Guest User


a guest
Dec 1st, 2016
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  1. <?php
  2. $lang = new stdClass();
  3. $lang->langName = 'Français';
  6. /* Website */
  7. $lang->about = 'A propos de nous';
  8. $lang->abouthome = '<div align="center"><p>Téléchargez votre lecteur radio gratuitement ! Commencez par vous<a href="">Inscrire</a>.</p>
  9. <p>Nous sommes un projet géré par ayant pour intention d\'aider les propriétaires de chats, les concepteurs de radio et les autres utilisateurs impliqués dans "l'industrie des radios web".</p>
  10. <p>Si vous avez des suggestions, des signalements ou des problèmes techniques, nous vous prions de nous envoyer un mail à l\'adresse suivant : avec votre message.</p></div>';
  12. $lang->home = 'Accueil';
  13. $lang->register = 'Inscription';
  14. $lang->login = 'Connexion';
  15. $lang->help = 'Aide';
  16. $lang->terms = 'Conditions Générales';
  17. $lang->public_p = 'Profil Public';
  18. $lang->manage = 'Gestion des Lecteurs';
  19. $lang->logout = 'Déconnexion';
  20. $lang->upload = 'Téléchargez votre lecteur !';
  22. $lang->helphome = '<div id="register">
  23. <h3>Comment s\'inscrire ?</h3>
  24. <p>Pour s\'inscrire, allez sur <a href="" target="_blank"></a> - Se créer un compte est gratuit.<br>
  25. Il vous faut tout d'abord vérifier votre identité via un PROBot sur xat.</p>
  26. <p>Nous vous recommandons vivement d'utiliser un mot de passe différent de celui que vous utilisez sur xat ou sur votre email.<br>
  27. Dans l\'idéal, vous devriez utiliser un mot de passe unique pour votre compte xatRadio pour garantir votre sécurité !</p>
  28. <p>Vous pouvez utiliser une adresse email pour recevoir des notifications ou retrouver votre mot de passe si nécessaire.</p>
  29. </div>
  30. <div id="upload">
  31. <h3>Comment télécharger mon lecteur ?</h3>
  32. <p>Vous pouvez télécharger votre lecteur radio dès que vous vous êtes inscrit. Seuls les fichiers SWF (".swf") sont acceptés !<br>
  33. Pour télécharger votre lecteur radio, allez sur <a href="" target="_blank"></a> et choisissez le fichier.</p>
  34. <p>Vous pouvez donner un nom à votre lecteur et lister les chats sur lesquels il sera exhibé.</p>
  35. </div>
  36. <div id="players">
  37. <h3>Comment voir les lecteurs que j\'ai téléchargés ?</h3>
  38. <p>Vous pouvez voir une liste de vos lecteurs (approuvés ou en attente) dans le menu "Gestion des Lecteurs", commencez par sélectionner le menu utilisateur.</p>
  39. <p>Les lecteurs ne s'afficheront que si leur contenu et leur code obéissent à nos conditions générales d'utilisation que vous pouvez lire sur : <a href="" target="_blank"></a>.</p>
  40. </div>
  41. <div id="change">
  42. <h3>Comment changer mon mot de passe xatRadio ?</h3>
  43. <p>Pour changer le mot de passe de votre compte, sélectionnez le menu utilisateur (une fois connecté), allez sur "Réglages" puis cliquez sur "Changer de mot de passe".<br>
  44. Entrez votre ancien mot de passe et confirmez le nouveau.</p>
  45. </div>
  46. <div id="notifications">
  47. <h3>Comment désactiver les notifications par email ?</h3>
  48. <p>Pour désactiver les notifications par email de xatRadio, connectez-vous et allez sur <a href="" target="_blank"></a><br>
  49. Ou sélectionnez le menu utilisateur (une fois connecté), cliquez sur "Réglages" puis allez sur "Désactiver les notifications".<br>
  50. Pour les activer de nouveau, cliquez sur "Activer les notifications".</p>
  51. </div>
  52. <div id="transfer">
  53. <h3>Comment puis-je transférer mon compte xatRadio sur un nouvel ID xat ?</h3>
  54. <p>Pour transférer votre compte xatRadio sur un nouvel ID, commencez par vous connecter sur votre nouvel ID sur xat.<br>
  55. Allez ensuite sur le menu utilisateur (une fois connecté), cliquez sur "Réglages" puis sur "Transférer sur un nouvel ID".<br>
  56. La page vous donnera une commande, copiez et collez là sur le chat (de préférence dans le chat privé du PROBOT).<br>
  57. Le transfert sera complété si vous envoyer le bon code.</p>
  58. </div>
  59. <div id="removal">
  60. <h3>How do I remove my uploaded player?</h3>
  61. <p>To delete your player, select your user menu, click "Settings" and then "Manage players".<br>
  62. Choose the player that you want to delete and click "Request Removal".</p>
  63. <p>Your request will be analysed and your player will be deleted afterwards.</p>
  64. </div>
  65. <div id="delete">
  66. <h3>Comment supprimer mon compte ?</h3>
  67. <p>Pour supprimer votre compte xatRadio, connectez-vous sur, sélectionnez le menu utilisateur, cliquez sur "Réglages" puis sur "Supprimer mon compte".<br>
  68. Il vous faudra envoyer une commande au bot avant de supprimer votre compte (pour des raisons de sécurité).</p>
  69. <p>Votre ID pourra ensuite être réutilisée pour un nouveau compte xatRadio.</p>
  70. </div>';
  72. $lang->log_in = 'Connexion';
  73. $lang->username = 'Entrez votre identifiant :';
  74. $lang->password = 'Entrez votre mot de passe :';
  75. $lang->checkbrowser = 'Assurez-vous que votre navigateur est bien sur %s';
  77. $lang->totalplayers = 'Nombre de lecteurs téléchargés :';
  78. $lang->totalviews = 'Nombre de vues :';
  79. $lang->usernotf = 'Utilisateur non trouvé.';
  81. $lang->newplayer = 'Upload New Player';
  82. $lang->playernotf = 'Player not found.';
  83. $lang->playerdel = 'Request for delete player sent!';
  84. $lang->name = 'Player name';
  85. $lang->status = 'Status';
  86. $lang->url = 'URL';
  87. $lang->chat = 'Chat';
  88. $lang->by = 'Uploaded By';
  89. $lang->more = 'More...';
  90. $lang->approved = 'Approved';
  91. $lang->waiting = 'Waiting...';
  92. $lang->rejected = 'Rejected';
  93. $lang->delete = 'Request Removal';
  94. $lang->noplayers = 'If you have uploaded a player recently it may be waiting in queue for approval.';
  96. $lang->register_maintenance = 'Register in maintenance. Please try again later.';
  97. $lang->cmdalert = 'You need to use \'!xatradio register\' to register. Click the link sent from the bot to proceed (VERIFY for %s URL!!! in browser)!';
  98. $lang->usernm = 'Desired username:';
  99. $lang->passwd = 'Your password:';
  100. $lang->confirmpasswd = 'Confirm password:';
  101. $lang->eg = 'Eg:';
  102. $lang->alphanumeric = 'Letters and numbers (A-Z and or 0-9) only. This will be used for login.';
  103. $lang->email = 'E-mail address:';
  104. $lang->humanverify = 'Human verification:';
  105. $lang->registernow = 'Register Now!';
  106. $lang->invalidtk = 'Invalid token code.';
  107. $lang->notxatpass = 'We recommend you to use a different password from your xat or email password (make an unique password for';
  108. $lang->acceptterms = 'I have read and agree to the <a href="">Terms of Service</a>';
  109. $lang->notaccepted = 'You need to read and agree to the terms of service before registering.';
  111. $lang->youneedregister = 'You need to <a href="/register">register</a> or <a href="/login">login</a> before uploading a player.';
  113. $lang->termshome = '<h2>1. The service</h2>
  114. The service is provided and monitored by xatProject (""), the service was created with the intent to provide radio players for xat groups only.<br>
  115. Registered users are able to upload their own radio players (as in "swf" files), the radio players pass through a human verification process before they are set visible to the public.<br><br>
  116. This human verification process ensures that the radio player complies to the terms of service.<br>
  117. Please understand that by using our service, you agree to the terms stipulated here. So read them carefully.
  118. <h2>2. Using the service</h2>
  119. You should publish content suitable to all ages. Any material or reference considered inappropriate will be rejected.<br><br>
  120. You will not create more than one account to upload your players.<br><br>
  121. You will not misuse the service. The service purpose is to allow radio players only. Any other material that is not related to xat will be removed within notice.<br><br>
  122. You will not modify the player once it is uploaded to the service.
  123. <h2>3. Uploading content</h2>
  124. You will not upload hateful content. Hate speech, threatening, graphic violence, or any type of content that incites violence is not allowed.<br><br>
  125. You will not upload inappropriate content. Any material that relates or refers to nudity or pornographic will be rejected accordingly.<br><br>
  126. You will not upload malicious content. Radio players should be clean to their main goal which is to play music. Any additional code will be analysed and risks rejection.<br><br>
  127. You will not upload copyrighted material without written permission.<br><br>
  128. You will not upload content developed by other users from the community without permission. Any content which collected material from an existent content risks rejection.<br><br>
  129. You will not upload content that requires external material to be loaded. All images contained on the radio player should be in the player file ("swf").<br><br>
  130. You will not upload content that distributes information to third parties. Any kind of inappropriate and or malicious script will result in rejection.<br><br>
  131. You will not make negative reference such as intimidation or unfair competition to any other radio, user or group through your content ("radio player images").<br><br>
  132. You will not make commercial reference to external sites through your content. Any type of advertising will be analysed and risks rejection.
  133. <h2>4. Permitted</h2>
  134. You are permitted to include the link of your radio website to the content as long it is the radio site. If you link to external sites your content risks rejection.<br><br>
  135. You can make social to your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube pages as long as they are appropriate to the terms of service.<br><br>
  136. Your content may include: Your radio name, your group link, play button, pause button, volume button or lever, music title and artist name, contact box or mail reference, name and ID of the player developer.<br><br>
  137. Your content may include links or buttons that address to sites and sites that are allowed by<br><br>
  138. The only external reference appropriated to include on the radio player is your radio IP and the API to get the artist and music title that must come from your radio site.<br>
  139. Please note that if by any means those are modified in malicious ways or appear to be inappropriate, the content will be removed within notice.
  140. <h2>5. The terms</h2>
  141. Last updated on November 23, 2016.<br><br>
  142. If you don\'t comply to these terms your content may be removed, if abused your account may be suspended from using the service.<br><br>
  143. You should look at the terms regularly. The service provider reserves the right to change the terms of service at any time without further notice.<br><br>
  144. These terms of service will be governed in accordance with the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (host service) and with the Federative Republic of Brazil\'s law (service provider).<br><br>
  145. If these terms of service are available in other languages than English, the English version will prevail.
  146. <h2>6. Copyright infringement</h2>
  147. We are not responsible for the content published by the user, as the content is not developed neither distributed directly by xatProject ("").<br>
  148. All the data we allocate in our service may be monitored under our terms of service and under any applicable law, if deemed inappropriate or illegal the content shall be removed.<br><br>
  149. In any circumstance of violation, the representative should contact the service provider in order to resolve the copyright infringement.<br>
  150. Contact: - Please include to the email title / subject: COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT XATRADIO
  151. <h2>7. Security</h2>
  152. Your xatRadio account and password is your sole responsibility.<br>
  153. All the accounts and content are stored within and secured by the service provider. Any user is allowed to upload ("publish content").<br><br>
  154. We recommend that you have an unique password for this service (""). USE A DIFFERENT PASSWORD FROM YOUR EMAIL OR XAT ACCOUNT !!!<br><br>
  155. We do not recommend you to download any file or content from the service once this type of file can be run by browsers that simulate virtual machines.<br><br>
  156. We do not recommend you to follow any instructions informed by public content such as disabling protections, installing apps or download files. These should be reported immediately once they violate our terms of service.<br><br>
  157. The service provider enforces the security through the service but cannot guarantee that the information and the content between you and the service will be completely secured due to the nature of the internet. The users use the service at their own risk.
  158. <h2>8. About us</h2>
  159. The service provider xatProject ("") and other users involved with are not affiliated or associated to in any way.<br><br>
  160. The information collected from"xat IDs", "Chats where the player will display" and surveys are for research, analysis and testing purposes.<br>
  161. This data is collected with the sole intent to improve the quality of the service and may be exposed to the public unless such requested information is stated as personal or private.<br><br>
  162. We cannot guarantee that our service will not display errors in this stage of production.<br>
  163. In case of any harmful occurrence (both to users and the service provider), drastic measures may be taken (service maintenance, player removal or user suspension).<br><br>
  164. Maintenance for uploading and user registration may be regular. The service is focused to provide radio players for xat groups which will be the top priority (availability of these).<br><br>
  165. Reported content will be monitored by the service provider and we may take action to remove the content without further notice.';
  167. $lang->bannednotplayer = 'You are banned, so will not any upload players.';
  168. $lang->uploadmaintenance = 'Upload System in maintenance. Please try again later.';
  169. $lang->selectplayer = 'Select your Player:';
  170. $lang->playername = 'Player Name:';
  171. $lang->chatname = 'Chat Name:';
  172. $lang->uploadnow = 'Upload Now!';
  174. $lang->nodirect = 'You can\'t access here directly.';
  175. $lang->emptypname = 'You must use a player name.';
  176. $lang->max25p = 'Max 25 characters on player name.';
  177. $lang->invalidfile = 'Invalid file type.';
  178. $lang->maxfile = 'Max file size is 4MB.';
  179. $lang->error = 'Error:';
  180. $lang->pexistant = 'This player is existant in our server.';
  181. $lang->uploadok = 'Your player has been uploaded. Please wait for approval. Read our <a href="">terms of service</a>';
  183. $lang->language = 'Language';
  185. $lang->emailrecovery = 'Hello %s,
  187. We received your request to change your password.
  189. Please click: %s
  190. And enter with your new password.
  192. The change was requested by the IP: %s
  194. If you did not request for a password change (lost password), please ignore this email.
  196. New to Help page:
  198. Please read our terms of service at:
  200. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. Thank you for using our service - Powered by
  203. This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email
  205. For reports, suggestions and other questions, please mail to:';
  206. $lang->emailpasschange = 'Hello %s,
  208. Your password has been changed.
  210. The change was completed by: %s
  212. If you did not request for the password change (lost password), please email to:
  213. with subject: "COMPROMISED XATRADIO"
  215. New to Help page:
  217. Please read our terms of service at:
  219. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  220. Thank you for using our service - Powered by
  222. This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email
  224. For reports, suggestions and other questions, please mail to:';
  225. $lang->emailuploaded = 'Hello %s,
  227. Your radio player has been uploaded to our server and now is pending approval.
  229. It will be verified by our team first before uploaded to the public.
  231. Please wait patiently (there is a queue for players)
  233. New to Help page:
  235. Please read our terms of service at:
  237. NOTE: To disable email notifications like this one, go to:
  239. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  240. Thank you for using our service - Powered by
  242. This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email
  244. For reports, suggestions and other questions, please mail to:';
  245. $lang->emailaccdeleted = 'Hello %s,
  247. Your account on has been deleted.
  249. The xat id %s can now be reused for a new xatRadio account.
  251. New to Help page:
  253. Please read our terms of service at:
  255. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  256. Thank you for using our service - Powered by
  258. This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email
  260. For reports, suggestions and other questions, please mail to:';
  261. $lang->emailregistered = 'Hello %s,
  263. Welcome to!
  265. You should be able to do login now:
  268. First, read our terms of service:
  270. Then, feel free to upload your players, anytime!
  272. Are you new? See our help page:
  274. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  275. Thank you for using our service - Powered by
  277. This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email
  279. For reports, suggestions and other questions, please mail to:';
  280. $lang->emailtransfered = 'Hello %s,
  282. Your xatRadio account has been transferred to a new xat id.
  284. Your old ID: %s
  285. Your new ID: %s
  287. Your old ID can now be reused for a new xatRadio account.
  289. Read our terms of service:
  291. Are you new? See our help page:
  293. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  294. Thank you for using our service - Powered by
  296. This is an automated message. Please do not reply to this email
  298. For reports, suggestions and other questions, please mail to:';
  301. $lang->settings = 'Settings';
  302. $lang->oldpass = 'Old password:';
  303. $lang->newpass = 'New password:';
  304. $lang->change = 'Change';
  305. $lang->radiodel = 'You need to use <strong>"!xatradio delete %s"</strong> to delete your account.';
  306. $lang->idchange = 'You need to use <strong>"!xatradio transfer %s"</strong> to change for new id.';
  307. $lang->changemypass = 'Change my Password';
  308. $lang->deletemyacc = 'Delete My Account';
  309. $lang->transfernewid = 'Transfer to new ID';
  311. $lang->lostpassq = 'Lost Password?';
  312. $lang->useroremail = 'Username or email:';
  313. $lang->recovery = 'Recovery';
  314. $lang->invalidcoderec = 'Invalid recovery code.';
  315. $lang->usernotfounddb = 'TThis user is not found in our database.';
  316. $lang->emailsentsuccess = 'An email with the recovery link was sent to your email.';
  318. $lang->mustcomplete = 'All fields must be completed.';
  319. $lang->alphanumeric2 = 'You can only use numbers / letters(A-z, 0-9) on username.';
  320. $lang->maxsizeuser = 'Your username can have 4 - 25 characters.';
  321. $lang->notmatch = 'The passwords do not match.';
  322. $lang->invalidemail = 'You must use a valid email.';
  323. $lang->invalidcaptcha = 'You must to complete recaptcha.';
  324. $lang->invalidreg = 'Invalid register, try get another token.';
  325. $lang->userinuse = 'This username is already in use.';
  326. $lang->emailinuse = 'The email address %s is already in use. Please use another email address.<br>Note: multiple accounts are not allowed.';
  327. $lang->regsuccess = 'Account registered with success. You can now login <a href="">here</a> if you are not redirected. To get help, click <a href="">here</a>.';
  328. $lang->oldincorrect = 'Old password is incorrect.';
  329. $lang->passchanged = 'Password changed successful!';
  330. $lang->modcreated = 'Done, moderator created successful!';
  331. $lang->userorpassinvalid = 'Username or Password invalid!';
  332. $lang->youbanned = 'You were banned by the Staff.';
  333. $lang->loginsuccess = 'Login successful, now you can manage your players. You will be redirected to your panel!';
  334. $lang->idinuse = 'Please go to <a href="">Probot</a> and register with a new ID. The ID %s is already in use.<br>Note: multiple accounts are not allowed.';
  336. $lang->enablenot = 'Enable Notifications';
  337. $lang->disablenot = 'Disable Notifications';
  338. $lang->notupdate = 'Notifications were updated!';
  340. $lang->date_ = 'Date';
  342. /* Admin CP */
  343. $lang->cp_home = 'Home';
  344. $lang->cp_players = 'Players';
  345. $lang->cp_searchp = 'Search Player';
  346. $lang->cp_approvedp = 'Approved Players';
  347. $lang->cp_rejectedp = 'Rejected Players';
  348. $lang->cp_users = 'Users';
  349. $lang->cp_searchu = 'Search User';
  350. $lang->cp_allusers = 'All users';
  351. $lang->cp_usersban = 'Users Banned';
  352. $lang->cp_settings = 'Settings';
  353. $lang->cp_allmods = 'All Moderators';
  354. $lang->cp_newmod = 'Add New';
  355. $lang->cp_logs = 'Logs History';
  356. $lang->cp_edittitles = 'Edit Page Titles';
  357. $lang->cp_extraconf = 'Extra Settings';
  358. $lang->cp_logout = 'Logout';
  359. $lang->cp_totalviews = 'Total Views';
  360. $lang->cp_totaluploads = 'Total Uploads';
  361. $lang->cp_totalusers = 'Total Users';
  362. $lang->cp_copyrights = 'All rights reserved to';
  363. $lang->cp_banned = 'Banned';
  364. $lang->cp_normal = 'Normal';
  366. $lang->cp_approvedbystaff = 'All players approved by the Staff.';
  367. $lang->cp_playername = 'Player Name';
  368. $lang->cp_url = 'Url';
  369. $lang->cp_uploadedby = 'Uploaded by';
  370. $lang->cp_date = 'Date';
  371. $lang->cp_more = 'More...';
  372. $lang->cp_reject = 'Reject';
  373. $lang->cp_golive = 'Go Live';
  374. $lang->cp_pnotfound = 'Player not found';
  375. $lang->cp_rejectsuccess = 'This player was rejected successful!';
  376. $lang->cp_norejects = 'No players were rejected';
  377. $lang->cp_noapproves = 'No players were approved';
  379. $lang->cp_username = 'Username';
  380. $lang->cp_email = 'E-mail';
  381. $lang->cp_accstatus = 'Account Status';
  382. $lang->cp_more = 'More...';
  383. $lang->cp_ban = 'Ban';
  384. $lang->cp_unban =' Unban';
  385. $lang->cp_noregisters = 'Don\'t have any user registered yet.';
  386. $lang->cp_usernotfound = 'User not found';
  387. $lang->cp_userbanned = 'The user was banned successful!';
  388. $lang->cp_userubanned = 'The user was unbanned successful!';
  390. $lang->cp_nobanned = 'Don\'t have any user banned yet.';
  392. $lang->cp_waiting = 'Players waiting to be approved...';
  393. $lang->cp_approve = 'Approve';
  394. $lang->cp_approvedsuccess = 'This player was approved successful!';
  395. $lang->cp_noplayerswaiting = 'No players waiting for approvation';
  397. $lang->cp_rejected = 'All players rejected by the Staff.';
  399. $lang->cp_playerkey = 'Player Name(Key)';
  400. $lang->cp_search = 'Search';
  401. $lang->cp_swaiting = 'Pending approval...';
  402. $lang->cp_sapproved = 'Approved';
  403. $lang->cp_srejected = 'Rejected';
  405. $lang->cp_requestremov = 'Request Removal List';
  406. ?>
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