
Fire Law RPs

Jan 1st, 2024
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  1. Fenghung, Jin sat alone in the cave that had been his home for a year now. The only companions the constant pressure of his ancestor and the flickering flames that lit his training space and warmed his body. He took this moment to reflect upon them. (1)
  3. He had been using fire for many years now. It seems that the flames had been his companion since the day he discovered Qi and his roots. While his Yang was strong, it was the flames of battle and passion that called to him all those years ago. The warmth that fire brought to his soul as well as his body was noted. (2)
  5. he watched the flames flicker in the dark of the cave. The feeling of its heat coming upon his skin. He took a moment to contemplate what the heat did for him on a fundamental level. The various benefits of the flame kept his world lit and his heart beating. The way it crackled as it consumed. (3)
  7. Jin continued to look deep into the flowing orange and red flames as he allowed his mind to fully embrace the feeling of warmth. The weapons he summoned were products of the fire and his passion for life. The flames he conjured and transmuted weapons of war to sustain him and his life. (4)
  9. The fire continued to burn, the logs that made up its fuel crumbling to coal before his very eyes. A spark of purple, a byproduct of the copper within the cave's floor. A lesson to keep in mind. That fire can change at the drop of a simple pinch of salt. (5)
  11. The fire was life. The fire was longevity. So long as there was fuel and air, there would be fire. This was one of the lessons he took from his time among the rocks and flickering lights of the cave. His mind retreated from the warmth. (6)
  13. The thought of fire-consuming passion made him rewatch within his mind's eye all the fights he had up to this point in his life. How he had wasted opportunities to blaze his path in some fights and how the flames he now embraced could have worked to aid him. (7)
  15. Jin worked to continue expanding his understanding of fire and what and how it burned. How it consumed and grew. What all it could do and how he could use that to grow himself. How he could take the concept of fire deeper into his soul. (8)
  17. His next moment of understanding came from a happy accident—a meal ruined by a careless application of salt. The meat was ruined and in a moment of dismissal, tossed into the ever-hungry fire. Orange and red blared to yellow, as the fire consumed the salt, and changed once more. (9)
  19. The yellow of this fire gave way to soft blue, as the heat intensified and the room showed with the brilliant colors of the fire as it danced. The food was burning away and the new knowledge coming to him. To consume is to grow. To feed your fire is to burn brighter. Hotter. (10)
  21. In the midst of the dancing flames, Jin found himself absorbed in a profound realization. Fire, much like the trials and challenges he faced, could be a catalyst for growth. The accidental introduction of salt into the fire became a metaphor for life's unexpected hurdles. Instead of discarding the ruined meat, he watched as the flames transformed, displaying a spectrum of colors. (11)
  23. The soft blue hues spoke to him, representing the potential for evolution. Just as the fire-adapted to the addition of salt, Jin contemplated how he could adapt to the unexpected twists and turns of his own journey. The ever-changing flames whispered secrets of resilience and transformation. (12)
  25. As he continued to observe the shifting colors, Jin understood that feeding one's inner fire required embracing challenges and adversities. The fire, once yellow, now burned with renewed vigor in shades of orange and red as the salt was burned away. It became a reflection of the resilience that could be born from adversity, the ability to transform oneself when faced with the unexpected. (13)
  27. His meditation on fire extended beyond the physical flames, delving into the symbolic aspects of its nature. Fire, with its dual capacity for destruction and renewal, became a mirror for his existence. The lessons of the ever-changing flames began to intertwine with his personal philosophy. (14)
  29. As Jin pondered the concept of burning brighter by feeding one's internal fire, he tested other things to feed the flames before himself. One such test was taking some of the shavings from his blade after its sharpening and tossing them into the flames, producing more purple flames and new sparks of gold. (15)
  31. The flames, once fueled by the ruined meat and the salt now fueled by wood and the shavings of Copper and iron, illuminated the cave with a vibrant display. He saw in this spectacle a reflection of his potential—how, even in the face of setbacks, he could emerge stronger and more brilliant than before. (16)
  33. The crackling fire served as a mentor, guiding him through the intricacies of growth and transformation in a way his ancestor had not yet attempted to do so. With newfound insight, Jin embraced the idea that life's challenges were akin to the addition of new substances to the fire. Instead of shying away from difficulties, he recognized the potential for personal evolution that lay within them. (17)
  35. Jin spent weeks thinking about these things and allowing himself to take time after each session of training to contemplate the flames he was attempting to form a deeper bond. He recalled that both the two people he had seen utilize a law in the past had a phrase they used to help consolidate their gains. He gave this final hurdle no small measure of thought. (18)
  37. As the flames slowly subsided, The time he'd spent training in this cave finally coming to an end, leaving only glowing embers in their wake, Jin felt a profound sense of gratitude. The fire had been his constant companion, offering not just warmth but invaluable lessons on resilience, adaptability, and the art of turning challenges into opportunities for growth. The cave, bathed in the soft glow of fading embers, became a sanctuary of contemplation, and Jin, now enlightened by the dance of flames, looked forward to the next chapter of his journey, knowing that the fire within him burned brighter and more purposefully. (19)
  39. He finally allowed himself to speak aloud the phrase he had come up with throughout his time training. The concept concept of flame as it pertained to him. His weapons had always been made up of his Qi and his flame, and thus, he could give form to the phrase he had been cooking up in the dark of his cave training. Fire burns and it grows until there is nothing else. and as such he spoke aloud as he shouldered his back with his new artifact and a new sense of purpose. "Growth through Flame" (20)
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