443. heal citizen {_npcid}
  444. apply speed 4 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  445. apply strength 7 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  446. apply regeneration 2 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  447. apply resistance 2 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  448. on right click:
  449. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.BakuSilver}:
  450. if player is sneaking:
  451. if targeted entity is set:
  452. if name of targeted entity is "&dBaku %player%":
  453. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  454. stop
  455. else:
  456. if {Invocacion.AtaqueRapidoBaku.%player%} is not set:
  457. set {Invocacion.AtaqueRapidoBaku.%player%} to 0
  458. if {Invocacion.AtaqueRapidoBaku.%player%} is less than 1:
  459. set {Invocacion.AtaqueRapidoBaku.%player%} to 10
  460. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.BakuSilver.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  461. teleport npc {Invocacion.Residual.BakuSilver.%player%} to location of target
  462. make player damage target by 2
  463. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Ataque Rapido!" to player
  464. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Ataque Rapido!" to target
  465. while {Invocacion.AtaqueRapidoBaku.%player%} is more than 0:
  466. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.AtaqueRapidoBaku.%player%}
  467. wait 1 second
  468. else:
  469. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.AtaqueRapidoBaku.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  470. stop
  471. else:
  472. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.BakuSilver.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  473. on left click:
  474. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.BakuSilver}:
  475. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.BakuSilver.%player%}
  476. delete {Invocacion.AtaqueRapidoBaku.%player%}
  477. delete {Invocacion.Residual.BakuSilver.%player%}
  478. delete {Invocacion.JutsuBaku.%player%}
  479. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.BakuSilver} from player's inventory
  480. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.BakuSilver} from player's inventory
  481. set {Invocacion.Esperando.BakuSilver.%player%} to false
  482. set {Invocacion.Activacion.BakuSilver.%player%} to true
  483. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.BakuSilver}:
  484. if player is sneaking:
  485. if targeted entity is set:
  486. if name of targeted entity is "&dBaku %player%":
  487. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  488. stop
  489. else:
  490. if {Invocacion.JutsuBaku.%player%} is not set:
  491. set {Invocacion.JutsuBaku.%player%} to 0
  492. if {Invocacion.JutsuBaku.%player%} is less than 1:
  493. set {Invocacion.JutsuBaku.%player%} to 150
  494. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.BakuSilver.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  495. make player run command "/cast Baku" as op
  496. make player run command "/cast BakuF" as op
  497. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡JutsuBaku!" to player
  498. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡JutsuBaku!" to target
  499. while {Invocacion.JutsuBaku.%player%} is more than 0:
  500. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.JutsuBaku.%player%}
  501. wait 1 second
  502. else:
  503. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.JutsuBaku.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  504. stop
  505. else:
  506. if targeted entity is set:
  507. if name of targeted entity is "&dBaku %player%":
  508. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  509. stop
  510. else:
  511. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.BakuSilver.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  512. command /Dokis [<text>]:
  513. permission: Dokis
  514. cooldown: 90 seconds
  515. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 90 segundos.
  516. trigger:
  517. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  518. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Dokis.%player%} to false
  519. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  520. if arg 1 contains "Invocar":
  521. if {Invocacion.Esperando.Dokis.%player%} is true:
  522. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra Dokis de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  523. else:
  524. set {Invocacion.Acciones.Dokis} to enchanted book named "&8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar &f/ &8&o(S+I) &2Robo de Chakra"
  525. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.Dokis} to paper named "&cEliminar Dokis"
  526. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.Dokis} to player
  527. give {Invocacion.Acciones.Dokis} to player
  528. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Dokis.%player%} to true
  529. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Dokis.%player%} to true
  530. set {_npcsombra} to a citizen with name "&eDokis %player%" and entity type "ZOMBIE"
  531. spawn citizen {_npcsombra} at location of player
  532. set {_npcid} to id of npc {_npcsombra}
  533. set {Invocacion.Residual.Dokis.%player%} to {_npcsombra}
  534. wait 1 tick
  535. apply invisibility to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  536. make console execute command "/npc sel %{_npcid}%"
  537. make console execute command "/npc vulnerable"
  538. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to soul sand named "DOKI"
  539. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 200
  540. heal citizen {_npcid}
  541. apply speed 7 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  542. apply strength 4 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  543. apply resistance 3 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  544. on right click:
  545. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Dokis}:
  546. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Dokis.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  547. on left click:
  548. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.Dokis}:
  549. delete npc {Invocacion.Residual.Dokis.%player%}
  550. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Dokis.%player%}
  551. delete {Invocacion.RoboChakraDokis.%player%}
  552. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Dokis} from player's inventory
  553. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Dokis} from player's inventory
  554. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Dokis.%player%} to false
  555. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Dokis.%player%} to true
  556. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Dokis}:
  557. if player is sneaking:
  558. if targeted entity is set:
  559. if name of targeted entity is "&eDokis %player%":
  560. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  561. stop
  562. else:
  563. if {Invocacion.RoboChakraDokis.%player%} is not set:
  564. set {Invocacion.RoboChakraDokis.%player%} to 0
  565. if {Invocacion.RoboChakraDokis.%player%} is less than 1:
  566. set {Invocacion.RoboChakraDokis.%player%} to 180
  567. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Dokis.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  568. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Robo de Chakra!" to player
  569. make console execute command "/cast teach %player% robodokimulti"
  570. make player execute command "/cast robodokimulti"
  571. make console execute command "/cast forget %player% robodokimulti"
  572. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Robo de Chakra!" to target
  573. while {Invocacion.RoboChakraDokis.%player%} is more than 0:
  574. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.RoboChakraDokis.%player%}
  575. wait 1 second
  576. else:
  577. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.RoboChakraDokis.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  578. stop
  579. else:
  580. if targeted entity is set:
  581. if name of targeted entity is "&eDokis %player%":
  582. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  583. stop
  584. else:
  585. force the npc {Invocacion.Residual.Dokis.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  587. command /Gamabunta [<text>]:
  588. permission: Gamabunta
  589. cooldown: 90 seconds
  590. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 90 segundos.
  591. trigger:
  592. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  593. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Gamabunta.%player%} to false
  594. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  595. if arg 1 contains "Invocar":
  596. if {Invocacion.Esperando.Gamabunta.%player%} is true:
  597. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra Gamabunta de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  598. else:
  599. set {Invocacion.Gamabunta.%player%} to a citizen with name "&dGamabunta %player%" and entity type "PIG_ZOMBIE"
  600. set {Invocacion.Acciones.Gamabunta} to enchanted book named "&8&o(S+D) &9Aceite de Sapo &f/ &8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar &f/ &8&o(S+I) &aSalto Rapido"
  601. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.Gamabunta} to paper named "&cEliminar Gamabunta"
  602. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.Gamabunta} to player
  603. spawn citizen {Invocacion.Gamabunta.%player%} at location of player
  604. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Gamabunta.%player%} to false
  605. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Gamabunta.%player%} to true
  606. set {_npcid} to id of npc {Invocacion.Gamabunta.%player%}
  607. wait 1 tick
  608. apply invisibility to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  609. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to soul sand named "SAPO GIGANTE"
  610. on right click:
  611. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Gamabunta}:
  612. if player is sneaking:
  613. if targeted entity is set:
  614. if name of targeted entity is "&dGamabunta %player%":
  615. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  616. stop
  617. else:
  618. if {Invocacion.AceiteGamabunta.%player%} is not set:
  619. set {Invocacion.AceiteGamabunta.%player%} to 0
  620. if {Invocacion.AceiteGamabunta.%player%} is less than 1:
  621. set {Invocacion.AceiteGamabunta.%player%} to 50
  622. loop all entities in radius 15 around {Invocacion.Residual.Gamabunta.%player%}:
  623. remove slowness from loop-entity
  624. send "&6[Invocacion]&f ¡Aceite de Sapo!" to loop-entities
  625. apply slowness 5 to the loop-entity for 25 seconds
  626. wait 1 tick
  627. remove slowness from the player
  628. remove slowness from {Invocacion.Residual.Gamabunta.%player%}
  629. while {Invocacion.AceiteGamabunta.%player%} is more than 0:
  630. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.AceiteGamabunta.%player%}
  631. wait 1 second
  632. else:
  633. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.AceiteGamabunta.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  634. stop
  635. else:
  636. force the npc {Invocacion.Gamabunta.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  637. on left click:
  638. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.Gamabunta}:
  639. delete npc {Invocacion.Gamabunta.%player%}
  640. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Gamabunta.%player%}
  641. delete {Invocacion.Gamabunta.%player%}
  642. delete {Invocacion.SaltoRapidoGamabunta.%player%}
  643. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Gamabunta} from player's inventory
  644. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Gamabunta} from player's inventory
  645. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Gamabunta.%player%} to false
  646. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Gamabunta.%player%} to true
  647. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Gamabunta}:
  648. if player is sneaking:
  649. if targeted entity is set:
  650. if name of targeted entity is "&dGamabunta %player%":
  651. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  652. stop
  653. else:
  654. if {Invocacion.SaltoRapidoGamabunta.%player%} is not set:
  655. set {Invocacion.SaltoRapidoGamabunta.%player%} to 0
  656. if {Invocacion.SaltoRapidoGamabunta.%player%} is less than 1:
  657. set {Invocacion.SaltoRapidoGamabunta.%player%} to 70
  658. make player damage target by 6
  659. teleport npc {Invocacion.Residual.Gamabunta.%player%} to location of target
  660. make target run command "/particle largeexplode ~1 ~ ~1 2 0.1 2 0.1 17 normal" as op
  661. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Salto Rapido!" to player
  662. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Salto Rapido!" to target
  663. force the npc {Invocacion.Gamabunta.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  664. while {Invocacion.SaltoRapidoGamabunta.%player%} is more than 0:
  665. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.SaltoRapidoGamabunta.%player%}
  666. wait 1 second
  667. else:
  668. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.SaltoRapidoGamabunta.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  669. stop
  670. else:
  671. if targeted entity is set:
  672. if name of targeted entity is "&dGamabunta %player%":
  673. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  674. stop
  675. else:
  676. force the npc {Invocacion.Gamabunta.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  677. on rightclick on entity:
  678. if clicked entity is a citizen:
  679. if name of clicked entity is equal to "&dGamabunta %player%":
  680. if {Invocacion.Activacion.Gamabunta.%player%} is false:
  681. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Gamabunta.%player%} to true
  682. give {Invocacion.Acciones.Gamabunta} to player
  683. wait 1 tick
  684. make player run command "/npc sel" as op
  685. make player run command "/npc owner %player%" as op
  686. make player run command "/npc vulnerable" as op
  687. set {Invocacion.Residual.Gamabunta.%player%} to clicked entity
  688. loop 2 times:
  689. set helmet of clicked entity to soul sand named "SAPO GIGANTE"
  690. set leggings of clicked entity to iron leggings
  691. set chestplate of clicked entity to iron chestplate
  692. set chestplate of clicked entity to iron boots
  693. apply strength 6 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  694. apply speed 6 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  695. apply jump boost 2 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  696. remove slowness from the clicked entity
  697. apply resistance 2 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  698. apply fire resistance 5 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  699. set the health of clicked entity to 110
  700. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 110
  701. #
  702. command /Babosa [<text>]:
  703. permission: Babosa
  704. cooldown: 90 seconds
  705. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 90 segundos.
  706. trigger:
  707. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  708. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Babosa.%player%} to false
  709. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  710. if arg 1 contains "Invocar":
  711. if {Invocacion.Esperando.Babosa.%player%} is true:
  712. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra Babosa de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  713. else:
  714. set {Invocacion.Babosa.%player%} to a citizen with name "&dBabosa %player%" and entity type "PIG_ZOMBIE"
  715. set {Invocacion.Acciones.Babosa} to enchanted book named "&8&o(S+D) &dCurar &f/ &8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar &f/ &8&o(S+I) &2Acido"
  716. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.Babosa} to paper named "&cEliminar Babosa"
  717. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.Babosa} to player
  718. spawn citizen {Invocacion.Babosa.%player%} at location of player
  719. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Babosa.%player%} to false
  720. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Babosa.%player%} to true
  721. set {_npcid} to id of npc {Invocacion.Babosa.%player%}
  722. wait 1 tick
  723. apply invisibility to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  724. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to soul sand named "BABOSA"
  725. on right click:
  726. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Babosa}:
  727. if player is sneaking:
  728. if targeted entity is set:
  729. if name of targeted entity is "&dBabosa %player%":
  730. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  731. stop
  732. else:
  733. if distance between targeted entity and {Invocacion.Residual.Babosa.%player%} is smaller than 24:
  734. force the npc {Invocacion.Babosa.%player%} to follow target with aggressive state false
  735. loop 50 times:
  736. if distance between targeted entity and {Invocacion.Residual.Babosa.%player%} is smaller than 4:
  737. wait 1.5 second
  738. remove instant health from target
  739. apply instant health 3 to target for 1 seconds
  740. send "&6[Invocacion] &f Tu babosa curo a &d%target%" to player
  741. show 50 "hearts" particles at location of target for target offset by 0.4, 0.7, 0.4
  742. wait 1 second
  743. else:
  744. force the npc {Invocacion.Babosa.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  745. on left click:
  746. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.Babosa}:
  747. delete npc {Invocacion.Babosa.%player%}
  748. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Babosa.%player%}
  749. delete {Invocacion.Babosa.%player%}
  750. delete {Invocacion.AcidoBabosa.%player%}
  751. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Babosa} from player's inventory
  752. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Babosa} from player's inventory
  753. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Babosa.%player%} to false
  754. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Babosa.%player%} to true
  755. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Babosa}:
  756. if player is sneaking:
  757. if targeted entity is set:
  758. if name of targeted entity is "&dBabosa %player%":
  759. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  760. stop
  761. else:
  762. if {Invocacion.AcidoBabosa.%player%} is not set:
  763. set {Invocacion.AcidoBabosa.%player%} to 0
  764. if {Invocacion.AcidoBabosa.%player%} is less than 1:
  765. set {Invocacion.AcidoBabosa.%player%} to 35
  766. force the npc {Invocacion.Babosa.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  767. make player damage target by 3
  768. apply nausea 4 to the target for 2 minute
  769. apply weakness 10 to the target for 3 minute
  770. apply slowness 12 to the target for 2 minutes
  771. apply instant damage 1 to the target for 7 seconds
  772. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Acido Corrosivo!" to player
  773. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Acido Corrosivo!" to target
  774. while {Invocacion.AcidoBabosa.%player%} is more than 0:
  775. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.AcidoBabosa.%player%}
  776. wait 1 second
  777. else:
  778. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.AcidoBabosa.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  779. stop
  780. else:
  781. if targeted entity is set:
  782. if name of targeted entity is "&dBabosa %player%":
  783. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  784. stop
  785. else:
  786. force the npc {Invocacion.Babosa.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  787. on rightclick on entity:
  788. if clicked entity is a citizen:
  789. if name of clicked entity is equal to "&dBabosa %player%":
  790. if {Invocacion.Activacion.Babosa.%player%} is false:
  791. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Babosa.%player%} to true
  792. give {Invocacion.Acciones.Babosa} to player
  793. wait 1 tick
  794. make player run command "/npc sel" as op
  795. make player run command "/npc owner %player%" as op
  796. make player run command "/npc vulnerable" as op
  797. set {Invocacion.Residual.Babosa.%player%} to clicked entity
  798. loop 2 times:
  799. apply fire resistance 5 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  800. set helmet of clicked entity to soul sand named "BABOSA"
  801. set leggings of clicked entity to iron leggings
  802. set chestplate of clicked entity to iron chestplate
  803. set chestplate of clicked entity to iron boots
  804. apply regeneration 5 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  805. apply resistance 4 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  806. apply slowness 1 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  807. set the health of clicked entity to 150
  808. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 150
  809. #
  810. command /Almeja [<text>]:
  811. permission: Almeja
  812. cooldown: 540 seconds
  813. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 540 segundos.
  814. trigger:
  815. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  816. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Almeja.%player%} to false
  817. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  818. if arg 1 contains "Invocar":
  819. if {Invocacion.Esperando.Almeja.%player%} is true:
  820. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra Almeja de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  821. else:
  822. set {Invocacion.Almeja.%player%} to a citizen with name "&dAlmeja %player%" and entity type "ZOMBIE"
  823. set {Invocacion.Acciones.Almeja} to enchanted book named "&8&o(D) &3Clones de Sombra / &8&o(I) &cEfecto de Invisiblidad &f/ &8&o(S+I) &5Mover Almeja"
  824. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.Almeja} to paper named "&cEliminar Almeja"
  825. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.Almeja} to player
  826. give {Invocacion.Acciones.Almeja} to player
  827. spawn citizen {Invocacion.Almeja.%player%} at location of player
  828. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Almeja.%player%} to true
  829. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Almeja.%player%} to true
  830. set {_npcid} to id of npc {Invocacion.Almeja.%player%}
  831. wait 1 tick
  832. apply invisibility to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  833. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to soul sand named "ALMEJA"
  834. make console execute command "/npc sel %{_npcid}%"
  835. make console execute command "/npc vulnerable"
  836. apply regeneration 1 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  837. apply slowness 80 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  838. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 300
  839. heal citizen {_npcid}
  840. on right click:
  841. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Almeja}:
  842. if {Invocacion.AlmejaClones.%player%} is not set:
  843. set {Invocacion.AlmejaClones.%player%} to 0
  844. if {Invocacion.AlmejaClones.%player%} is less than 1:
  845. set {Invocacion.AlmejaClones.%player%} to 50
  846. make player run command "/clonalme" as op
  847. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Clones!" to player
  848. while {Invocacion.AlmejaClones.%player%} is more than 0:
  849. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.AlmejaClones.%player%}
  850. wait 1 second
  851. else:
  852. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.AlmejaClones.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  853. stop
  854. command /clonalme:
  855. permission: Almeja
  856. trigger:
  857. make player run command "/npc create &7Slimepegajoso" as op
  858. make player run command "/npc vulnerable" as op
  859. make player run command "/npc skin Diamond4Life" as op
  860. make player run command "/trait Sentinel" as op
  861. make player run command "/sentinel addignore npcs" as op
  862. make player run command "/sentinel range 50" as op
  863. make player run command "/sentinel chaserange 70" as op
  864. make player run command "/sentinel realistic trues" as op
  865. make player run command "/sentinel invincible false" as op
  866. make player run command "/sentinel reach 4" as op
  867. make player run command "/sentinel speed 3" as op
  868. make player run command "/sentinel armor 0.4" as op
  869. make player run command "/sentinel health 35" as op
  870. make player run command "/sentinel guard %player%" as op
  871. make player run command "/sentinel damage 5" as op
  872. make player run command "/sentinel attackrate 2" as op
  873. make player run command "/sentinel addtarget player" as op
  874. wait 4 ticks
  875. make player run command "/npc copy" as op
  876. make player run command "/npc copy" as op
  877. on left click:
  878. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.Almeja}:
  879. delete npc {Invocacion.Almeja.%player%}
  880. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Almeja.%player%}
  881. delete {Invocacion.Almeja.%player%}
  882. delete {Invocacion.EnCombate.%player%}
  883. delete {Invocacion.AlmejaMover.%player%}
  884. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Almeja} from player's inventory
  885. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Almeja} from player's inventory
  886. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Almeja.%player%} to false
  887. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Almeja.%player%} to true
  888. reveal player from all players
  889. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Almeja}:
  890. if player is sneaking:
  891. if {Invocacion.AlmejaMover.%player%} is not set:
  892. set {Invocacion.AlmejaMover.%player%} to 0
  893. if {Invocacion.AlmejaMover.%player%} is less than 1:
  894. set {Invocacion.AlmejaMover.%player%} to 190
  895. teleport npc {Invocacion.Residual.Almeja.%player%} to location of player
  896. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Mover Almeja!" to player
  897. while {Invocacion.AlmejaMover.%player%} is more than 0:
  898. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.AlmejaMover.%player%}
  899. wait 1 second
  900. else:
  901. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.AlmejaMover.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  902. stop
  903. else:
  904. make player run command "/almeinvi" as op
  905. command /almeinvi:
  906. cooldown: 190 seconds
  907. permission: Almeja
  908. trigger:
  909. set {Invocacion.InvisiblidadAlmeja.%player%} to true
  910. hide player from all players
  911. set {Invocacion.EnCombate.%player%} to false
  912. send "&6[Invocacion]&f Efecto Activado"
  913. on damage:
  914. if {Invocacion.EnCombate.%attacker%} is false:
  915. set {Invocacion.EnCombate.%attacker%} to true
  916. reveal attacker from all players
  917. wait 9 seconds
  918. set {Invocacion.EnCombate.%attacker%} to false
  919. every 3 seconds:
  920. loop all players:
  921. if distance between loop-player and {Invocacion.Residual.Babosa.%loop-player%} is smaller than 5:
  922. make loop-player run command "/cast RegeneracionBabosa" as op
  923. stop
  924. every 1 second:
  925. loop all players:
  926. if distance between loop-player and {Invocacion.Residual.Almeja.%loop-player%} is smaller than 23:
  927. if {Invocacion.EnCombate.%loop-player%} is false:
  928. hide loop-player from all players
  929. stop
  930. else:
  931. if {Invocacion.EnCombate.%loop-player%} is true:
  932. reveal loop-player from all players
  933. stop
  934. on death:
  935. if name of victim contains "&dAlmeja":
  936. loop all players:
  937. if {Invocacion.Activacion.Almeja.%loop-player%} is true:
  938. delete npc {Invocacion.Almeja.%loop-player%}
  939. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Almeja.%loop-player%}
  940. delete {Invocacion.Almeja.%loop-player%}
  941. delete {Invocacion.EnCombate.%loop-player%}
  942. reveal loop-player from all players
  943. delete {Invocacion.AlmejaMover.%loop-player%}
  944. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Almeja} from loop-player's inventory
  945. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Almeja} from loop-player's inventory
  946. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Almeja.%loop-player%} to false
  947. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Almeja.%loop-player%} to true
  948. delete {Invocacion.InvisiblidadAlmeja.%loop-player%}
  949. send "&6[Invocacion]&f Tu &dAlmeja&f acaba de despawnear a manos de &6%attacker%" to loop-player
  950. #King
  951. on death:
  952. if name of victim contains "&eKamatari":
  953. loop all players:
  954. if {Invocacion.Activacion.Kamatari.%loop-player%} is true:
  955. delete npc {Invocacion.Kamatari.%loop-player%}
  956. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Kamatari.%loop-player%}
  957. delete {Invocacion.Kamatari.%loop-player%}
  958. delete {Invocacion.DecapitacionKamatari.%loop-player%}
  959. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Kamatari} from loop-player's inventory
  960. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Kamatari} from loop-player's inventory
  961. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Kamatari.%loop-player%} to false
  962. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Kamatari.%loop-player%} to true
  963. send "&6[Invocacion]&f Tu &eKamatari&f acaba de despawnear a manos de &6%attacker%" to loop-player
  964. on damage:
  965. if name of attacker contains "&eKamatari":
  966. chance of 5%:
  967. send "&6[Invocacion] &fMordida al Cuello" to victim
  968. make attacker damage victim by 15
  969. command /Kamatari [<text>]:
  970. permission: Kamatari
  971. cooldown: 50 seconds
  972. cooldown message: &6Disponible dentro de 50 segundos.
  973. trigger:
  974. if arg 1 is "Reparar":
  975. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Kamatari.%player%} to false
  976. send "&aReparar aplicado"
  977. if arg 1 contains "Invocar":
  978. if {Invocacion.Esperando.Kamatari.%player%} is true:
  979. send "&c[Error] &fNo puedes invocar otra Kamatari de este tipo mientras tengas una ya Invocada"
  980. else:
  981. set {Invocacion.Kamatari.%player%} to a citizen with name "&eKamatari %player%" and entity type "ZOMBIE"
  982. set {Invocacion.Acciones.Kamatari} to enchanted book named "&8&o(D) &dSeguir &f/ &8&o(I) &cAtacar &f/ &8&o(S+I) &3Decapitacion Rapida"
  983. set {Invocacion.Eliminar.Kamatari} to paper named "&cEliminar Kamatari"
  984. give {Invocacion.Eliminar.Kamatari} to player
  985. give {Invocacion.Acciones.Kamatari} to player
  986. spawn citizen {Invocacion.Kamatari.%player%} at location of player
  987. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Kamatari.%player%} to true
  988. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Kamatari.%player%} to true
  989. set {_npcid} to id of npc {Invocacion.Kamatari.%player%}
  990. make console execute command "/npc sel %{_npcid}%"
  991. make console execute command "/npc vulnerable"
  992. wait 1 tick
  993. apply invisibility to citizen {_npcid} for 99999 seconds
  994. set citizen {_npcid}'s helmet slot to soul sand named "KAMATARI"
  995. set citizen {_npcid} max health to 70
  996. heal citizen {_npcid}
  997. apply speed 5 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  998. apply strength 4 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  999. apply resistance 2 to citizen {_npcid} for 90 minutes
  1000. on right click:
  1001. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Kamatari}:
  1002. force the npc {Invocacion.Kamatari.%player%} to follow player with aggressive state false
  1003. on left click:
  1004. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Eliminar.Kamatari}:
  1005. delete npc {Invocacion.Kamatari.%player%}
  1006. delete {Invocacion.Residual.Kamatari.%player%}
  1007. delete {Invocacion.Kamatari.%player%}
  1008. delete {Invocacion.DecapitacionKamatari.%player%}
  1009. remove {Invocacion.Eliminar.Kamatari} from player's inventory
  1010. remove {Invocacion.Acciones.Kamatari} from player's inventory
  1011. set {Invocacion.Esperando.Kamatari.%player%} to false
  1012. set {Invocacion.Activacion.Kamatari.%player%} to true
  1013. if player's tool is {Invocacion.Acciones.Kamatari}:
  1014. if player is sneaking:
  1015. if targeted entity is set:
  1016. if name of targeted entity is "&eKamatari %player%":
  1017. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  1018. stop
  1019. else:
  1020. if {Invocacion.DecapitacionKamatari.%player%} is not set:
  1021. set {Invocacion.DecapitacionKamatari.%player%} to 0
  1022. if {Invocacion.DecapitacionKamatari.%player%} is less than 1:
  1023. set {Invocacion.DecapitacionKamatari.%player%} to 100
  1024. force the npc {Invocacion.Kamatari.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
  1025. teleport npc {Invocacion.Residual.Kamatari.%player%} to location of target
  1026. make player damage target by 10
  1027. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Decapitacion Rapida!" to player
  1028. send "&6[Invocacion] &f¡Decapitacion Rapida!" to target
  1029. while {Invocacion.DecapitacionKamatari.%player%} is more than 0:
  1030. subtract 1 from {Invocacion.DecapitacionKamatari.%player%}
  1031. wait 1 second
  1032. else:
  1033. send "&c[Error]&f Habilidad en Enfriamiento &7&o( %{Invocacion.DecapitacionKamatari.%player%}%&7&os )" to player
  1034. stop
  1035. else:
  1036. if targeted entity is set:
  1037. if name of targeted entity is "&eKamatari %player%":
  1038. send "&c[Error] &fEstas apuntando a tu Invocación."
  1039. stop
  1040. else:
  1041. force the npc {Invocacion.Kamatari.%player%} to attack targeted entity with aggressive state true
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