
Third Parties in the era of data science backed cyberwarfare

May 3rd, 2018
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  1. 1:40:34 PM+LowInformationVoterI have a different view on 'third-parties' now than in 2016.
  2. 1:40:50 PM+LowInformationVoterOf course, we should eliminate FPTP for, at minimum, ranked-choice.
  3. 1:41:06 PM@lauchlinSasha Velour will be in Toronto soon :)
  4. 1:41:10 PM+LowInformationVoterHowever, given the scope of election interference by parties like Russia, I now realize we don't have the luxury of voting third-party in the FPTP system.
  5. 1:41:32 PM+LowInformationVoterThey're too easy to manipulate, buy, etc. by these foreign powers, as it seems occurred in some part for the Green Party.
  6. 1:41:57 PM+LowInformationVoterWhen you're given a huge media platform like RT to spread a message you believe is very good, it takes a special character to avoid that.
  7. 1:42:12 PM@UnderCoverNerdthird party stuff needs to start at the local level and work up
  8. 1:42:13 PM+LowInformationVoter(I'm currently a member of the GPUSA)
  9. 1:42:18 PM@UnderCoverNerdmost of them try to do the opposite
  10. 1:42:22 PM+LowInformationVoterUnderCoverNerd: That is a traditional analysis.
  11. 1:42:33 PM+LowInformationVoterThere is truth to it, but it misses the primary point.
  12. 1:42:59 PM+LowInformationVoterThe GDP of Russia is about 1/10 the size of America's, right. So you might intuitively think they're much less powerful than us.
  13. 1:43:35 PM+LowInformationVoterBut imagine you're an actor in the American system that is quite successful -- maybe you're in Congress and worth 400k. Well, Russia with it's 1.7tn GDP can still easily 'promote' that agent in our system.
  14. 1:43:54 PM+LowInformationVoterBy giving them lots of money, some actionable intelligence, and connections to already purchased or manufactured Russian assets in the American system.
  15. 1:44:16 PM+LowInformationVoterRussia has an international history of using and abusing 'third-parties' to spread its postmodernist political ideology.
  16. 1:44:32 PM+LowInformationVoter
  17. 1:44:33 PM+pela[ The Hidden Author of Putinism - The Atlantic ]
  18. 1:44:37 PM+LowInformationVoterThat's what I mean by 'postmodernism' in this context.
  19. 1:44:48 PM@UnderCoverNerdo
  20. 1:44:50 PM+LowInformationVoterSurkov likes to invoke the new postmodern texts just translated into Russian, the breakdown of grand narratives, the impossibility of truth, how everything is only “simulacrum” and “simulacra” ... and then in the next moment he says how he despises relativism and loves conservatism, before quoting Allen Ginsberg’s “Sunflower Sutra,” in English and by heart. If the West once undermined and helped to ultimately defeat the U.S.S.R. by uniting free-market economics, cool culture, and democratic politics into one package (parliaments, investment banks, and abstract expressionism fused to defeat the Politburo, planned economics, and social realism), Surkov’s genius has been to tear those associations apart, to marry authoritarianism and modern art, to use the language of rights and representation to validate tyranny, to recut and paste democratic capitalism until it means the reverse of its original purpose.
  21. 1:45:31 PM+LowInformationVoterThere's no basis for Jill Stein -- who I voted for -- sitting next to Vladimir Putin at an RT gala.
  22. 1:45:41 PM+pela[ VIDEO: Mourners at Stabbed Burglar's Funeral Throw Eggs, Rush Reporters, Arrests Made | Breitbart ]
  23. 1:45:49 PM Ignoring pela!*@*
  24. 1:46:39 PM+LowInformationVoterThe traditional analysis of third-parties uses a-no-longer-acceptable threat model.
  25. 1:46:52 PM+LowInformationVoterIt's primary concern is split votes, for example.
  26. 1:47:59 PM+LowInformationVoterI wish we live in a world where foreign governments weren't using SOTA data science, funded by international billionaires, and traditional state-level espionage to disrupt our populations, but we do.
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