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Jun 3rd, 2016
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  1. ...She’s probably trying to act like a baby. No, the scary thing would be if she tried to act like anything else. Still, why is she doing this? Is she tired from working too hard? Ah! This might have something to do with Nigredo and releasing her from confinement.
  2. (。。。大概实在模仿婴儿吧。不不,如果是这以外的什么的话才恐怖呢。那么,为什么要做这种事呢?让她做的工作太繁重了身心疲惫了么?啊!!也可能是和妮古蕾德有什么关系呐。刚刚说过解除她禁闭的话题来着)
  4. Confusion overwhelmed Ainz, despite his undead body, and at the same time, Mare began shifting uneasily in his seat.
  5. 当安兹身为不死者却陷入了混乱的时候,马雷开始坐卧不安起来。
  7. “That, um, it, it’s fine for me, so, um, I should let Albedo-sama…”
  8. [那个,我,已经座够了,那个,让雅儿贝德大人。。。]
  10. Those words were like a revelation to him.
  11. 这句话犹如天启一般。
  13. Just now, I said that it was fine because they were kids, so as an adult, you ought to be able to bear with it. Is that why she’s pretending to be a kid now?
  14. 也就是说因为刚才我说这两个是小孩子所以才可以,已经是成年人的你就忍耐一下吧。她就演戏装成自己也是小孩子的吗
  16. Still, why a baby? And besides, letting Albedo sit on my thigh is too...
  17. (但是,为何是婴儿?而且在怎么说让雅儿贝德做到大腿上这也太。。。)
  19. That said, she’s gone to such embarrassing lengths to put herself forward. I can’t just overlook that, both as a superior being and as a man. In addition, Albedo is one of the children, like Aura and Mare. I must be fair to her.
  20. 但是,她都已经毅然地做了那么羞耻的自我宣传了。作为上位者,而且作为男人不能对此不屑一顾。而且雅儿贝德也和亚乌菈,马雷一样,像是孩子一样的存在。不可以不公平地对待。
  22. “Forgive me, Mare,” Ainz said. Having resolved himself, he let Mare alight from his leg and beckoned Albedo.
  24. “Come here, Albedo.”
  25. [抱歉了,马雷]做好了觉悟的安兹让马雷从腿上下去,朝着雅儿贝德招手到。[雅儿贝德啊,过来吧。]
  27. “Yes!”
  28. [是]
  30. Albedo’s shyness from earlier vanished like mist in the morning sun, replaced by a look of anticipation which a puppy might have just before going for a walk. In an instant, Albedo moved to Ainz’s side.
  31. 刚才的羞耻表情云消雾散,露出了仿佛要带它去散步之前的小狗那样的充满期待的神色,一瞬间雅儿贝德就来到了安兹的旁边。
  33. Albedo made the V-signs as well.
  34. 雅儿贝德用手比出V字的手势。
  36. It was somewhat difficult for Ainz to do while seated, but he nevertheless placed his hands under her armpits and lifted her up.
  37. 保持着坐姿的安兹,有些难以做到从雅儿贝德的腋下,用手把她举起来的动作。
  39. “...Um, sorry about this. Would you mind just sitting down as you are?”
  40. [。。。那个,不好意思。能就那样子,坐上来吗?]
  42. “Of course! Understood!”
  43. [是的!遵命!]
  45. Albedo took Mare’s place on Ainz’s left thigh, and shifted herself in a coquettish manner.
  46. 和马雷交替,雅儿贝德背对着安兹在左边的大腿上坐下,娇媚地依偎过来。
  48. The first thing Ainz felt was her softness. Unlike the children, it was the softness of a mature body. Then, her warmth flowed into him, which made him itch a little.
  49. 最开始安兹感觉到的是柔软。和孩子们不同,那是成熟了的肉体的柔软。然后是温暖的感觉渗入进来,让安兹感觉到有些痒。
  51. Even so, she’s still really soft!
  52. (话虽如此,还真的是好软呐!!)
  54. She was a level 100 warrior, but he had no idea where her muscles had gone. One could phrase it in a less polite way and wonder if she was a mollusc.
  55. 尽管身为LV100的战士,真是让人搞不明白肌肉都长到那里去了,说的不恰当一些简直就像软体动物一样啊。
  57. “Kufufufu~”
  58. [库腐腐腐]
  60. He heard Albedo’s quiet laughter.
  61. 听到了雅儿贝德轻微的笑声。
  63. A scent wafted over from Albedo’s long hair, which itched inside Ainz’s nose.
  64. 从使雅儿贝德的长发上飘过来的芳香,弄得安兹鼻腔有些发痒。
  66. “--Mm?”
  67. [----嗯?]
  69. In this moment, something sparked inside Ainz’s nonexistent brain.
  70. 这个瞬间,在安兹不应该存在的脑子里电流一样的东西到处奔流着。
  72. This scent is familiar; where have I smelled it before? Albedo’s clothes? No, her perfume?
  73. (这个味道,感觉在哪里有闻过啊?雅儿贝德的衣服?不,是香水吗)
  75. Ainz was quite sure he had encountered the scent Albedo was currently emitting in the past. However, he had no idea where he had first picked it up, and he could not remember the details.
  76. 从雅儿贝德那里飘过来的,不知为什么能够使人平心静气的香味,安兹不知道在哪里闻过。但是却怎么也想不起来。
  78. “Mmm… Albedo. Are you using some kind of perfume?”
  79. [呜。。。雅儿贝德。你是否用了某种的香水吗?]
  81. “Yes, I do use perfume. Does it displease you?”
  82. [是的。确实是有喷过香水,让您感觉到了不愉快吗?]
  84. “No, of course not, it smells nice.”
  85. [没有那样的事哦,很好的香味儿啊]
  87. Albedo hurriedly turned her face towards Ainz. Her bulging eyes frightened Ainz a little.
  88. 雅儿贝德急急地将脸转向安兹。大大地睁开眼睛样子,让安兹感到有些恐怖。
  90. “Really, Ainz-sama! If you’d like, how about sniffing me? An hour would be fine, a whole day would be fine too!”
  91. [是这样的吗,安兹大人!!如果您愿意的话,再多闻一闻怎么样啊?一个小时也好,一天也好!!]
  93. “No, besides, an hour would be too…”
  95. Still, no matter what he said, it was a fact that he was quite interested. Besides, if he sniffed her, he might be able to recall more details about that scent.
  97. “Then, may I sniff a little?”
  98. [不不,再怎么说一个小时也太。。。]但不管怎么说,确实让人很感兴趣这也是事实。而且在多闻一闻的话,说不定就会想起这种味道来呢。[那么,可以让我再闻一闻吧?]
  100. Ainz carefully brought his skull close to Albedo and inhaled her aroma. Since he was closer to her than just now, he could smell that pleasing scent more clearly. As he thought, it was familiar, but he still could not place where he had encountered it before. Just as Ainz was racking his brains to solve the mystery in his head, a cold voice reached his ears.
  101. 安兹轻轻地将鼻骨靠近,吸入了雅儿贝德的味道。因为比刚才的距离还要近,那让人感到惬意的味道更加清晰地飘了过来。果然是在哪里闻过的味道,但怎么也想不起来到底是哪儿。正在安兹拼命地在记忆的谜团里追寻是,突然传来冷冷的声音。
  103. “...Ainz-sama.”
  104. [。。。安兹大人]
  106. Although he had no idea who it was for a moment, that voice clearly belonged to Aura. Ainz nervously turned to look at her, and saw that Aura was pouting with her cheeks puffed with.
  107. 虽一瞬间没有反映过来是谁,但那是亚乌菈的声音。提心吊胆的将视线移到那边,藐视地看过来的亚乌菈正撅着小嘴,小脸也鼓了起来。
  109. “That looks kind of perverted.”
  110. [有点儿像变态啊]
  112. “Ah, sorry…”
  113. [抱,抱歉]
  115. She did have a point.
  116. 确实如此。。。
  118. Ainz cursed himself for doing something like this in front of the children. This would have a bad effect on their sexual education.This was why she had addressed him in the same tone that his old friend did when she was angry at her little brother.
  119. 因为自己在孩子们的面前做出这种行为,安兹在心里面骂自己愚蠢。这会对孩子们的情操教育产生恶劣的影响。这样岂不会让过去的伙伴(茶壶),像对弟弟(鸟人)发脾气时那样的声音来说我了么。
  121. “Th-then, Albedo, Aura. Please get up. Oh, Albedo, let’s continue discussing that matter from just now.”
  122. [那,那么,亚乌菈和雅儿贝德。两个人都从我的腿上下来吧。哦,雅儿贝德,咱们继续讨论刚才的话题吧]
  124. However, there was no movement.
  125. 但是没有动静
  127. Both of them remained still. They were waiting for the other side to get off first.
  128. 两个人谁都不动弹。都在等着对方先下去。
  130. “Good grief…”
  131. [牙累牙累打贼]
  133. Ainz picked up Aura and placed her on the ground next to him. A quiet laugh of “Kufufufu~” came from Albedo’s side.
  134. 安兹将亚乌菈抱了起来,放在旁边的地上。从雅儿贝德那里传来了[咯咯咯]的清笑声。
  136. “...Aura was the one who sat down first. Albedo, you’d best get down as well.”
  137. [。。。因为亚乌菈先坐上去的哦。雅儿贝德也从我大腿上下来吧]
  139. “But, but… Aura’s been sitting for 3 minutes and 41 seconds. I’ve only been sitting for 57 seconds. Though it may sound foolish, I believe I should be allowed to sit for another three minutes.”
  140. [但,但是。亚乌菈都已经坐了三分四十一秒了。而我刚刚坐了五十七秒。恕我愚见,应该再让我坐三分钟]
  142. “Haven’t you spent more time meeting with Ainz-sama already?”
  143. [你不是跟安兹大人待在一起的时间比较长嘛]
  145. “It can’t be helped, that was work.”
  146. [没有办法呀,那是工作]
  148. “Oh, work, is it? You just came to meet him for work? I came all the way here just to see Ainz-sama, you know.”
  149. [哎,原来是这样--为了工作--我可是只为了见到安兹大人,特地跑过来的哦]
  151. “!!”
  152. [!!]
  154. Albedo wiggled her rump on Ainz’s thigh, adjusting her position to stare Aura in the eye.
  155. 雅儿贝德在安兹大腿上扭动着屁股,跟亚乌菈大眼瞪小眼。
  157. Ainz thought, I can guess why Albedo wanted to sit on my thigh, but why did Aura want to do that? It’s not like she loves me like Albedo does.
  158. 安兹想到,刚才虽然猜到了亚乌菈想在自己的大腿上坐下来。但是,为什么亚乌菈为什么会这样期望呢。她又不会像是雅儿贝德深爱着自己吧。
  160. He could not remember what he had done to make a girl like Aura love him. The feeling called love should have been a mystery to Aura. And then -- Ainz finally found the answer.
  161. 首先,自己也没有做过让她爱上自己的事情啊,对于亚乌菈这样的孩子来说,恋爱的那种感情应该还是处于朦胧中。那么--安兹终于找到了结果。
  163. “I see. So she was being possessive.”
  164. [是了。原来是独占的欲望啊]
  166. In addition, she might long for a father’s love. Aura and Mare were designed as children, and they were still at an age where their parents would care for them. Perhaps they were unconsciously looking at Ainz to fill that gap in their hearts.
  167. 其他还有,对父爱的渴望这种可能。亚乌菈,还有马雷被设定成小孩。她们还处于该由父母来管教的年龄段。所以才会像这样无意的,向安兹寻求着这欠缺的这部分也说不定。
  169. If there was a country of Dark Elves, he had considered the possibility of sending them over to make friends. However, Suzuki Satoru had not experienced a father’s love himself, so he felt it might be a bit late for that.
  170. 虽然有考虑过要是有暗精灵的国度的话,送他们过去交几个朋友的想法。但由于对铃木悟从来也没有体会过父爱这种感情,所以察觉得有点晚了啊。
  172. I wonder if there are books for children’s sex education in the library?
  173. (孩子情操教育的书不知道在图书馆有没有呢?)
  175. It had been fine when they were just data. However, he had been thinking up till now, and noticed that there were still some things missing in order for Aura and Mare’s healthy mental growth.
  176. 只是作为数据的那时候还没什么问题。但是考虑到今后,为了能使亚乌菈和马雷在精神上能够健康成长,还少了些不可欠缺的东西啊。
  178. As I thought, they really need to make Dark Elf friends! Let’s make that a priority. That being the case--
  179. (果然还是要让她们去交些暗精灵朋友啊!先提高这边的优先度吧。这么说来——)
  181. “Aura. There is something I’d like to ask; what happened to the three Elves I left with you and Mare?”
  182. 「亚乌菈哟。有件事想要问你下,之前放在你和马雷那里的那三个森精灵[Elf]怎么样了?」
  184. “You mean the Elves who set foot in Nazarick but who were pardoned by your mercy, Ainz-sama?”
  185. 「是那些侵入纳萨力克后,因安兹大人降下的慈悲而被免罪了的森精灵吗?」
  187. Ainz nodded.
  188. 安兹点了点头。
  190. When he had drawn those workers in, he handed the Elven slaves following them to Aura and Mare. Normally, anyone who entered Nazarick without invitation would not be allowed to leave with their lives. However, they probably had not been there of their own will, and they had no intention of taking the treasures of Nazarick for their own. That being the case, it was not unreasonable to show them some measure of kindness.
  191. 将工作者们[worker]引进来的时候,与他们一起同行的奴隶森精灵们都交给了亚乌菈和马雷。本来没有被招待、却擅自闯入纳萨里克的人安兹是不打算活着放他们回去的。但她们既非以自己的意志而来,也没有想要将财宝据为己有。既然是那样,下赐她们一些慈悲又有何不可呢。
  193. In addition, if they were Wood Elves, they would probably have a beneficial effect on Aura and Mare’s development.
  194. 而且如果是森精灵的话,对于亚乌菈和马雷的成长也能带来些良好的影响吧。
  196. “Yes. For the moment, we’ve put them all on our Floor.”
  197. 「是的。姑且,都放在我们的阶层里了」
  199. “Where are they?
  200. 「放在那里了?」
  202. “Yes. How shall I say this… they have nothing to do, but keep trying to take care of us. It’s kind of annoying how they keep hanging around us.”
  203. 「是的。怎么说呢,她们没事总想要照顾我们。在身旁转来转去的,说真的有点碍事呢」
  205. “That, that’s right. Like, our, our clothes and so on. I, I can dress myself, but they keep coming over to help me…”
  206. 「没、没错。像是衣、衣服什么的,明明自己能穿她们却总想过来帮忙......」
  208. “You need to pull yourself together. They keep trying to dress you because you keep acting like that. Look at me, I don’t have that problem, no?”
  209. 「你就给我再振作一点啦。所以才会像那样被人帮忙换衣服了啊。你看我就完全没有这回事不是吗」
  211. I see, so they wish to do something. Just like the maids around me. I feel your pain, Mare. Still, that means the three people I rescued aren’t completely useless, after all. Would it be bad for former slaves to teach sex education? Hm~”
  212. (原来如此,有想要做这种事吗。就和围着我的女仆一样啊。我懂你的辛苦哦,马雷。不过话说回来救了那三人,看来也并不是毫无用处的嘛。不过原奴隶会不会对情操教育不好啊?呜—嗯)
  214. “Well, we did save their lives. Don’t kill them on impulse, even if you’re mad. If you feel they’re truly troublesome, tell me and I’ll send them somewhere else.”
  215. 「嘛,姑且也是救了她们性命啊。就算上火也别冲动把她们杀了哦。如果真的觉得她们碍事的话,就由我来把她们派到别的地方去吧」
  217. “Got it! I’ll let you know when the time comes.”
  218. 「我知道了!到时候就拜托了」
  220. Ainz glanced at Mare, who had his head lowered, and muttered “What,” to himself. Then, he shifted a somewhat icy look to Albedo.
  221. 看了看低下头的马雷,并嘀咕了句「那么」后。安用有些冰冷的视线看向雅儿贝德。
  223. “Albedo, it’s about time to get off. It’s been over three minutes now.”
  224. 「雅儿贝德,差不多该下来了吧。已经过了三分钟了哦」
  226. Albedo looked disappointed for a moment, but she still obediently dismounted from Ainz’s thigh without saying anything.
  227. 虽然雅儿贝德一瞬间露出了遗憾的表情,但还是顺从地从安兹大腿上下来了。
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