
My Internet, the 312, and Future Plans

Apr 6th, 2018 (edited)
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  1. So, here’s what’s going on.
  3. As I have implied for a couple weeks now, I did finally get offered a new job, which I start this Monday. I moved into a new apartment at the start of this week, and most things have been great. I am finally on my own, being my own person and living MY life. I am finally closer to my girlfriend, my friends, and every hobby I love doing. It has been mostly smooth sailing.
  5. Mostly.
  7. The one thing that did not go correctly is my internet. I intentionally moved a week before my new job started not only to get settled and acquainted with my new location, but also so I would have an opportunity to do the 312 BEFORE I started work. I really do not want to have to set aside an entire day to do a 9+ hour run, when work is going to dictate that I only have two full days per weekend to work with. I do very much have a life outside of streaming (especially now that everything I love to do is now 30 minutes or less away), so I can’t always guarantee I will HAVE a free weekend.
  9. My plan was to do the 312 either on Monday or Thursday, and that clearly did not pan out. Getting my internet set up has been... difficult.
  11. I moved in on Easter Sunday, so I was not expecting to have internet immediately. However, when I called on Monday, the person I spoke with said that the soonest available day to set it up was the following Sunday. However, he also said he may be able to get something set up on Tuesday. He told me he would call me back.
  13. Tuesday came and I heard nothing, so I decided to call him myself. He told me that he spoke with his manager and they would be able to set my internet up on Thursday. I thought, “Yeah that’s fine. On Tuesday I go to Xanadu to play Smash and on Wednesday I’m gonna go play Yu-Gi-Oh!, so I can wait until Thursday.”
  15. Well, Thursday came and went. I called him again and asked if someone was coming. He was surprised to find out that no one had contacted me, so he gave his manager a call. He got back to me and profusely apologized, saying that the Thursday appointment can no longer be met.
  17. At this point I’m getting frustrated, so I ask if I can just install it myself; the router came in the mail, and I have a basic understanding of how to set shit up. He tells me to try it and call him back; in the meantime, he’ll be trying to contact his manager.
  19. It takes me no more than 15 minutes to set it all up, but I can’t activate the internet connection because Verizon does not allow self installation in my apartment complex. So I call the guy back and he says they have an opening for me on Saturday, but might be able to get me set up on Friday, and to call him back in the morning.
  21. I called him this morning to no answer. Five times. I finally get a call back from him while I’m in the shower, at 1 in the afternoon. He says that they can have it set up tomorrow between 3 and 5, and it will take about 2 hours (to set up the router I have already put together and plugged in myself).
  23. I’m not trying to slander or hate on the guy I’ve been contacting with, because I honestly believe a lot of the issue is with people higher up than him; he’s been transparent with me. But I am unbelievably upset with this entire situation. It essentially feels like I have been led on for the entire week, when they could have just told me, “Sorry, you have to wait until Sunday.” This whole thing is also causing issues with Saturday plans I had with my girlfriend (it’s our five year anniversary today, so spending the weekend with her is kind of important).
  25. It has also messed up my plans for the 312. At this point, assuming people ACTUALLY come tomorrow to set my internet up (and at this rate I’m still skeptical), the only day I can do it is Sunday, the day before I start work. And I don’t want to do that. I don’t want to commit an entire day the night before I start a new job.
  27. Something I’ve also been thinking about is how much I even want to do the 312. When I’m thinking about why I’m doing it, the answer is usually, “Because I said I would,” and, “It’s my 1000 follower special, even though I hit they milestone several months ago.” But the main thing is, am I doing this because I want to, or because people are expecting me to? The answer is usually the latter.
  29. So, what is the fate of the 312? I’m sorry, but for now I am indefinitely postponing it (which is the fancy way of saying canceling it). I can’t be asked to commit that much time to a meme category that I truly don’t care about, and probably would get very frustrated over. My only reason for doing it was to celebrate a milestone that has long since passed by now, and I don’t want to juggle it on top of all the other changes that are happening right now.
  31. I realize that recently I have been the king of empty promises (between this and the Top 20 Games list, though I have plans of bringing that back in a smaller form that I’ll talk about later), and for that I am sincerely sorry. But there are other things I have planned that I consider a lot more
  32. Important than the 312. If a free weekend presents itself and someone like Cameron is willing to do the run with me as a race, I may do the 312, but I have no definitive plans of doing it. This week was my opportunity to get it done, but Verizon thought otherwise unfortunately.
  34. Now, as for what I will be doing when I do come back, I have a lot planned, which means you all have a lot to look forward to.
  36. The first thing is, obviously, NST. I am nowhere near done with that game; I plan on going for record again in 100% and 102% for Crash 2, and 105% in Crash 3. The jury is still out on Crash 2 Any%, but I may attempt it at some point.
  38. Additionally, since I am part of the 1545 this year, I will be devoting time to OG Crash 2 100% and Crash 3 105%, as these are the games I will be doing for the relay. I will be focusing more on them as the 1545 gets closer, but I also plan on sprinkling them throughout the next few months. In particular I’m gonna focus a lot on 105, because I want to actually be decent at it so I can do my team justice.
  40. Outside of those, I do still plan on doing Spyro 1 and A Hat in Time, but they’re gonna take a backseat compared to the others. I will probably do them when I need a break from Crash, but they aren’t as important currently. When Spyro Reignited comes out in September, I will probably look into learning Spyro 1 for that too.
  42. As for non-speed related stuff, I plan on actually finishing Spyro 2 and 3 before Reignited comes out. Additionally, I will play through Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 again before KH3’s release. I have also recently begun a playthrough of Bayonetta, so I may do that on stream at some point. Not sure yet.
  44. I have a lot on my plate, but I am super excited for what lies ahead. The month and a half in which I’ve been away has been refreshing, but I’m excited to get back to streaming. I have missed it quite a bit.
  46. Thank you all for understanding and sticking with me. I will hopefully see you all VERY soon.
  48. ~Riko
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