
Bitch no

Jul 5th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: Dori was at work stocking up some of the new mens handsantizer up. she brushes her hair from her face. She watched as the other girls did their work. one behind hte counter looking through her cellphone. Customers browsing through things. The girl behind the counter looked up."Hey fish girl after you are done with that you can go on break." Dori sighed and mumbled."my name is Dori..." that was the nickname one of the managers called her and she hated it. she finished up and took her apron off hanging it up. she grabbed her backpack and put it on making her way out of the store towards the food court.
  2. Tsaaq: Thaddeus clocked out and went to pat his shift leader on the shoulder. "I'm going on my lunch break guys I'll be back." Thad said as he took out his phone to text Dori. Of course he wasn't looking as he walked down the hallway with his phone.
  3. iKamal: Dori's phone buzzed and she pulled it out seeing it was Thad. she looked up seeing him not looking as she stood there and and text him."stop. look up from your phone before you run into someone." she made sure that she was in view for him to see her when he stopped walking .
  4. Tsaaq: He looked up from his phone and smirked down at her. "Hey." Thad smirked at her. "I was just texting you to get some food with me. I guess I have really good timing huh?" He said.
  5. iKamal: She chuckled and smiled."Yeah you do. I just got put on to break for lunch. Want to go get some panda express?" she tucked her phone into her pocket.
  6. Tsaaq: "Hmmm." He rubbed his chin and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Maybe. Probably. I didn't really have anything in mind. You lead the way." He smiled and went towards the escalators.
  7. iKamal: She walked beside him and nodded herhead."So how is work going?" she stepped up on to the escalator with him. she waited for his answer as she stood there looking up the escalator.
  8. Tsaaq: He shrugged again. "Pretty boring." Thaddeus replied. "I was just hanging around. Supervising, whatever." He laughed. "Anyways. How was work going for you so far?" Thad asked her.
  9. iKamal: She stepped off the escalator andmade herway towards the panda express and she shrugged."Well one of the managers there calls me Fish girl. Aside from that its ok."she smiled and looked up at him."So what do you want to eat?" she stopped infront of the panda express and looked at the menu.
  10. Tsaaq: Thaddeus walked off the escalator then went towards the Panda Express. "That's not cool-" He began to say. Once she said it was okay he shut up. "I don't know. Noodles and broccoli probably. I'm not good at fast food." He laughed
  11. iKamal: She smiled and ordered her food and paid the cashier as they piled up some lo mein eggrolls and orange chicken i nthe styfoam box. she took it along with her drink and looked at him."That sounds good."she smiled and walked off towards a close by table waiting for him.
  12. Tsaaq: He went behind her to order his food. He made his transaction with the cashier and went to the table Dori was standing near. "It's not all that cool to be honest." Thaddeus said before sitting down. He waited for Dori to sit before he started eating.
  13. iKamal: She sat down with him and nodded her head digging into her food."So do you have any plans for today after work?" she looked up at him and smiled. Her eyes looked over his features abit. She wished she had her camera with her.
  14. Tsaaq: "No. You?" He asked with a raise of his thick eyebrows as he opened up his box of food and poked at it with his fork, not noticing her gaze yet.
  15. iKamal: She shrugged some and looked down at her food."Well I was wondering if you wanted to go on that date still or not."she poked at her food with her fork."If not that is ok and I understand."
  16. Tsaaq: ((afk))
  17. iKamal: [tyt]
  18. Tsaaq: ((I'm posting soon okay I have to make lunch for tomorrow and I just got back from taking my friend home))
  19. iKamal: [thats fine take your time ]
  20. iKamal: [sorry i got distracted mani is afk at the moment Dori and Thad are at a table in the food court eating and talking]
  21. Alexithymiaa: (Its cool. Yeah, I know, she's cooking lmao)
  22. iKamal: [well darn XD i was finishing up some homework]
  23. Alexithymiaa: (You're fine, I'm just figuring out my RP shit for the night.)
  24. iKamal: [okay tyt]
  25. iKamal: [i freakin hate this class >< this is my second time taking it]
  26. Alexithymiaa: (What is it)
  27. iKamal: [intro to web design]
  28. Alexithymiaa: (That actually sounds kind of fun. Is it art and template based, or like... coding based?)
  29. iKamal: [umm well you use a program called muse by adobe. You have to upload it to the ftp and stuff but its so hard. its only hard because we are making our portfilio website but we have to make it the way our professor wants it and it drives me crazy cause i cant seem to please her]
  30. Alexithymiaa: (OHHHHH Muse does all the coding for you. Thats awesome. Sounds like fun)
  31. iKamal: [it is fun I like it but I hate how my professor makes me change everything. I have designed these stupid navigation buttons four times now and have to change them again]
  32. Alexithymiaa: (What doesnt she like about them?)
  33. iKamal: [well first I had jsut normal ones with just the words and some shading . she said she wanted to see more get that. I designed a little stick figure to hold the words up each stick figure doing soemthing different she didnt like it. she said i ahve to get more creative]
  34. iKamal: [thats all she says to me]
  35. iKamal: [i just feel like if its my website i should have it the way i want it]
  36. Alexithymiaa: (Yes, but at the same time if she doesnt think it
  37. Alexithymiaa: (Its creative enough, she wont give you a good grade)
  38. iKamal: [yeah thats why i keep changing it now i have little cat noses i made in photoshop]
  39. Alexithymiaa: (And doing more to it doesnt necessarily make it better. Most professional websites are minimalistic right now. Thats the trend.)
  40. Alexithymiaa: (My boyfriend is a programmer and does freelance web design. Lemme pull up a few of his and see what clients wanted.)
  41. iKamal: [i wish i could figure out how to get my muse websites on imvu sometiems i think it would be cool]
  42. Alexithymiaa: (Im not sure if IMVU's CSS is compatible. But honestly its not hard to just save your template as an image and code over the top of it to make your buttons function. Especially if you're using an iframe.)
  43. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah okay literally every nav bar Im looking at for clients, is minimalistic. They basically look stupid if theyre not.)
  44. iKamal: [yeah thats what i do now with my imvu homepages]
  45. iKamal: [im studying to get my asociates in grphic design and i see all my peers work and im over here like..mine lookes like utter shit XD]
  46. Alexithymiaa: (But if you're just at intro? Its supposed to be shit. Trust me... beginning student work is always shit.)
  47. Alexithymiaa: (This is a different sort of nav bar but honestly its the first one Ive seen that wasnt basic and minimalistic )
  48. iKamal: []
  49. iKamal: [i like her website alot]
  50. iKamal: [ooo i love this site[
  51. Alexithymiaa: (Its okay. Its very.... student... homemade..... looking.)
  52. iKamal: [there is one guy i cant find his but his is super good]
  53. Alexithymiaa: (The fact of the matter is... dont compare yourself to these types of sites because in the real world, no one would pay for that. Just work at being an individual)
  54. Tsaaq: ((Kay I'm here.))
  55. iKamal: [wb]
  56. iKamal: [yeah thats what im trying to do. i know i shouldnt compare but i look at other sites and im like i want to do that XD but i dont think my profession will be with websites themselves.]
  57. Alexithymiaa: (This is another cool nav bar idea where the button anims are built with the illustration. )
  58. iKamal: [though i do have a few jobs lined up already for like personal brands]
  59. Tsaaq: Thaddeus rose an eyebrow at her and chewed on his lip ring. "Yeah of course I wanna go on the date... But maybe we should plan it? Or let me plan it so we don't have to go after work and be all gross and sweaty and tired from standing all day." Thaddeus said, still poking around at his food
  60. Alexithymiaa: (You know what the best part is? Most clients will give you exactly what they want and you just need to make it.)
  61. iKamal: She nodded her head and chuckled."You are right. You plan it. I like surprises."she hsrugged taking a btie of her food and looking down at her phone seeing a text message from her mom and ignoring it.
  62. iKamal: [i love those custmoers]
  63. iKamal: [ thats the one i was talking bout earlier lol ]
  64. Tsaaq: "Awesome. Perfect." Thad said with a nod of his head. "Yeah I let you know what day. I just have to check my calendar and then we'll be good and prepared and stuff." He smiled as he look at her glancing at her phone. "Everything alright?" He asked.
  65. Alexithymiaa: (Yeah, his nav bar is essentially what I've seen. Hamburger menu and all.)
  66. iKamal: She smiled."Sounds like a plan. Can't wait." she looked down at her phone and she shrugged abit."It's just my mom. She has been blowing my phone up all day. I told her what happen with Jade yesterday. She keeps asking me if I need her to come here and set things straight." she sighed some."My mom and I are two opposite people. She is very aggresive."
  67. Alexithymiaa: -Brad strolled through the food court with a delicious smoothie in his hand that he'd already taken a picture of and sent to Kelsey so she would be proud of him for having fruit. Dipping his head just a bit so he could drink the cool beverage from his straw, he spotted Thad with an unfamiliar brunette that at first glance he mistook for Caroline, turning in their direction. "Hey. Hows it going?"-
  68. Tsaaq: He tilted his head a moment and finally brought his fork to his mouth. "She's got a point." He told her. "But you don't have to be a dick about it or anything. Just stern. I think she's just trying to help..." He trailed off. He heard the sound of Brad's voice then raised his tattooed hand to wave. "Hey... It's going okay. What's up?" He greeted.
  69. iKamal: She chuckled some watching him."My mom would like you. Just for saying that."she shrugged her shoulders."I don't know...I think I get my calmness from my abuela. I never really been aggersive before."she poked at some of the chicken she had till she heard someone talking to Thad and Thad replied. She didn't know the guy so she just looked down at her food and took a bite.
  70. Alexithymiaa: -Brad gave an easy shrug of his shoulders and took another sip of his smoothie before replying. "Nothing. Just kind of bored. Kelseys in LA for the week so besides working, I don't have a lot to do." He looked down at Dori, watching her for a moment before sending her a smile. "I don't think I know you. I'm Brad."-
  71. Tsaaq: "Oh yeah. I'm commonly popular with moms." He said with an awkward chuckle. "There's a difference between letting people walk all over you and being agressive." Thad turned to Brad then nodded. "Oh wow, I haven't spoken to Kels in a while..." He trailed off then looked between the two of them.
  72. iKamal: Dori nodded her head."Yeah I guess you are right. Maybe I'll try it..."She smiled up to Brad and waved to him."Nice to meet you I am Dori."
  73. Alexithymiaa: "Nice to meet you Dori." He sipped his smoothie, looking to Thad again. "Yeah, I guess when Caroline went off with Aubrey that kind of eliminated the mutual contact, right?" He let out a nervous laugh because slightly awkward.-
  74. Tsaaq: He flashed a smile. "It's worth a shot." He said in a murmur then looked to Brad. "Yeah she's new." Thaddeus piped up. He cleared his throat and put down his fork, crossing his arms over his chest. "Yeah... I kind of keep to myself lately." He said. Feeling just as awkward.
  75. iKamal: She smiled and looked between the two and listened to their conversations."Yup I'm the new girl. Thad here has been really nice to me and been a great friend." she smiled
  76. Alexithymiaa: "Wow... that's... that's great..." He forced, because he hasnt spoken to Thaddeus since he'd really turned over a new leaf and was honestly surprised to hear someone describe him as nice.-
  77. Tsaaq: He sighed a little and chewed on his lip ring again as she lowered his head. "Uh yeah. She seemed like she needed some help settling...So." Thaddeus let out a nervous laugh. "It's really not that big of a deal."
  78. iKamal: She smiled to them both."It's a big deal to me. Not many people would have gone out of their way to help me."she shrugged some."It's nice and sweet of you to." she looked up at Brad and smiled to him."So do you go to NWSU too?"
  79. Alexithymiaa: -He nodded his head, shifting on his feet a little awkwardly. "Yeah, I do. I live over in Talon hall. The uh... the dorm building?" He asked, because he wasnt sure she actually knew about it since she was new. "Thad and I know each other because his friend was my girlfriend's good friend."-
  80. Tsaaq: Thad lowered his head again. "Stop. It's not all that special. Just regular human behavior." He said before looking to Brad. "Yeah, that. We know each other and stuff through other friends and stuff."
  81. iKamal: She chuckled hearing Thad."okay I'll stop."she turned brad and nodded."I knew there was dorm rooms just didnt' know what they were called. Thats really cool. I live on the off campus housing though I don't know how long that is going to last ran into a few issues"
  82. Alexithymiaa: -He nodded his head as he listened, tipping it to one side when she spoke of her issues of the OCH. "Issues? I thought that place was actually kind of nice. It was a shame about the fire, but I heard everything was repaired pretty nicely."-
  83. Tsaaq: "Thanks." He said to Dori. He shook his head a moment as Brad spoke. "It's not that house that's the problem. It's mostly social stuff... Roommate stuff?" Thaddeus said.
  84. iKamal: She nodded her head."What Thad said..roommate stuff."she didn't want to bad mouth anyone she really didn't know. IT would be horrible and probably make things worse if Brad knew jade and went and told her. So Dori kept her comments to herself.
  85. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I guess living with people can be tough. I kind of lucked out that my roommate isn't actually my roommate and doesn't really live with me even though he's assigned with me. So I mostly have the room to myself about ninety percent of the time, if not more." He slurped up the rest of his smoothie, finishing it off and pitching it into the garbage can. "I'm sure you'll be able to work it out though. Compromise is everything when living with people."-
  86. Tsaaq: He began to nod his head. Thad waved his tattooed hand in Brad's direction. "That's what I told her!" He laughed a little. "It's very silly too. I'm sure it's gonna pass." He decided to go quiet after more talk of roomates since he didn't want to revisit the whole saga with Eli.
  87. iKamal: She smiled and nodded her head."yeah compromise. Thad and I were talking about my issue earlier. I think i'm going to take a different angle with it all."she smiled to them both."Enough about my problems though. So Brad what are you majoring in?"shefinished up her food and closed the box."You can sit with by the way. I'm sure it's not a problem."she looked to Thad as if to ask him it was ok for brad to sit.
  88. Alexithymiaa: -Brad didn't hesitate to take a seat at their table, not bothering to wait for Thad's approval because he's just not the type to care. "Oh, I'm a Cinematography major. What about you?"-
  89. Tsaaq: "Oh yeah. Of course." Thad said, spacing out for a moment. He picked at his food, trying to actually eat it. He shrugged at Dori once she offered Brad to sit. He went silent as the two spot, having an existential crisis in his head.
  90. iKamal: Dori smiled."Graphic Design. "she looked at Thad for a moment only because she noticed he wasn't talking much. she grabbed her phone looking at the messages from her mother and texting her back before sending a text to a few other people.
  91. iKamal: Text from Dori: Are you ok?
  92. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, cool. I love that kind of stuff." He nodded, tapping his fingers on the table and drumming them along with the beat in his head, sitting a little awkwardly.-
  93. Tsaaq: Thaddeus looked up as they spoke and furrowed his thick eyebrows as he tapped his phone that had been in his pocket. "Well... Summer vacation huh?" He said awkwardly as he looked between the two.
  94. Tsaaq: Text: Yeah I'm okay just thinking dont worry
  95. iKamal: Dori looked up from her phone and smiled nodding her head."Yeah it can get frusrating at times but it's fun." She looked over to Thad and smiled."It doesn't feel like summer to me. I really want to go to the beach but I don't want to go alone."she chuckled some.
  96. iKamal: Text: Ok I'm here if you need to talk to someone :)
  97. Alexithymiaa: "We have the lake beach here. That's about all we've got since we're not close to the shore. But the lake is pretty nice." He gave an easy shrug, moving his hand to the back of his beanie to adjust it on his head. "Especially at night."-
  98. Tsaaq: "Yeah, High Rocks." Thaddeus said with a nod while looking at his phone. He put it down face down then smiled a moment. "I'd go but uh..." He muttered before thinking. "I don't know if you noticed but I'm kind of a home body..."
  99. iKamal: Dori nodded her head."Oh cool I will have to check it out sometime. Thanks for the info." she looked at Thad."I've noticed but I am sure Erik and Charles wouldn't mind a swim. You should come with me and bring the fur babies with us. Could be fun.."she smiled and got up collecting her trash. she threw her stuff away and looked at them."I'll be back I have to use the little girls roo." she excused herself and made her way to the bathrooms.
  100. iKamal: [brb go ahead and skip me till i get back]
  101. Alexithymiaa: -Brad nodded to Dori as she walked away to the bathroom, turning back to look at Thad uncomfortably. "So... have you talked to Care at all?"-
  102. Tsaaq: "I've taken them there before..." He trailed off. He nodded at Dori then turned to Brad at his inquiry. "No I'm not gonna bother her. While she's out living life and being the star she is... And I'm over here being well, me." Thad inhaled deeply. "What about you? Nothing?"
  103. Alexithymiaa: -He shook his head, making a face. "Nah, I haven't heard from her either. I think Kels has a few times, but considering how good of friends they were before she left? I'm surprised they dont keep in touch better. But I guess things get busy on the road, you know?"-
  104. iKamal: [bk]
  105. Tsaaq: ((wb.))
  106. iKamal: Dori came out of the bathroom after washing her hands and making her way back to the guys. she tucked some of her hair behind her ear before sitting down. she looked at them both."sorry about that." she looked at Thad and smiled."and sorry had to use the bathroom but maybe we can take them together. might be easier when you ahve extra hands to chase them about." she smiled some.
  107. Tsaaq: He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. People lose touch I guess." He said before looking at Dori when she came back. "Hey, you're back." He smiled a moment. "I uh..." Thad looked over to Brad then back at Dori. "I don't know. I don't know if thats a good idea." He inhaled shakily. "I'll think about it."
  108. Alexithymiaa: -Brad shrugged before pushing up from his chair, rubbing his hands on the legs of his jeans. "Well, it was really nice to meet you Dori. And good talking to you, Thad. I'll see you guys around. And if you wanna head out to the beach, I'm sure Kels wouldn't mind coming along and we can all go. It'll be fun." He sent them both a wave before backing away from the table, turning around and making his way through the food court so he could head home.-
  109. iKamal: Dori nodded her head."Okay Thad." she smiled to Brad."it was nice meeting you too. Have a good day." she turned her attention back to Thad and smiled some."He seems nice."
  110. Tsaaq: "See you Brad." He waved at Brad then turned to Dori. "Sorry. I just can't show up places." He told her softly. "You don't understand." He looked back at Brad then to her. "Yeah... He does." Thad said in realization.
  111. Alexithymiaa: (Thad... you know Brad. He's ALWAYS been nice to you, even when he didnt like you. WHY ARE YOU JUST NOW REALIZING BRAD IS NICE?)
  112. iKamal: Dori frowned abit and nodded her head."we will get there. I think as time goeso n people will see how nice you can be." she smiled to him looking at the time.
  113. Tsaaq: ((Uh, yes bitch.))
  114. Tsaaq: ((He didn't pay attention to shit -.-))
  115. iKamal: [XD]
  116. Tsaaq: Thad scoffed angrily as he went to close his leftovers of his food. "No. They can't." He said sternly. "Trust me." Thad covered his face with his hands a moment. "It's fine. It's whatever. You're right." He whispered for the sake of peace.
  117. iKamal: Dori frowned seeing Thad get angry. she looked down at the table and traced circles into the table."I'm sorry...I'll stop asking." she was mentally kicking herself and took a deep breath." So anyways. I can't wait for our date."
  118. Tsaaq: "No stop. It's fine. Don't be sorry." He told her softly. "Yeah. It should be pretty cool. I'll try to make it nice. I haven't actually had a nice date in a while." He laughed.
  119. iKamal: She chuckled softly."The last date I had was when I was a senior in high school. We went to mcdonalds then prom." she laughed some."Thank you for everything Thad. Ive really enjoyed your company."
  120. Tsaaq: He shrugged his shoulders. "You just graduated high school. That's not even that long ago..." He trailed off. "Wait. Did you graduate this year? You did right?" He asked her. Thaddeus sighed and waved his hand at her. "Stop. You don't have to thank me. I'm glad to do it."
  121. iKamal: She shook her head."umm no Ive been out of school for awhile just started college a little late." she chuckled some. "don't tell me to stop I am being serious. It means alot to me."
  122. Tsaaq: "It's not like it's a chore or anything." Thaddeus told her. "That's why I don't want you to thank me or anything. Y'know?" He inhaled deep and leaned his elbows on the table. "Ohhhh... Yeah I was about to ask how old you were so this wouldn't be too weird." He grit his teeth.
  123. iKamal: she chuckled softly."I am twenty four. I needed to save more money before I could go to college so I waited for awhile."she shrugged her shoulders some."I just turned twenty four in april though."she chuckled."I'm old as hell.Everyone in my classes are much younger then me so it's a little weird."
  124. Tsaaq: He nodded in understanding. "Oh wow... You look so much younger than that." He said quietly. "Yeah... I should've waited to go to school too. Since now college is free where I live." Thad groaned a little. "Too late now I guess." He smiled.
  125. iKamal: Dori laughed a little."It's those mexican jeans. Mexican women are known to look younger then what they really are. My mom looks pretty young too. Alot of people think she is my older sister."She shrugged some."How old are you?"she asked curious.
  126. Tsaaq: "Uh. I'm actually twenty." Thad said quietly. "Luckily when I was born I came out looking like a grown man." He said jokingly. "I need to borrow some of your genes."
  127. iKamal: She chuckled some and shrugged."I would give them to you but I don't think they would fit you." dori thought her sma joke on words as rather hilirous to herself. "Hey on the bright side if you ever want booze you have a friend who can get it for you now."she shrugged some."I don't really drink.I did have some wine at my cousins wedding though once."
  128. Tsaaq: He snapped his finger and let out a sigh before chuckling. "Aw shucks. There goes that idea." He laughed. "This is college, everyone is underaged drinking. Have you not been to the lots?" Thad asked her. He stared at her a moment. "That's good... Drinking isn't really good."
  129. iKamal: She laughed and smiled"No I haven't been to the lots Just here and home is the only places I have been." she leaned her elbow on the table and rested her head in her hand looking at him."I think its ok to drink as logn as you don't over do it like some people."
  130. Tsaaq: "We're young. We overdo everything." He said with a small sigh. "Trust me... It's not a place you want to go to. I'm not even sure why I even brought it up." Thaddeus told her.
  131. iKamal: She smiled"How do you know I don't want to go there. Maybe I want to go there with you."she chuckled."I'm kidding. If it is a place you don't suggest going then I willtake your word for it."she sighed some."I might call my manager and tell her i'm not coming back...not like she cares seeing as I'm working over my shift anyways."
  132. Tsaaq: Thad winced at the very suggestion. He let out an exhale of relief when she revealed she was joking. "A lot of bad things happen there." He told her. "You sure that's wise? You are just starting and everything. It's when you do wrong they start to pay attenion. Usually. I don't know. It's up to you."
  133. iKamal: She smiled and chuckled."Well I tried to tell her several times I was suppose to get off soon and hadn't had a break and she jsut ignored me and told me to stalk stuff. When I went on break i was two hours past the time I was suppose to go home. "Dori picked her phone up sending a text to her manager."she stays on her phone alot and really doesn't pay attention to much."
  134. Tsaaq: He pressed his lips together before nodding his head. "It's looking like Bath and Body works isn't looking like a fun job for you, huh?" He asked with a bit of a sigh.
  135. iKamal: "Not really...I mean I might see if spencers will hire me."she grinned at him."I mean the manger at hot topic just seems to not want me to work there. I mean he is super hot too." she grinned teasing him abit.
  136. Tsaaq: He looked a bit disappointed. "That sucks." He said. He smirked and rolled his eyes at her. "Stop." Thaddeus began to laugh. "He sounds like a douche." He scoffed. "But if you're into that kind of a guy."
  137. iKamal: She chuckled."I just might be into that kind of guy. You should meet him...I hear has magic fingers." she grinned looking at him. she bit the inside of her cheek hoping she was getitng thise whole flirting thing down alright.
  138. Tsaaq: "I feel like if I met him I'd just want to kick his ass. I've heard some shit about him." Thaddeus said jokingly. He kept smirking at her and shook her head. "Magic fingers? That's something I haven't heard about him." He grinned at her as he leaned forward to look at her intently in the face.
  139. iKamal: "That would be an interesting fight." she smiled and bit her lower lip."mmmhmm magic fingers. He is very good with his hands really knows how to make a girl feel taken care of if you catch my drift."
  140. Tsaaq: He began to laugh again. "No you wouldn't." He chuckled. "Yeah?" He rose an eyebrow at her. "Try to sound more excited about his dumb fingers, why don't you?" He teased then winked at her. "I'm definitely gonna kick his ass now."
  141. iKamal: She grinned and couldn't stop smiling and chuckling feeling a little flustered."hmm I can't help it. It had been an amazing experiance." she chuckled blushing abit."don't hurt him to bad I kind of like his face."
  142. Tsaaq: He went to lean forward to eye her up and down. "Oh yeah?" He asked. "You sound pretty sweet on him. It's just making me jealous." Thaddeus told her as he went to sit back.
  143. iKamal: She looked him over as he leaned forward."I guess I am pretty sweet on him better snatch me up before he steals the girl of your interest." she smiled and she just kept looking him over.
  144. Tsaaq: "Don't worry. I plan on it." Thaddeus pretended to crack his knuckles. His smile faded a bit. "You want me to drive you home?" He asked her softly.
  145. iKamal: She laughed a little. she nodded her head."uh yeah if you don't mind." she sat up and grabbed her backpack."It would be much better then the bus"
  146. Tsaaq: He stood up from his seat. "Never take the bus. Just ask me for a ride." Thaddeus told her. "It's way easier."
  147. iKamal: She smiled and nodded her head."Okay....I would really apperciate it. There has been some weird guy on the bus lately. He always sits beside me even when the bus is empty and always asks me weird questions. I'll give you gas money too." she puleld herbackpack up on ehr back and stood up out of her seat.
  148. Tsaaq: "Don't give me gas money I work two jobs. It's fine." Thaddeus laughed as he went to stand beside her. He frowned as she looked down at her. "Weird questions? Like what?" Thad asked. "If you don't mind me asking."
  149. iKamal: She smiled up at him."Okay." she shrugged some."He asked me this morning my shoe size. He also asked me if I had a boyfriend the other morning."she shrugged some and she took a chance and placed her hand into Thad's
  150. Tsaaq: He looked down at their hands once she slipped hers into his. He attempted to look around and gauge the amount of people around the mall. Since it looked pretty deserted he allowed it as he went to walk towards the elevator that led to the garage. "Yeah fuck that don't take the bus anymore.
  151. iKamal: She smiled as he allowed her to hold his hand."Okay. I'll just have to find other ways."She walked with him and smiled. She looked around the mall as it was pretty empty."Other then that the bus isn't that bad. I been saving up for a car just haven't found on I like yet."
  152. Tsaaq: "Come on." Thad told her as he stepped onto the elevator and led her on with him. "I can help you find a car but seriously if there's a creep that makes you feel skeeved out its not worth the bus." He went to place his hands on her hips once they were going upstairs to the garage. Thad went to hold her hand and grabed her ass with the other as they walked to his car.
  153. iKamal: She smiled and nodded her head."I am use to it. I use to take the subway back at home and there are all kinds of weirdos on there." she smiled and blushed some as he touched her butt and held her hand. she walked with him towards his car."Can I ask you a question?"
  154. Tsaaq: He shook his head as she sighed a bit. "You shouldn't be used to it." He said before he set his jaw. He went to pull out his car keys then looked over to her. "Yeah sure, what is it?"
  155. iKamal: She bit the inside of her cheek."Why do you want to keep umm us lowkey? I am just wondering. I mean you say people around here hate you and all but to be honest you are the nicest person I have met since I been here aside from Brad who i just met. You really don't talk about yourself either."she tucked her hair behind her ear.
  156. Tsaaq: Thad inhaled deeply as he shoved his key into his door and opened it before he went to open the door for her side. "I told you already. If people know you're with me they'll be shitty towards." He said sternly. He looked over to her then sighed. "You just haven't met the right people yet. Trust me." Thad murmured. "I talk about certain stuff." He shrugged his shoulders. "I talk."
  157. iKamal: She sighed and looked at him."I'm sorry for bringing it up again."she got into the car and put her seat belt on. she took a deep breath and waited for him to get into the car. "I just..."she stopped herself and thought for a moment."Nevermind."
  158. Tsaaq: He groaned a bit and got into the car. "Stop apologizing." He said as he gripped the steering wheel, getting the car started. He looked over to her as she spoke. "What? Just say it." He said as he stared straight ahead.
  159. iKamal: She sighed some seeing he was annoyed with her."I just like you is all...I mean I think I made it obvious earlier. I know I apologize alot too. I just never had aguy like you interested in me before.I just feel nervous and like I'm going to mess up." she looked down at her lap.
  160. Tsaaq: "You're right. I'm sure you'd never had a guy like me like you before." Thaddeus sighed a bit and began to drive. "Trust me. You're not messing anything up." He told Dori. "Everything I do is because I'm trying to prevent any more people getting hurt. I know you don't get it. But if I told you why you wouldn't really like me anymore. And you have to believe me when I say that too." Thad said as he went to pull out of the mall parking lot.
  161. iKamal: She took a deep breath."Thad just tell me please. You keep saying that but how do you know? How do you know I will hate you." She took another deep breath."I mean I told you something dark about me. it might not be as bad as what you did."she frowned soem and looked over at him."I want to understand..."
  162. Tsaaq: "Because any human with a conscience would hate me." Thaddeus replied in a monotone. "You won't. I barely understand. And I have to live with it." He said. "Maybe one day I can say... But for now I just have to make sure nobody tries to fuck with you because of me. I would never be able to forgive myself."
  163. iKamal: She sighed some."Okay..." she leaned over and kissed his cheek softly."I know you tell me to stop apologizing but I'm sorry for bringing it up and upsetting you."she smiled and looked straight ahead while he drive."I like that you care so much. it means alot."
  164. Tsaaq: He sighed and went to put his hand on her thigh a moment then went back to focusing on driving. "You didn't upset me. Okay? It's my own fault. Not yours." He smiled at her. "Let's just get you home safe okay?" Thaddeus said, proceeding to drive.
  165. Tsaaq: ((Okay I have work in a few hours I had to sleep lol.))
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